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You'll find the answers to all your questions on the VAILLANT VCW 25 1 T3W in the user manual (information, specifications,
safety advice, size, accessories, etc.). Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

User manual VAILLANT VCW 25 1 T3W

User guide VAILLANT VCW 25 1 T3W
Operating instructions VAILLANT VCW 25 1 T3W
Instructions for use VAILLANT VCW 25 1 T3W
Instruction manual VAILLANT VCW 25 1 T3W

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VCW 25 1 T3W user guide
Manual abstract:

04405 47 VCW-sine T3 W 18 47 GC-No. @@lntroduction 2 . Construction of aPPliance J. Generalreouirements 4 . @@Assembling 8 . Servicingof combi
heater q Foultfinding 1 0 . @@Outputratingsare shown in The boiler is designed for use in a sealed c open vented system with pumped circuldin ahd includes
the instantaneous hot w& sYSIem. pump,expansionvessel (forseald Circulating system only), terminal box, control and sdetf devicesare providedwith the
appliance. Note to Installers ln hard water areas we recommend the d supply to the appliance is via a scale reducer. ^l ;\ ;; ,; 46 61 64 of 2 Construction
ApPliance -24 9 11 23 22 14 18 19 21 o N 3 trin I o 2 l Fkrcorinection 2 Down draught diverter 3 Sensorof overheat cut-off device 4 Mainheatexchanger 4a
Combustion chamber 5 Main hrmer 6 Gasgovernor 7 Flowswitch 8 Differential valve 9 DC solenoid 10 Fbwthermometer 11 Pump with automaticair vent 12
Pressuregauge 1 3 Terminalbox 1 4 Switchboard (mainswitch, heating switch, domestic hot water switch) 1 5 Domesticheat exchanger 1 7 Flowthermostat ' 1
8 Pressure relief valve 1 9 Service cock 20 Gas service cock 2 1 Overflow (optional extra) 22 Push button start 23 Push button stop 24 Pilot burner 25 Piezo
unit \a- l air vent points o o '6 = o requirements 3 General 3.
1 Related documents of The installation the combi boiler must be in accordancewith the relevant requirementsof buildingregulathe Gas Safety Begulations.),
tions, l.E.E. Regulations,and the byelaws ot the localWater Undertaking.
It should be in accordancealso with any releof vant requirements the localauthorityand the relevani recommendations of the following British Standard Codes
of Practice: CP 331 Installationof pipes and meters for lown gas, Part 3: Low Pressure installation pipes. BS 5376 Selectionand installation of gas space
heating(1. and 2. family gases). Part 2 Boilers of rated inPut not exceeding60 kW.
BS 5449 Central heating for domestic oremrses. Part 1 Forced circulationhot water syslems. hot cP 342 Centralized water suPPlY dwellings, Part 1
Individual otherthan Part2 Buildings dwellings. BS 5440 Flues and air suPPlY for Part1 Flues Part2 Air suPPlY. B S5 4 4 6 : 1 9 7 9 Installationof gas hot
for supplies domestic PurPoses tothefactthd We liketo drawyourattention connection for the filling or replenishingol a sealedprimarycircuitfrom a supplypipe
is can ditionalupon a water undertakingseekingaa otits Byeh obtainingconsentfora relaxation 3 and 8 (1)from the Secretary of State. .) Gas Safety Regulation,
1972: It is the law that all gas appliancesare ins{d by competentpersons in accordancewith t: Failureto installappliara , above regulations. correctlybould
lead to prosecution.This b L your own interest and that of safety to erisG with. ihat the law is complied appliancesof rated input not ding 60 kW (1.

and 2. familY 3.2 Location 3.2.1 Vcwqjle (8.F. APP|iance) The locationdhosenfor the combi boiler must oermit the provisions of a satisfactory flue ierminal.
The location must also provide adequatespacefor servicingand air circulation around the heater. The combi boiler may be installed in any room, although
particular attention is cjrawnto the requirementsof the l.E.
E. Regulations and, in Scotland, the of electricalprovisions the buildingregulations, with respect to the installationof the combi boilerin a room containinga
bath or shower. be of Wherethe installation the combiboilerwill may in an unusuallocation,specialprocedures be necessary and BS 5546 and BS 5376 : 2 give
detailedguidanceon this aspect. A compartment used to enclose the combi boiler must be designed and constructed specificallyfor this purpose. An existing
cupboard or iompartment may be used provided that it is modifiedfor the purpose.
Details of essential features of cupboardi compartmentdesign includingairingcupboard are instdllations given in BS 5376 : 2. 3.2.2 VCW (O.F.
APPliance) The locationchosen for the combi boilernrrsl permit the provisionof a satisfactoryflue ad bdequate air supply. The location must fu provide
adequate space for servicingard * aroundthe appliance. circulation in The combi boilermust not be installed a rqq containing a bath or shower. In addition,it
b that the combi boilershouldrd recommended be fittedin a bedroom.Where the installationd the combi boilerwill be in an unusualposilb\ special
proceduresmay be necessaryand BS 5'326:2 and BS 5546give detailedguidanceot usedto enclosete this aspect.A compartment combi boilermustbe
designedand construec specificallyfor this purpose. An existingopbbard or iompartment may be used provided that it is modifiedfor the purpose. Details of
essential features of cupboard compartmentdesign includingairingcupboad are installations given in BS 5376 : 2. 3.3Gassupply of the availability an
adequatesupplyof gas.

3.3.1Servicepipes at gas be should consulted the An existingservicepipe must not be usedwit> Thelocal region with the local gas regiorl planning to stagein
order establish out prior consultation installation 4 3.3.2 Meters 3.3.3 lnstallation pipes A gas meter is connectedto the servicepipe by Installation
pipesshouldbe fittedin accordance the local gas region or a local gas region with CP 331 :3. contractor. Pipework from the meter to the combi boiler An
existingmetershouldbe checkedto ensure must be of a adequatesize. Do not use pipesof that it is capable of passing an additional a smaller size than the combi
boiler gas 2.
95 ms/h (106 CFH) before the VCW 20 connection. (or 3.38 mslh(122 CFH) beforethe VCW 25 or The complete installationmust be tested for 2.47 melh(89
CFH) beforethe VCW-sine18) is soundness as describedin the above Code. installed.
3.4 Flue system for Detailedrecommendations fluing are given in BS 5440 : 1. Thefollowingnotesare intended to give generalguidance. \=i= 3.4.
1 VCW-sine (B.F. Appliance) The boiler must be installed so that the flue terminalis exposedto the externalair. Terminationshould be on a clear expanse of
wall; the terminal being preferably not less than 600 mm (2 ft.) awayfrom acorner, a recessora projecilon. Do not install the terminal: a) Within 300 mm (1
ft.) measured vertically from the bottomof an openablewindow,air vent, or any other ventilation opening. b) Within 300 mm (1 ft.) above adjacent ground
level. c) Within 600 mm (2 ft.

) of any surfacefacing the terminal. d) lmmediatelybeneatheaves or a balcony. Where the lowest part of the termlnal is less than 2 m (6,6 ft.) abovethe levelof
any ground, balcony, flat roof or place to which people have access, the terminal must by protected by a guardof durablematerial. terminalprotective A guard
is availableas an optionalextra with the combi boiler.The air inleVproducts outlet duct and the terminalof the boilermust not be closer than 50 mm (2 in.) to
combustible material. Detailed recommendationson Drotectionof combustiblematerialare given in BS 5440 : 1. 3.4.
2 VCW (O.F. Appliance) Detailedrecommendations fluing are given for in BS 5440 : 1. The followingnotesare intended to give generalguidance.
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VCW 25 1 T3W user guide
The cross sectional area of the flue fitted to the combi boiler must be not less than the area of the flue outlet of the appliance.
An adapter is suppliedto allowthe fittingof 125 mm steelflue pipe or 125 mm lightasbestoscementflue pipe. When fitting flue pipes a split socket connector
must be fitted to ensure easy disconnection of the flue pipe (see page 13 f i g .1 6 ) . Flue pipes and fittings should be constructed from one of the
followingmaterials: a) Asbestoscement, b) Aluminiumor stainlesssteel, c) Cast-iron acid-resistant vitreous enamel lined. lf double-walled flue pipe is used it
shouldbe of a type acceptable to British Gas.
lf a chimneyis used it preferablyshouldbe one that is composedof or lined with a nonporous acid-resistant material. (Chimneys lined with salt-glazed
earthenware pipes are acceptableif the pipes comply with BS 65 and 540 : 1.) A flue pipe constructed from one of the materialsin a) to c) aboveshouldform the
initial connection to lined chimneys. Where a chimneyis to be usedwhich is not composedof or lined with a non-porous acid-resistant materialit shouldbe
linedwith a stainlesssteel flexibleflue liner or any other liner that is of a type acceptable BritishGas. The internaldiato meter of the liner must not be less than
shown in the technicaldata and the number of joints mustbe kepttoaminimum. thefluelinerisnot lf to be connected directly to the combi boiler draught diveder
a flue pipe which is constructed from one of the materialsin a) to c) above shouldform the connectionbetweenthe draughtdiverterand flue liner. Before
connecting the combi boiler to, or inserting a liner into, a flue that has been previouslyused, the flue must be thoroughly swept clean of any soot and loose
material.lf a register plate, restrictorplate, damper etc. is fitted in the flue, it must be removed before connectingthe combi boiler to, or insertinga liner
into,the flue. The flue should terminate in accordancewith the relevant recommendationsgiven in BS 5440:1, table4.

