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Managing and leading may sometime interchange, because both have similar concept but what differs
leading from managing is that the leading is a process of influencing and supporting others to work with
enthusiasm and zeal toward achieving objective. Leadership is expected of any manager in charge of
any unit or division. In an organization, one must not only manage but it is vital to lead. With the
absence of effective leadership, there is a great a chance that a unit or division might not achieved its
desire objective.


1. PERSONAL DRIVE – Drive is a very important leadership trait each leader must possess because
of the possibility of failure in every attempt to achieved the desired goals. When one has
personal drive, he is willing to accept the responsibility, possess the vigorousness, initiative ,
persistence and perseverance to find other means even if it is preceded by successive failure. It
gives force to the leader to rise against all odds. As a cliché goes, “If there’s a will, there’s a way”

2. DESIRE TO LEAD – We all can be leaders but a certain trait which can be distinguished from an
effective leader is the desire to lead. The desire must come within the person not by influence of
others. There is a big difference when it comes within you the passion to lead, that you are there
not for the sake you are chosen but you, yourself desire to be there. Everything that is done
half-heartedly will result to half-finished tasks. When your subordinates feel the passion of you
leading, eventually, they will follow and trust you.

3. PERSONAL INTEGRITY – A leader must possess integrity. He must show uprightness and
soundness, moral principles and the quality of truthfulness and honesty. When no integrity is
shown, there will be difficulty in continuing to work with your subordinates as they feel that the
tasks can be done in a so-so way, that there is no need to complete various tasks. Integrity also
show the bearing of what kind of leader the person is.

4. SELF-CONFIDENCE – Confidence must be manifested by the leader in order to motivate and

influence his subordinate that they can do the work and tasks being thrown to them. Doing
tasks such as conceptualizing, organizing and implementing needs to be lead with confidence.

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