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Critical Journal Review

Profession Education


Prof. Dr. SRI MILFAYETTY, MS.Kons., Psi.


 LASMA ENITA SIAHAAN (4182121010)




Praise the author turning to the presence of God Almighty for all the blessings
and mercy, so that task authors paper on Critical Book Report (CBR) about "Understanding
the Basics Counseling Theory and Practice" can be arranged to complete.
The task is made to fulfill the task of CBR courses Profession Education. In
preparation, the authors Also thank Mother lecturer the which already provide guidance,
support, love, and trust that so big.
The author hopes that this paper useful for all readers. Author Also expect criticism
and suggestions from readers for the sake of perfection of this paper and subsequent papers.
Last, the writer would like to say thank you.

Medan, March 2019

Lasma Enita Siahaan


1.1 rationalization importance of CBR

CBR-making skills to the author can test the ability of the summarize and analyze a
book, Recognize and give value and Analyzed criticize a paper. Often we are confused in
choosing a book reference for us to read and understand, sometimes we just pick one book
to read but the results are still not satisfactory, for example in terms of analysis language and
discussion. Therefore, the author makes the CBR to understand the basics of this counseling
to Facilitate the reader in selecting the reference book reviews those especially on the subject
of the basics of counseling in theory and practice.

1.2. The Purpose of CBR

1. To broaden the writer and the reader in the know
advantages and disadvantages of a book.
2. For consideration to the reader to choose the books most
3. To complete one of the tasks of individual subjects educational profession
The State University of Medan.

1.3. benefits CBR

1. By carefully reading the book, students can see the advantages and
the weakness of the book.
2. Knowledge of students to the material covered will increase.
3. Students can further discuss the phenomenon or problem that
appeared in a book.

1.4 identity Journals


4 Penulis : Zulhimma,S.Ag,M.Pd
5 Nama Jurnal : Eksistensi Etika Profesi
6 Vol./ No. : 1/1

7 Penerbit : Tarbiyah Prodi PAI Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan
8 Tahun Terbit : 2013


Teachers are guides towards students' study success. They are for students' futures. Teachers
mean Reviews their models and guides for students in any studies, characters and Behaviors.
Accordingly, teachers should have ethics for being educationists, teachers, instructors,
guides and jury.

Keywords: Existence, ethic, profession, teacher, education.



A. Background
Teachers is one of the dominant factors that determine the success rate of students in
the transformation of science and technology as well as the internalization of ethical and
moral as well as religious-value value. In performing the duties of teachers to be a figure
digugu and imitated by the pupils, the teacher becomes a role model for his students, it is
very necessary for teachers in performing their ethical obligations. Various behavior
exhibited by students is not free from parental influence as a substitute teacher at the
school. Protege will identify the behavior of the teacher and then copy it.
The ethics of the teaching profession is absolutely necessary in the world of education.
Teacher job is a professional job, which is obtained through a process of education and
training of quality and high standards. The teaching profession will have a high
confidence of the public, where there is a strong consciousness to carry out professional
ethics, no ethics teacher would receive censure from society.

B. Study Theory / Concept

Understanding Ethics Teaching Profession
Ethics comes from the word that means the rules of conduct, ethics, attitudes or
behavior. According to Indonesian dictionary, ethics is a set of principles or values
pertaining to morality, while ethics is the science of what is good and what is bad and
about right and moral obligation (moral).
While M.Sastrapradja in the Dictionary of Education and the General Terms, defines
ethics: "part of a philosophy that teaches his generous nature (good and bad)." Another
argument that defines ethics as "the study of all a matter of good (and bad) in life human
radically, especially that of the mind and a sense of gestures that can be the consideration
and feelings, until the goal can be an act. "
Ethics the question in this case is an attitude or a person's character, both when interacting
with other people and when alone, which based on the teachings of Islam.
2. Profession