A terminal of a type that has been tested and found satisfactory by British Gas should be fittedat the flue outlet. The point of termination must not be within
600 mm (2 ft.) of an openablewindow,air vent or any other ventilation opening. c 3.5 Air supPlY for Detailed recommendations air supply are given in BS
5440 : 2. The followingnotes are intendedto give generalguidance. 3.5.1 Room or internal space air supply The room or space in which the boiler is located
must have a permanentair vent' This vent must be eitherdirectto the outsideair or to an adiacentroom or internalspace which must 'have a permanent air vent
of at least itself i-n" same sizd direct to the outside air. The 3.
5.2 Cupboard or compartment air supply Where the combi boiler is to be installedin a permanentair vents cuoboardor compartment, are required (for cooling
purposes and in the case 6f open flued appliances also for combustionand flue dilution)in the cupboardor compaftment at high and low level' These air
minimum effective area of permanent air vent(s) is specifiedbelow and is relatedto the maximumrated heat inputof the unit. Appliance cmz 108 130 in.2
vcw20/1 vcw25/1 16 20 fluedcombiboiler,VCW-sine, The balanced to space the doesnot require roomor internal air havea oermanent vent. vents must either
communicatewith the room or internalspace or be directto outsideair.
The minimumetfectiveareas of the permanent air vents required in the cupboard or compartmentare specifiedbelow (Tab. 1) and are ielated to the niaximum
rated heat inputof the unit. Air vent areas Pos.of air vents or room Airfrom space internal (inr) cmz , High Level LOW vcw20/1 vcw25/1 VCW-sine 280 320
235 560 640 ,235 {42) (50) (36,5) (84) (100) (36,5) Airdirectfrom outside (inr) cm2 I (21) 140 (25) 160 (18,5) 120 280 320 120 (42) (50) (18,5) Level vcw20/1
vcw25i1 VCW-sine Tab.1 Note: Both air vents must communicatewith the same room or internalspace or must be both on the same wall to the outside air.
Where cupboard or compartment air vents communichtewith the room or internalspace the room or internalspace must itself have a permanentair vent(s)as
specifiedin 3.5.1. 3.5.3 Effect of an extract fan lf there is anv tvpe of extract fan fitted in the that if adequate oremisesthere i6 the possibility iir inlet area from
outside is not provided ipittag" of the products from the open flued 3.6 Water circulation system Detailed recommendations for the water system are given in
BS 5376 :2' BS circulation 5449 :1 (Jorsmall bore and micro bore central heatinq svstems) and CP 342- the following notes ire of
particularimportance.Pipework not forming pbrt ot the useful heating surface should belnsulated to help prevent heat loss where pipes and
possiblefreezing,particularly 6 combi boilersflue could occur when the extract fan is in operation.Where such installations occur a spiilagetest as detailedin
BS 5440.: 1 must be carriedout and any necessaryactlon taken.

are run through roof spaces and ventilated sPaces. underfloor Dtedto the cqrtecting groupas shownin fig. 9. Ftl lhe heating systemandtestfor soundness. t
4.3.4Pressurerelief valve and overflow The pressure reliefvalve,required a sealed for system, included the connecting is into group. - Screw in the overflow
(4) below the pressure relief valveintothedrainline. (Tobe availableas optional an extra.) I 4.
4Fittingthe appliance Closeservice cocks(5),unscrew unionnuts(6) plastic plugS. and take off the olive-shaped Refit union nuts (6) with brass'compr6ssi-on
rings (7). Close mainswaterservicecock (8) (9). andunscrew union the nutF *-A-6 4.4.
1 Open flued aPPliance Unpack boiler from carton and remove side oarieislas in 8.1'1.),lint arrestor(as in 8'2'2) inO pait ing aids as well as plasticcaps.from
the ionneciions. Insert the appliancewltn tne connection tubes downwards into the comoiession unionsof the servicecocks and hang it on to the bolts(1)and
fasten screws (10)' nuts (6) unions andunion compression Fasten (1 washers 1)' thb using attached ig), 4.
4.2 Balanced f lued aPPliance Unoack boiler from carton and remove side aidsas wellas .) Janels(as in 8.1.1 and packing blastic baps from the
connections.Fit the flue buct (20) irtitntne 2 sheet metal screws (22) to the t;le6copic duct (16) of the terminal/duct assemblY. Insertthe appliancewith the
connectiontubes downward iirio the compressionunions of the service cocks and hang it on to the threaded bolts of the wall case (1), fig. 14. Fasten nuts,
unions(6, fig. 13) and unionnuts compression is, iig.

13) using the attached washers (11,fig.13). 20 21 1 Fixingbolts 16 Telescopicduct 19, 22 Sheet metal screw 20 Flue duct 2'l Flue bend F i g .1 4 12 45
Gcconnection cock(5) to the appliance. Frtthe gasservice Cleil out all foreign matter from the gas s.Dpty pipe before connecting to the service cock! pipeto
theservice the cock Connect gassupply andtighten. F--i t t t r l l l i a 4.6 Flueconnection (openflued) Insertflue intothe draughtdiverterafterfitting provided.
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VCW 25 1 T3W user guide
the adapter A split socket connector must be fitted to ensure easy disconnection of the flue to removal themainheatexchanger. of simplify pipe 21.
Flue 22. Draught diverter 22.aCollar otthedraught diverter 24. Adapter 25. Splitsocketconnector 4.
7Electrical connections Vaillant combi boilers completelywired. are lt is onlynecessary connect electrical to the mains andtheroomthermostat.
Connectto220/240v 50 Hz.electrical sgpply fused3 A. Warning!Thisappliance must be earthed.
Afterremoving terminal cover the box connect (c) the mains theterminal of theappliance to in the manner indicatedbelow. A cardboard labelshowing correct
the mainsconnection to the terminals in the terminalbox. Please is remove before connecting. Do not connectthe electricalsupply to the pump terminals(b).
Full wiring diagrams for various control schemes shownintig.21Io 24. are a 4.7.1 Connection of the mains cable As shown on the figures the live conductor
*nicn is colouredbrown must be connectedto the terminalmarked with a L on the appliance inO to tne tetminalmarkedL or colouredred on the Dluq.The
neutral wire colouredblue must 6e ioni"ct"O to the terminal markedwith a N on tne aoptianceand to the terminalmarked N oi coioureOblack on the plug' The
earthwire colouredqreen and yellow must be connected i" rn" otine two teiminals marked O on the "opiiin"" and to the terminalmarkedwrthan E oi svmbol O
or coloured green or green ano vellow on the plug.

