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Neck Dissection

Tyson J. Nielsen and Audrey B. Erman

Indications Nodal Levels

• Elective in setting of clinically occult • Level I

metastases –– Level Ia (submental triangle) – bounded by
–– Selective neck dissection: N0 (no clinical anterior bellies of the bilateral digastric mus-
evidence of nodal metastases) or for very cles and deeply by the mylohyoid between
limited cervical metastases the hyoid bone and body of the mandible
• Therapeutic in setting of clinical metastases –– Level Ib (submandibular triangle) –
–– Modified radical neck dissection: cervical bounded by anterior and posterior bellies
clearance of levels I–V with preservation of the digastric muscle between the hyoid
of one or more of the following struc- bone and body of the mandible
tures – sternocleidomastoid muscle, spinal • Level II – bounded by the skull base and hyoid
accessory nerve (CN XI), and internal jug- bone, between the posterior edge of sterno-
ular vein cleidomastoid muscle (SCM) and stylohyoid
–– Radical neck dissection: extensive cervical muscle
lymph node involvement with extracapsu- –– Transected obliquely by spinal accessory
lar spread involving sternocleidomastoid nerve (CN XI) subdividing into level IIa
muscle and/or internal jugular vein and/or (anterior to CN XI) and level IIb (posterior
spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) to CN XI)
–– Extended neck dissection: resection of • Level III – bounded by hyoid bone and infe-
additional lymphatic groups or nonlym- rior border of cricoid cartilage between ster-
phatic structures not included in a modi- nohyoid muscle and posterior border of SCM
fied/radical neck dissection • Level IV – bounded by inferior border of cri-
coid cartilage and clavicle, between sternohy-
oid muscle and posterior border of SCM
• Level V – bounded by posterior border of
SCM and anterior border of trapezius, between
mastoid and clavicle
T.J. Nielsen, MD • A.B. Erman, MD (*) –– Can be subdivided along a horizontal line
Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck extending from level of cricoid cartilage
Surgery, University of Arizona College of Medicine,
Tucson, AZ, USA
into level Va superiorly and level Vb
e-mail: inferiorly

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017 541

J.J. Hoballah et al. (eds.), Operative Dictations in General and Vascular Surgery,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44797-1_163
542 T.J. Nielsen and A.B. Erman

• Level VI – bounded laterally by the carotid • Post-op bleeding, resulting in tracheal com-
arteries, superiorly by the hyoid bone, and pression and airway obstruction
inferiorly by the suprasternal notch • Marginal mandibular, spinal accessory, hypo-
glossal, and/or lingual nerve injury
• Loss of cutaneous sensation in distribution of
Essential Steps cervical plexus
• Injury to thoracic duct or other lymphatic
1. Incision and development of subplatysmal flaps. structures and subsequent chyle leak
2. Identify external jugular vein and greater
auricular nerve (+/− transection).
3. Superior flap is elevated to identify subman- Template of Operative Dictation
dibular salivary gland.
4. Submandibular gland fascia incised inferi- Preoperative Diagnosis  Metastatic squamous
orly to marginal mandibular nerve. cell carcinoma/malignant melanoma/thyroid
5. Submental triangle (level IA) lymph nodes cancer
6. Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) and lingual Procedure  Anterolateral neck dissection
nerve identified and preserved. (selective)
7. Submandibular duct and vessels ligated (+/−
ligation of facial artery/vein). Postoperative Diagnosis  Same
8. Submandibular triangle (Level IB) lymph
nodes and gland resected. Indications  This ___-year-old male/female was
9. External jugular vein ligated. noted to have cervical lymphadenopathy in the
10. Identify and preserve spinal accessory nerve setting of squamous cell carcinoma/malignant
(CN XI). melanoma/thyroid cancer on work-up. Selective
11. Level IIa/IIb lymph nodes resected. anterolateral neck dissection is indicated.
12. Carotid sheath identified and preserved.
13. Level III lymph nodes resected. Description of Procedure  Time-outs were per-
14. Level IV lymph nodes resected. formed using both preinduction and pre-incision
15. Closure. safety checklists to verify correct patient, proce-
dure, site, and additional critical information prior
to beginning the procedure. Following induction
Note These Variations of general anesthesia, both arms were tucked at the
sides and all bony prominences were padded. A
• A variety of incisions have been described – roll was placed under the shoulders and the patient
the skin crease incision described here is the was positioned with the neck extended. The neck
most common. was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion.
• Resection of sternocleidomastoid, internal
jugular vein, and spinal accessory nerve. A ___-cm incision was made in a skin crease
• Drain placement. positioned approximately at the level of the hyoid
• Repeat steps 6–14 on opposite side for bilat- bone. The subcutaneous tissues and platysma
eral neck dissection (avoid bilateral internal were divided with identification of the external
jugular vein ligation). jugular vein and greater auricular nerve (+/−
transection). Superiorly, subplatysmal flaps were
then raised to the level of the submandibular
Complications glands with the fascia overlying the gland incised
on the inferior portion of the gland to preserve the
• Failure of incision to heal properly resulting in marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve
exposure of carotid artery within the elevated flap. Inferiorly, subplatysmal
163  Neck Dissection 543

