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Course: Social Studies 4 Dec 8th, 2020

Instructor: Cody Hemmerling

Stage 1: Desired Results

GLO 4.1: ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how elements of physical
geography, climate, geology, and paleontology are integral to the landscapes and environment of
● 4.1.1: ​value Alberta’s physical geography and natural environment
○​: Appreciate the variety and abundance of resources in Alberta (ER, LPP)
○​: Appreciate how land sustains communities and quality of life (ER, LPP)
● 4.1.2:​ examine, critically, the physical geography of Alberta by exploring and reflecting upon
the following questions and issues
○​: What are the significant natural resources in ALberta, and where are they
located (e.g., mineral deposits, coal, natural gas and oil, forests)? (ER, LPP)
Learning ● 4.1.4:​ analyze how Albertans interact with their environment by exploring and reflecting upon
the following questions and issues
Outcome(s) ○​: How are natural resources used by Albertans? (ER, LPP)

GLO 4.3: ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how Alberta has grown and
changed culturally, economically, and socially since 1905
● 4.3.1:​ appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta
○​: appreciate the influence of the natural environment and resources on the
growth and development of Alberta (ER, LPP)
● 4.3.2:​ assess, critically, the challenges and opportunities that Alberta has faced in its growth
and development by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues
○​: in what ways have occupations and commerce been affected by geography,
climate, and natural resources in Alberta (ER, LPP, TCC)

Students will...
● Recognize the various natural resources in Alberta
Learning ● Identify where natural resources are found in Alberta
Objectives ● Inspect the importance of natural resources in Alberta
● Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable resources

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

● KWL Chart (K and W part)
Summative ● N/A
Formative ● Discussion/Observation
Assessment Assessment ● Google Jamboard
● Google Forms Exit Pass

Stage 3: Learning Experience

● Student
Tech ● Jamboard and Resources ● “Research Topic” Papers (5 of each topic)
Forms (via
to Do Google to Bring ● KWL chart

● Online Timer
Time Sequence and Description Notes

Chapter 3: Alberta’s Natural Resources

Course: Social Studies 4 Dec 8th, 2020
Instructor: Cody Hemmerling

Intro/Pre-Assess Background Knowledge (KWL Chart)

● Before class… hand out the package for the lesson (KWL chart and
the research activity), textbooks, chromebooks and the students
● Bring up the new unit - Alberta’s Natural Resources. Have students
fill in the K column on their KWL chart (give students 3 minutes for
~10 mins
this, put a timer on the board
(​​). After
filling in the K column, go through the same process for the W
column, again giving them 3 minutes to write.
● After this activity is done, have students put the chart in their
duotangs to work on throughout the unit.
Research Activity (Modified Jigsaw?)
● Before class… split students up into groups (probably rows) and
each group receives a different resource to research and become
experts on
● Phase 1: Reading the text in small groups (5-10 mins)
○ Each group will read the required pages together, and Mr.
Walmsley and myself will help groups read the material.
Spread out the groups throughout the class, MASKS ON!!
● Phase 2: Explaining the Jamboard (10 mins)
○ Show students how to get to the Jamboard and how to use
it. Point out that the color and slide #s they are looking for
is written on the top of their page. Show students how to
input sticky notes and use the Jamboard. Students can now
log onto their chromebooks and find the Jamboard on
Google Classroom. Ensure all students are in the Jamboard
before moving on.
● Phase 3: Answering each question on the Jamboard (~20 mins)
○ We will have 5 rounds of 3 minutes each (one for each
question) where students will have that designated time to
~40 mins
answer that question. At the end of each round, we will
move to the next question as a class.
■ Q1: students can find more info on pages 89-91
■ Q2: see page numbers on your paper
■ Q3: it may not be directly in the text but think
about what kind of jobs can be related
■ Q4: same as Q3. think: how would AB be different
if we didn't have this resource?
■ Q5: again, may not be in textbook but think about
all the information you have read
● For Walmsley’s Class…​ ​Undergo phase 1 and then give students
time to find answers and write them down on paper before the break
and in the second part of class hand out the chromebooks and have
them input information on the Jamboard then (phase 3), we will do 2
minute rounds since they will already have the info.
● Phase 4: (IF WE HAVE TIME, if not begin next class this way)
Sharing your Findings
○ Have each group give a 1 minute crash course on their
resource with all the information they found

Chapter 3: Alberta’s Natural Resources

Course: Social Studies 4 Dec 8th, 2020
Instructor: Cody Hemmerling

Closure/Exit Slip
● Have students stop what they are doing (1,2,3 eyes on me) and put
their papers into their duotangs. Tell students to go to their email,
5-10 minutes
which will contain a link to the Google Form exit slip sent from Mr.
before end of class
Walmsley. Tell students that after they submit the form, they must
raise their hand for myself or Mr. Walmsley to check it is completed
and then they can leave for recess.

Reflection (1st and 2nd Time)

Went Well…​ I was extremely well organized and prepared for this lesson. This lesson involved a lot of
distributing materials and I prepared and organized the materials before class so that I could hand out
everything in the most efficient way possible. The KWL chart was a good way to “get the juices going”
and pre-assess background knowledge. The jigsaw reading went really well. I managed transitions
between activities very well. I was also very flexible. Phase 3 of the research activity flowed better when
the students were working at their own pace, so instead of timing the rounds I let the students work at
their own pace. I also circulated the room really well.

Needs Work… ​I still need to be more direct when giving instructions. There was some confusion with
how to work the Jamboard and students were accidentally deleting each other's work. Especially since this
was a new tool to the students, I need to “overteach” how to use it. By the end of class the students were
getting the hang of the Jamboard and lots of great collaborative work was being done. I also need to keep
working on my management skills/tempering student’s excitement, as I lost the class a little bit the second
time I taught this lesson. I need to address the extraneous talking instead of pushing through it.

Next Time… ​Give more explicit instruction of how to work in Jamboard (steer clear of the “clear frame”
button, use the undo button, etc.). Another way to control the activity better would be to have each group
work on a separate Jamboard instead of having them all work on the same one which would require more
prep and explanation at the beginning but would allow the activity to run smoother. In non-covid times, I
would have each group stay where they did their reading instead of returning to their desks so that they
can collaborate more when working on the Jamboard.

Chapter 3: Alberta’s Natural Resources

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