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A game by Jack Harrison
ARTEFACT A game by Jack Harrison

Inspired by The Skeletons by Jason Morningstar

Mousehole Press / @mouseholepress

Type set in IM FELL French Canon.

The Fell Types are digitally reproduced by Igino Marini. w w

Illustrations derived from the British Library Public Domain collection.

Thanks to Christopher Roberts (@fenixtao), April (@wearyNiteowl) and Tom Greene for
playtesting, and everyone who suggested weird & wonderful weapon properties on Twitter.
You rest, fallen or discarded in the
dirt. But your body is not flesh, and
you are not mortal. So, you wait.

Seasons pass in flashes - cold following

heat, rain following drought, death
following birth - until one day, your wait
is over. Someone lifts you up from the
detritus, inspecting you, feeling your
weight in their hands. They decide to
keep you - they become your Keeper.

Through them, you experience the world.

You see them undertake great quests,
or perhaps commit atrocious sins, all
with your aid. You almost forget about
the long time you spent in the dark,
until, inevitably, you return to it.

And then you rest, fallen or discarded in

the dirt. You do not know how long you
will wait for someone new to arrive.

Preparing to Play
What this is Choose your Artefact
In the classic dungeon crawl, you follow the lives of adventurers as they Look through the different Artefacts, and choose one to play. There are
overcome challenges to gain prestige and, most importantly, magical treasures. three; each has specific questions that you may answer during the game. The
But what were those treasures doing before the adventurers came along? How Artefacts are all intelligent, to a degree, though when the game begins this
many aeons have passed, in silent darkness, since they were last used? sentience is nascent; newborn and fuzzy. Over time, the events the Artefact
goes through will shape its properties and personality.
The Artefact shifts the focus to the perspective of a single magical item, and
its history as it passes through the hands of many different keepers. You’ll feel Follow the instructions on your chosen Artefact sheet.
the weight of time as the item is lost or abandoned again and again, the dust &
decay piling around it until it’s found again by someone new. Traits
Over the course of the game, you’ll add Traits on the Artefact sheet. Traits
Safety can be physical or magical properties of the Artefact, or facets of its developing
The Artefact is played alone, which mitigates many of the consent issues personality. Don’t worry about the precise definition of a Trait - they mean
associated with playing games together. However, it is an intentionally what you want them to mean.
solitary, melancholy experience, and as such it may not be the best thing to
play if you are struggling with feelings of loneliness. If the game leaves you Take a moment
feeling isolated, there are a few good resources available online that might
When you have completed the instructions on your Artefact sheet, empty
help. Mind, a mental health charity, have a series of tips & support options at
your hands, close your eyes and take a moment to breathe. For the rest of this
https://w w k/information-suppor t/tips-for-ever yday-liv ing/
game, you will inhabit your chosen Artefact and perceive the world through its
strange, imperfect senses.

Imagine the hands of an artisan, working with wood, metal or glass to create
What you’ll need
its form and function. Feel the stillness of a confined, unmoving object, set
• An hour of time.
upon a shelf or rack. When you are ready, open your eyes—you have come into
• A quiet place to play that can be darkened. If you have neither quiet or
darkness, close your eyes instead. the possession of your first Keeper.