The profession comes from the Greek "probrobaino" meaning stated publicly and in
Latin is called "professio" is used to indicate the public statements made by a person who
ermaksud positions publik.Para Roman politician must do "professio" in front of the
public intended to establish that the candidate meets the necessary requirements for public
Profession in one connotation refers to a work performed by the actors on the basis of
a public promise and oath that they will carry out their duties properly.
Traditionally profession connotes prestige, honor, social status and greater autonomy
given to her community. This is manifested in the authority of the members of the
profession to organize themselves, define their own standards, regulate how and on what
terms to join them, as well as set standards of conduct of its members.
At this time the term profession, professional and professionalization has been widely
known among the public, but it is often understood less precise. Easily people give
professional title almost to anyone, as long as can do the job well. Not infrequently called
professional criminals, thieves professional, professional helpers, professional driver and
the designation sebagainya.Apakah right into place?
In Indonesian dictionary, is a profession that is based on field work skills education
(skills, Vocational and so on) specific. Professionals are concerned with the profession,
requires a knack to run, requires payment for melakukannya.Profesionalisme is quality,
quality and behavior that is characteristic of a profession or a professional person.
Professionalism is the ability to act profesional.Menurut Qomari Anwar and Saiful Sagala
there are some requirements that must be met by someone so that he was known as a
professional worker. Professional job is to do something as basic as a profession and not
as a pastime or hobby. While professionalism is understood as a concept that refers to the
attitude of a person or group of people who managed to make himself or his group have a
culture system capable of providing satisfactory services to those who served the
appropriate duties and responsibilities according Syafruddin jawabnya.Profesi
Basyiruddin Nurdin and Usman is the field of work that is based on education expertise
(skills, vocational, etc.) specific. While professional adalh (1) is concerned with the
profession, (2) requires a knack to run it, and (3) require payment for doing so.
Professionalization is the process of creating an organization to become a professional
While Soetjipto and Raflis Kosasi suggested several criteria for a profession is said to
a. Positions involving intellectual activity.
b. Position the torso to cultivate a special science
c. Functions which require long professional preparation
d. Position requires a continuous exercise in office
e. Position a promising career and a life of permanent membership
f. Position determining standard (default) itself
g. Positions are more concerned with service above personal gain
h. Positions that have a strong professional organization and tightly woven.
3. Teaching

Teaching comes from the word that means the teacher who works mengajar.Menurut
Act No. 14 of 2005 on teachers and lecturers, teachers are professional educators with the
primary task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, train, assess and evaluate students
on early childhood education, formal education, basic education and teacher education are
subject menengah.Sedangkan (concerning) teaching, education, and teaching methods in
higher education be given training on the subject of teachers. Thus the Teaching was a
rule of professional ethics, deontology, an attitude that must be owned by teachers in the
profession as an educator, teacher, trainer, supervisor and assessor.


Understanding the Code

The code of ethics is derived from two words, which means writing code (words,
signs) Yag has a particular meaning or intent. As for ethics, it means the rules of ethics,
attitudes or akhlak.Dengan such as linguistic code of conduct means that provisions or
rules relating to ethics and morals. According Sardiman "code of conduct" means the
source of ethics. Ethics means tatasusila (ethics) or matters related to morality in doing a
job. So the "code of conduct" interpreted the rules of ethics teacher. The meaning of the
above definition are teachers in their job is bound to the rules of decency with regard to
whether or not it's good for something to do in accordance with the general provisions.
Muhaimin and Abdul Mujib, Islamic Educational Thought in the book mentions that the
code of ethics education is "the norms that govern human relationships (correlation
relationship) between educators and students, parents, pupils and with superiors". In the
code of ethics or morals contained five characteristics: first, that behavior is done it has
been ingrained and coalesce into a personality that distinguish one individual to
individual. Second, the behavior can be performed easily without the need for any other
thoughts. This is because such actions are ingrained. Third, it acts do not arise under
pressure from others. Fourth, the acts committed were in a real state, not pretending or
playacting. Fifth,

