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eatson Eduction Limited Einburgh Gate Hato, Essex onze 2 Ertan fndassaciated companies oughout ie Wee (© Pearson Education Uited 200: st ow webste hpe//wama Jenga com ditlanares [Aighs reserved no parol hs publication maybe reproduced, sored a fereval sytem, 91 arsed nay fo a by ary eas, rleeone mechanical protecopyin, org orate wise. ‘witost the pir ven permission othe Publishers Fist publishes 2008 05 096 c08 aay 34 wos tha the ears have reason Bele constitute lragemaris Have bees descibed 5 such owen, nie he ‘sence nrthe absence Sich = desigvor shouldbe regatded ag affecting he legal tase any trademark 150N 9580 7rd 2 ‘etn 7pt MetaPlis Moral by Peter Wray Priniediachina NeCClo3 ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Director Della Summers Editoria/ Director & Publisher Pierre:Henti Cousin Editor & Project Manager Wendy Lee Lexicographer Stella O'Shea Mustrator Chris Simpson Besign Alex Inge Coverdesign Abbey Design, Harlow, Essex Proofreader Wrene Lakhani ‘and the Longman Dictionaries team Contents Using the Dietianary iv Phrasal Verbs A-Z + Purasat Vers ACTIVATOR Like/dislike 194 love & friendship 195, Start 396 Stop 197 Continue 298 leave 199 On the telephone 200 Tyjradio/lights/machines 201 Irregular Verbs 437 Using the Dictionary What are phrasal verbs and how are they used? A phrasal verb is a verb that consists of two or three words: its meaning is different from the meaning those words would have if you considered each one separately. For example, the ‘meaning of camry out (=do) in the sentence Scientists carried ‘ur an experiment is not related to the normal meaning of “carty’of the normal meaning of ‘out’. You cannot guess the meaning of pull up (=stop) in the sentence A car pulled up outside the house even if you know what ‘pull’ and “up" mean. Even though answer back (=answer rudely) is related to the meaning of the verb ‘answer, this does not help you to understand what answer back means, ‘Most phrasal verbs consist of two words: get up, go off, tu 0”, ‘make out, and deal with. The first word is a verbs the second word, called a particle, is either an adverb (such as ‘out’) ora preposition (Such as “with’). There are also some three-ward for example, catch up with, ook forward to. are used with an adverb or preposition but do not combine ta produce a special meaning are not phrasal verbs, In sentences such as The boy fell off his bike and We carried some chairs out into the gorden, ‘fall off and ‘carry out” are not phrasal verbs because their meaning can be worked out if you know what fall’ anc ‘off, ‘carry and ‘out! mean, Some verbs are anly ever used with a particular preposition or ‘adverb: for example, rely on and amount to. Other phrasal verbs mean almost the same as the verb on its own, but the adverb adds emphasis of contains the idea of an action being, completed or continued: for example, eat up, hurry up, toi! ‘away. Some phrasal vers are used with ‘It’ it it off, jumo 0 it~and others are used with a reflexive pronoun - pride yourself on, lend itself to. How do | find the phrasal verb 1 am looking for? First look for the main Cone-word) verb = the ‘keyword’ ~ in ts alphabetical position; these keywords are shown in big CAPITAL LETTERS. Under each keyword, phrasel verbs are listed alphabetically acearding to their particles. They are shown in small canta tere2s, For example, if you ate looking for get up, first took for GET in big capital letters, When you have found GET, took for cer uP in small capital letters; you will find it in its alphabetical position, towards the end of the entry for GET. When you have found the phrasal verb you want, you may discover that it has more than one sense; the most comman meanings ar listed first. How can the dictionary help me with grammar? Your dictionary explains what each phrasal verb means. Ialso shows you clearly how each is used. It does this in two ways: by giving example sentences, and by giving {grammatical information ('grarmmar patterns’) at each sense. The grammar pattems show whether a verb takes an object, where the object goes, and whether the object is @ person ora thing. For example, at turn on (=make something start working). there are two grammar patterns: furn an sth, turn sth on. They show that the object can come either after the Phrasal verb, or between the main verb and the particle, The examples also help you to understand how the Phrasal verb is used, and hove the position of the object canvary: > turned 0» the aco an toned (othe svat dck ews » Could yu thn the oven om, f outs gama othe tte? USING THE DICTIONARY “ At nod off, there is only one grammar pattern: nod off This is because the verb does not take an object, and you can see this agein in the example: !ifssed the end of her lecture — [think t must have nodded off [ACjoin in (ntake part in an activity with other people}, the grammar pattems are: oin i, join in sth. They show that Join ip can be used without an object, or with an object immediately after the phrasal verb. The examples a\50 help you to see this: When we get to the chorus, !want everybody to join in. ® Politely, he joined in the laughter A talk into (=persuade someone to do something, especially something they are unwilling to do), this grammar pattern is given: talk sb into sth. This shows that {alk into must have two objects. The frst sa person ((sb’ = somebody/someone), and the secone is a thing ((sth' = something). The example shows the verb in a typical sentence: / should never have let you talk me into this erazy scheme. Phrasal verbs such as turn on, put off, and rip offcan all take an object between the main verb and the particle, or after the phrasal verb. They are called ‘separable’ plyasal verbs because thelr two parts can be separated: tum on Can yout te oven on fre Can ou temo te oven forme? Remember, though, that with this type of verb, two more rules apply: Ifthe object is a pronoun (a word such as ‘i’, ‘her’, ‘them’, “ime, 'you" etc which is used instead of a noun so that you do not have to repeat the noun), the pronoun must come between the verb and the adverb, For example: turnoff fu nt itening rote ao tum offic of. IFthe object is a long phrase, it should come after the phrasal verb. For example: ‘Geary tits he Fach cin vali ei ofS ache We “i USING THE DICTIONARY What other information does the dictionary give me? Nouns and adjectives which are related to a phrasal vers are ‘shown after the meaning of the phrasal verb that they come. from. For example, the noun blackout appears alter the Phrasal verb biack aut (~suddenly become unconscious). and the adjective made-up appears after the phrasal verb make up (invent a story, name ete), ‘Sometimes you will find that an entry for a phrasal verb is followed by a bold preposition. These prepositions are frequently used with the phrasal verb, and the example sentence which follows the preposition shows how this works, For example back out to decide notte Smeg that you have 2eedce do the couple wo were gong buy burs backed out atthe fst Irina of» She mode's promise (nd she can" bork ot of om. Common phrases which use a particular phrasal verb are also shown in bold: bet on th to eet sure chat something wil happen, especialy so har lenuerces what you cei {doe Teaders who hed bet ona ee Shave prices ost moray. don't bet on if woutdnt bet on > "yor thik theyll me tre fr tens pain? imovisn bet on USING THE DICTIONARY Abbreviations used in this dictionary 0, adjective ete etcetera sw noun uN pluratnoun sb somebody someone sth something v verb i ABANDON | Ahandon yoursta ths aca ota “ont s ston esing > She hondoned here ently io ge ABIDE Aide yt 6 oe ar apie the Condos aa ne, om or sneer’ Pie President sto bie by the Same ties es eveyone ae ABSORB ‘asoanD Beabsorbed Inst: 0 be very Interested an at ou ate 30. 