flaps were elevated to expose the superior border gle (level IB) contents and proceeding to remove
of the clavicle. lymph nodes from levels II, III, and IV.
Level Ia (submental triangle) was then If a modified radical neck dissection is per-
resected using electrocautery from between the formed: A modified type __ (I/II/III) neck dissection
body of the mandible and the level of the hyoid was performed by removing the lymphatic tissue
bone beginning at the contralateral anterior from levels I–V including resection/preservation of
belly of the digastric muscle and proceeding to the__(sternocleidomastoid/spinal  accessory
the ipsilateral anterior belly of the digastric nerve/internal jugular vein), extending laterally to
muscle with the mylohyoid muscle serving as the anterior border of the trapezius, inferiorly to the
the deep boundary. After elevating the fascia clavicle, and superiorly to the body of the
covering the submandibular gland to preserve mandible/mastoid tip.
the marginal mandibular branch of the facial If a radical neck dissection is performed: A
nerve and identifying the facial artery and vein radical neck dissection was performed by remov-
with blunt dissection, the submandibular trian- ing the lymphatic tissue from levels I–V including
gle (level Ib) was resected from between the resection of the __ (sternocleidomastoid/spinal
anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric accessory nerve/internal jugular vein), extending
muscle with the mylohyoid muscle again serv- laterally to the anterior border of the trapezius,
ing as the deep boundary. The mylohyoid mus- inferiorly to the clavicle, and superiorly to the
cle was then retracted anteriorly, and the lingual body of the mandible/mastoid tip.
nerve, submandibular duct, and hypoglossal If an extended neck dissection is performed:
nerve (CN XII) were then identified. The sub- A modified/radical neck dissection was per-
mandibular duct was then clamped and ligated formed removing the lymphatic tissue from levels
taking care to preserve the lingual nerve. I–V including resection/preservation of the __
Next the external jugular vein was divided and (sternocleidomastoid/spinal accessory nerve/
ligated with 3-0 silk suture. The fascia overlying internal jugular vein), extending laterally to the
the posterior belly of the digastric muscle was anterior border of the trapezius, inferiorly to the
divided up to the anterior border of the SCM. The clavicle, and superiorly to the body of the
fascia surrounding the SCM was then dissected mandible/mastoid tip along with resection of __
with identification and preservation of the spinal (additional lymphatic groups or nonlymphatic
accessory nerve (CN XI). Levels IIa and IIb were structures).
then resected away from posterior edge of the All specimens were submitted to pathology.
SCM with the scalene muscles of the neck serv- A Valsalva maneuver was performed with no
ing as the deep boundary. evidence of chyle leak. A drain was placed deep
Dissection continued along posterior edge of to the SCM exiting the neck laterally and a sec-
sternocleidomastoid muscle into level III and ond drain was placed medially deep to platysmal
subsequently into level IV. The carotid sheath flaps. The wound was copiously irrigated and
was then identified and preserved with anterior hemostasis was achieved. The platysma and der-
traction placed on level II/III/IV specimen with mis were re-approximated with interrupted 3-0
lymph node contents from level II/III/IV care- Vicryl sutures. The skin was re-approximated
fully dissected en bloc off of carotid sheath using with staples/sutures. Bacitracin was placed over
a scalpel with the superior border of the clavicle the length of the incision. A debriefing checklist
serving as the inferior border for completion of was completed to share information critical to
level IV dissection. postoperative care of the patient. The patient tol-
If bilateral neck dissection is indicated: erated the procedure well, was extubated, and
Process repeated on opposite side of the neck was taken to the postanesthesia care unit in sta-
beginning with resection of submandibular trian- ble condition.

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