lf no room thermostat or 3 iimer is installbd,-terminal and 4 must be linked. a. Fuses 2 A (delayaction). b. Terminalsfor pump regulating' i- Terminalsfor
hpplianceinput connections' 4.7.2 Connection of Vaillant room -thermostat with clock (no' 394) Connectionof room thermostatis made to the to terminiri g
anO4. lt is recommended installa Vaillantroom thermostat(RT)with accelerating resistance. The room thermostat must De inJiiiteo on an inner wall which is
influenced neiiner Ov current of air nor by the sun, in the of livinq rooin. Duringthe installation the room must indications therftostatthe manufacturer's be
For the sake of economy and iotfurt the Vaillant combi boiler should be requlated by a room thermostat with icceleiating resiitance. lf the room thermostat is
not connected,to operate the heating system the ior i"iting purposes'afterthe installation, application ,nit "an bi op6ratedby provisional oi a OriOgebetween
ihe terminals 3 and 4' Wfren tfrE room thermostat is wired in this bridgemust be removed. 4.7.3 PumP control The pump may be controlledin one of three
ways (see fig.
20): SettinqI (as suPPlied) For-use with clock and room thermostat systems. Pump is switched off by clock or room thermostat. Settingll For"use with
thermostatic radiator valve svstems. Pump is switched off by clock or o'asvalve switih when gas valve closes' selttingttl Purip runs Permanently and affected
bY external controls. is not Fig.
18 1 -j @@_a LEf,-l ..'\L*= @a t Sz i 14 1,7, Thcrmostatic radiator valves l$rere TRVs and a clock are used the ilibfrirg side of the clock is connected
betreen teminals 3 and 4. lYhereno clockis useda wire bridgemustbe insertedbetweenlerminals3 and 4. to ll. Setthe pumpcontrol position VCW-Terminal
RANDALL TimeSwitch 103 Do not link terminal3 & 6 VAILLANT Roomthermostat VBT378 0 Fig.21 VCW-Terminal N Mains L Supply 24OV/5OHz I a O
VAILLANT Roomthermostat VRT378 SWITCHMASTER TimeSwitch 300 REMOVE 1) Link N and 2 2) Link L and:4 N Mains L Supply 0 24OVlsOHz 3 15
HORSTMANN 125 COFONET Time Switch Do not link terminals Land5! VAILLANT Foomlhetmostat vRT 3 78 N L J" SuPPIY 2r0v/50H2 3 o Fig.23 l':-
O VAILLANT Roomthermostat VRT 378 0 N Mains L SUPPIY + 24ovl5oHz B 16 -9- E E;E a 6=O ; "9=i 9p5 E$s a lt^ E l I o I i i a cl c I b 3 988xo* o t ' :
o(g F ol (, CD lo .o (o I p o c o o o o a? o 3 o ' = ; ",1 EY r() AI .

st, tt E o o o c '= 15 14 13 '12 21 n 23 24 25 77 26 11 10 9 I 7 6 5 70 71 73 54 5:l 30 2A n 31 58 /-ffi 61 7A 46 1 0t[|il[[|ll Fig.26 1 service cock 3 flow switch
element 4 thermostatic 5 gas inlet 6 automaticvalve 7 pilot adiustmentscrew I switch box/FFD 9 oush button start 10 pilotvalve 11 push buttonstop 12 thermo-
magnet 13 micro switch 14 thermo-couple 15 pilotburner 32 16 sensorof overheatcut-offdevice 17 main heat excnanger 18 air ventingscrew 19
expansionvesset 20 main burner 21 gas governor .. 22 mainburneradjustmentscrew main burnervalve i3 double-stage 24 venturi valve 25 differential 26 DC
solenoid i8 expansionvessel pressurecontrol 29 pump 18 -'_-43 N--.a.-:.*. :li"#3[?t!l3ll water 3?heatingcircutr o"'"""'ic i 32 39 mainswitch 41 terminal hot 58
micro-switch water 59 watersedlon . 60 coldwaterinlel 61 watergovernor. 63 hotwateroutlel 70 electronic 71 NTCresistor i tlo"o"* X3 rn"rto""' switch
3e!3il'J3-:Y':ilvarcr control $i[#s$:rrtt:"' t.
53 micro-switcn ll micro'switcn 54 79 relaY *"*"' "1.1H,$3#3f;'ftL 1? systembypass 78 19 5 Watercirculatingsystem 5.1 General The combi boiler is suitable
for use on most miniboreand microboresystems. It is recommendedto use copper tubing to BS 2871 :1for water carryingPiPework. The use of horizontal pipe
runs should be avoided whereverpossiblein order to prevent air collectingin the system.
lf horizontalruns the are unavoidable pipes should rise upwards towards a vent point. For qeneral quidance reference should be mide to ihe British Gas
:1. and sYstem 5.1.1SinglePiPe on are installed a closed The heat emitters for waterquantity every circuit.
The necessary This (radiator) mustbe ensured. heatemitter can be done for instanceby using suction of connection theradiators. in fittinos thereturn on
sizesshallbe calculated the The-radiator aroundthe distribution basis of temperature circuit. Fig.28 5.1.2Two-pipe system The radiatorsare
installedparalleland the flow temperature therefore is the same for every radiator. are Typicalcentralheatinginstallation shown in the followingfigures.
NOTE: 5.2 to 5.

5 are applicableto both open and sealed systems. N.B. The primaryfillingpoint may be placedat any convenientpoint on the circuit. FillingPoint Fig.29 20
S2Gontols Vdilt cofiti bcilers are ready for connecting oleebcLft:d mains. W$Gn conhds (24OV) may be connected as sfwn h figures 21 to 24. 53 lrolating
valves The +dianoe shall be installed with isolatinq (service cocks) as described unde-r dws 4-3_3. 5.'tGirculating pump The cirolating pump is included into
the combi boiler.
The remaining conveying capacity can betaken from the diagram.
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VCW 25 1 T3W user guide
SssYstem by-pass A system by-pass is included into the combi bdler. 800 176 1000 220 1200 264 14c,0 308 1600 L/h 352 cPH 5.6 Openvented system lf it is
required usethe combiheaterin ooen to systemsit is possible do so without'anv to modification to the combi heater. W6 recommend fit the expansion to pipe(2)
at the isofation valve(no.
7,tig. 12)wherenormallv the pressure reliefvalveis fitted.The relevani British Standards Codes Practice well and of as a: requirements (see also 3.1)
involved shouldbe strictly observed.
Minstatic head: 0.15bar(5'water) Maxstatic head:2.0 (67'water) bar see BS5449clause24.1 pipe 2 expansion 3 expansion cistern pipe 7 overflow Fig.31 21
5.7Sealedsystems Sealed systems do not requireleed and openventsetc'only gooo cisterns, exDansion shouldbe and fittings valve's ouitiWraOiator detrlmenlal
excessive to Jsedin order prevent topping-uP. leliefvalve 5.7.1Pressure and is on is required all sealedsystems This in shown 4'3.4' connected'as gauge 5.

7.2Pressure the and to fitted theboiler shows Thisis factory circuit. in pressure thePrimary 3 vessel 5.7.3Expansion into is vessel incorporated expansion A 15
litres for ihe combib6ilersuitable a sealedheatingiuit". with a maximumwater contents of galls') (57.2lmP. 260litres expansion of capacity thebuilt-in lf
thenominal for vesselis not sufficient the heatingsys,tem. of in itor-instance case of modernization old ve-ssel expansion an iioen Jvstems) additional of to cin
Oeinstatt6d the sideconnection the ieturn service cock in connectionwith the valve. pressure relief Fig.
32 5.7.5 Pipework 5.7.4Fillingand makeuP via a All oioeworkshall be securelysupported,shall The svstemshouldbe filledwith water possible' and point at
fitted a convenientpoint run'n'eatly be concealedwhere lilling seoar6te circuit.
Where local Water on' the neati-nb Authority Regulationallows, a temporary to-the mainsmay b,eused' The connection when lllllng ls must be removecl
connection completed. Where local Water Authority Reqirlation does not allow temporary a corinection, sealedsystemfillerpumpwith The heatingsystem
tankmustbe used. break witt not be filled automaticallyfrom the domesticside. sealedsystemsdo not require ln principle, has but faciliti6s, experience waier
mat<e-up may that shown somemake-up be necessary' are systems givenin sealed of Methods filling A appendix of BS 5376:2. 22 6 Cornmissioning and
testing 6, 1 Elctrical installation r-e,'rinary electricalsysiem checks to ensure +sflcal safety shall be carried out by a :r,mpetent person.
Those checks are outliired r tne INSTRUCTIONS FOR BR|T|SH GAS IiIULTIMETER. 6.2 Gas installation Tne whole of the gas installation, includinqthe
reter. should be inspected and testej for soundnessand purged in accordancewith the iecommendations Cp 331 : 3. of 6.3 Water circulation system The whole
oJthe systemshould be flushedout wtrn Dotncotd and hot water. Ensureall valves are open. With the combi boilerfitted,the system should be fiiled and air
locks cteared.V6nt tnJOoifei throughthe 4 vent pointsshown ln tiq. iand'2.