0 tharyou dona: aoe wha Fappening sound you wes 50 atsareed in ny wore that Fain hte te ine ABSTAIN ‘ABSTAIN Fram ~ Abeta from th to not do something ou woul keto a ested fr heath olin teasers» Waoon ‘reusuayadsed to aston fem ‘oho urna sreanorcy. ACCOUNT ecOUNT FoR + 1 econ fos orm apatesor partorsmountof something Pipont accu or ve Bo pe cent oon 2 aecaun for sto gives foster tlre fa omehes low do you scoot farsa ‘thoppearnee? $ acount ort to ete eacon or 2cteting eich Seo fr ghee tes “account for bh to know here Sito iso: wea hpered to. Sarneing ast ae dion bbe aveouned for Grey pony Ros {0 he accounted fu ACE Ack out + {ev ou theo easly eet Sereaoeo: something» Se ee out her eoses ei forthe top fs | ACHE Bene for sth to mat someone ot Seething very uch» was ag Fonsome tine oie uth hee > ie ‘ched for ba ACQUAINT Acquasnr wire 4 aegis with sth: tern bout eo el someone about fomeone or samethine» Ae yo acquit wth myo ond Sion? >She ck te roe acqaan? hese wr er stents 2 auqusint sb with sth Sorsone soot something He eaced to use ts oppor equning Re itn he te ats act 4 a otf, at sth out: 10 poor, fhe events in att oraton The Sderts ow asked fo 0 ot tne le Sf young peran wha i being be 2a oat sth act sth ot 19 express {our emotions by doing sametting teenagers io oc ui ther rusts tg ering op fo behave bay He ways sed fo act uncles when he Wes uo ADD» AIM A00 {dd add th nt include Zanethingina total» you 2 of theoter outs me mode very fee money fae om lt ona 90: 0 Icrease apumber or cst, of 8 9 pono someting» a ourof East ‘si, where you tudo or an extra (ree: Bet» on extension cided o> tothe back ofthe house fe tonto make something bigger Sr presen hii ony ada fe fost of geting i feed » the renare milena to heute are about netealy moatied fod. fn00 UP + $30d w sn aston, 2 aide to Beate the totale? The waite added wp te bil wgain 5 Thetis oreo taught ow ted, tent, and ade uo. 2nd upto ely to Bete oF Corvette sors scat {jo seemed to be missing» a ‘stds phe the onl pesn no oul possibly have commited the add op f small amounts or rarbers 2a tne total gacuaty gets tobe Suvpiinly og i you sa bean medi, ne clores Soon oe 368 upto 0: ohare» pantclae Fesutor eet Ai think ads Upto cremarable achiever ADDRESS Address yourself tosh to doa with boca pabler The coritee Wil edaes soft ee mat sues ADHERE fdhere to st: o obey a ue am oF | Sytement door sides ore exgetea ‘Sadho to hervtes ADMIT ‘ait te 0a tar you ave Gone smtething wrong of that yt aves feng rat you nk You ‘hos not Have adm lng sth hee neve ant being sare. > The te praoners finaly amt fonsnagiog he emoessovor ADVISE dovise oF dave bof i ttl someone ft acto situation Patents toe ot aise of the nh of BE ‘pert. AGREE donee ws + {Trac agree with 8:2 yp ooo frank oes not agree wth ous Paes you fe sigh i 1 ee re Ine eat eesn® ely agree th 2 agtee with sb: something aiees ‘ath you, rakes you feet good > She nots realy well he couniry fav ondciry ages with AIM Amat $m at sth: 0 ty to achieve Something» Wete cing ao growth sateor23% 2 be aed at sb: tobe imendea fore articular ‘ype of person oe prov to 3 use, uy orwateh 0 new TH Sees timed at women intel 308 ‘be aed ats remarks aimed 3 someane, especialy ely is Innes to e aout them» hope thot est commen’ waso¥ aimed ce ALLOW allow frst to incu o conser Samething when you are making 2 Plan of decison» Make sure yo lilow for possible delsson te way othe aipor. 2allow for sto make possible or Something o happen The sytem ows for prtae be tea eral ALLUDE det s/h 19 mention someere Or somethingirrecty™ He seomec fo bealudng to ecent events in. Firpe: AMOUNT ‘awounT ro > { emount tosh tobe te same or have the sate eect vs something Ase Peasize and happiness donot ecesseriy emount tate same thins 4 pot amount ta much se nat Smount to grea deol ee: (0004 Sen very mortar, ga, saccesafl ter She feeiat tevin acadenie {chlevements tr’ amount toch 4 amount sth to raul ns aver tra» Teel hi ening to Fumes ine region amounts ‘out £3000, ANGLE ANGLE FOR —> fl fr sth to eye get someting iinckret say Wea anew she ‘wor angi for premotor. ALLOW > APPROXIMATE ANSWER Snawer bac, sneer sb back to tawer someone rude essetaly a patent or teacher soo es your moter ets you, and dont answer awswer F08 {Tensor frst tobe considees fesponsiole fo samething bad a possibly be punished or. Rave Enawerforsinb One doy ie gee rie aaverfora sites 6 2 have ll to answer for oo hove @ good deal to answer foro 22 ‘sponsible for cous aot of rouble Teint ann telenision has 0 972 ‘eal to arses ot Attn fos: 1 ave to ein the feasar tr your ation ta someone Bnd accept mat hey ink about Ihe Polis have to ansver to thevotersat the gener ection APPEAL peal to Soo be atratve or Ineesting to sameane» Zoe nove nil oppea te even of oes. APPROVE Sppeoee of sy tink hat Sarettiog ar somects is good. ersulabes as paents nea approve othe maroge APPROXIMATE breaoninare to ‘opronimat oH fo be ano the Sime 383 pact amount ora parcubr situation» Ths fie {pproninatesto he tra pepution ‘of heater Europe ARGUE > ASSOCIATE ARGUE argue shout, argue out sth:to argue bout or lgcise every pata omethingin ere! to make. fa declan They sent months againg but te seta fhe care ARRIVE Sve at sth: to make a decison on Sureemert atau! sometnieg ater, Caretly eonsienng Te ry Cook fre nourstoarive sea verat ASCRIBE {se th toh: 0 soy what Somethings cased by Mer death nor asonbea to note causes ASK tak afer shto ak how somsane sof ‘ta they have been ding so Jon {eather day= she asked afer you tak cb alg, ack along bo nite Someane ogo someere with yu wimy do tpou ask some of your ends clong? ‘AS AROUND, also ASK ROUND —+ ‘sk around round: ook sve pegole shout someting norer to Find he ntrmaton tat you nsed eres areund and See theres ‘oom avafobe 1 ask fo boy tha you wou ke le'speak to someone Me caled the Dolce stein and asked forlspector “onsen 2/you cout as for a better. Used Sey mat comecne Someing is he bes a tnd Tou couldn? ost fora more romantic pee branes ‘ 23 sbis asking for ouble usec sy ‘fatcomeone nding something that [Slay goingtomate someting ‘Sea happen fa ha Anyone ho eis round tht are eer ares esting fs roe sb as asking or tus ia say thee fomeane deserved ote atarked fordeseendsametng bad tat Ianpened to them» sy dd you bt imi "We wes ashing frit Sebi to ‘sted bin Toracup of coffee {5k sb out: 0 ase someone to goto 2 festa fim ee wih you, ‘especialy because You want start 2 fomantereslorshis wih them At Hise