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The longest trip of my life

On a sunny day in October it was Betty´s birthday. This day she had gotten up very tired
due to the activities she had done the day before, tired she got out of bed and went to bathe.
When leaving bathing she chose to wear a pretty yellow dress with white flowers. When she
left the room her parents surprised her singing “Happy Birthday” with a cake in her hands,
she excitedly blew out the candles and then they went to have breakfast. They were eating
and chatting. When her mother got to the kitchen and she told her…
- At 12 o'clock your friends and family would come.
Betty a hurry got up from the table on a hurry since it was 11.30 and had to get ready.
Already prepared low and met her family and friends.
After greeting everyone, she began to open the gifts, when the time came when her parents
had to give her a gift, they gave him a small red box with a golden ribbon when she opened it,
she was surprised to see what was inside, inside the little box was her passport without
understanding wonder…
- Why is my passport in there?
Here mother answered her.
- Since you are turning your sweet sixteen years and you have been wanting to take a trip
with your friends to New Orleans for a long time, we decided to give you a trip with them.
Betty happily answered her.
- Thank you very much.
After celebrating her friends and family they left and she went to sleep happy for her great
birthday present.


Today was the day, her parents had left her at the airport with her friends and her parents had
started their way to her grandparents´ house, which was two states from their. The flight left
at 3.30 p.m. it was 3.27 p.m. everyone started running to get there. Upon reaching the part
where you had to deliver the ticket, the stewardess told them that the flight had already
departed that the next flight was leaving on November 5, five days after they had to be to get
to the festival which was October 31 celebrating Halloween. They were all desperate because
they couldn't get on the plane and they didn't know how to get back home since that day no
transport passed and Betty´s parents were far away. Desperate they decided to go to the road
to wait for a van where everyone would enter and take them to New Orleans.
After having waited a long time a camper van stopped next to them from there under an
elderly couple and told them.
- Do you want me to take them? We also go to the Halloween Festival in New Orleans.
Robert a friend of Betty answered.
- Yes please, i hope it is not too much trouble.
- No, it´s not a bother- The couple answered.
The road was very good and fun, it was full of music that they chose and jokes.
Upon arriving it New Orleans they discovered that they and the elderly couple were staying
at the same hotel, it was a great coincidence.
After leaving the things in each of their rooms, they realized that it was already night and at
that moment outside in the streets the Halloween festival was being celebrated, they quickly
went down the stairs, something that was very funny since one of the Betty´s friends almost
fell down the red stairs.
When they arrived at the festival they began to observe that everything was very colorful, just
as Betty had imagined it, the people with stilts and funny masks passed by them and
Halloween- themed cards passed through the avenues.
At the end of the night they went to see the fireworks on the balcony of the hotel rooms, there
were white…
remembering that Betty went to sleep.

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