Loosenthe black cap on the automaiicair vent oy 1-z turns. Vent all heat emittersand check for.water soundness.On a sealed svstem fiti untilthe pressuregauge
registerst.s iraiizr.S PSI). (The system should be filled with water either from a sealed system filler pump with a break or by a method of filling given in BS
La_lK. 5376 : 2, appendixA.) Checkoperationof safetyvalve.Releasewater Trom systemuntilthe initialsystempressure rne oL.
-t,zoat ts atatned, taking into account anv height between the pressur6 gauge and rhe point at which the higtiest heat emtnerts connected_ 6.4
Lighting the combi boiter The first lightingof the applianceshall be done oy a quatttied fitteronly.He shallalso give clear verbat instructions to the user on how
to operatethe combi boiler,controlsand systemi generally.Light the combi boiler as described separatelyin the "lnstructions use,,.
for 6.4,1 Gas soundness Test for gas soundness around boiler qas components using sense of smell and l6ak detectionfluid. 6.4.2 Main burner pressure Pull
off the plug of the NTC-resistor and test the matn Durner pressure at the main burnei pressuretest point.
t Fig.33 t 23 NominalheatinginPut mustbe as follows: Thepressure in' mbar intetbressure:20 (8.08 WG) (coldandhot): pressure mainburner in.
9.0mbar(3.61 WG) vcw 2011 in. 9.

0mbar(3.61 WG) vcw 2511 in. mbar(4.26 wG) 10.6 18 VCW-sine at is regulated factoryto the The apoliance .b'ti"5i neating influt. Thereforeit is not or of
n"lJ""urv to a[6r thbsetting .input output installation' during "itne g"d gouernor 1 2 3 + 5 6 7 screw pilotadiustment pilotgasfilter DCsolenoid test
mainburner Pressure Point gasgovenor blocking Plate rearplate) inLipti.irte testpoint(near B 6.4.
3Flue of Checkthatthereis no spillage products,of by diverter from JomOustion thedowndraught carryinqa spillagetest as detalleoIn t:D il6' i r.
thppiicaoteonly to open{lued ol Checkappearance llamesIn aooliances.) air lii,irl"-"iihrtish thatihereis adequate for 3'5'3 under alsoasoutlined LturitLn,
check fan ii'tn"l"li lriv tvpeof extract fitted' 6.4.5Flow thermostat and Checkthe flow thermostat all automatic Readjust satisfactorily' Jontiofsare operating
to controls appropriate 6.5Watersoundness Allow the water system to reach maximum for and examine water temperatuie woif<inq thenbe turned should
iornon""...ihe system whilestillhot'Thewater drained offind rapidly of and be again filled cleared air iu.
t". should 6.4.4Flametailuredevice to shouldbe adjusted of operation theflamefailuredevic.e idcis. Sealedsistems pressure 1,2bar' Checkthe of design will the
initialsystem that to ensure thedevice "'"'ini donoiuoiler forwatersoundness. "iir,li "tt sit to the main burnerwithin 60 Examine seconos. Please contact your
senticing company' 6.6User'sinstructions nearestVaillint office oryour local gas Vo-u-r for Handthe instructions use to the userfor region, in
l"T"niio"unOinstruct the safeoperation.of ii.

aooriince. Advise the user of the to oi"cauiibns necessary preventdamageto ihe svstemand to the buildingif th-esystem duringfrost conJoLJ'not
remainoperative ditions. Note: Leave installation and servicing at instructions the meter' For continued efficient and safe operation, "iirt-viiiii"ni ippliance
should be serviced liLaiion"e a'vearbv a qualifiedservicing company' It is important and strongly re-comm.ended that ariangementsare made for a -!44!!!!9
ilt cA-sr6ereLtwith a qualified servicing F i g . 3 5 to ensure regular servicing' ififfiv o o N = o o 24 7 Assembling ieotace the plug to the NTC (Negative
:ernperature Coefficient) resistor before :ssembling. 0 = () a 7.1Lint arrestor(openflued appliance) Tofitthelintarrestor hangit intothefront sideof thelower
retaining frame andclipit against the appilance.
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VCW 25 1 T3W user guide
7.2 Side panels Push the 2 side panels from the front onto the boilerand screwto the upperand lowerframes with two pairs of captive slotted screws. lf the
door isre^quired to open from the right see section7.
6. += o Fig.38 o 25 7.3 Screen Plate Positionthe left hand edge of the screen plate tne unOer side panel.Pressthe slideunderthe eJoe ot tne
riqhthandsidepaneland alignwith the-slotsin the screenplate.
Securethe screen otit" *itn 3 screws as indicated in fig 39' ileolace the thermostatknob' 7.4 Front Panel Press the front panel including the grey
enameledcentre sbction onto the boiler' the 4 supports' bolts engage in the spring-bolted 7.5 Door The door supports are attached at the right hand side
panelof the appliance(dooropening from the left).The door is fittedas follows:place the door into the upper supportand fix to lower supportwith the hinge
screw. I 26 6 Changing door attachment -r roor can also be fitted to open from the -i:--.
as describedin the following:Changethe and the lowerdoor supportfrom the right -rc,er. -,ar'. to the left hand side panel of the :E} an@. 7.7 Stickers Stickon -
instructions sheet after filling in - serialno., - test point pressureand - date of commissioning - wiringdiagram to the inner side of the door as shown on fio.43.
of 8. Servicing combi boiler $ at The combiboilershouldbe serviced least maybe agreecl contract oncea year.A service with BRITISH GAS or Your CORGI

8.1Turningoff the combi boiler the To service combiboiler - Switchoff electrical supply(1, tig.44). - Turnoff gas service cock(3,fig.44),boiler valves(4, tig. 44)
and cold water isolating valve(5, tig. 44). shut-off @ e a-]r*Lrz @__ ta, I \,{\ outercase(fig.44) 8.1.
1Removing pin hinge (b)and doorby unscrewing Remove oullinqdoor out and down. Removeupper Removegauge banei Oy pullingoutwards. knob' jlanel bir
iemovingboiler thermostat 'screw over rockei switchesand loosening righthandpanelto the screws(c) and sliding left. top side panelsby unscrewing and
Remove clipsand buttomscrews(d) to clearinternal and off' In the then pullingpanelsoutwards case of the balancedflued combi boiler removethe 4 screwsand
washers VCW-sine case as chamber (A) to removecombustion in shown fig.45.
{eir 'ry t 8.1.2 Drainingthe aPPliance (fig.44 and 46) the When necessary, appliancemay be drained as follows. - Open air vent (18,fig.
46) . - Drain appliance through draln nlpple (tr, fig. 46). - D-raindomestic heat exchanger via drain screw (C, fig. 46) as well as pressure relief vdlve (D, fig.
46) at the lower part of the water section. 8.2 Cleaning of burner and lint arrestor 8.2.1 Cleaning of burner 8.

2.1.1Balanced llued appliances the Removethe burnerby unscrewing retaining (F),takecare not unionnut (E),the pilotairfilter to lose the pilot inlector.
Remove the thermo couple by pullingdown and taking off the high ten6ionlead from the ignitionelectrode. L 28 l,lrcrer the retainingscrews (T) and remove
Cileanbumers, injectorsnozzlesand trcs. certbly with a light brushor a vacuum il CEE'. Fbsenble in reverseorder, replacingthe m-r bumergasketif necessary.
Fig.48 82.1.
2 Open llued appliance Remove bumers by levering off burner bar with a screwdriver. Remove thermo-couple probe by pulling downwards from pilot
assembly so that probe disengaged from circlip. Remove pilot unscrewing screw (F). Remove burner bar by unscrewing nut (E).
Cleanburners injectors a lightbrushor and with vacuum cleaner. Reassemble reverse in order, replacing mainburnergasketif necessary. 29 of 8.2.2Cleaning
lint arrestor (open fluedaPPliances) downward by the Remove lintarrestor pulling of the partwhichis nearthe connections the appliance.
cleaner. or withthelightbrush a vacuum Clean in order. @@@@@@@@Removeheat exchanger. @@lf necessary descale with propriety descaling aqent.
Do not bend the fins. lf necessary, carefullywith screwdriver. @@Slackensplit collar. @@@@@@lf necessary,descale with proprietarydescaling aoent. Do
not bend the fins, if necessary carefully with screwdriver. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@the water section unscrew the 'nrernat.