2. Purpose of the Code

Every office in the community has a code of ethics, in the world of medicine known
their doctor's code of ethics, in the field of journalism ethics of journalism there are so
many other professions, which aims to preserve and maintain the purity of their respective
professions. Teachers as professionals in education also has a code of ethics. Which serve
as guidelines in performing their duties. As stated by Vashti Sumanto. An office that
serves others always have a code of ethics. Similarly, the post of educating adopt codes of
conduct that must be known and done by educators who do jabatan.Kode ethics in a
country or nation is not the same, but generally menpunyai common content that apply to
all nations in the same position. As mentioned earlier that the teacher's task is not just to
teach but also educate and guide students to become a whole person, they have a great
responsibility towards the success of the education program. Therefore, teachers as
professionals require guidance or codes of conduct of teachers in order to avoid any
deviation, with the code of conduct will be more purposeful appearance teachers.
Basically, the purpose of formulating a code of ethics in the profession is for the benefit
of members and the interests of the professional organization itself. The purpose of the

establishment of a code of conduct is a. To uphold the dignity of the profession with their
code of ethics, every profession is not despised or trivial to the profession concerned.
b. To keep and maintain the welfare of its members
In general, there is a code of conduct restrictions to its members to perform acts
detrimental to the welfare of its members. For example, by setting common tariffs for
honorarium members of the profession in carrying tuganya, so that anyone who held
below the minimum rate would be considered reprehensible and detrimental fellow
c. To improve the dedication of the members of the profession
Another objective code of ethics can also be associated with an increase in
professional service activities, so that for the members of the profession can easily know
the duties and responsibilities of his dedication in carrying out their duties. Therefore, a
code of ethics to formulate provisions that need to be members of the profession in their
d. To improve the quality of the profession
The handbook also contains norms and suggestions that the members of the
profession are always trying to improve the quality of the profession of its members.
e. To improve the quality of professional organizations
In improving the quality of professional organizations, it is required to each member
to actively participate in building professional organizations and activities designed

3. The Code Guru According PGRI Congress

The code of ethics of teachers in Indonesia formulated in PGRI congress to XIII on, 21-
25 November 1973 in Jakarata.
a. Teachers serve "guide" for students complete human form berpancasila development.
b. Teachers have professional honesty in implementing the curriculum in accordance with
the needs of individual students.
c. Master held communication, particularly in obtaining information about the children,
but refrain from all forms of abuse.
d. Teacher creates an atmosphere of school life and maintain relationships with parents as
well as possible for the benefit of students.
e. Teachers maintain good relations with the community around the school and the wider
community for educational purposes.
f. Teachers individually or jointly strive to develop and improve the quality of the
g. Teachers create and maintain good relationships among teachers berdasarknan work
environment or in the overall relationship.
h. Teachers jointly maintain, develop and improve the quality of professional teachers'
organizations as a means of development.
i. Teachers implement all the provisions which owns the government policy in the field of
Then the formula's Code of Indonesian Teachers PGRI congress XVI refined in 1989 in
Jakarta, as follows:
a. Teachers devote guiding learners to form a complete Indonesian man whose spirit of
b. Teachers have and implement professional honesty

c. Teachers tried to obtain information about the students as the conducting material
guidance and coaching.
d. Teacher creates an atmosphere as well as possible to support the success of the learning
e. Teachers maintain good relationships with parents and the surrounding community to
foster participation and a sense of shared responsibility for education.
f. She individually and jointly develop and improve the quality and dignity pofesinya.
g. Teachers maintain relations profession, the spirit of brotherhood and social solidarity.
h. Teachers jointly maintain and improve the quality of PGRI organization as a means of
struggle and devotion
i. Teachers carry out any government policy in the field of education.

