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When I opened the letter, I found a plane ticket with my name on it.

I was really surprised

because the destination was to Greece. The first time I thought it was a gift from my mother because
she's with these big presents, but later I found out that my fiancé was planning a real surprise for me. At
that moment I was overwhelmed by thousands of emotions: relieved, shocked, ashamed.

He knew very well how much I wanted to go there with him so I was very happy with this
surprise. The plane ticket was the next day, so I had to pack my bags and think with emotion and hope
for tomorrow. The night passed very hard. I woke up with breakfast prepared by my fiancé and the
house smelling of coffee. We ate, enjoyed our coffee and went to the airport very excited.

The flight was very fast, maybe because I was very thoughtful about what was to come. Finally, I arrived
on the island where I was expected with music, a red carpet covered with some white roses, and at the
end of the carpet he was waiting for me. He knelt down and said those words: Will you marry me?

I was overwhelmed by all kinds of feelings, I cried and through tears I said YES with all my heart. My life
has taken a different shape since then. I am very happy and proud of him and of him.

And so ... from a plane ticket with my name on it, a whole story started.

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