was 0 shyt 08 er Oo. ‘hoe She ang ne tht same Suoning and asked me out fora drink ‘sk aves, also ask ROUND + Seb ove/ ound: to te someone Tocome'o your house ors neal 2 Atte You must ask hin ee for dane some tine ASPIRE epi tasth fo want and ey har chievesovetting» She hed evans spied io ease pas ASSOCIATE $e associated wth thy 0:10 be anne’ ath someting smears Paar eure 5 ‘ssocued ih smoking, 2 associate stb wth sh 9 inate conrecion nour mind between one thing or prs and anather» Peope use ossorite Iapan with hg fcr consumes products 5 associate wth st: 0 spend tine nth someone, exec someone ‘tier people disaarove a ty Pareto’ want ta eae tat the any am across te tee ATONE Aone for sh: odo someting to Show ha you are carry force Something wong and want to make ‘he staan you fave eased beter They were anaous fe atone for of They hot doe dung te wor ATTEND { tend tos: 10 cel with someting Tom ef ea sing he had some Iinpartan business tocotend 2 2 attend too lp ot ook ater Someone Army meds wre bis tending to te wounded, ATONE > AVERAGE ATTRIBUTE: ariaiguTe 70 abate th oaths tothe that ameinine was caused or rade by 8 otal ers, aver, or sutton total warming hes neon etre foenmareasem polation rom crs. he pina wes onainaly ‘tno to Peas, 2 attribate tht ssh: to bateve that someone or something aes paar eu» We mus be cove roto otbute himan motives fo sommes. AUCTION Suction aff, auction si off sell “meting vlisbie tthe pon wn fers the ost money» Phe entre tents oe omy home bad tebe ‘toned of AVERAGE Stitohavesparcuar amount asthe ‘rerage® atv much de you spend navocoes? "averages Ou at lard £350 a week BACK Bb BACK {back any to ave backoards 59 inatyou sterner sy tom {ongone ot someting» re you ‘uey” se ed backing ewoy io 2 hack away to Become uti g to ao sonerting tal youorigely ‘idyeu would Jo ftom» Tne ‘overnment ros Been cused of Stacking avar fora roms 0 Inerease or chwanct ‘ede dow: a accpt tat you cane suivanargurent tha you a mone Gougoreding» she union rejsed totack aon on ce for Inmadee sik 008 {Tbackofto move backbards so that faust hitter avy rom someone oF omething» He boked off lnmediney wen fois hed 2 backoff to top ningtoinfuenee Scmenne ating to mele someone flosomethings for shou oct off fora mnie ander Al mote 5 on decisions Shack of to become urwlng 9 de Zorething tat you oily sa You ‘would dos trom» The Presents Tecking off from hs promse fo hol fee elects back sda someone o way and sf anoyinge” Etticang you Mey boc of cay Cant you see sone of ve Sisiness sack onr0, alse nae on 70 ~ Back omo/ ont ‘Fa bulaing bac, fre er el ‘aad ele the back of the ling aces The house backs Sno aed anda fcr our Back out: to decide ot 1 40 Something ha you Have agreed te db he cupte who were gong to buy bur haus backed out the st Imiute + of shes made promise nd she on Bec oof 00 {backup sh acksth up. to prove {hatsomethingstiue™ there wos ne Senta eiderceo back ap Ter ‘ios. ‘back bap. back ups to spor Someare by sesngthat rey are Teling ne eth Peggy 9s ere foo. Sette able back meu. back pb sth, back s/h op: 0 rave adeional help a super Copia decid the possbiiy of {sng the my to back pte pote Baek up adeional helper supper > Sever pole cas provided back op ortne ofc. Backs backap systems, Serdces, cf equipment ste doslened {be ys the ain ane does ot ‘wokefectvly> ucla eoctars have super eicet oocer Sistem nce ofenergencles. «4. back up th back st upto coy Computer infomation ont separate Ask so that telaormatie ts sale thete problem ih the comptes Yeu soul bck up your detect | leastonce aweck ack copy of nformation oP & computer Rememberte keep bck ps of your portant les. brckup at produced when you make 3 opy of formation on 3 Computers bacon cap) 5 backup, back up sth, back th upto five vehicle backwards The Ser bseted te teu ap tothe rel de BAIL ‘allo ou, bal ou sos 0 hop fomeone inti ancl reblers Bialvinginem money Richard has inp ge dere calege tod it parents hove refsed to Gotti out 12 bal sb out, bal out sb: leave 2 Sum of money thaw courts that Someore cn beet to pison uti theta Clark's my pout £50,200 9 bal him out. bal ot boty, bal sth ott the bot fa boat We ete Daeg as as a oul, but ‘bul et: to um out af plane in rer to esespe Because Is going {fash Te itil wos ht Butte illo aneged oo ots tie baleuton sb 10 sto» suppoing Soreon® > ot of prope event Dated eut on the president BALANCE (balance th against thst conser {helmportane of one thing ination Aoanother» Thecon of tatment hax fobe belorced against te neath Denes aiance our — balan ot two or more things Balance ot the tral resus hat they ate equal» Sometimes fk BAIL > BANG “ater the ids and somstins fo oes" 59. the ond al blances BALE see BAIL BAND band together to worth ther pope sa group order ta eneve Eonathig™ Coco rsifents banded Together mand are pote fers on tne areets. BANDAGE tandage sont Bide shabu: pceat ated our pat of he bod hots inured ihe ure ondsged me up (dsr me home et BANDY fanny Abou, also BaNoY ‘andy about/around st, Bandy att asboul/eround to meron «ward rome ideo ete often» ames ihe ‘Baad Pi and Anthony Rophing ore Delngcondieu about for staring eles inthe show BANG BANG AROUND, cso BANG ABOUT + Bang araund) about to ove arcana ‘apace, doing ngs avd mang 2 lolol rose tenael was Gonging aout nthe eee Mung for BANK » BASH Bang amy to wok hada Something. Salon Harel Donged mayo hs Teper oan bang down bang sth down: :o put something coun ole) 23 rls Becauseyou ate amoyed» "Thars nought Laura std banging down ‘tein ig om total aot about he same thins espelalyn der to make Seaple ake noice of what you are syne about on sorry Yo keep ‘engng on abou, ba our Sefety ule eo every wan ‘hang sup fo pt sorgane in psn Thu fother bad beer Genet tml formare tena yea 2 bang up sn sb, bang sth sb upto Sertusty damage satin ot nure soncope Fy cago prety Benge bprovt ator imged up at ld are damages PiShears a bangedup old eee. BANK kon sth sb 19 depend on Sometlng happening or on someone ‘ling something Tony boning 00 air tong fo take ter a2 {he ital would an on (used to emphasize tha you canot depend Ssamething happening ook 5 [ibemetoer wile good en tre de Sut wou bank on BARGAIN more than you bargained for: not pected and nt wanted ees © onder oy ot cast at trove han et Gogoi or SARGAIN Fon, also BARGAIN On not bargain or/on sis orot expect Sonethng to hopper, especialy Someting tat eases pbIEMS Pred baganed on beg stk io eff for wo hows BARGE BARGE In, also BARGE NTO.» 1 barge In, barge Into st tortey {ote bling oo ethout berg ‘sted sn jor meu’ base Int he barnett rocking! barge it, barge lato tht cy intent what someone leis saint br dng Gorton had eo anon heb of sting dew at Bergig to orherpvopie'’ coneatans BASE {ASE OW, 0/50 BASE UPON» base stron upon st to ue fas ‘ens record chat you abead ave erderto dei someting rouce something ese fased ry (decison on what ought mobi be lest for ine citer Tne mate as dosed ona rove by Sica Lows. BASH bash st /sth abt: oat somenne ot something raugiy ot volerty P Someame home covered in tuises, “oping het been bushed about ct Schoo. bash say 19 work hard and Continues a something + at > Hike sport he weekend bashing wy 1s aes