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Name: Porras, Shailyn B.

Course: BSNED III- Generalist

Subject: SNECSE

ECE Teacher
Some people think that Early Childhood Education (ECE) teacher is just baby sitter to
the children but they are just more than that. ECE teacher is a profession that works
with children who aged 3-6 years old (early childhood stage). ECE teacher educate and
teach children academically, physically, emotionally and socially in developing their
skills that is important to prepare them in going to formal education. ECE teacher
provides children an opportunities to grow and develop, to build a good relationship
most especially in family, to work as a team and to work in the community.
SPED Teacher
Special Education teacher is intended to educate student with special needs under
primary and secondary level in a way that addresses their unique needs to bring out
their fullest potential. SPED teacher adapt the general education curriculum and
implement it to the students with special needs. Also, SPED teacher is responsible for
assessing, developing, implementing, and monitoring appropriate classroom behavior,
academic strategies and appropriate annual goals on each Individualized Education
Program (IEP).

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