. @@@@Reassemble in reverse order using new washers. @@@@Check dihohraom and replace, if necessary. Check eaiv ruininq pin of diaphragmdisc in
stuffing of box. @@Lubricatepin with suitablegrease. Mark and disconnectthe two controllines and clean by blowingthrough. @@Refill :'al of build-in if ar
pump, necessary. i { : . - -i f 5 f t I ( l_ I i 8.8Finaltests I o tf 8.
8.1Finaltest heatingsystem o nipples openthe and and screws all Close drain 3 lf a sealed O cocksto refillthe appliance. service svstem ensure the pressure is
1.2 bar turn to a-ccording 6.3.
Switchon electricity, on on qas andstartthe appliance outlined the as Check sideofthef rontdoor. ;tickerattheinner flame failuredevicefor correctfunctioning.
withthe pilot the Check pilotflameand adjust rate adluster (7) so that there are three flames.lf the flame profileis one seoarate gas rate until 3
larqe,looseflame,increase in as develop, shown fig.60a' seiarateflames pilotjet if necessary.
Replace for the Check appliance soundness. Check all controlsfor correct functioning' outer casing of applianceas reassemble 7. under s system 8.8.2Finaltest
electrical Check - earthcontinuity polarity to resistance earth according to INSTRUCTIONSFOR BBITISH GAS MULTIMETER. 8.9 Change of Pilot iet the
Disconnect pilottube from the pilot'Change pilotjet and washer and reassemblein reverse ordbr. In case of an open-fluedapplianceremovethe pilot assembly
by unscrewing the retaining bcrew. Changb the pilot jet and reassemblein reverse order. for Check connections gas soundness.

8.10 Change of thermocouple Disconnectthe retaining nut (R) and pull the support. out thermocouple of the thermocouple Insert the new thermocouple fully
into the support. (ln case of VCW-sine seal the thermolead into the bottom of the chamber plate by a specialrubberwasher).Connectthe nut. retaining 8.'l1
Change of sPark electrode (VCW-sineonly) Pull off the high voltage lead, remove the screw(S), removethe sparkelectrode retaining and replace with the new
electrode. Reassemblein reverseorder,ensuringthat the sparkgap from the electrodeto the flameshield the is 3 m;, takingcare not to overtighten f ixing screw.
8.12 Change of NTC (negative temperature coefficient) Plobe Disconnect the AMP plug and unscrew the NTC probe.
Reassemblein reverseorder' ,,n[;5-o j 8.13 Change of automatic air vent as Drainthe appliance under8'1 and 8.1.2. Unscrew the automatic air vent by hand.
Reassemble in reverse order, screwing the automaticair vent in bY hand onlY. Open the lockingcap (LC) of the automaticair vent by 1 -2 turns. \, 34 |llf
Change of flow switch or parts t-1f.1 Electrical isolation botde the appliance from the el6ctrical mains. Pr.
fl off the plug (S1) by shifting the retaining (S2) top and bottom to the side. Egu6 of Ghange flow switch mirco switches cover (SG).Unscrew
Sorinqoff the protective (S4 or (S8),takeotf microswitchand remove the AMPplugs.
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VCW 25 1 T3W user guide
order. in Reassemble reverse Adjust the actuatinglever as outlinedunder 8.14.2.

' 1. 8.14.2Removalol completeflow switch 8.1 as the Drain appliance under and8.1.2. Removethe 4 unions(S3) and the 2 screws (S4). Pult off the AMP tag
(S5) of the NTC resistor. 8.
14.2.1Change of flow switch stuffing box Remove complete flow switch as in 8.14.2.
Unscrew retainingscrew (S9) and take off the micro switch assembly. Unscrew adiustment nut (S10), remove lever assembly, remove 3 screws securing top
cover, unscrew stuffing box, remove both rubber seals and fit new seals, ensuring washer is fitted between the seals. Reassemblein reverseorder and adiust
lever assembly of the cold flow switch as follows: Turn down the adjustmentnut (S10) slowlyuntilmicroswitchclosesthe redto brown circuitand make one more
completeturn down. 8.14.
2.2Change of thermostatic element Unscrew the 3 retainingscrews (S11) and remove the housing (S12). Reassemblein reverseorder, using new washers.
Changing internalseals Removehousing in

as Bemoveseals R1 and R2 and replacewith new ones. Do not use any jointingcompoundor grease. 8.14.3Reassembling Reassemble in reverse order, using
new wasners. Check - earth continuity - PolaritY - resistance earth to FOR BRITISH accordingto INSTRUCTIONS GAS MULTIMETER. Note: positionof
notcheson plug as shown. \" .to Af 5 Change ot piezo igniter (VCW-sine only) Elisconneclthe high voltage lead (pl) from the i.d bolt.
Removethe retaining screw (p2) and remove the unit by springing the bracket. Reassemble in reverse onier, ensuring that krcding dimple in the bracket aligns
wiih the dd in the piezo unit. fr= 8.16 Change of DC solenoid lsolate the appliance from the electrical mains. llolg.
coloy.r code and puil off the AMp ptugs (Dl) from the micro switch as weil as the'Alrip dugs (D2) from the DC solenoid socket. Loosen the 2 retaining screws
(Dg). Beassemble in reverse ordel. Check - earth continuity - polarity - resistance to earth acordingto INSTRUCTIONSFOR BR|T|SH GAS MULTIMETER.
b4 8.17Changeof DCsolenoidmicro switch lsolatethe appliance fromthe electrical mains. Note colour the codeandpullofftheAMpoluoi (Ml). Unscrew 2
retaining the - screwsiMi;. Reassemble reverse in order. Check - earthcontinuity - polarity - resistance earth to qcggrding TNSTRUCTTONS BRtTtsH to FoR
GASMULTIMETER. l l ri i ot 8.18Ghange pump of 8.18.1 Change completepump as 8.

'l Drain appliance under and8.1.2. the mains. from the lsolate appliance theelectrical box Openthe terminal of the pump.Notethe pump colourcode of
wiringand disconnect cable. connection the air Unscrew automatic vent(Pl ) by hand. the linesof the Markand disconnect 2 control the valveby unscrewing
tubingnuts automatic (P2). Loosenthe 2 pump unions(P3) and fixingscrew(P4)andthe the unscrew bracket to unionnut (P5)at the righthandconnection the
mainheatexchanger. 8.
18.1.1Open flued boiler Take otf connection to main heat exchanger together with the pump as shown on fig. 75. Reassemble in reverse order, using new to
washer at the righthandconnection the maln heat exchanger.
Screw in the automaticair vent by hand only. Check - earth continuity - polarity - resistance to earth according to INSTRUCTIONSFOR BRITISH GAS
2Balanced flued boiler Unscrewthe upperpump union (P3)and spring in off the pump as shownin fig. 76. Reassemble reverse order, using new washer at the
right hand connectionto the main heat exchanger. Screw in the automaticair vent by hand only. Check - earth continuity - PolaritY - resistance to earth
according to INSTRUCTIONSFOR BRITISH GAS MULTIMETER. 5. 38 FoR 3iT'fl0flr,'#PTRUcT|oNSBRrflsH n^eassemble reverse in order.Ta-ke;;;not to
oamage packing the ring. Check - earlhcontinuitv - polarity _ to ..

resistance earth lHrJvJisy*siEb $":F:Ti_{{t,yiHl3lfl (p6) p.urr L"l:ll,lSscrews ano otrp-ump.ijE"o] 8-18.2 Change pump headonty of Drain appliance under
the as 8.1andg.1.2. lsolatethe appliance theelectrical from t-lpenthe terminalbox of the prmp. mains. fVoie it-e codeof the wirinsano'oisc[nn6ci ggroyr .
jr,L.',i iii! p:llp,_ connecrioncabie. un.,jr"* 0 8.19Change gas section of i6fi"'o discorinns 6.
.iioii' 3i):fi:.{li"J ecti tn il i,fi JJ bytoosenins e ieiainiis;;""; tne "," $H:3}lFift?:dif"tj3,.iil?i,i!:ffi pirot assembrv i""Jl:;"J:TiH"","#J:"{t?il lAli'9y;^l"moveihe a
reiainiii' #;;: (\rz+r,reptace valve seating, springi ;t". ;; inrev"'i" oio"i,lsin'd fiffi3,l",3"assemble Check connections gassounctness.
for 8.19.1 Batanced flued appliance ffilr 8.19-2 Open flued appliance thepitot *ruy: screw(G3)'and unscrewinq the ihe ,;i;.'fi;;; l"_r3ll'.19 \|
I";l???rTr ###1,3ffi_($3ln 3.'-T i;;""; c6nne"ii"""'iJi,'i!t ?r." check *3 8.20Changeof gas governor 8.

