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March 15, 2022


My recent summer vacation was when my family decided to visit my grandparent’s village. It is situated
away from the city and is full of lush and greenery. I love spending time with my grandparents, so I was
very excited to visit their village.

We were there for about two weeks, and I was on my best behavior the entire time. I used to get up at
7:00 a.m. every morning to go for a walk with my grandfather. Then everyone in the family would get
together for a breakfast consisting of healthy foods and fresh fruits from a local farm. My siblings and I
used to play games on the patio back then. We would also spend all night gazing at their stars, which we
didn't get in the city. My summer vacation was spent in this manner. It was one of the most enjoyable
periods of my life. I was able to gain new knowledge and spend quality time with my grandparents. I
consider myself fortunate to have a wonderful family with whom I can spend my summer.

Ann Raylin Grace C. Modina

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