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a. I promise to learn more about my career.

b. I offer to help my family.

c. I plan to play soccer tomorrow.

d. I hope to see you soon friend.

e. I decide to create more projects for my career.

How much

b. She eating many fruits.

How many

She drinks a lot of water.

How many

She doesn’t do much exercise.

How much

She doesn’t take any cups of tea.

How many

She doesn’t eat many cookies.

How much

She eats quite a lot of cheese.



I promise to learn more about my career.

I offer to help my family.
I plan to play soccer tomorrow.
I hope to see you soon friend.
I decide to create more projects for my career.
He doesn’t smoke many cigarettes
She eating many fruits.
She drinks a lot of water.
She doesn’t do much exercise.
She doesn’t take any cups of tea.
She doesn’t eat many cookies.
She eats quite a lot of cheese.
I learned about themes verbs with -ing endings and there is /
there are

I have learned it through the module and videos

I felt bad because I don't dominate well verbs

the activity that I liked the most are the two themes

I suggest to practice

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