net aaSH ‘aah nin, bash sth into break damege, of seousty inte somening It bas your ead inf say at damage something They said they) Dastime ifs anything othe teachers BASK Baskin th to enjoy vary much he [tention oration tat you ae feng fom oter people» Pe Dana Desked inthe cdmietion ofa scale peneration. BAT Dat ound th, bat st around: to lecus iss once to dete Wether erat hay ae god» Me ated aound seer! suggestions, bit rome of em seemed gute ng BATHE Be sxrico wm betiathedinsunshine/ moonlight serif places bthed in surshine of Ioonight he ight shines veny Britt ino orato tae Pie Wes sudenty batved in sumsnine 0 The lauds pore. BATTEN batten down st, batter sh down: to fimiytoren a windem,doorete n fetta revert damage em song Winds Stepren was nosy bering Afown ole str before the Ihacone ones. BATTER beter down th, hater sth down: vo Ita coor eral very ard unt teas and tale down » armed patie Dttered he front dear down and tdgged the men into the street. BASK » BEAR BATTLE Datei out people, teams ei bate out, they compete osu wth each ‘ter uni ane person team es Ga undo the pression wl be Dating to fos too pee of Foo 00 Baw oes thew out 0 speak rey esoreon tres gave Sekonstne mange heed ‘ely Soe 0 fo obi ome Sate BEAR {hen down tue al ou stn ‘ppurvarpns dom svccnatng Phe menal be dm. ure Thon woul bedge 2 ber douse at yao dntanetings The oe a hve ‘eoerctagon get rout ‘heyontto wee gone oncsosre = cen on onion terme an , fee Seterined way Thestio tore ‘our ons and there seemed fo be na espe, eat ot stb, bears sb atta Support wnat soreone Mas Said one Felpta prove that eter Recent reseorh ars the te tat ‘women oe ser ders than men BEAT » BEEF ‘ear up: to remsin chef ar not be baclyafecee by aba station. leds elem beer very cae yea formy fer, bu e's beeing wm ule wel bear with me: uso polly ask ‘Sonione (owe of be patent while ‘oudo something» ope ou bil Dear with me fl youe ite aboot BEAT BEAT BOWN > the eu Beate down if he sun Bests ‘une shines very orgy» The suo becting don om ou backs and aur throes mere cy 2 theraln beats dow: ne rin ieate downy i rainzvery hard At hat moment the shy denen and te an began to beet dav, ‘beat cb dowa:t persuade somacne fereduce the pice of somthing you ste buying» they manted £250,000 for he hoes but we best them dove te Fzon.c00, 1 beat offs sth, beat s/h of to ‘acced in stepping someone rom ‘tne yo, by ming he The ‘ale man maid 0 Dea off is faocers sing his wating stk 2 beat off ths, bea ths off 10 defeat something oesomeane wa Competing wih yous" eppesig you Pomettemot to beat offarval Bu? frome mabe phone compen beat ot sth, beat th oat: rosie «regular parm af sounds, apetaly by ning something "Someone beget Bet ou! 0 raya he ds abba dat Wi Ka RE WEN 0 fire stop buring by nitng twin something» she mea to Gee vt the ames witha wet tome 3 beats ot est out te dest Zoneone or Gobeter ran tem n= ampetidon The Raters beat out wt as he Kansas Cy Ce seat ue > ‘eat sb up, beat up sb: to aac an Esroush huresomeane,sMiting ‘eng them mary tines They boot ‘imu so bot he wos hosp or anon. ‘eat upon sb: to attack soneane or iene tem vay Rey accused obec of coating upon the Doaresrctzens in ondrto get votes. BEAVER Dawe ary: a wai hard at Something The mechanics have een bearenng avay a might tng to gle car 000) for herace BECOME nat became of boo whatever Become of sb: used ask about Someone you used 1 know and about ‘what eny ate coin now Whatever Decane af PN Goadora’? raver” eared on fi for years BED Bed down: tole downto sees Sneha, especaly notin yout {tua be » About tent people bot Desde dow outede the store, ‘nating forthe ale 0 Star BEEF Beer up + ‘eet up th eet th up to inprve Somethingby making tstonge rare ead Cig emcalts Aine " hs been eefet up forte Queens i Deetedup se sronges nore Dower mote efectve ete han Defoe a asted ap version ofthe est mace! BELIEVE BEUve wm {belive in sth: to belive hat aged fasts tat # paul religion oF bel iste» Most ait peop? | boven od, even they ogo to ren lve fn th to ink at fermethingts good er right» don Delve a dese sity des. believe Indaing st» ay ronayorner was Stic vagtaian" he cin belive in Ing ang ‘elev Ins: 1 be confides that Jomsone wilbe able todo someting Sccestuly> The people wort 0 prstdent that ne con bee i brlee in youself =be concen at yous good at something or tha you fan succeed)» pou want 0 be on ts, you have 1 tive i oursele BELONG sb something belongs foyour tls yous Tre oar Lelased {0 One of th toca fishermen » Wo oes that fuse belong to no%? abeong ts: tobe amember of = artes group or enganizaton» Dt You being to ary cubs wren you Were etaniery ‘belong tt: to come rom or be fomected with 2 parties tine, Plc, ors jie the ody seemed fobeiong ta aifeent ex Bet fur our ball outst, bet seh out :0 sng or BELIEVE > BIND Day something ona musica Insta: wey lly» Downstais @ Sone nos being out deening setection of ther early Hes ‘elt up: sed tac tl someone fost talking» For Css sae, Deltop" Barton so. 2 beltup: to Fasten your seabet ina Zarot plane The government hve Invouced 0 F500 fine for avers ho ont bet ve. BEND De bet on sho be very determined fod something, espe sumering bad: be bent on doing th Tre ioesfers sem bet on causing as ch sanipion os posible eer Bet ons t fel sue that something iil open, especiely $9 that Infuenes what you doe to da Traders who had ber on ace Share pies fox! mone don bet on /t mould bet on R= "Do yor tk tele me work fr tem again Staten baa BILL Dill sth as ho publ sete Someone or sorethingin 2 totulst Saoy moder toaaverse tem » ne Festiva boing billed as he Biggest fits adn Europe. BIND nd over sb, bad sb over ifs cout br judge bine someone over they ier at prsan Yo cause mo mere trouble sr wl unisn ther ity 4s, be bound over to heap the peace Comat wes srecied on bore! BITE > BLACK ver to keep tre peace forthree sone 2 be bound over or Wa oe taken fo courtof ow moet be dae {2 Se Pau se gully ogc. Pda 3, os Goud aver fa le ‘on charges of ingen eseped ‘inioad be bound t's sth ts have made Foxmel agreement o rome to obey Semraone :sonething mara {hat you hove saned& contact ana therefere you rebound 10 '8€ BOUND UP in, also BE BOUND be bound up in with sto be very Imaved ina parler siuator Faanees oo bound up ner one problems toe abe 0 els ct the ‘be Bound up wth tht be closely carmected wth something» The isto the company seosely oun op nth eof he fmt ho Foundea are, bite back sth ites back: o felberately slop youse am saying Something orc showing wat yOu realy ele Care pada srorg desire {osy what she realy rowan, But she back the wor ate back song and onetly teenie ey eed ot ane Something unpleasant 0 you» The 2 prime minister any it ck at Government cies tosay bile It si to press sa had ‘gan some’ skin at thurs oF {ts thom Colum ightoned so tnd shee Ms ger bing et 2 bite int sth to use a large part of hema, ime ete that you haue ‘alla Share pices have fallen os {herecesson has bitte ito pois, BLACK Slack out 0 suienlybacome Unecnsriods The disor of he cor ad appcenty bieced outa he wheel ackaut when you sideeniy become unconsious» You have {eo goto the aocor you keep bowing these lockout, 2 he blacked ot i'2 00m, bln