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Name: Porras, Shailyn B.


Subject: SNECSE
Date: October 17, 2020

My Childhood Memories

This is the rice field where I spent most of time playing with my childhood friends
together with the community planting rice during rainy season and harvesting it during
summer. It is about 1km away from our home. The memories here was already
engraved in my mind. It was like yesterday were rice field was made for our playground,
were rice paddy is our sliding area, rice straw is our jumping area and were mud
became our gadgets. It used to have hut beside the rice field were the rice planters take
rest and eat their lunches but it was already destroyed due to oldness . Every Sundays,
me and my childhood friends do the picnic here. It was decided to be Sunday due to the
fact that our mothers go to the market to buy groceries. In short, Sunday is the market
day of our municipality. At around 3pm, we gathered in our house (it is the nearest
house going to the rice field) to pack and arrange our foods. Our feet are so happy
taking steps going to the rice field where distance no longer matter. In the hut, we ate
our foods with the taste of stories, soup of laughter, and drink of jokes. It was the best
recipe I ever had. Another unforgettable moment in the rice field was we made a trap for
the bird. It was my first time and last time to make it. After two hours, the bird was
trapped. We were so happy back then, enjoying the last hour of the bird. We cooked it
in a coconut shell and just leave it there for no reason. We are so evil in that part. When
darkness slowly approaching, we went home bringing memories that happen in a short
period of time but its quality lasts longer.
Currently, me and my childhood friends don’t see each other personally like how we
used to. We are already busy making our career for the future. We only communicate
and update each other through the use of social media. I am longing in those moments
with them. I hope we can all have time even just a day to reunite again. Even so, I love
those people. The friendship that we have is irreplaceable.

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