• Printouts of these rules and the Artefact sheets, a pen or pencil, and a
timer of some sort.
• Optionally: Sounds of deep, forgotten places to be played as the years drift past.
Playing the Game
Keepers Change 4
The Artefact cannot act alone - a Keeper must arrive to seize them. Only then The 4 symbol indicates a Change. The prompt will suggest the reason for the
can it travel around, seeing wondrous places and having grand adventures. change. Add, remove or replace something from your Artefact sheet as you see
While in the possession of a Keeper, the Artefact may learn truths about itself fit; a Trait, an answer to a question, a note or something on the drawing.
through experience and use. Its agency is limited, shackled as it is to its Keeper,
but it can begin to influence its situation through magics and force of will. Names
When it is time for the first Keeper, choose one from I. Newly Forged and Here are some names you may encounter over the long existence of the
mark it off. Do whatever the instructions say. As you answer questions, think Artefact.
about where and how they obtained the Artefact, how they treat it, and what
Arlo, Bancroft, Brunt, Cascabel, Devar, Grace, Hrud, Hrun, Irvine, Juno, Kit, Lillian,
they would attempt with it.
Marisol, Nassim, Piccolo, Orchid, Quintus, River, Senlin, Thrace, Ursula, Vago, Wiley
If you wish, record details and memories of your time with each Keeper in a
notebook or on the back of the Artefact sheet. Ending the Game
If at any point you feel you have spent enough time with your Artefact, you can
Time wrap up the game once you’ve resolved your current Keeper. Perhaps you’ve
Artefacts outlive Keepers. Through death, bestowal or carelessness, a Keeper reached a point where you wish to continue the Artefact’s story in a different
will inevitably lose the Artefact. The sun turns, seasons pass and flesh & blood game - for example, a player character in campaign game could become the
return to the earth. Eventually, another Keeper will arrive. next Keeper. Be sure to complete the epilogue below, if you can.

The Artefact remains - inert and waiting. The seasons between Keepers can Otherwise, the game ends in III. The Ruination, when the Artefact is broken
be countless. You will pass time with the Artefact, though your experience beyond repair or when you are content to abandon it in a cold, dark place
will be a weak impression of its true rest. Always do whatever the instructions forever.
say. Don’t worry if your mind wanders while you wait - the Artefact’s mind
Take a final moment to sit in silence in the dark. Think about how the Artefact
wanders too.
is remembered, if at all, through stories, art or archaeological remains in a
museum. Then turn the lights back on, have a snack and stretch out.

If you’re comfortable doing so, share a picture of your completed Artefact sheet
and stories of your Keepers on social media using the #TheArtefact hashtag.
I’d love to see what you’ve created!
I. Newly Forged
Keepers Time
Choose a Keeper, mark it, and follow the instructions. When you feel you have The Artefact waits for a new Keeper. Where does it rest, and for how long?
explored a Keeper sufficiently, move on to TIME. Choose one of these options, mark it off, and sit in darkness as indicated. Think
about the silence and solitude of abandonment.

0 A Folk Hero 0 No Time at all

Describe this person. Are they reserved or gregarious? Stylish or utilitarian?

Choose once on either the Deeds & Victories or Fates & Follies table. 0 A Day -- Turn off the lights and sit in silence for five seconds.

You may answer one question from the Artefact sheet, if you wish. 0 A Week -- Turn off the lights and sit in silence for ten seconds.

0 A Month -- Turn off the lights and sit in silence for twenty seconds.
0 A Sword Without Master
They are daring, charismatic and talented. Describe them, and what marks them as 0 A Year -- Turn off the lights and sit in silence for forty seconds.
0 A Decade -- Turn off the lights and sit in silence for one minute.
Choose once on either the Deeds & Victories or Fates & Follies table.

You may answer one question from the Artefact sheet, if you wish. If two Keepers have now been resolved, go to II. A Time of Glory to choose the
next. Otherwise, choose a new Keeper from those remaining.
0 A Wealthy Young Noble
Describe this person. Are they impressed by its properties, or is it but another curiosity
for a spoiled aristocrat?

If they are impressed, choose on the Deeds & Victories table. Otherwise, choose on the
Fates & Follies table.

You may answer one question from the Artefact sheet, if you wish.
II. A Time Of Glory
Keepers Time
Choose a Keeper, mark it, and follow the instructions. When you feel you have The Artefact waits for a new Keeper. Where does it rest, and for how long?
explored a Keeper sufficiently, move on to TIME. Choose one of these options, mark it off, and sit in darkness as indicated. Think
about the weight of each passing day, growing imperceptibly with each sunset.

