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Q1 Fill in the blanks with the adverbs indicated in the
1) We are going for camping tomorrow so we have to get up _______ .
(adverb of time)

2) "This is the last time I'm telling you! Clean up your room!" she said
_________ . (adverb of manner)

3) Is there a post office ________ ? (adverb of place)

4) She ______helps her daughter in her work. (adverb of frequency)

5) Simran is a ________ skilled computer technician. (adverb of degree)

Q2 Choose the correct determiner:

1) _______ (this/any) house belongs to _______ (my/some) elder brother.

2) We have lost all ______ (her/our) money in ______ (this/some)


3) I don't know ______ (the/these) girl in pink dress.

4) One of _______ (those/any) boys teased me yesterday.

5) One must know ______ (his/one's) duty towards the country.

6) There are _______ (a few/ the few) hospitals in this town.

7) _______ (much/many) money is needed for the project.

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Q2 Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1) Get ______ boy out of the class.

2) _____ rich do not help _____poor.

3) He takes care of ______parents.

4) Would you have _______ tea?

5) He has hardly _______ money to spare.

6) _______ the students _____ the teacher was present.

7) ________ year we see that the governments of India and Pakistan

spend a lot on defence.

Q4 One word (determiner) is missing in each line. Put a

slash(/) and write the missing word in the space given.
Sardar Bhagat Singh is honourable _______

name in history of India. His _______

contribution to freedom struggle of _______

India is unique. He sacrificed life so _______

that countrymen might live with _______

honour. If we have sense of gratitude _______

for him, we must preserve freedom _______

at cost. _______

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