Teacher ethics in the world of education

a. Against Teacher Professional Ethics
1.) Ethics relating to personal mental
a). Sincere in teaching
Teachers in teaching should have the intention of worship to God by teaching and has
the aim to spread knowledge and noble character turn.
In this case the teacher should teach their own volition (voluntary). And she should not be
a teacher if it does not want it, when to teach it because of necessity he would always
think to leave the profession and find a job other. That would make it less thought about
the best way to search for information, knowledge, and presentation of the material - the
subject matter to their students in a way that sesuai.23
b). Teachers must be authoritative, calm, humility 'and demonstrated the vitality and
resilience so that the students do not feel lazy and bored.
c). Teachers must have the readiness natural (nature) to undergo the teaching profession,
such as thinking straight, bashirah clear, not dreamy, far-sighted, quick response and can
take appropriate action at a critical time for teachers to successfully carry out their duties
and have a strong will.
2) Ethics When teaching preparation
Before entering the lesson, the teacher must be ready mentally, physically, time and
science (matter). Mental readiness is not taught in a state of lazy, hungry, or are not ready
for the air factor which is extremely hot or cold. Readiness time is the lesson teachers
filled with quiet soul, not counting every second that passes, not waiting - waiting for the
buzzer or not having students read on their own without the described means, or spend
hours of lessons with things that have no use for siswa.Sedangkan Teachers prepare the
readiness of science is the subject matter prior to entry, setting up what will be delivered,
as much as possible to avoid spontaneity in teaching if not dominate the material.
3) Ethics When Teaching and Learning Interactions
a) Mastering the subject matter well beyond student - student and being able to provide
them with a good understanding.
b) The teacher must master the methods of teaching. Teachers must examine the books
related to the subject, studies of education, research in psychology and social talking
about children, adolescents, physical changes and mental traversed respectively, so that
the teacher can convey information (knowledge) with the best way, as long as the
situation of teaching and education.
b. Against Teacher Ethics in Students
Teacher to student conduct code is:

1.Guru in teaching with the intention expect the blessing of Allah to spread knowledge,
turn on Islamic law, to uphold the truth and eliminate falsehood and maintain the benefit
of the people.
2.Guru disciples should love as he loves himself sendiri.Artinya, a student teacher should
assume that it is a part of itself (not others).
3.Guru motivate students to seek knowledge as widely as possible.
4.Guru as educators should always make himself a role model for students.
5.Didalam carry out the task should be imbued with compassion, fairness and grow them
in a responsible manner.
6.Guru obligation to uphold the dignity of the students.
7.Guru should prevent efforts or actions that can lower perbuiatan dignity.
8.Setiap teachers in dealing with their students may not associate political issues and
ideologies espoused either directly or indirectly.
c. Associate Professor Ethics Against Friend
1. In associating with fellow teachers should be forthright, honest and open.
2. Among fellow teachers should always be a willingness to give each other advice,
advice in order to carry out their respective positions.
3. In performing tasks and solve problems together should help each other and tolerance.
4.Teachers should not wag each fellow teachers.
d. Ethics Teachers Against Bosses
1) Teachers carry out orders and his superior wisdom
2) Teachers are obliged to respect the hierarchy of positions in schools
3) The teacher must keep the official secret
4) Any comments and suggestions to the boss made through appropriate procedures and
5) Relationship with superiors directed teachers to improve the quality and education
services is a shared responsibility.
e. Teacher Ethics Employees Against Administration
Administration can be defined as an activity or effort to help, to serve, to direct or
regulate smua activities in achieving an education tujuan.25Administrasi is the whole
process of directing and integrating everything, whether personal, spiritual and material,
that has to do with the achievement of a goal.
Ethics serves as a guideline for good behavior and correct, because there is no doubt that
human beings have the will and egos masing.Dalam performing their duties, the teacher is
a portion of a social environment in the school, in addition to having to deal with
students, superiors, peers, they is also associated with an employee who manages the
school administration. In this case there are several morals or ethics of teachers to the
administrative staff are:
1. Establish a good relationship, so as to create the cohesiveness and sense of family.
2. openness, decency, in order to achieve a wish.
3. approaches, in order to achieve our desire as a teacher, for example, in a matter of
typing problems, delays in the administration of children, etc.
4. Frequent sharing (brainstorming)
5. Demonstrate a caring attitude towards the administration or clerical employee
6. Maintain a good relationship
7. Respect their respective professions
8. The mutual support.

