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STAND YOUR GROUND – an Android: Netrunner variant

by Don Riddle

You play as a Corporation against an automated Shaper Runner.

Prepare Runner deck

The Runner’s deck should be made of the following (all cards are from one Base set):

Identity card

Kate “Mac” McCaffrey


Gordian Blade x2

Ninja x2

Corroder x2

Parasite x3

Crypsis x3 (set 1 of these aside)


The Personal Touch x2

Grimoire x1

The Toolbox x1

Cyberfeeder x3


Sacrificial Construct x2

Crash Space x2

Ice Carver x1
Access to Globalsec x2


The Maker’s Eye x3

Easy Mark x3

Forged Activation Orders x3

Stimhack x3

Sure Gamble x3

Prepare Runner playing field

Shuffle all the above cards together (except for the Identity card and the set-aside copy of Crypsis).

Give the Runner 5 credits. Put the set-aside “Crypsis” into play.

You’re ready to begin.

The Runner turn

Each Runner turn is comprised of 3 steps.

1st step:

Roll a six-sided die.

On a result of 1-5, give the Runner that many credits from the Bank.

On a result of 6, the Runner takes 1 net damage and makes a run on R&D bypassing all Ice.

2nd step:

A) If the Runner has a Crypsis in play that does not have a virus counter, he will pay 1 credit to put a virus
counter onto it, if he can.

B) If the Runner has any number of tags, she will pay 2 credits each to remove as many of them as she
can afford.

C) Reveal the top card of the Runner’s stack.

If the revealed card is a) a copy of an Icebreaker Program she already has in play, b) does not have a valid
target, or c) costs more credits than the Runner currently has, she will discard it without paying its cost.
Otherwise, she will pay the card’s cost and play it.

D) If the first card the Runner revealed this turn was either unable to be played for any reason or an
Event card (whether she was able to play it or not), she will reveal and attempt to play the next top card
of the stack also.

3rd step:

Roll a six-sided die and the Runner makes a run according to the chart below.

If the Runner has 10 or more credits after the 1st time this step is completed this turn, repeat this entire
step once.

1 If there are facedown cards in Archives, Runner runs on Archives. Otherwise, roll again.

2 Runner runs on R&D.

3 Runner runs on HQ.

4 or 5 Runner runs on a random non-empty Remote Server. If there are none, Runner runs on HQ

6 Runner takes 1 net damage and runs on R&D bypassing all Ice.

The Corporation turn

The Corporation’s turn is played exactly as in normal Netrunner. You may play with any Corporation deck,
constructed as you choose. The game begins with the Corporation's turn as normal.

Additional Rules

Treat Kate “Mac” McCaffrey’s Identity card as if it were blank. (For a more difficult challenge, disregard
this rule.)

The Runner has no grip. Whenever the Runner would take any type of damage, discard cards from the
top of his Stack instead. If the Stack ever has 0 cards, the Runner flatlines. Also, if he ever receives a 6th
brain damage token, he flatlines.
The Runner has infinite Memory Units.

The Runner will only use Crypsis if he has no other Icebreaker in play capable of handling the Ice he is
currently encountering.

The Runner will always pay whatever it takes to break subroutines on Ice, and will always break
subroutines that “end the run” first. When approaching Ice, the Runner will only “jack out” if (counting
the credits she would need to spend to match the Ice’s strength) she will not be able afford to break any
“end the run” subroutines. For this variant’s purposes, the Runner can “jack out” before encountering
the first piece of ice she approaches on a run. (Important: The Runner does not “see” the other Ice
behind the Ice she is currently approaching/encountering and so continues running as long as she can
afford to according to these rules, even if it ends up being a waste of credits for her.)

When the Runner accesses a card (or cards) from R&D, reveal the card. If the card is an Agenda, the
Runner scores it. If it is an Asset, the Runner will trash it if he can afford to. Any other cards he accesses
from R&D (including Assets he can’t afford to trash) are placed on the bottom of R&D.

Whenever the Runner has to make a choice between available targets, determine the choice randomly.

When the Runner plays “Stimhack,” only choose randomly between any servers which are non- empty.

When the Corp initiates a Trace, the Runner will pay whatever it takes to improve her link strength but
only if it will stop the Trace.

The Runner will always trash accessed cards (which have a trash cost) if she can afford the cost.

The Runner will always use “re-occurring” credits to pay costs first.
The Runner will always use “trash” effects on her cards to prevent damage or loss of programs.

Whenever the Runner would lose a “click,” he loses a credit instead. If he has no credits, discard the top
card of the Stack instead.

EDIT 9/6/14: added bold to Resources heading

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