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Chapter Two

Debris (p 13)- Bits and pieces of a structure #3: Properties and Characteristics

P.O.S.- Noun Definition: scattered pieces of waste or remains

There was so much debris left from the burnt down tower that people where stuck under the debris.

Dignity (p 14)- Something that has pride #4: Examples

P.O.S.- Noun Definition: a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect

He thinks it is beneath his dignity to help around the house and watch the kids.

Provocation (p 13)- In the slightest way #4: Examples

P.O.S.- Noun Definition: testing to elicit a particular response or reflex

In the slightest provocation, Jack’s arm will be cut off because he is doing surgery.

Coaxing (p 13)-persuading someone #2: Synonym

P.O.S.- Noun Definition: persistent gentle persuasion

After the coaxing, Tasha admitted that she robbed the store and killed 26 innocent people during the

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