9. Each teacher is obliged to always maintain the spirit korsp and increase the sense of
kinship with clerical employees and prevent things - things that can interfere with the
dignity of the individual.
10. Teachers should be open and democratic in conjunction with the administration and
the employees can put themselves in accordance with the hierarchy of positions.
11. Every teacher should be tolerant to resolve any problems that arise on the basis of
deliberation and consensus for the common interest.
12. The relationship between teachers and administration employees should be a moral
ties and cooperative educational.
f. Against Parent Teacher Ethics
School was founded by community or country to help meet the needs of families who are
no longer capable of living gives stock preparation for their children. To prepare the
children to live with enough stock of knowledge and proficiency in a modern society,
which has high culture, as now, children are not simply just accept the education and
teaching of the family only, then from that society or the state to establish schools.
Schools in implementing education to children must enter into an agreement with their
parents. With the cooperation, oarngtua will gain the knowledge and experience of
teachers in educating their children, otherwise the teachers can also obtain explanations
from parents about the lives and properties of their children. Description - description of
the parents was a huge point for teachers to give lessons and education to their students,
also is information for teachers about the state of nature around her students
dibesarkan.Demikian Similarly, parents know the difficulties - difficulties often faced by
children in schools, parents know whether her diligent, lazy, stupid, sleepy or pandai.26
the relationship between teachers and parents as follows
1. The teacher should always hold a reciprocal relationship with the parents / guardians of
students, in the framework of cooperation to solve the problems at private schools and
2. All tyerjadi misunderstanding between teachers and parents / guardians of students,
should be resolved by consensus.
g. Teachers of the Public Ethics
Schools are in the midst of society to work to preserve the values that are positive in
society, in order to heredity as the values that society is progressing well and the school
as an institution that can encourage changes in values and traditions in accordance with
the progress and the demands of life and development by it therefore requires mutual
understanding between the school and the community. As for the ethics of teachers to
society are:
1. The teacher should always try to participate to institutions and organizations -
organizations in the community related to the business of education, because in essence it
is the task of development education and humanitarian community.
2. Teachers should serve and help solve the problems that arise in the community
according to the functions and abilities.
3. Teachers should respect and conform to the customs of society with the attitude

D.Urgensi Ethics Teaching Profession in education

Guru is one of the dominant factors that determine the success rate of students in the
transformation of science and technology as well as the internalization of ethical and
moral as well as religious-value value. Teachers diharapkanmemiliki understanding and

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ability to develop their professional role as a teacher with reference to the professional
attitude and insight into the teaching profession ethics.
In the process of internalization of moral and value - the value of religion is indispensable
to students in advance of teachers that have value - value, because the students will
imitate all the attitudes and behavior of the teacher, the teacher is a model for his students.
Besides, teachers must also understand how to act in accordance with the ethics office,
and how teachers behave towards teaching duties, as well as with educational personnel
or those outside it that will determine the success of his teaching duties.



A. Analysis Journal

Advantages and Disadvantages JOURNAL

Excess journal:Her journal is very steeped in the details of what the teaching profession and
the tasks of a teacher, in addition to determining the level of student success in transforming
the science and technology as well as the internalization of ethical and moral as well as
religious-value value, here the teacher a person who digugu and can be imitated by protege.
Disadvantages Journal: lacking in explanations, most of his theories about the profession
keguran, values, ethics, and code of ethics of a teacher, and a lack of research methods and
practice falls spaciousness, the journal cuman in the discussion of the material.



A. Conclusion
Similarly, the description of the ethics of the teaching profession's existence in the
world of education. Master is a person who digugu and imitated by his protégé, then in
his duties of teachers must be ethical to himself, profession, colleagues, bosses,
administrative staff, community and parents.

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Zulhimma.2013. Eksistensi Etika Profesi Keguruan Dalam Dunia Pendidikan. Vol./ No.:
1/1.Medan : Tarbiyah Prodi PAI Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan.

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