20.1 Balanced fluedappliance l-l:lgy" gas sectionas in 8.19 and 8.19.1. unscrew the 4 retaininc y_1s_9r9*, . tle retaining screws ?d;;: 'orOer, .iJ# in
.l?^1.j9r91" reverse using wasners, if necessarv.
Check connectionsgassoundness. for 8.20.2 Open flued appfiance the, main burner as uncter ,T:fy: 8.2.
1.2. - 8.21 Change of pilot gas filter Removepilotgas linefrom the pilotgas filter by the disconnecting union nut (G6). Unscrewthe pilotgas filterfrom the gas
Reassemble in reverse order, using suitable sealingcompound sparingly. for Check connections gas soundness. 8.22 Change of automatic valve stuffing box
Disconnectthe differential valve as under 8.6. Control lines remain connected.Unscrew the stuffing box (G7), taking care not to bend the oin. Reasemble in
reverse order. usino new wasner. for Check connections gas soundness.

8.23 Change of switch box lsolatethe appliancefrom the electricalmains. the Markthe pilotlines,disconnect tubingnuts and remove oilot lines. out Pull the
thermocouple of the pilot burner unionnut and unscrewthe retaining assembly (82) from the switch box. Remove the 2 retainingscrews (Bl) and pull out the
switchbox. Notethe colourcodes of the wiring and pull the AMP plugs from the micro switches. Reassemblein reverseorder. Check - earth continuity - polarity
- resistance earth to FOR BRITISH accordingto INSTRUCTIONS GAS MULTIMETER. Checkconnections gas soundness. for 40 v ""0 3? i:Hl""lsa :g:tiand3
bY ffi:t'ru1"1 rePrace 'm#,lx;l*:w',?::#3 valve stuffing box 8.
24 Change of FFD order' in Reassemble reverse - earthcontinuity Check a"ft'$it'''-+?JU"JF'"*nn""'ionsforgassoundness' 6nJ"n - PSlflillset:f,S,l, ,o" BR,''H L
Fig.83 {, buttons 8.25Changeof FFDPush 8'23' under asoutlined ""t""" "" t*itch box push (ffi) andpulloutthe io" llm; buttonto the tront' order' in
Reassemble reverse Check - earth.

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VCW 25 1 T3W user guide
continuity - polarlry B3 "A rtb b'ln-s+4"t3;'gKs BRrrrsH FoR """.rdi[ 6nsvuirtuEren' gassoundness' for 6n""n "onn""tions Fig.84 -f b t
;:flJfl:iin[i'f,lst;'igslas':n?"1"J':: F 6io"t' utinga newwasher' for coniections gassoundness' Checx l. Ynllli valve 8'26 Changeol Pilot (85) spring tn.
ofuq(84)andp9l!gut Unscrew 8.
27 Change of thermo-magnet Removethe switch box as outlinedunder8.23. Removemicro-switch assemblyby unscrewing the 2 retaining screws (88).
Skaighten tap washer (B9),unscrewretaining (B10),pull nut out thermo-magnet (B11) carefully. Reassemblein reverseorder. Check - earth continuity Polarity
- resistance to earth accordingto INSTRUCTIONS FOR BRITISH GAS MULTIMETER. Check connections gas soundness. for <G> .- 3 rig.e6 8.

28 To open the control box lsolatethe appliancefrom the electricalmains. Open the main terminal box by removingthe retainingscrew (C1).Remove the four
retainingscrews (C2). Lift up the switch box and pull out slowly the control box cover complete with the switch board, printed circuit and terminal board. Pull
off the multiple plugs from the printed circuit. Reassemblethe box in reverse order. When replacing the screws, position the 2 star washersdiagonallyto the
screws. <88 8.29 Change of main swilch board Take off the switch board as outlined under 8.28.
Disconnect the mains cable from the terminals.Unscrewthe 2 retainingscrews (C3) and removethe p.c.b.withthe mainswitchfrom the crontrolbox cover.
Reassemblein reverseorder. Check - earth continuity - polarity - resistance earth to accordingto INSTRUCTIONS FOR BRITISH GAS MULTIMETER, b "v4r(
Fig.BB ,z-4.t - 42 8.30Changeof micro-switchesof water section switch box Opencontrol as in 8.
28andremove screw the box as in 8.23.Remove adjustment assembly. (C5) and take off the microswitch PulloffAMPplugs(C4). in order. Reassemble reverse
Check - earthcontinuity - PolaritY - resistance earth lo FOR to according INSTRUCTIONS BRITISH GASMULTIMETER. o 8.31Changeof overheatcut-off
device the box Openthecontrol as in 8.28andremove box switch as in 8.23.

Pull off the 2 plugs(CG)and the earthlead, removethe saddleclip (C7),pull the sensor (3, fig. 52) out of the main heat exchanger. screws(C8),release the
Unsciew 2 retaining cut-offdevice. grommet fromboxand remove in order. Reassemble reverse Check - earthcontinuity - Polarity - resistance earth to FOR to
according INSTRUCTIONS BRITISH GASMULTIMETER. for connections gassoundness. Check ) L rt 8.32Changeof electronic P'c.b' under8.28.
box as outlined Openthe control screw (C9) on the left Uirscrewthe retaining is box.P.c.b. heldon handsideof the control key-holeslot, pull p.
c.b. forward and to the and Pull right. off multiplug whitelead. in Reassemble reverseorder and ensurethe p. located the lefthandsideof plastic on peg. Check - earthcontinuity - polarity - resistance earth to FOR to according INSTRUCTIONS BRITISH
GASMULTIMETER. 8.33Ghangeof expansionvessel 8.33.1Domesticwater side Disconnect the tubing nut (W1), unscrew bracket securing screwandremove
expansion vesselcomplete with bracket. Unscrew vessel from bracket.Reassemble new domestic with waterexpansion vesselin reverse order.

8.33.2Heatingsystem open flued appliances Disconnect flue at splitcollar.Remove the 2 screwsand nuts,securing upperretaining the frame.Lift rear of frame
clear of side frames and rest it on top of draughtdiverter.Remove screwssecuringdraughtdiverterand remove together with upperretaining frame.Remove
draughtdiverterretaining frame by removing the 2 retaining screws.Undothe union nut (W3),movetheexpansion vesselupandtakeit off. Reassemble
reverseorder,takingcare in thatthe expansion vesselis correctly fixedinto the2 supports. newwasher, necessary.
Use if \_) 8.33.3Heatingsystem balancedflued appliance lsolateelectrical mains and removemains cable.Closeoff water and gas servicecocks
anddraintheappliance outlined 8.1.
2. as in Disconnectflow and return connectionsat joints on top of service cock. compression Disconnectgas connectionat compression joint on top of gas
cock.Disconnect domestic hot and coldconnections diaphragm on body. Slacken locking nuts on flow and return connections.
Removenuts from bolts (1 in fig. 14) on terminal/duct assemblyRerirove boilerfrom wall. Disconnect sleevenut (W3) and removeexpansion vessel.Reassemble
in reverseorder,takingcare that the expansion vesselis correctly fixedto the 2 supports. : 44 8.34 Change ol thermometer Pull the temperature sensor (U3) out
of the sensor tube. Press the 2 tongues into the thermometerand pull it out to the front side' Reassemblein reverseorder. ) t 8.35 Change of manometer
Disconnectthe tubing nut (U1) ot the control line and removethe fixing nut (U2). Reassemblein reverseorder.