0 An Indomitable Leader 0 A Month -- Turn off the lights and sit in silence for twenty seconds.
Describe this person. Who do they command? How did they gain the respect and
admiration of their people? 0 A Year -- Turn off the lights and sit in silence for forty seconds.

Choose once each on the Deeds & Victories and Fates & Follies tables.
0 A Decade -- Turn off the lights and sit in silence for one minute.
You may answer one question from the Artefact sheet, if you wish.
0 A Century -- Choose once on the Neglect & Misuse or Dust & Rust table. Turn off

0 A Pirate Captain the lights and sit in silence for two minutes.

Describe this person, their ship and their loyal crew. 0 Centuries -- Choose once on the Neglect & Misuse or Dust & Rust table. Turn off
If they are well-respected by the other Captains on the Freebooter Council, choose on the the lights and sit in silence for three minutes.
Deeds & Victories table. Otherwise, choose on the Fates & Follies table.

You may answer one question from the Artefact sheet, if you wish.
0 A Millennium -- Choose once each on the Neglect & Misuse or Dust & Rust

tables. Turn off the lights and sit in silence for four minutes.

0 A Righteous Champion If two Keepers have now been resolved, go to III. The Ruination to choose the
They are haughty, passionate and steadfast. What cause do they fight for, and which
next. Otherwise, choose a new Keeper from those remaining.
ideals do they embody? Who else thinks that they are righteous?

If the Artefact supports their cause, choose on the Deeds & Victories table. Otherwise,
choose on the Fates & Follies table.

You may answer one question from the Artefact sheet, if you wish.
III. The Ruination
Keepers Time
Choose a Keeper, mark it, and follow the instructions. When you feel you have The Artefact waits for a new Keeper. Where does it rest, and for how long?
explored a Keeper sufficiently, move on to TIME. Choose one of these options, mark it off, and sit in darkness as indicated. Think
about the weight of each passing day, growing imperceptibly with each sunset.

0 A Pair of Wandering Bandits 0 A Decade -- Turn off the lights and sit in silence for one minute.
Describe them, showing why they have no choice but to work as a team. Which of them
ends up with the Artefact, and why? How do they fundamentally misunderstand its 0 A Century -- Choose once on the Neglect & Misuse or Dust & Rust table. Turn off
purpose? the lights and sit in silence for two minutes.
Choose once on either the Deeds & Victories or Fates & Follies table.
0 Centuries -- Choose once on the Neglect & Misuse or Dust & Rust table. Turn off
You may answer none, one or two questions from the Artefact sheet.
the lights and sit in silence for three minutes.

0 A Doomsday Cult 0 A Millennium -- Choose once each on the Neglect & Misuse or Dust & Rust

Scores of acolytes with burning eyes and fierce purpose. Describe their leader, and why tables. Turn off the lights and sit in silence for four minutes.
the others follow them. What cataclysmic event are they trying to bring about? Why do
they need the Artefact for their unholy ritual?
0 An Age -- Choose once each on the Neglect & Misuse or Dust & Rust tables. Turn

off the lights and sit in silence for five minutes.

Choose once on either the Deeds & Victories or Fates & Follies table.

You may answer none, one or two questions from the Artefact sheet. 0 An Epoch -- Choose three times on the Neglect & Misuse or Dust & Rust tables.

Turn off the lights and sit in silence for six minutes.
0 An Archivist-Collector
Describe this person, and the repositories they manage. Are they enthusiastic and
Choose a new Keeper from those remaining. When you feel that you’ve spent
curious, or austere and indifferent? Which of the Artefact’s former Keepers are they ten or more minutes in the dark across the entire game, the next Keeper will
researching? be the last. Regardless, if you check off the third Keeper here, they will surely
Choose once on either the Deeds & Victories or Fates & Follies table. be the last.
You may answer none, one or two questions from the Artefact sheet.
Deeds & Victories Neglect & Misuse
Great feats, achieved by the Keeper. How was the Artefact pivotal to their success? Choose The Artefact, a powerful magical item, is misused in some demeaning manner. Choose
and mark, answer any prompted questions, and then 4 change something about the and mark, answer any prompted questions, and then 4 change something about the
Artefact as it becomes powerful or renowned. Artefact as it becomes melancholy or cynical.

