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St. Therese School of Batuan, Inc.

Poblacion Norte, Batuan, Bohol

Final Examination in English 4
May 18-19, 2023

Name:_________________________________________ Grade:___________
I. Underline the Adverb of Time used in the sentence.

1. Goldilocks went to the Bears' house yesterday.

2. Dad reads his newspaper every morning.
3. Alexis is coming tonight for my slumber party.
4. Nicole always come to school early.
5. I saw Sally today.

II. Choose from the box the appropriate Adverb of Manner for each sentence. Write in the
blank the correct answer.

slowly awkwardly excitedly

completely closely

1. We looked ___________ at our science experiment to make and write our observations in
our notebook.
2. The lady was standing _______________ by the hallway.
3. My brother ____________ understands me. We know each other too well.
4. Harry ate his lunch ____________.
5. Poppy, my dog, always wags her tail _______________ when she sees me.

III. Write on the line F is the statement is fact. Write O if it is an opinion.

__________1. I believe that humans are still better than machine.

__________2. Machines help transform our lives by reshaping transportation, health, finance,
and the military.
___________3. I think that robots should not be given too much work so that people will not
lose their jobs.
___________4. Machines work better than humans because they are precise and accurate.
___________5. In my opinion, robots can possibly take over the world in the near future.

IV. Shade the heart if the sentence is giving directions or instructions. Put a cross mark if it is

1. Give her the necklace.

2. Please pass the rice.

3. Do not talk to strangers.

4. Can you wait here for a second?

5. Could you wash the dishes after you have your dinner?

V. Write the preposition to or from in the blank to complete the sentence.

1. She is heading _____ the gym.

2. Daliah is _______ Cagayan De Oro.
3. I will give this notebook _______ Celine because it is hers.
4. Mrs. Reyes and her daughters went _______ the salon.
5. The store is open ________ 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. everyday.

F. Supply the missing words to complete the degrees of adjectives.

Positive Comparative Superlative
More generous

VI. Arrange these following adjectives according to its orders of adjectives. Write your
answer on the line provided.

1. Huge, wonderful, blue-__________________________________

2. Thick, pretty, old -___________________

VII. Encircle the adverb of place used.

1. He will come here.

2. The children are playing outside.
3. He was standing near the wall.
4. They were flying kites on the top of the hill.
5. He lives somewhere in New York.
6. She went upstairs.
7. Let us go outside.
8. The restroom is over there.
9. They were looking for you everywhere.
10. Mimi is walking her dog at the park usually.

VIII. Encircle the adverb of place used.

1. He will come here.
2. The children are playing outside.
3. He was standing near the wall.
4. They were flying kites on the top of the hill.
5. He lives somewhere in New York.
6. She went upstairs.
7. Let us go outside.
8. The restroom is over there.
9. They were looking for you everywhere.
10. Mimi is walking her dog at the park usually.

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