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Daniela Quiroz

Grupo: 1663
A memorable event in your life. (Good or bad)

My best birthday

The best birthday was when I traveled to Buenos Aires; it really surprised
me in many aspects.
My mom surprised me the morning of my birthday because she had left me
a balloon with an envelope in the door of my room, I went to answer the call
of my best friend and to see that envelope in my door I took it, then hung up
and opened the envelope and was the ticket to travel to Buenos Aires.
I was very happy because I had not traveled abroad, that week I had to
prepare everything for the trip, buy more coats because it was autumn in
Buenos Aires.
I have traveled by plane several times but not for so many hours, it was 6
hours in direct flight. In that flight there was enough turbulence, I was very
scared and I was a little sick, however we arrived at our destination. Buenos
Aires welcomed us with rain, but in the afternoon everything changed and
the weather was beautiful, we were able to enjoy a week of its climate, its
culture, its gastronomy, its landscapes. When I arrived in Guayaquil my
sisters welcomed me, they were smiling at seeing me so happy.
I am very grateful to my parents for that birthday, they did everything for
me to have fun, they are the best I have and I love them so much because
they always want to see me happy.

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