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Daily Lesson Plan (Template)

Name: Kirstin Alley Date: 2/13/2020

Subject: History Topic: Explorers

Grade: 3rd Length of Lesson: 45 minutes

The Big Idea: What is the Age of Exploration?

Domain: History

Cluster: N/A

Standard: SS.3.22 Determine the causes and effects of European exploration.

 Chronologically organize major explorers and determine the reasons for their journeys
(e.g., Marco Polo, Amerigo Vespucci, Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Hernando
Cortes, Balboa, Ponce de Leon, Sir Walter Raleigh, etc.).
 Investigate the motives for exploration by the various European nations (e.g., England,
Spain, France, Portugal, etc.).
 Determine the information the explorers gained from their journeys.
 Explain the impact of the explorers’ travels on Native Americans and the world.

Specific Objective: Students will demonstrate mastery of the standard by independently

completing a test at the end of the unit with 90% accuracy.


 Introduce the focus learning target on Anchor Slide 16.

 Review the information learned in lessons 1 and 2. Review the rotation activity that the students did in
lesson 2.
 Explain to students that they will be learning about several different explorers over the next few days.
Tell students that they will be collecting important information about each explorer in their explorer’s
flipbook template.


Whole group, independent work, critical thinking, problem solving, technology.

Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources:

 Anchor Slides
 Explorer’s Journal
 Explorer’s Flipbook
 Google Classroom Digital Learning Center
 iPads/Chromebooks

Depth of Knowledge:

There are four levels in depth of knowledge. From level 1, the teacher will zone in on recalling and will have
students recall the information they have learned from the last two lessons. From level 2, the teacher will zone
in making observations and will have students observe the digital learning center to find information about the
explorers. From level 3, the teacher will zone in on investigating and will have students investigate each
explorer. From level 4, the teacher will zone in on proving and will have students prove what they have learned
by completing their flipbook.

Direct Instruction/Warm-Up Activity/Presentation/Model Lesson/Make Connections:

 Preview the Explorers “Link & Think” digital learning guide on the Smart Board to introduce the
activity. Go over how to navigate the guide. Explain that they will be discovering two-three explorers
per day and writing the information they find in their flipbook.
Guided Practice:

 There will be no guided practice today other than explaining and showing how to go through the Link
and Think digital learning guide.

Independent Practice:

 Students will pull up the Link and Think Digital Learning Guide and begin exploring. They will
investigate two-three explorers a day. They will be writing the information down in the Explorer’s

Differentiation:(You need to address in your differentiation of the lesson how you will meet the needs of
the 3 Tiers. Be sure you are specific)

Tier 1 Learners: All directions will be read aloud and modeled.

Tier 2 Learners: Students will receive help if needed.
Tier 3 Learners: The strugglers will be pulled to a small group to work with the teacher.


 Students will demonstrate mastery of the standard by independently completing an end of the unit test
with 90% accuracy.

Wrap-Up (Lesson Closure) / Concluding Activity:

 Wrap up by reviewing the explorers that students discovered.

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