ffi\ v A w S b t ^ 8.36Changeol systembYPass Close off flow and returnservicecocks and in as boiler outlined 8.1.2' drain the 2 union nuts (V) and remove
Unscrew the holding topol the Unscrew 3 screws valve. or the valve. Renew diaphragm spring as nut' Do necessary. not movespringadjusting in Reassemble
reverse order, using new wasners. 9 Fault Finding 9.1 Sheet 1: Check of Flame Failure Device and Thermocouple b rsgas pressure available? Push green
button and light Pilot. Can Pilot be lit? De-aeratePilot Gas Pipe by unscrewing Pilot Adlustmdnt Screw.
ls Pilot Gas Pipe de-aerated? Check clean, or if necessary, Gas Pilot Filter Pilot and Jet. CheckPilotflamecorrect size. Check Thermo' Tip isclean. Check in
Dositioned flame. Recitify any fault.
46 button Releas:green afterabout 10seconds. - DaesPitot Flame re-main \ z Adiustment ot PilotFlame and Themocouple Gheck Thermocouple Vohage (min.
15 mV DC). (Open circuit). Voltage satisfactory? i 9.
2 Sheet 2: Check Electricity Supply inElectrical SystemChecksas containedin the B.G.C.multimeter IMPORTANT:The preliminary structionbook are the first
electricalchecks lo be canied out during a fault findingprocedure.On completion of the service/faultfinding task which has requiredthe breaking and
remakirtgof electricalconnectionsthen the checks - A. Earth Continuity,C. Polarityand D. Resistanceto Earth - must be repeated. PreliminaryElectlical System
Checks accordingto Instructions for BritishGas Multimeter. Push Main Switch into posilion l.

Replacefaulty Neon and refil Main Switch Cover. Replacefarlty P.C.B. with Main Switch. ReI. to note 1. 48 Cheek Operalingol HeatingSystem (Sheet3) Check
Operationot DomesticHot Water System (Sheel 6) Check switch lor DomesticHot Water (She6t5) Note 1 : Detach the Jollowing parts oithe control box: -
unscrew the cover of the terminal box - unscrew upper part ot control box (2 screws) and press it a little bit upwards - unscret/v knob of boiler thermostat -
unscrew front panel ot control box with switch group - pull off multicontactplugs Aand B - remove printed circuit by loosening the two screws beside the
switch group - install new orinted circuit 49 9.
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3. Sheet 3: Check Operation of Heating System (Do not use domestichot Water, switchfor domestichot water remainsin PositionZl) Can Pilot be Iit? Switch
give .
light? / Push HeatingSwitch into positionl. ' ls voltage \ 240 V AC trom ls Overheal CufOfi Device of OverheatCut-Off-Device @on P.CB tat'f 50 ls voltage
2ZIO VAC trom teminal Does Main Burner light? Flepeatthe tollowing checks: A. Earth Continuity. C.
Polarily. D. Besistanceto Earth accordingto Instructions for BritishGas Multimeter. Overheat *t :,t-Otf Device. eef.
lo note 2. Are external Thermostats tested? Go to sheet 4 -:Eck contacts d Overheat :loff Device. ai. to note 3. Fleplacefaulty Thermostat. note5. Check
that Multiplugs arid @ : ile clean, tight ild mrrectly :r:siti.cned. Ref.

note 4. Check external Thermostalsaccorclino ' to lnstructionstor BritishGas Multimeter. Note 2: For re.stting, press the black rubber butlon on right hand
side of control box behind the terminal box. Note 3: For this purpose, open the control box as describd in Note 1. The overheat cut-off device isiitt(i on right
hand side ofthe control box- Checkitthe flat plugs ofthe overheat cut-otl device are tight. Nole 4: For this purpose, open the control box as described in Note 1
Pull off the multicontact plugs A and B and check that not contact lugs are bent. It necessary, readiust contact iugS and reset multicontact plugs again. Note
5: To check, disconnecf contrclsystemlrom terminals 3 and 4, and replace with wire loopto run boiler in heating mode. 51 9.
4 Sheet 4: Check Electronic and Hydraulic System lsvoltage \ / 5tol5VDCatDC Check that MultiplugA connectionsare clean, tight and correctly positioned. ls
Multiplug A tested? Check that wire is connectedto Terminal l, ll or lll. ReL to note 10 Pull otf connection of NTC probe. Ref. to note 7.
ls NTC probe tested? Replacefaulty P.C.B. with Main Switch. Ref.
to note 1. z ls voltage' tol5VDCat Solenoid?Ref. to ls Micro Switchon FFD tested? Check grey connections on FFD Micro Switch lor 24OV AC from
Terminal5 to connections.Replace Micro Switch if faulty. Replacefaulty NTC probe. Check black connections on FFD Micro Switch clean, tight and correctly
oositionedtor 5 to 15 V DC from brown connectionon DC solenoidto black FFD connections.Reolace Micro Switch if faulty Ret. to note 8. Re{itconnection to
NTC probe. Hasfuseon Electronic P.

C.B. Replace0.25 Amp. fuse. Nole 6: The D.C.-voltage of 5-15 V is controlled at the supply terminals of the solenoid vatue. Attention! When the indicator the left, the measuring lines must be reversed.
On ignition ot the bumer there must be a D"C.-voltage ot 15 V. The voltaqe decroases flow io the according temperature until the electronic (at approx. 5. V
C.-voltage) tums oft the solenoid valve (dead) the burner and extinguishes. Note 7: Thls test shows whether the NTc-sensor has an inner shorl circuit
(resistance down at zero). For this purpose, pull the NTCsensor plug off when the (Jlow appliance is cool temperature less lhan 50'C). lf the electronic is
satisfactory, the appliance must operate.
Replacetaulty ElectronicP.C.B. Ref. to note 9. 52 Does Pumprun? DoesMaan Burnerlight? Repeatthe following cnecKS: A. EarthContinuity. C. Polarity. D.

Resistanceto Earth accordingto Instructtons for British Gas Multimeter. Are Pump Setting Terminals tested? Difterentral Valve tested? 240 V AC lrom
termrnal 5tol. faultY Replace DC Solenoid. connectlons on FFD tested? Checkpumpaccordrng to lnstructionstor Gas Multimeters, British 9. Procedure Move
Heating Switch Diaphragm ON-OFF-ON. pin on Difterential Valve has to move If OUT-lN-OUT. not, '1 . Clean Venturi 2. CheckDiaphragm at
differentialvalve and replace,jf necessary. Ref.
to note 11. Note 1O: Attention: External llnes must not be connected to the terminalsl, ll and lll (shortcircuit!) The black cable can be connected to terminal l,
ll or I ll ' It must be checked whether the black cable is connected tightlY enough Note11: lf the movement of the diaphragm pin cannot be checked optically.
the pressure ditferential switch must be removbd by unscrewing the 3 screws Do not unscrew the two connection tubes! Under perfect function the diaphragm
pin cannot be pushed back by hand, when pump oprates. lf lhis is, however, possible, the venturi tube' Pressure difierential iwitch, connectionstubes or pump,
must be checked. Special attention must be given to the tact that the venturi O-ring ist nol damaged.
) .! Attention! Pull otf the NTC-plug for a short time only because the normal temperalure control is In out of functionin that position. this case the applianceis
only protectedby the overheatcutoff device. Note 8: For this purpose, open the control box as described in Note 1. Unscrew the pilot gas tubes of the
thermoelectric casing and check it the black cables oJ the micro switch are tight.
AfteMards installpilotgas tubes again the control box. check the fineBefore re-assembling wire tuse of the eleitronic. lf necessary. replace it' Attach plugs A
and B again and re-assemble control box. 9: For this purpose, open control box as described in f.fote f . Pull'off the multicontactplugs A and B The electronic-
printed circuit can be removed .by unscrewind the cross-recessed head screw on the left hand siddof the control box. Pull out the printed iircuit towards the
front and pull off the multicontact plug as well as the white cable. Install the electronic-printed circuit in reverse order' RE t"9.

