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Many parents think that it is good to teach children about the value of money.

Why do
you think it is important to teach them the value of money and in what ways can you
help children learn value of money?

Train of thought

Why is it important to teach value of How to teach it?

money?  make them buy stuff
 Pragmatically absolute necessity  make them work for the stuff they
 Over or under estimation of want
importance  part time jobs
 Motivate them to earn money

Guardians often feel that it is better to teach their wards about the importance of
money. The reason for the same along with the ways by which it can be taught is
discussed further in the essay.

Elders think that is an imperative to make children aware of the value of money to
give them the ability to handle it well and to motivate them to earn it. To further
expand, money is pragmatically an absolute necessity of life without which survival is
almost impossible. Without knowing its importance children might over or
underestimate its importance which may hurt them in long run. At the same time this
conversation helps to motivate the children to work hard to attain the material goals
of their life thus, acts as guide to ambitions also.

To make them realise the value of money, parents can indulge the children in various
activities like; putting them in charge of spending on something and making them
work for the things they want. While shopping, parents can make children negotiate
the price and pay the money, for the goods that are bought, so that children
understand the monetary value of goods. Moreover, parents must give their wards
money to buy things on condition that they work and earn the money for it, by doing
household chores. Parents can also let the children do part time jobs to make them
earn money by themselves.

To recapitulate, parents must let children know the value of money to facilitate their
future life and use the aforementioned ways to do the same. In long-term, this would
help the children to understand the management of most important asset of their life.

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