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Anatomy & Physiology



Go to the following website:

Click on Integumentary System and answer the following questions:

1. What structures are associated with the integumentary system?

2. What are the functions of the integumentary system?

3. What part does the skin play in your immune system?

4. How does the integumentary system interact with the digestive system?

5. Why is it that patches placed on the skin can be used to deliver medications to the bloodstream?

6. What role does your skin play in the regulation of body temperature?

7. How important is your skin for the functioning of the nervous system?

Click on Cutting Dead Cells, answer the following question

8. What parts of the integumentary system are made up of dead epidermal cells?

Click on execratory system, answer the follow questions

9. What is the purpose of the excretory system?

10. What primary organs are involved in the excretion process?

11. What types of waste products are removed through the skin?

Second website:
Anatomy & Physiology

Follow the directions and answer the following questions.

12. List and describe the five layers of the epidermis.

13. Where is the epidermis and dermis located in relationship to each other?

14. What types of tissues/cells are found in the dermis?

15. List the two types of sweat glands and explain the difference between the two.

16. What role do sebaceous (oil) glands play in the skin?

17. What is the job of the erector pili muscle? How is this related to the phenomenon called “goosebumps”?

18. What are hair follicles? Where do hair cells get their color?

19. Where is the hypodermis? What is the hypodermis composed of?

20. What types of sensations do sensory receptors detect? What is the function of the sensory receptors?
Anatomy & Physiology
Third website:;

21. How do sunless tanners work?

22. Do they change me permanently?

23. What is the chemical involved?

24. Is it safe?

25. What precautions do I have to take when I go to a spray tan place?

Keep on going….

26. Will it protect me from sunburn?

27. Will it protect me from cancer?

28. What does SPF mean?

Just keeps getting better!!

Anatomy & Physiology

29. What is the difference between freckles and moles?

30. Are all moles cancer?

31. Will all moles turn into cancer?

32. What does my son need to look for if his moles change?

33. Am I born with all the moles I’ll ever get? If not, when will I probably stop getting them?

34. Will my moles ever go away on their own?

35. How can I get rid of them if I don’t like the way they look or feel against my clothes?

You’ll never think about tanning the same again! Sorry/Not Sorry:
36. They say we don’t need to wear goggles because the beds are safe. Is this true? If not, what kind of eye
damage can you suffer from a tanning bed?
37. Will tanning beds affect the way that a person ages?
38. Are tanning beds really safer than the sun?

39. What are the types of UV radiation? Which is the most dangerous? Why?

40. Is it a good idea to get a “base-tan” before going on vacation?

Wrinkle cream FTW!
Anatomy & Physiology
41. How does skin change as we age?
42. What’s up with the tan accelerators? How do they work?
43. My twin sister (the indoor one) seems to have fewer wrinkles than I do. What does sun do to the
epidermis? What does sun do to the dermis?

But seriously, it is important to be cognizant of the dangers of not wearing sunscreen.
44. What are the three skin cancer types? How are the skin cancers different from each other?

45. What is the most common type of skin cancer and is it the most dangerous?

46. What are the 8 types of skin cancer treatment?
47. What are the chances of skin cancer reoccurrence?
48. Is there genetic link to skin cancer? If so, which chromosomes are involved?
49. What are five of the risk factors for melanoma?

50. What are five risk factors for basal and squamous cell carcinoma?

Finally, (which I’m sure you are saying in your heads at this point…)

51. One thing you learned from this assignment, and as always, feedback please!
Anatomy & Physiology

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