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Assessment strategy


 There will be three quizzes, one midterm and a term final exams. In addition, there will be a few
assignments and one presentation session. 60% of marks will be attributed to quizzes, midterm,
assignments, presentation, class attendance and participation.
Evaluation Policy:

 Class attendance and Participation: 7%

 Quizzes : 15%
 Assignment : 5%
 Presentation : 8%
 Mid Term Exam : 25%
 Term Final : 40%
 Mid term and term final exams will be held as per the exam schedule of the Department.
 No retake of quizzes will be held. For missed mid- term one should go through an official
 Assignments & Presentations must have to submit within the time limit given by the course
instructor. Please work in groups for the assignments and Presentation.

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