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Strength (Internal Strategic Analysis)

• Widest exporter in the country: In the pharmaceuticals sector Beximco is the widest exporter in
Bangladesh. It earns 55% of its revenue from exporting.

• Brand value: BEXIMCO holds a stable and domineering position in the market. It has consistently
been improving its products and so the brand image.

• Bigger market share: In Bangladesh it possesses the bigger market share than many other
numerous medication providers. It offers more than 400 products.

• Product diversity: It produces more than 200 generic which are available in more than400
different forms, and many of them are leaders among others.

• Foreign market share: As the most of the revenue comes from exporting, it possesses large
market share in the foreign markets.

• Unique product: It is the first company in Bangladesh to produce ARV drugs for AIDS/HIV cases.

• Social Duty: It always has been working for social improvements. It is connected with many
social welfare organizations.

• Skilled employees: Beximco Pharma has many experts like chemists, pharmacists, doctors,
MBAs, microbiologists, and engineers who are highly educated. It makes the company gather
more strength in the similar industrial sector.

• Global Recognition: Beximco exports their medicines to almost 25-30 countries and earned Tk.
553.3 core (2013-14). It has the highest number of international recognition the country which
included: Austria, Australia Brazil, Colombia and South Africa. BEXIMCO also works as a
medicine supplier for UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund), Save
the Children, WHO (World Health Organization) and ADF (Asthma Drug Facility).

• Developed labs, equipments and machines: Beximco is well known for their updated
equipments and developed manufacturing machineries.

Weakness (Internal Strategic Analysis)

 Strong competitor: Square pharma also have large market share in Bangladesh, so it is the
biggest competitor of Beximco.
 Inconsistent in supplying product: Sometimes they are not able to produce specific products
efficiently; as a result they cannot supply those products to retailers timely.
 Dependency on foreign products: BEXIMCO has to import almost one third of their raw
materials from abroad which leads to the cut of the production. Not enough resources cause a
great drawback for them. Government policies are also another fact.
 Use of cash for promotional purposes: They donate money for promoting their productsto the
doctors, and distributors. Beximco already has a large market share. If they do notstop this
behavior right now, they may lose market share in future.
 Loan defaulter: One of the owners of Beximco Pharma did take a loan from SonaliBank, and did
not pay it back yet. It may harm the company image in long term.
 Environmental pollution: For producing purpose, they are polluting water, and soil inthe area
where they setup their factories

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