Be ays bagked out dating ee al The Im are tured ol or hidden right sothatit cannot beseenty enemy planes ® During the bombing. Ihecityes Backed out and te cas ‘ose ar pm Dlatheut a pei of tine night uring war hen a ghts ae {irned of or iden se that baldngecanat be aca by enrny pes Kity hed ha ough of fhe blackout barbus and fe eronagee ‘be blacked out: to have nalts 0° Because te eect ciy ne stopped working rom time foie he wile funy was bce ut by power Blackouts when igh cannot be not wotking Ove roa power ‘Blackout tele nctel wes foto ‘ones. 8B 1g black ot st black sth out: te cover Somethin erty care mati so that famot be seen the crs ivence Plate hed beer bucked! out wth toe, SsBlack out sth, black thot: 2 reverts teevison or rave brogramme fom being rosea, oF 3 Fs epot rom berg seen or ad Phe former Seve authvies ed fo bio out a waadeasts om the West Blackout nen a ado o: Ielesion reyarme fe ofcaly reverted tom being ao adeaey tw report rom beng pine hale ordered enews bieckout Wile the negeverions to fe ne Fostoges were progress BLANK uank our Blank out s/s, lank th sb out fo delberstely ry to stop ourse” from thinsing bout somening ot Someone > ied fo completely ork Aer of mind blank out st, Banks ut: to ave ot rerovesometing hat is twter so thet keamat be ead the hove of te fastporagraph hac been slanted or. pink Makati Information or witing on a computer screen Danks out, edsappears os aden» Susy he ple was, working on Blmted ou “blank out 0 bo unale 1 ememoer What say or co» Hissa took one fook atthe exam pope end ‘ompletety bontes ou BLANKET Beane win + be blanketed with srom mist et: to be covered ith snome mete P'vinely alr Suey wes blonketes wah’ over BLANK > BLAZE BLARE Wie it Frisia dt tis tng vey at ery tru ox bing out fo be ‘espeuer ster BLAST Bata last aay sth ast asinawey token es eonor SSpasuesosoncoe or sone Sener arate Suseg Sy he cs otha et. 2 blast ava ploy ruse vey inn erecta ang pr me Aan te Bae si Setiog over 3 bla eva oor ice sence Seda or yoo aig them for the housing shortage. 4 fusrorr Blatt Fa conceal sts less gourds th beg {arava spate tel eek a ‘eke amine rer stn ies Soc ton ar Biase te omen tena space ebesie pound Sexism ie Sac e Seve o acon uth aso ast our Aste, be sth ov Blast out. {Vranas at someting as ‘eubswey bud> toy mane es Bisthg arf te ote BLAZE age say 1 ane ay Fae a setts mgty® a he ‘onli eigen 2 blae away: to keep fring 2 gun _ Eomincguny bat» Repl Out BLEND » BLOT genend sorted bzing amoy tthe | Brcoming sae. Lane colar er attem at suroondlng ‘bets ae helena ok vey Seen omen » flor veces ‘re oie’ gree 0 roves tat they blend no the sicroundings ean The touse 3 made of fost “ione, wiih endsin well whe “rounding counts. 2 blend in blend int thf a Los Angeles doesn't meter where you fame from aftr mae oust ‘andin with Phipps hs best Bena wi hearer st, LMP Blimp ou o become ft» Daring Imyst¥eariacaleoe iti [amped at om eating so mech Jin oo Buss suiss out > Bis ot bis sb otto fel very Fapoy ond reset, oro make Someone el hs way ater veep bls out in ooking BLOCK ‘Blocen i black th eto wite oe Caw something that cove’ apace Sm piec of paper» Sheu drown te Siinming poet, ten blocked i ive green cota ‘BuOCK OFF = block ff sh, Bleck th oF 10 ut someting aro 08 path, nance ete age to prevent people fom passing rove Proce bose of the whole ace ‘ter te rooting 28g fo 1 Mack out th, block st otto prevent lt soon, ado waves e from reacting somewhere Thee lenses ere sunposed to toot ovt fer av tha com damage your tyes » Huge shyscrapersoched OU the sie 2 Bcd oat sth lock th aut: to sop SJourel om thinking bout Semethingunpieasant = Army flgrttel amore about the etch fest ed 0 lh ut nd. stock uP Block up st, Mock th ap: fa farow spice othe entrance to Samething sat nothing ean pass ough» Cromde af pegle were Dori up tre sect fon of he coune biing BLOT {lat ot sth, lt sth otto cover Something ah preven it fom Bee Seen Clout of tek lack smoke Prone out he shy. 2 Blt out sh, Bat sth out: 0 sip Sourel tam ting you omting espe something pleasant or painful He mers sein Ms wort blo out ne ev. ot wp bt sth up: orev Nid or surface by gay, pressing cloth, pape ete on it se tenon towel io ot up any excess Tiga 4s Blow Beratenely oodane Inpressve nd have y overt c Ulecton cmeore Wer (fetter ths tec wos blown eva ‘blows away, Bow aay bt il Somerencrsonethngby sroctg heme bor move oF bon you wor 3 bow avey sb bow sb avay:to detest someone orseneting empletely» Tre katona Gl ther owoy nahin game iow — Blow to arive unexpectedly fn blew in aovt on Roa age = you eer’ Low ofr ~ $Bioweffs, blow snaftitan | spot or bute bons something Giremover wih sicrortoces | Wie blr ew of ree oF is Troe A Bow oft sb, how sha 0 frat someone of somata Unimpertaty Borer le ef te Sexist remarts Pe mae cbou female reporter 3 blew sino ow of tomato. | Romething trv youaestansed to co Sie tena tems come and Went out dinner stone, iow our ~ Mow ous blow sth eu: 0 totes or testing by laningat ont heir Pogue lint blew out Nemeth Wow ais fame oe bows BLOW ou, t095 buming because of he ‘ina or beease someone hse Bown avon te The eles hag bi out Ihe wid. 2 blew out faye lows outall ne Brsuadenty foes out of because ‘Sapmagea' Gre of Pe yres ew butand thee conto he car owout vie alle sucdeny pecout ofa ye betase omaged 4 Dien ate 00s Gould realy dangerous. ‘blow out sb/sn, blow sth out ‘Geessiy dete somesne or Smetnng™ Durteom bow ou he Cubs 283 1 blow sett out 9 storm blows fetfout tents» The hunieane moved aig the coast before blowing Treat ave the Hart Alans ‘blow sb out, Blow outst to ‘isappoin someane by 6! mezing ‘hem ornot doing what you nave frre taco fhe Bie yo Se fam, tl hin you dos want see Rimeny more 2 Blow ve: far arpunent of Unpleasant hut blows ve, is Tergtten ono ange’ seen Tportanc» Fknow shes ongry now, Dye soon Blow vee 3 blow oer: fa storm blows ove it fends The Weather Cert predes That he satan wl quik i 1 Bow up sh, low sth upto destroy Someting using a om An ory Des conying za solders was Bown 4p by elon eine low up: oe dstoved in an tapevan investigators oe tio te Fi out what caused te rece Plow pn mica BLUFF > 806 blew up Sin blow th endl Serving hh arorgas come and helpme tion Up ttebaleans. blow-up cr blow-up obec is one thoryou fil wih aiand osu Imad of pastor ber a0 tod ‘4 blow upto suey become ety rand stat spouting She ws {flow up over the sghtes te ‘hing low-up sudden angry argument After cur blowup, tary ado" Spent tone oratweck ‘blow up sth blow sth up: fo makea inach are apy somethin, Specialy» photograph » You sould [eth proto Olu op on raed. ‘blowapira plotugrah or pice Charkasbeen wade nh ger >The evening news showed @ Uw tp ofa spy stcite pire. 6 blow upf 7 oar argument ora Spent tuatio blows ap. Scent state» A dplmatc cs ‘nas Biwa up over te cece! bombing ofthe embessy bw up th, Bows ap: 0th aout somattinginswaytat rakes [Seer more ingot ov mare Serius than gat ine | ft know why youve low hs a6 Inco sucta big doo!