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Train your cat to be more snuggly

Pet her and show love to her while she is sitting around window or sofa calmly.

If your cat loves brushing, brush all sides of her body gently.

When you invite her for food, first pet her a little bit, then fill the bowl with food.

While she’s eating pet her on her side or back, avoid petting on her face

Make sure that you don’t forget to play with her at least once a day.

Whenever she’s walking aimlessly, pet her and surprise her with a snack.

When she is asleep, pet her gently but don’t try to wake her.

Allow the cat to sit on your lap, whenever this happens give her a treat.

If she’s expecting more treat don’t allow her to get confused, reward her more for her being in your lap.

If your cat doesn’t like picking her up, whenever you do this, always give her a treat.

How to calm down your cat quickly.

Blink towards your cat slowly. No sudden movements. Close your eyes for two seconds slowly and open
them. Wait a little bit and divert your attention to other things.

When your cat is anxious or worried don’t stare at them. look away occasionally showing them you’re
not in a mood to attack them. Look but don’t stare.

Yawning Infront of your cat shows them that you’re not a threat and calms them down.

When cats roll on their backs don’t tickle them, they may grab your hand with their paws. Instead you
can mimic them showing them you’re no threat.

Let the cat come to you, don’t always follow her. Sometimes they can feel irritated if everyone in the
home keeps picking them.

Teach your children about your cat feelings and needs.

Surprise them with treats, whenever they are moving here and there.

Things You do that your cat dislikes

Never giving them proper privacy and space, where they can feel relaxed.

Loud noises.

Scolding them.
Ignoring their odd behavior when they want to show you their illness or problem.

Forcing them to use their water bowl, some cats prefer tap water instead.

Teasing, poking, pulling & chasing them.

Dressing your kitty to make her look cuter might actually make them angrier.

Not paying attention to their grooming needs.

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