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1. Food (n) /  /fuːd/: thức ăn
2. Health (n) /helθ/: sức khoẻ
 Healthy (adj): khoẻ
 Unhealthy (adj): không khoẻ
Ex: Food and health
3. Apple (n) /ˈæp.əl/: quả táo
4. Bean (n) /biːn/: đậu
5. Egg (n) /eɡ/: quả trứng
6. Water (n) /ˈwɔː.tər/: nước
7. Juice (n)  /dʒuːs/: nước ép

Ex: I’ve also got an apple / egg and some water / juice

8. Bread (n) /bred/: bánh mì

9. Rice (n) /raɪs/: lúa, gạo, cơm
10. Meat (n) /miːt/: thịt
11. Vegetable (n) /ˈvedʒ.tə.bəl/: rau/

Ex: We often have rice / bread with meat and vegetables for lunch at school.

12. Burger (n) /ˈbɜː.ɡər/: bánh hamburger

13. Sandwich (n)  /ˈsæn.wɪdʒ/: bánh mì xăng đuých

Ex: I’m making a sandwich / burger for my lunchbox

14. Cheese (n) /tʃiːz/: phó mát

15. Salad (n) /ˈsæl.əd/: rau trộn
16. Pasta (n) /ˈpɑː.stə/: mì ống
17. Chips (n) /tʃɪps/: khoai tây chiên
18. Fish (n) /fɪʃ/: cá

Ex: I’m having fish and chips with some salad / pasta and bread / cheese. Tasty

19. Chicken (n) /ˈtʃɪk.ɪn/: gà

20. Crisps (n) /krɪsp/: khoai tây rán
21. Nuts (n) /nʌts/: Hạt
22. fizzy drink (n) /ˈfɪz.i drɪŋk/ : nước có ga, sủi bọt

Ex: They’ve got healthy snacks like nuts / crisps and they sell juice, not water / fizzy drinks.

23. Soup(n) /suːp/: canh

24. Sweets (n) /swits/: đồ ngọt

Ex: Today we’re serving soup

25. Train (v) /treɪn/: tập luyện

Ex: They get up early and train from 5 a.m, until about 1 p.m
26. Dish (n)  /dɪʃ/: đĩa (đựng thức ăn), món ăn

Ex: They have a special dish

27. Vitamin (n) /ˈvaɪ.t̬ ə-/: khoáng chất, sinh tố

Ex: It’s full of vitamins and there isn’t much fat in it.

28. Enormous (adj) /əˈnɔːr.məs/: lớn, khổng lồ

29. Bowl (n)  /boʊl/: cái bát

Ex: They eat enormous quanmtities – sometimes six or seven bowls- and then maybe five bowls
of rice.

30. Dessert (n) /diˈzəːt/: món tráng miệng

31. Fit (adj) /fit/: mạnh khoẻ; sung sức
 Unfit (adj): không sung sức
32. Hungry (adj) /'hʌɳgri/:  đói, cảm thấy đói
33. Ill (adj) /il/: ốm, bệnh
34. Lazy (adj) /ˈleizi/: lười nhác
35. Thirsty (adj) /'θə:sti/: khát; làm cho khát
36. Tired (adj) /'taiəd/:  mệt, mệt mỏi, nhọc


1. Countable and uncountable nouns:

a. Countable nouns: we use with “a, an, plural forms, much, many, a lot of, some (Affirmative),
any (Negative and Interrogative)”
Ex: There aren’t many grapes
b. Uncountable nouns: we use with “much, many, a lot of, some (Affirmative), any (Negative and
Ex: There’s a lot of pasta.

2. Verb + “-ing”: the verb comes after like, prefer, hate, don’t mind
Ex: Do you prefer sitting on the sofa or going out?

3. Should / Shouldn’t: use to give advice / give an intruction.

Ex: She shouldn’t be lazy at school.

EXERCISE 1: Countable and uncountable nouns + some, any, a lot of, much, many

Look at the information about Carol. Then complete the text. Use some, any, much, many
and a lot of.

*** a lot of** some * not much / many

✗ any

Breakfast: juice ***milk ✗

Lunch: sandwiches **salad **pasta ✗
Snacks: crisps **sweets ✗

Dinner: meat **fishvegetables

* ***
Carol likes being healthy. She usually drinks a lot of juice for breakfast. She doesn’t drink
1____________ milk because she doesn’t like it. She often eats 2______sandwiches for lunch
or 3___________salad. She never eats 4__________pasta. She sometimes eats snacks.
She eats 5 crisps, but she doesn’t eat 6 sweets. She has her
main meal in the evening. She eats 7_________________vegetables for dinner, and she
eats 8 meat, but she doesn’t eat 9________ fish.