— its ust {et Blas ap ota peo paretan The whole tig seins Bw op ‘ut al arozonton bythe Wester 8 blow upifa storm or tong wind Bows up t sudeeny starts The sys geting drs eons the cher’ oom Sloming op 16 | BLUFF | But ut oe or artenatat you Somot know somethin orae 10 {volt blag pursed blared» f She ols im who ook the move heft bt out and say he oesn ino eying abi BLUNDER Blunder info sto get inte a fia frdangees uation by mistake S inemen took owrong tan ane bundaad oe arou af emery salir BLURT ‘let out sth, Burt sh eu: 0 ‘cent a) sapeting wot {inking stout te sas because you Ste frtcus or ected» “pave (fl You Bark she bated out “Fe love i yo BOARD Boatd up sth, board sth upea cover ingen 9 dso. wlth wooeenboates, apecilvin oder to make 9 Daiding slay Rowizons re Dnorsing up Ihefewiidows bere th huricone ts, BOB phe peor level somhiig bobs up, siden increases ile» fut pres obbed Up before the hobey wcokend BOG. Sgt ged down: to hecerteso Involve onimportent things tha you cannot make progress wih te Irvin thing you ave yng. in 7 The peace as icy got Sagan sty aoa bog down sth, bog sth dawn, bog tow: to make something move, wey | Athappen es hi and esi Snow and reecng run nave ween Dogging dove afc on mahiand roads is week Bou noit bow ro olldounte Si stustan, problem, clscussion ete bls damn to frei, at's ne manor asi fH the end Fa ted Alown to wherherie cout cod to Imove house orm. Bout over — bol over ful ols ve esas ® ton being nested Inbeeauset has became {oo o> The mies doting over uleh to of ‘oll oversi'astason in ich ps ae angry bots aver they ori angry are let ol aver Ine sth Pes bythe aneeplved oles over into violence nthe it's Soest nig oI uP ~» {bol up: anery feng tit up Inside you, you Suceniy il very Ita She store nora Imament anger ling upside her ‘hollogfa cuare ora vapieasant iuwion Soup, esusderiy aro ppen Azrce war wes Baling up Ietneer the U5 ard ap BOIL > BOMBARD BOLSTER nowsrenur £ belster up 5st, bolster sbsth Upste make someane eel mate aden especial by aa sing som herbs on Cre betaine Se betters hm aban e's bi es ‘wander 2 bolster up th Boater sth up se [ctcnal cts ornermation fy Prove ac something rue Then’s bleniv of evidence vaiebe fo hoeer Gp tne theory BOLT Bat down sh, Blt sth downto eet feeder dy Chote Dated down ‘stout on ron out ofthe hove Boma ‘The bombed eut If people ae famed ott thei Homes have been estoy ny bombs» Ny oes tree completely bombed ote ad nothing ence te lthes hey sao 2 be bombed out: balding or town ‘Stembed ou ths beet detroyed Drbombs® People sti rmerber hat | matte half ty was bombed ‘Dombed-out 1 bombed out Buleng a town hasbeen costes Dybombs rte bowed out amt BOMBARD. bombard sb wth sh to ask symone slot of questions, give them stat ‘ce send Ter 1 tec aC at ence, zeta nan annoying Stay These dys we oe bombarded oh ade on bot 0a ane wet BONE » BOSS BONE Bone polar as muh a you can ousorethig nae peste fran exainatir meeting at tone Fv eck hy sce Sutfects 46 eal ove f bone up anthem, also soox 10 -» ok tt g0 0 2 hott wnere you end fo say antl that hat ou hve arivee> booked ino the Savoy aad then went 1 book nts, bole nto Sironge fr someone wo stay at hele, iavetieatmont a moe ete eat cancel de om row =e ‘away Booked 5 in book So at Sthe Tre doctors booked yet theWest london Cine be booked up fap, concen, course tele booked up, there rena mete Seas 2 places vatabie» Fhe Dope plays ot always booked up tre eavence BOOM oow our i thoom ou The PC took asouple of mutes to boot ee 2 boot up 2h, oot sh apo ake 3 omer saz worina ao that hs deauy tose» You'thoveea shut ftw the cone oe hen Soot ap agen BORDER oroer oN order on sth: abe almost he same as someting very he HS behawour th some femele menbers of st bordered on sexe! Favasemen. be bordering 28 the fiictous/the abs te (ses fiieulous,absure eto ¥ Sonate, Sovevamentcenserhip borders. the ota Bore Boe nto sb vamneones eyes bore int yy ey ook st you very ‘rey no way that makes ou feelunomertshle™ The young mars eld angry ees booed ints hee BORNE see BEAR OUT Boss 1055 AROUND, also sos boss sb around about: to Heep ling oreone what ode Man Omron Seay eon stand We wap lmes ‘osses eveyene around! BOTCH worcn up — Bote tp, both up tht. d9 famathing sty and caretissy » Che Lot of older botched p50 that he hao star oa Botched por dene naey ar (arelesiy> The decorating was 0 fal botehee up foo BOTTLE forte our Dot out sateniy decide nt Ao someting nat you hed aged 6 to, beause you ar too newous Pow said you manned & Potts (oo late to ote cut new wore ur — A botie ups bate sth upto not, howWartae soc actions teeing ches anger tr unhappiness even hough is tects your Wty Tre book nas away of expressing al the linger been boting sp forvecrs 2 ote pb op bt tobe unebleto move formas © Make progres. wake eu for fing do ths The Bos bold up i the Senate since Septem J]OTTOM forrow our — Bottom aut: stp cecreasing ar Arting worse, esecay before Flating to crease or prove again PAlotof foes nove been st, but Uare re now sons ha the mcesslon Inbovtoming ot BOUNCE WoUNCE AROUND — {houne th around, bounee around Iheto dass andes itr tmee Pwopin! mented fo haven meeting Novat wecoutd Dounce afew teas trou. i i BOTCH > BOUND ‘bounce around: to move requenty touafereat ries or owns iy omy Doane caund ofa because ry da wearin te crm - heunce bac 0 become uscestot ‘seit afer fling or being detested Sine company's hod oot of aes Ine post butts avays maneged ta bonne back bounce baci tofeet wor Sheer asta ‘ter beng il rafter an gen oN a ieee e choi BEE Resse ee oe erate ea emma einen a St etereest See eeenranets seronoecge a aae roa | slowrpaens | BOUND Be bound wp with sth: 10 be clasly nneced wg pata pobien, ‘uation et» stark probes a ot our ap wt his meters death where es en BOW » BRAVE Bow bow do: en! forward rom youraish especialy afer ou a ‘esd eceling + betore® Nets owe den before he sate he ohueh 2 bow down: 0 do what someone Is trying to make you do, eepecly bpeaise you arated of hem ‘tom The govemman! mises to Boe Sonn to verona bow out to gieup an inpotat jo Se that someone can fake you lace ‘otto stoptaking patina even He lore bowed cut ade he stage f0 the Socata ‘boa to sti/ss (0 sree dowhat Semeone tse wants Youre do, specially wher ts fatwa you nar, Bow to pressure» Ze Prine ster reluctanty bowed to pressure From is cases and agreed deloy theron cuts, bow ta abs Gdermands/ wishes fn the end the government nas forced to bow t> {evsonds fom enronment! ora. 2 bow to the nal 9 accept at Someings gong 0 nappen ata Enna be voided» Wher ie recession hi the comeany ba we to the nevtable ond ceased ating, BOWL Son slang, Bow slong shovel ‘whey sr sraatly pecan a She oekea bee afl si, Bowtng elon in her ober topped on Bow ove, bow ver sb: you are bowed gre by sameune or Samahing. you se extenely Impressed ny theme shen she fst 20 mer Mere, she vs boned ove by is {oad oak: ona nar Box + box sb/sth i, bax ins th: stop 1 person oven mong by puting. Sather eri the ay by sang ‘ey ose ta ther» ben Frtumed Tomy can} found fas boxed Dy a Yello on. get Boxed in sls is In donger ofbeing boredin byt German aefondos, 2 box InBox nso prevent Simeone ftom doing what they wart foo. by iting nema some wey Psat busnesses or Doxey of Sonts of iy ses ond regulations. sox uP box sth up, box up st: opt things Into owes to ue hours ‘ea the Mouse on bop the empty