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Felizedad Evento



1. Pre-Event Surveys
We made a pre-event survey asking about their opinions on the event and it was
disseminated to the students of tourism and hospitality management.

2. Theme
"Unlocking Youth's Potential through New Normal"
The purpose of Felizedad Evento's theme "Unlocking Youth's Potential through New
Normal" is building a new life opportunities and potential through online. In which
somehow people may have experiencing struggles and frustration by dealing everything
through online. Futhermore, the new normal is quite challenging for everyone but
Felizedad Evento is here to guide and encourage the youth and give them some great
tips on how to survive the new normal by having informative statements and
entertainment programs. Therefore, Felizedad Evento aims to make a difference while
adapting to changes in this new normal.

The image presented as a proof that majority of the class voted for “Unlocking Youth’s
Potential through New Normal”
3. Data Privacy & Security
Felizedad Evento respects and values your privacy. This Privacy Policy is made to inform
you on how we collect and process your personal information. These will be collected
during your registration via Google Forms.
We collect and process your Personal Data for Registration, attendance, Guest speaker
(for promotion), and also to keep the participants up to date. The personal data includes
Full name, E-mail address, Contact number and occupation (for the Guest Speaker). We
will only keep the details before and during the event. Any information will be deleted
right after.
Under RA10173, people whose personal information is collected, stored, and
processed are called data subjects. Organizations who deal with your personal details,
whereabouts, and preferences are dutybound to observe and respect your data privacy
rights. If you feel that your personal data has been misused, maliciously disclosed, or
improperly disposed, or if any of the rights discussed here have been violated, the data
subject has a right to file a complaint with us.

4. Solicitation
We asked for help from the treasurer of the PLMBS council regarding if we can solicit
from other organizations, alumni, city hall and barangays and how. For now, we made a
solicitation letter ready to be given out if once we are allowed.

5. Academic Calendar

6. Vision
Felizedad Evento's vision is to make our event desirable, significant, meaningful,
informative, useful and can be an impactful and memorable experience to our attendees
- because this may help the essence of our identity and provide them with the guiding
principles to our behavior and also the relationships we have with them.

7. Mission
 To democratize the creation, access, and use of tourism knowledge of scholars among
industry, government, academia, and small host communities.
 This event will be helpful to them in their future careers.
 To supply a reasonable yet unforgettable experience for our participants.
8. Sponsorship Agreement
This Sponsorship Agreement is made and entered by and between Felizedad Evento and
the sponsors. We will provide the sponsorship agreement to our sponsors through

To be done:

Results of Pre-Event Survey

Post-Event Survey

Registration Forms


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