EXERCISE 2: much, many

Complete the questions with How much or How many
How many beans are there

How much milk do you drink for breakfast?

1. cheese is in this sandwich?

2. meat do you eat every week?
3. fizzy drinks does she usually have?
4. fruit is there in the bag?
5. snacks do they eat every day?
6. rice would you like?
7. sweets do you want?
EXERCISE 3: Verb + -ing

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
Joe and Emily love listening to music on their MP3 players. (love / listen)
1. We around the park with our friends. (like / cycle)
2. Ruth basketball at school. (not mind / play)
3. Mum and Dad in restaurants. (love / eat)
4. They for exams. (not like / revise)
5. I TV in the morning. (hate / watch)
6. Tony fizzy drinks. (like / drink)

EXERCISE 4: Order the words to make sentences and questions.

There is one extra word in each sentence.
love / football / boys / playing / to / the
 The boys love playing football.

1. getting / hates / up / the / Harry / early

2. at / Jill / doesn’t / weekends / having / mind / working
3. the / like / sea / at / you / in / do / swimming
4. don’t / to / cycling / school / like / I / doesn’t
5. do / is / they / what / like / school / after / doing / ?
6. loves / chips / eating / she / doesn’t ________________________________
7. Mark / the / like / football / does / playing / ?

EXERCISE 5: Imperatives
Complete the sentences with affirmative (✓) or negative (✗) imperatives.
Eat, sit, use, wait, ask, walk, swim, drink, play
Don’t play ball games here. ✗
1. for us! ✓
2. some fruit. ✓
3. a lot of fizzy drinks. ✗
4. on this chair. ✓
5. on the grass. ✗
6. your phone in class. ✗
7. your teacher a question. ✓
8. in the sea. It’s cold. ✗

EXERCISE 6: Choose the correct answers.

1. I’d like a sandwich, please.
a. rice b. cheese c. fizzy drink

2. I’m thirsty. Can I have some , please?

a. water b. salad c. pasta
3. are bad for your teeth.
a. Nuts b. Bread c. Sweets
4. Would you like some with your burger?
a. sweets b. apples c. chips
5. She doesn’t eat because she doesn’t like bread.
a. pasta b. sandwiches c. fish
6. You don’t eat much .
a. eggs b. juice c. meat

EXERCISE 7: Correct the words in bold.

Alice goes to the gym every day. She’s very unfit fit .

1. Gary’s diet is very healthy ______________. He never eats any fruit or

2. Jack feels well_____________. He’s in bed.
3. Are you thirsty_______________ ? There are some sandwiches in the
4. Susan is very lazy ______________ . She plays sport and she runs
every day.
5. Is there any water? I’m hungry ________ .

EXERCISE 8: Match the words 1–6 with the sentences a–f.

1. Well a. He’s got a good diet and he plays sport.
2. Lazy b. I want to go to sleep.
3. Healthy c. She isn’t ill.
4. Thirsty d. I want to eat some
5. Hungry e. We want to drink some water.
6. Tired f. I never tidy my room.

EXERCISE 9: Choose the correct words.

There isn’t any / some water in this bottle.

1. I always have a / an egg for breakfast.
2. How much / many cheese do we need?
3. There aren’t some / any beans in this meal.
4. There is a / some rice on the table.
5. We don’t eat many / much sweets.
6. I drink much / a lot of water.
7. Do you want a / many sandwich?
8. There are any / some sweets in that box.
9. How much / many eggs do you want?
10. How much / many eggs do you want?

EXERCISE 10: Complete the sentences. Use the -ing form of the verbs.
Do you like swimming? (swim)

1. I don’t mind ________________ with the housework. (help)

2. Tina doesn’t like _______________ up early. (get)
3. I like TV, but I prefer _________________ with friends. (chat)
4. I hate ______________________for the bus! (wait)
5. They like ____________________to the park. (go)
EXERCISE 11: Order the words to make affirmative and negative imperative sentences.

your / homework / finish

Finish your homework!

watch / TV / don’t
Don’t watch TV!
1. food / eat / healthy
2. be / late / don’t
3. the / to / teacher / listen
4. in / eat / class / don’
5. doctor / a / go / to

EXERCISE 12: Read the definitions. Write the words.

1. This fruit can be red, green or yellow. ________

2. You can make this snack with two pieces of bread and some cheese or meat. ________
3. This is the most common drink in the world. It’s usually free! ________
4. We get this food from the sea. ________
5. There’s a lot of sugar in these. They’re an unhealthy snack. ________

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