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Brennan Dillard

EDTE 255

Professor Mobilio

25 October 2020

Teacher Interview Reflection

When it came to obtaining an interview with a credential teacher, I got rather

lucky. This is thanks to the fact that I actually live with one, as my mother has been a

PE teacher at Granada High School for the last 25+ years. She agreed immediately to

answer a few questions, so I sat down with her and we had a quick chat. This

experience was rather entertaining for me because I have never discussed my mom’s

job with her in a serious manner before. All of our conversations in the past have been

under the dynamic of a mother-son relationship and it was cool to see her talk as a

professional. The thing I found most surprising about her answers was her

acknowledgement of schools being out of date when it comes to our use of technology.

For many years I have been explaining to her how I feel things could be improved with

proper handling of our technology and she has always shown some form of

contestment. I’m curious as to what recent events have changed her opinion, and that’s

definitely something I will discuss with her further. Another answer I found interesting

was her comments about how coronavirus has felt isolating for her. The mental well-

being of teachers is something that I overlook personally and I also feel it’s rather

ignored on a mass scale. This response blew me back a little and opened my eyes to

the fact that the changes in our schooling is not only affecting the students, but
everyone who is involved with a school. Overall, it was a wonderful experience to sit

down and interview my mother. Not only do I feel that I acquired good information that

will help me as a teacher, but I also feel that this was good for our bond as family

members. It’s always wonderful to see a person talk passionately about something they

care for, and especially nice when that person is your mother.

(Transcript on page 3/4.)

Q. What was your main reason for wanting to become a teacher?

A. Help young people believe in themselves and be a role model for them. A lot of the people
who showed me the most respect early in my life were teachers of mine, so I knew how much
impact they could have on a student. I have always enjoyed helping people and teaching is a
profession that suits me well.

Q. How would you describe your teaching philosophy?

A. I think that you have to show respect to get respect. Trying to hold power over your students
will only cause them to build resentment towards you. If you treat your student as an equal, then
you will earn their respect.

Q. In your opinion, what aspect of teaching is most rewarding?

A. The relationships that you build with students. They are constantly teaching me new things
and keeping me up to speed with the world. I also currently have 3 great friends who were
former students of mine and the fun we have together will last me a lifetime.

Q. In your opinion, what part of teaching is most difficult?

A. All the bureaucracy and mandates coming from people who haven’t spent much or any time
in a classroom. I think decisions that affect educators are too often made by people who have
had no experience in a classroom. As a result of this, I feel restricted in certain aspects of my
job where I feel I could be more efficient.

Q. Would you recommend a profession as a teacher? Why or why not?

A. Yes. It is rewarding. It is also great for family life since you are home when they get off and
you have the same schedule. This allowed me to have a healthy relationship both at work and
with my family.

Q. Has there ever been a moment where you regretted being a teacher? If so, for what

A. Currently, with the pandemic I found myself isolated and teaching from behind a screen
which was pretty depressing. I wouldn’t say that I regretted it but it definitely changed my
perspective a bit.
Q. How does the actual job of being a teacher compare to your expectations of what the
job was going to be like?

A. It’s been great but in recent years, there has been such an increase in the needs of my
students' social-emotional well being and sometimes this can be draining.

Q. What’s the most important lesson you have learned within the last 2 years of

A. You must be flexible and willing to learn new things. Methods that worked 10 years ago will
not work today. Teaching is a fluid profession that requires contemporary knowledge.

Q. List the 5 qualities that you feel are most important for a successful instructor.

A. Patience. Empathy. Respectfulness. Good intuition. Lifelong learner.

Q. In your opinion, what is currently the biggest flaw in our US schooling system?

A. We need to keep up with 21st century technology and get it into our classrooms. Life for both
students and teachers could be made a lot easier but for some reason we seem to keep
postponing its implementation.

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