5 Sheet5: GheckSwitch for DomesticHot Water "O" (Heating Switchin position do not usedomestic Water) hot Can Pilot be lit? -Does Pilot lamp in Main
Switchgive 1 light? - SetSwitch for Domestic Water Hot position to I Go to sheet 2 Device(Ret. to note 2) and check connections n if no voltaqe240 V from
lermin;l 5 to 4. Check Micro Switch M1 by drawing hot water. Micro Switch M1 has to be actuated(closed)bv Switch Lever.Observ6 piston rising!Adjustor
Micro SwitchM 1 no voltage240 V AC from terminal4 to 5 Bel. to note 12 54 i - ls voltage 240VAClrom Does Main Bumer light? Repeatthe tollowing i
checks: A. Earth Continuity C. Polarity. D. Resistanceto Earth accordingto lnstructions lor BritishGas Multimeter.
NO Go to sheet 4 ls Overheat Cut-O'tf Device Switch M1 on llow switch tested? check that MultiplugA connstions ile clean, tight and corectly oositioned. M1
"summei'is onlycontrolled microswitch ol theflowswitch' by.the Note | 2: Thetunction the iug mustoperate microswitch hot Duringdomestic
t"t"iiiii'JtioiiinJi6itlct Ml (close). @@Does . @@@@Ooen the warm water tap.
With a water flow.quantity ol approx. 1 l/min. @@lf the switch pin of the wdter section does not hove, the water section must be removed and checked
(diaphragm). lf the micro switch does not operate despite the fact that the switch pin moves, the switch lever must be readiusted.

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VCW 25 1 T3W user guide
For this, unscrewthe support ofthe micro switch and push itdownward until the switch lever contacts thetop oiwater section. Fix the suOport in this Dosition.
56 - lsvoltage \ 240 V AC from Does Main Burnet NO 4 Rpeatthe tollowing checlG: A. EarthContinurty. C. Polarity. D. Resistanceto Earth accordingto
Instructions tor BritishGas Mullimeter. lsWater Slection tested? Swkh off electricRy, tmove Control Box Cover. Ooen and close hot water iap.

Diaphragm Din of waler seclion has to move up and down. Draw otf one l/min. and Pin has to be in upper positjon. lf not, clean Water Sedion according
seruicing instructions. Ref. to note 14. Switch on eleeticity. - ' lsvoltage 240 V AC trom Close Control Box. ls Micro Swildt acluated? Adiust Swilch Lever by
slac*ening screw in elongated hole. Bet.
to Note 14. t Beplace Micro Switch. ls voltaoe\ 240VAC?om 57 VCW-sine 18 TgW U6 IUIt(vl! lValllantl vcw20/1T3w vcw2s/1T3w L-- OVERHEAT CUT-
OFFDEVICE DIFE PRESSSWITCH HEATING (DOM.HOT WATER) SWITCH 412 br FLOWSWITCH A1 to A12 = M u l t i p l u gA 81 to 811 = M u l t i p l
u gB E1 to E12 = Multiplug Electronic Single Plug on Electronic T 2 t o T s = Terminals bkl to bks= Black Wire with Marking Number 810 gv TIME FROST
DEVICE I z cc F o U J Fig.
99 i o 59 Fig. 100 12 11 E 3 9 Fig.103 9 o Fig. 105 60 10 Short Part list Key No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 '13 '14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Description diaphragm washer diaphragm overheatcut-offdevice flowthermometer pressuregaugq switchboard screw support piezo-unit knob screw
automaticairvent expansionvessel draughtdiverter sidepanelrighthand sidepanellefthand frontpanel centresection door support protec{ioncap burnercomplete
thermocouple knobcomplete cover ductboltcomplete high tension lead PartNumber G.
C. Number 01-0318 98-0151 02-0220 10-1363 10-1002 10-1008 13-0132 07-0334 08-6165 09-1008 14-3935 14-0012 06-1704 18-1001 07-3965 07-3966
07-1143 07-3730 07-1144 07-3729 07-1043 07-4161 07-1044 20-8619 07-1046 07-4008 15-4n5 07-2306 04-4563 o4-45U 17-1125 11-4208 11-4209 07-2313
094102 08-4432 262329 262335 262356 262494 263906 262907 262489 263986 263987 262488 263935 263950 262418 262419 262446 262427 262425
262426 262437 .263973 262439 263974 262433 263976 262416 262398 262382 262383 262402 262477 262478 262223 262216 262215 vcw...20 vcw...25

.20, VCW-sine 18 vcw...25 VCW...20, VCW-sine 18 VCW-sine 18 vcw...

20,25 VCW-sine 18 vcw...20.25 VCW-sine 18 vcw.
..25 vcw...
20,25 VCW...20 NaturalGas VCW...25 NaturalGas green red 61 11 TechnicalData Type Nominalheatingcapacrty VCW 2011 T3W 24 (81 e00) (86,4) 31
(105800) (1 1,6) 1 34 14x7h30 9 , 0( 3 , 6 1 ) VCW 2 5 1T 3 W 1 )64 VCW-sine18 T3W (66500) (7O,2) (BTU/h) (MJ/h) (e0800) Nominalheatinginput (basedon
gross C.V.) Pilotburnerjetsize lorNG Main burnerjetsize IorNG (1212OO) t1t7 A\ 26 (88700) (e3,6) 40 12x1 125 1 0 , 6( 4 , 2 6 ) (Bru/h) (MJ/h) marKrng
numberx mark mbar (in WG) Vh ( l m p .G a l .

/ h ) ft) MJ/m3(BTU/cu. m3/h(c.f.m.) 34 16x7/1 30 9 , 0( 3 , 6 1 ) ! pressure Burner setting Minimumwaterllowlor "C rise heating system 20 1000 (222\ G20
39,9(1070) 2,95(1,741 24 (1365) 7,6 (1,67) 0,26 (0,057) 125 (5) 1250 G20 (0 s9,9 1 70) ( 3 , 3 8 1, 9 9 ) 26,6 ( 15 13 ) Aq (1,87) 900 (200) G20 (o 39.9 1 7o) (
2.47 1,45) 19,5 (1109) gas Delivered (s.t.p.) GrossC.
V. (s.r.c.) Gasconsumption Nominal capacity for domesticwater Nominalcapacity(waterf low) ofdomesticwater Water capacity ol heat exchanger Nominalsize
oftlue pipe Max.
nominal flowtemperature Milimum total watercapacity of heating system (cold 1)) forsealedsystem Maximum water pressure Minimumstatic head for open
heatingsystem Minimumwater pressure for domestic water supplyof 1 l/min. for Pump pressureavailable central heating system as about appliance delivered
UPS 18-60 sparehead about Weigth Electric connection Voltage Input internalFuse externalFuse (BTU/min) limin(45 K rise) ( l m p .G . / m .8 1 ' F r i s e I ( l
G a l . ) mm (in.) 0,30 (0,066) 6,2 (1,36) o,26 (0,057) 90(1s4) "c fF) 260(57,2\ 1 O( 1 4 2 J 0 , 1 5( 2 , 1 3 ) l ( l m p .G a l . ) b a r( P . S . l . ) b a r( P . S . l .

) o,2(2.84) b a r( P . S . l . ) f, 0,25 (8,4) 0,205 (6,9) 59 (130) 60 (132) 68 (15ol bar (feet) bar (feet) kg (pound) VlHz Amp (slow) Amp (slow) 240/50 120 2 3 1)
For systems havinga largerwater capacityan additional expansionvessel can be installedeasily.Subjectto alteration. Tel.0634-712868(Sales)
Te|.038491816(Sales) (S ( Te|.0634-712844 ervice) Te|.
0384{93368 Seruice) in en 0891b - Printed Germany lmprimd Allemagne Headquariers Vaillant Ltd. VaillantHouse Medway City Estate Trident Close
Rochester/Kent MEz 4 EZ Central Region Office Vaillant Ltd. Unit 5 Providence lndustrial Estate Providence Street Lye, Stourbridge West Midlands DY 9 8
HO Northern Region Otfice Vaillant Ltd. VaillantBuilding Euroway Estate Wharfedale Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD 4 6 SB ret.0274-688322
(Sales/Seruice) .

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VCW 25 1 T3W user guide

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