00 A mythical beast guards an ancient hoard. With strength or trickery, they are 00 It is used as a makeshift part to fix a broken vehicle or contraption. Describe it, and the
overcome. What, in particular, were they protecting? degrading arrangement the Artefact finds itself in.

00 The ruling class are oppressive and cruel. The Keeper leads an uprising, and the 00 Alchemists & tinkerers take it apart for study, separating its very essence into pieces
despots are overthrown. What replaces them? before reassembling it—perhaps imperfectly. What were they trying to learn?

00 A sworn, bitter rival is defeated in a duel. Where does the contest take place, and why 00 It is locked in a secret vault, while poorly-made counterfeits are sold to hoodwinked
is the animosity so severe? adventurers. What fault in the design makes these copies fail at a crucial moment?

00 A stronghold of great importance is attacked by a dreadful, monstrous horde. How does 00 It is thrown carelessly atop a huge heap of treasure. There is another sentient item
the Keeper drive off the fearsome assailants? within the hoard. Does a connection develop between the two intelligences?

00 A bitter feud between two prominent factions is resolved. How are the fractious leaders 00 It is hung as an ornament to decorate a wall. It rests there for a long time. What is the
convinced to come to the negotiating table? place like? Is it kept clean & shining, or does the dust pile up thick?

00 A great warrior is trapped in an impossibly tall tower by an evil sorcerer. How are they 00 It is misplaced, and eventually claimed by a municipal institution. Through excessive
freed, and how is their heart won? bureaucracy and pen-pushing, it is lost in their arcane system. Where does it emerge?

Fates & Follies Dust & Rust

Treacherous acts & tragic loss, leading to the Keeper’s demise. How was the Artefact The Artefact lies in the muck and murk for a long while, waiting for a new Keeper to
pivotal to their success? Choose and mark, answer any prompted questions, and then find it. Choose and mark, answer any prompted questions, and then 4 change something
4 change something about the Artefact as it becomes cruel or vindictive. about the Artefact as it becomes wiser, or simply decays and disintegrates.

00 A blade in the dark, courtesy of a former lover. What did the Keeper do to deserve this 00 A prominent setting or rune is damaged, irreparably. How does the loss affect its
retribution? properties?

00 Powerful magic has a toll. The Artefact corrupts the Keeper, causing malaise, sickness 00 Something is corroded or worn away which affects its primary function, and no amount
and eventually death. Is this corruption intentional? of restoration can return it to its former utility. What action is harder to perform with
it, now?
00 A gelatinous cube swallows the Keeper, dissolving their fleshy parts until only the
bones remain. What else of note churns within the viscous form? 00 Gold and silver dull. Iron rusts. Colours fade to a sepulchral grey.

00 The Artefact intentionally deceives or refuses to help the Keeper, leading to their 00 It is broken into two pieces. What causes the bisection, and how is it made whole again?
demise. What takes place, and why does the Artefact act in that way?
00 Time reframes the actions of a Keeper, once thought of as a selfless hero, as immoral or
00 After years of loyal service, the Keeper uncovers a great conspiracy. Regretfully, they selfish. What happened, and which detail was misinterpreted?
are silenced to prevent exposure. What did they discover?
00 A sapling grows up around it, and with time it becomes a mighty, gnarled tree. How, if
00 The Keeper throws themselves incessantly against impossible odds. Somehow they at all, is the Artefact found again, and how is it released from the trunk?
succeed until, tragically, they don’t. Why can’t they stop?
The Weapon
A tool of war; a blade, axe or something stranger. Draw it in the space to the right.
Embellish it with gems, notches and other curious details.

