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Created and designed by Sean Burke, Zane Walas, Simon

Moattar, and Nicholas Hadiaris

Presentation Layout
● Problem definition
● Important design requirements
● Alternative concepts that were considered
● Final concept explanation
● Details of final concept design
● Viewpoints on special features
● Experiments and analysis
● Design summary
Store checkouts have been victim to neglected sanitary precautions and have
become breeding grounds for bacteria to spread among customers food products.

Problem One- Labor used to manually clean the belts.

Problem Two- Build up of Bacteria on the belts.

Problem Three- Spread of Covid-19 at store checkouts

Design Requirements
- Needs to effectively eliminate bacteria on checkout belts
- Needs to efficiently eliminate bacteria on conveyor belts
- Needs to be easy to use and need less labor
- Needs to be easily installed in current checkouts
- Needs to efficiently use energy
- Needs to thoroughly eliminate a range of bacteria
- Needs to be effective against Covid-19
Alternate Concepts
Final Concept
Parts and Components

1. Germicidal UV Tube Light

2. Wired On/Off Connector Switch
3. Casing
Using a sleek undercover design our final product features a germicidal UV bulb
fastened to a wired connector. The metal casing allows for an isolated light on the
surface of the belt. The connector can link with the existing on/off controls in the
belt or be built independently depending on the existing systems. It spans the width
of the underside of the belt for full sanitization.
Front view

Side view
Why we chose this design
This final design allowed for a sleek undercover marketable look while maximising
in product efficiency. The simplicity of the design is meant to not add unnecessary
complexity to the existing systems at checkouts. The UV light saves resources
and power while being more effective as a sanitary agent. It also requires almost
null maintenance and upkeep.
How it Works
The design uses UV light to disinfect the belt. The on/off mechanism
connects to the UV bulb. One side of the casing is open and
exposes the belt directly to the UV light. As the belt crosses past the
UV light the germs and bacteria are neutralized .


Open Side facing belt

How it can be constructed

Germicidal UV

Casing Connector Switch

-Polyethylene plastic -Polyethylene Plastic

-Copper wiring

-Simple Connectors
The Casing is the better of two designs we tried. The first design was
square with rounded edges and took on a more industrial look. We
decided on the second casing featuring a circular more sleek fit. This
model better isolates the UV light and is more compact. It features
small screw holes on either side of the casing so it can be securely
installed into the under belly of the conveyor belts. We chose to make
it out of Polyetherimide plastic which is a recyclable and UV resistant
plastic. We decide to use a plastic because the cost of production is
● Polyetherimide plastic much cheaper and it is easier to mass produce the casing shape.
○ Recyclable
○ UV Resistant
Germicidal UV Light
After a self run experiment using a simulated cough. We found that
in petri dishes with J-152 Sanitizer(currently being used in stores) a
wider range and amount of bacteria formed in comparison to the
petri dishes exposed to UV light. Also in smaller times of being
exposed to the UV light it was more effective in neutralizing the
UV Lamp for UV-18,UV-18X UV Aire bacteria forming.
46365402 UVC Germicidal Bulb

Link to our experiment->
Connector Switch
The connector switch is the home of the basic wiring needed to
operate the mechanism. Despite the option to attach the machine to
the on/off function of the existing belt, below is an example of the
potential function of an independant switch. The wiring is simple and
consists of copper wiring, one switch, the bulb, a resistor, and a
power source.

Connector Switch

-Polyethylene Plastic

-Copper wiring

-Simple Connectors
On Example Off Example
Strengths Our design is a feasible attribute to an extremely broad scape of brands and markets.
The potential profits are within the millions based on one endorsement with a store.
-Efficiency The number of belts at a register with the amount of registers in a store plus the
amount of stores in America can make even tiny product profits multiplied
-Discreteness exponentially. The product is easy to envision and understand and can be seen as a
solid and trustworthy investment. Overall our products mass marketability, simplicity,
-Health Benefits
effectiveness, and relation to current world affairs makes it a solid investment for
-Mechanized future expansion.


-Simple Design

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