Mark and answer this at the start of the game, before the first Keeper.
00 You were hammered out in the heat of a great forge by a legendary smith - describe
them, what was their name? Add three Traits below.

Mark and answer these as you play, when prompted.

00 Over time, you gain a name or honorific. What is it, and why?

00 How do you come to think of your Keepers - as allies, captors or something else?

00 Of all the places you’ve seen on your travels, one stands out and you always wish to
return there. What is it, and why?

00 One of your Keepers was once in love with such intensity that their feelings
permeated into you. What was the object of their devotion? How do you feel now?

00 You were there when the killing took place. Now, it’s a popular legend. What
happened, and what major detail do people get wrong in the retelling?

00 You are immortal, you do not grow old. What preoccupation of the Keepers is most
strange to you, as one that cannot die?

All magical weapons can talk, are masterwork, and attune to suit each Keeper.

Suggested Traits (feel free to make your own)

Flaming, Silent, Warding, Dimensional, Vampiric, Fragrant, Theatrical, Spectral, Blessed
Brash, Vindictive, Fickle, Loyal, Curious, Knowing, Devious, Romantic, Discerning
The Shield
it protects against blows, missiles, and perhaps other things. Draw it in the space to
the right. Embellish it with crests, runes and other curious details.

Mark and answer this at the start of the game, before the first Keeper.
00 You were hammered out in the heat of a great forge by a legendary smith - describe
them, what was their name? Add three Traits below.

Mark and answer these as you play, when prompted.

00 Over time, you gain a name or honorific. What is it, and why?

00 How do you come to think of your Keepers - as allies, captors or something else?

00 Of all the places you’ve seen on your travels, one stands out and you always wish to
return there. What is it, and why?

00 One of your Keepers was once in love with such intensity that their feelings
permeated into you. What was the object of their devotion? How do you feel now?

00 You were there, you felt its blows rain against you. Now, it’s a popular legend. What
happened, and what major detail do people get wrong in the retelling?

00 You are immortal, you do not grow old. What preoccupation of the Keepers is most
strange to you, as one that cannot die?

All magical shields can talk, are masterwork, and attune to suit each Keeper.

Suggested Traits (feel free to make your own)

Immovable, Levitating, Bashing, Balance, Warding, Rooted, Fragrant, Theatrical, Gigantic, Blessed
Brash, Vindictive, Fickle, Loyal, Forceful, Knowing, Stubborn, Romantic, Discerning
The Instrument
It produces musical sounds, conventionally or otherwise. Draw it in the space to the
right. Embellish it with components, inlays and other curious details.

Mark and answer this at the start of the game, before the first Keeper.
00 You were carved out of exotic materials by an renowned artisan - describe them,
what was their name? Add three Traits below.

Mark and answer these as you play, when prompted.

00 Over time, you gain a name or honorific. What is it, and why?

00 How do you come to think of your Keepers - as allies, captors or something else?

00 Of all the places you’ve seen on your travels, one stands out and you always wish to
return there. What is it, and why?

00 One of your Keepers was once in love with such intensity that their feelings
permeated into you. What was the object of their devotion? How do you feel now?

00 You were there - your music filled the air. Now, it’s a popular legend. What happened,
and what major detail do people get wrong in the retelling?

00 You are immortal, you do not grow old. What preoccupation of the Keepers is most
strange to you, as one that cannot die?

All magical instruments can talk, are masterwork, and attune to suit each Keeper.

Suggested Traits (feel free to make your own)

Beguiling, Cacophonous, Reviving, Soothing, Sustaining, Summoning, Remembering, Enlightening
Brash, Sardonic, Fickle, Cheeky, Curious, Knowing, Devious, Romantic, Boisterous / @mouseholepress

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