bones, BRANCH “bach of 094 path ate branes rom ce ond ot both separees fom fad goes & Uieent retian st» We ook ‘nino oad. which branched eft the Iepot wigger 2 branch off to star aling about Something diferent + Into» Tren she omenation ranches off ito Uiszusson about ones ‘ranch oto tart dong something dierent fom wha you ual, tspetaly business. + Ima a ‘ecard cova thot cen branched oto ras BRAVE ‘ave itout 0 say and tate 2 dangers or unpleasant saxon, a lather than oyng to avoid» A ior of Dope lof Bar when tne orate ft, bu Elie doce nba BRAZEN frazen our — Bien ort co deeraiy beave Mnucotier vay hero canvas | have donesorting vreng e ed fever out urs eed es reedtomon BREAK EAR wa {reat ome to stop tag pr.olo Ho, pat ayo cutiyn Hass om nate one 2a Memebtyofecakes ole ay phen te clears e Pater te yas of otro wor Ihesouten reps bok voy ame theron ronan 8 bes ups te tht hs eptated fom ae opm ts icopenen Hata! Beth wes trek rp by Cele ison Abrvekenay:to wanes fo set sxay em sonore onic hee you Aint osop yu tains no Attempted to break away but he head | fern rab vay: 2 someting Uwe tor statyouustaly co throm Secres an fo re nay the ions oes! oder irr eal fom Machine Irons showy - on ‘woking opener BRAZEN » BREAK tnt bee =the photocopiers broken den aga! breakdown when a vehicle stops ‘woring whl yeu are vaveling Shar the sevond breakeourt reve nos ths month Broken down 2 broken down woh er machine sod ona hos Soppee working There asa ‘roken-down arte sie of 2a 2 break dawn: fa because of Brotiems or disssveements P Negcictions nerween ero {ovemments broke down fst eo breakdown tehem something ns because there ae prelens er (deagreements arvethdone it fommonation» Marriage brew ecounts ara ge ‘numberof one-aren fame. 3 bred down tat 0c. break down in tears "You hove fo help Ime" OW sai and he broke down, ‘break down: to become rental lt because you cannot cel thal Your problema When her usbond aed She broke dow compete {werous) breakdown ¥ 3 metatar Drs litess eased oy beng Unable ta deat wth serous proses n youre. havea breakdown forty needs 0 ei more orsrellend ip boving ‘eros breakdown ‘sbreak down sh, reak sth down: Atsometing such 22 door or wall “pharethat brea foes bone ‘down he door ane seared the borin. ‘break dwn sth, break sth down: to Separate something na smal parts Stal you can deat witht nore saat nto The Dest way to deat ‘of sft fe be twit categories. BREAK ‘weakdownn an exsnnation ofthe fetes of something, ee no dilecert parte Can you give mea ‘etaed breakdown of om much the whale hing woud cost” ‘rea down sn break sth down: 20 Zhange someane's dens oe tudes Pte to beck om rk Prelude trough education about (toe atures. ‘reskdown when en idea ot ttedor I no longer a tang oF opularasitused tebe the brmckdown of tritonal tutes to wore break or st: to sudo an avy From someone especialy inorder fo escape Lanter (elias Morton broke forthe corer ofthe feta, ‘beak foget toa fale rd fe teat Semeting eves Troe ie Shewos ose Gnatoat ater feet beainnvher someone zesinto | bul ilegly expecayn Ser to steal Something He ren thee crested ae he brea ot onday righ breakin to suddeniesaysoneting | ‘ten soreone ees aeedy kn, Pais sever itrstng"fomes broke, “but how do Hoow 3 break th in brea nts to wear ie toes, baat efor st petiods OF tine vi they become more 2 omfanable> 1 on think i wear these shoes to work unl ve broken them not home fst. ‘ breakinsth, beak sth in tain 3 Yeung hrsetobewse wel and te iow pecje to rie it» Dave hod brokenthe pony in nse also estar tk UPON ‘reskin on sts. v inert omoore» fees voice bate tron the Conversation. “They here" he ait BReKK INT. = reekinta 5%: 10 ge ito a buling fra vee egal by using fre, sper inorder to sal someting Someone bake nto my corand ‘Rote thereaie 2 brea ni so sudden tore for something, break into ase? iin® Haron read th ete und Jace broke nf some. breakin luugher/ applause» Theatr came down ard te audience Woke Inca oud appouse. break Into aun Reating tot he man woe Fong hin, Steve broke na arin seal ata ht vartta became Frvabedin anew tye of aeiy er tains, expec ten i diet» Kenn mos now Hee > break ime polities, {4 breakin st: 0 use a computer to | iegtly peor ange ntormaron est Ison someone elses computer ne ‘hes ereted afer Breaking nt Eanputer nator inser sites ‘break to th: to stat louse money Brfood iat yu Fave bere saving It ‘rete pay her dues redding, they had treatin ther SREAK IN UPON See BREAK IN OW ‘Trea of break of th, break sth Miya of sething aks N Weak tek bees sprees fom tires» Sentrcte of pice Mibe cect anda» ‘break, bek os, beak Uiittatsteween sop countes Migeatencorsoreon Sess hen Utes top sudsert bere Apher fa Aageenert tegotiains owes fiw ontat yoke of aga de Iie contin Abiekot conmencatons breat eat erento nae vhs person Fou, ore fed irene book Mahesh break cpomate Iwatonas Te soto Apron laren ioe ak trea sh ft you hel sonar sexta inaipwasoneun, you ed Seen rt ees ong ihr es ard ihe end he Dose of eraser rests en of ek tesatyoaresore Miaciaiy ss rye can evi lo vonewtcece> Terie edt bok of hi aay Fron nln (break ot 10 suddenty stp speaking Hdpn thik" he broke off and Aaied sua, ic OUT tk oui, ng fe, oF ose breaks oy start suddenly Bvt war broke out nay Poe Imes were Fed when fonting ie out te at (otbrnk en eat, ey Iidegse sudden Sas, ot 2 Sous outeok of chotero BREAK 2 breakout: io escape rom a pao. 4 of tro dangerous robes hac roken cut off ‘realcaut an exape hom a prison Theor be sre of ba 3 brenk out: ira nse suchas aaagiter or shouting breaks ott Stats sucdeny 8 te eon Grew restless, engy shouting rate cat 1 breakout: to change the way you the or behave eapecaly so that you ave more fetaom +f Both Mort ane angel wared fo breck ot af the resisnal ote and frat. ‘breakout inspots/ a rash ete our sk bree outin Spots ete ‘otf spats suadeny Sppear one rity ams ‘nd tes had broken out rsh ‘break cut ina sweat: sudeny Stora sweat (ees eid tau ou si, because yu ae ery et, Meemigntenea the soke cane owt ser nd closer ond ake veak sth ot, breakout tho get Eormething out and esate a use Break out te cowt0y boots ond get Teacy to donce a ght! 1 beak thrugh sti, bres trough: 10 force your usy thru sorting 0 Pitan onere broke hugh Dole bartecde oferta protest Dus the minster ofce 2 break through beak through sth: ihesun beaks through, youcarseeit azainafer tna been hd by ‘ds A thot mame the son BREAK broke tough, athe le elt ste cowed igh 3 breakthrough hf he aroun Zuber of soe reais tneush puta eve fucomes ahr thon at sel Aerie stn, he {Bret urenpi ye roe tough tresmion no ‘breakthrough sth, rea though: felnsayatdoaing wth problem ora stanton har bints at oucan dob Womer oe ay Songs sores fhat | fovea then ack forse an. Treaough ks portant ew scoerrorcevlopment> oar freauivsugh inte abot break p sth breakh ep, Break dpa bea artomeke sont. bec sme pees o pata eres ea gos a The Pave cas win ig > ‘rank ps wen someting bes Ime sior paces or are cet iesgstor ae sit nt “eho cased th be ip of ‘repre 24 brea, bos th, breath ap ra mage eaosnp ac p. rf sameore er something Seats tp iends> Sinae went to rete tendon sher he matage rate reap u> (100k her yeas to get over te break of er mariage ‘breakup: twa people who ae trated a hang eletionship break tp ther relationship ends Hes Deen together forte years fore fee Boke up. with> Did you from thot Pats broken vp with 0? ‘breakup st, beak sth ust stopa | Tight protest» The jighaing wos 24 venuniy broken up by secur, forces Dole seed oo gar ek {bie demonsction ‘breakup shoo univers or Students breskup, heir classes end andthe tds begin Some Schoo have lead broke up But ree got anther meth 5 breakup, break up ih,break st pstodiade rte dhded inser “eakp hen moran, Gintrete sede sever Sepals pts af the bres up ePineoid mere {6 break up breakup, break th | upritegtup of peep trea 07 ‘treting brats them Un. they Separate and stop ving working together The atogp hod econed fen aun bane they decided 2 eat up Breateap «when group of poate ha ee oF wat oper separate the break of the ond ‘breakup sh break sth up: to rake Zemeting such 33 ourey 02” {ess org and boring, 9 Jong Sometang dere inne meee of ike stopped aff Comrie rn ‘ur fo breakup the eure. 2B break it up used 19 el vo 07 ‘mote people to stop iting» Breokit Uo yu ut each othe 9 break sb up: something beaks ‘ou up. ss funny nat you cannot Stop bushing atte har veal ‘oes me yp with at ston about he ‘ligt ‘break wth ts: t to bine | alt efa group oto sop supporting Someone some ft nge's broke ‘sb the party leadership ever De 2 break wit tration aio break with {the post: 19 stop dog things in the war they wore dare nthe ast Pin spgoRcoseva iroke wt Intend stood fro wat er: ofofce. BREEZE BREEZE In, lso enesze ro Brueze in, breeze Into st 0 come Ina ple ns conier, reared, ind cheetl way» est Oreered Ie my ofce ond ole me he wonted ap. anteze rieoucie breeze trough she succeed a ometing very easy A he oe of Nineteen Shelton eve tregh is fraterans. BREW tune uP -- Brow up seh, brew sth upto pian fomething that wil cause wouble Pantgoverment newspapers ae Irewiog up msctel wherever they “an BRIGHTEN Wire Drighten pt, brigten st up: omake alae look more atcactie Ain) eeertle A arn pink or colour it igen op 2 A bighten up sh, brighten sup: 19 Make stuaton Sapper for someone Pi was.oceotioy 0 se te chicren youve no idea how it wpmy day |gWiiahten upto suddenly become Tare heer» se igrtened up os Sur oe se sau tghten up: fthe weather Vie up the sir Begins to sine I th shy becomes bis the Wetter gens up, we cous atk fw 10 the beach BREEZE > BRING BRIM Brim overt a container ming fret e'ss0 allot something that ‘wha t contin ows over the top > ele lore sachs were Pied te fom utter wee ormirg On aki ovER wiT# > rim over with thsi cameane Is bering ove vit onder, happiness, excitement te, tey fat ‘en bappy confident, exe eles Stated ou as a young men banning ver wih confidence end anbition, ‘Tht wth hs Fsomeone timing with confidence, Mapes fexcement they fever nent, bap exed atm By the fend of th dy as brirming wt pein. 2m wlth tho be ver allot Something» the abe ws om ‘enomeus iver boo ernmng it Eronbertes 4 be bring wit tems someones yes re raring what ey te Crying ever hough ay are ng at tlshow im Ms eyes sere timing ‘i wor ashe ech ca 0 embrace befor the ast ie BRING ing sbaetth, bng sh abou rake someting happen, especie = Changs cre belie avalon» he war brought avout hag Soil ona poite! changes rng along 2th bring bu ‘lenge to bag Someone of Something ‘Rihjou The exibiion open to people of ages, so bring oon our fart ona rena, BRING 2 bring sb th along rng along Sbfsthetovalnorelpa person tear testa! they became beter» “Our flo st ring ts eum ang Stow" sad te coach {BRING AROUND, a0 SRING {ving sth/sb around ound, bing ‘round owed sis: fo bing Something orsameone te someone ‘lees haute I est te avert, bing the arena 0 yor house. 2 rng around ound 0 persuade Eomeane ochargetheoprion. +o "aoe worry abou or, hi Eenring hm red tour ay of titi | bring ih around? run, beng feeund/ ound sho mace ang ¢ [poup of peoole ad ge ne fSmething» Hiters brought aus ‘Sahanohes ond asses ed wate ‘being sb round round fame fecome sarscous agen Siterthey have teen Aeonecous wan had Feed, ut we ‘anogea tng her ound with ‘baer om the td 10, BRING AROUND TO, cso BRING Brings sb around to ih bring thf Sb round to sth to srodaliy change the subjet ea coruersation io meting yu want to atk bout took bere tong ume to brig hin ‘ound the question of money 2 bring back th sb, bring sso back fo bing something someone 6 it ou when you etn om Soratere. bg so Back ih> if youte ging dawn tothe store, would you bring me back osiepace ef beer? 2 bog back th, bing sth Back: to Jansing lve system, or method ‘pain Taey sno bong back fe vero places 2 bring back sth, big th back: to ‘rate Something stags tom i Stas heped thle agreement would bang peace back tthe sees fe Coe ‘bring backs, bring th back to take someane think fsometang that happened the post. rig back memories» cong nat 29 Droog bck sane memories Sing backs. bring sb buck: to give Someore the ob that tev had inthe pus tert bas sensors the {rectors voted fo bring back tre Immer morse ‘Goring 0 bak, bring back 2:1 take Someone come alive gain "hibert dead aoa gone ona ‘nothing con ever ring back, ling sb backto earth aso bing sb Dock fo reali: 1c frcesonieone to thunk soot he rea svat ey eve Ib Emity asst doyteoming when ‘sharp nck tthe door rough het lack frei seg down sth bring st dom: to fect the number amount, pice ee oFsametung competion between lynes es rough dow aes tomers 2bng down b/ sth, bring sb sin Sewn to remove ae oternmert fom tet poston of BawerAcejeat on tis sve cout rng dow te goverment a7 ‘nbtng down sh bring sth down: to Take someting fat othe goana by ‘hooting tit» he jt was Brought Aion over rts ar sdace ng dow sth, rng st down: to ole dun tobe groune safely Pine pe sity Bronte plone {dwn ine ft rings down, bing down sb to fhakeSomecn fa toth= graura. ihe gooheape brought down Evans nthe edge ote pet area. URING DOWN On, also BRING Dow ON bin sth down on/ upon bring down in on/upon sh to make Mething bad happen someone Sits behaviour hes brought down ham oma ome Wing Foes > Ing forth sth to aroducesomerhing, ‘rlomate someting happen 2 ove af ha rough ety feat ig fora st, bring Forward lochangethe dine af an event sotnat Ihappens eacier thar was vanged I Meose note that we bove brought orward ine dete ofour nen meeting (olin 23 log award th, bing th forward Toomey sugges’a new planer eo W She tes brought forward ose of Topas for dean th cor rie sin rg In tht earn a patcuar ‘noaneof money» Pal bongs 0 bout £8c0.2 month ro is foo ct (he lca aso 1 bing th rng stint Intodee and saris use anew iw, fe system eles The governmect tet bg in tx eH bnimmiraon | akin OFF BRING 3 rng in sb bring sb m0 et Zomesne wth speil le" nonieuge to hip you eal ih Something. beng sb into doth they ought na tem of exes Tounsnignte the duses ofthe coset ‘bringin ts, bring sh sb to ‘en The banks offer of Fee fonda! bakes has brought in rawsands of ‘ing st, bing th in to metion Something ma pee of ring 02 Speech try obrng ine few {ucts fom th fest 0 usrate The poses you ere ting ng st nto tht ad 9 patie fualty toe stuation of somecre’s em Gur eis to tag more fan nto ‘hide’ eaveaton 2 ing sh It sth 0 al about or Frege someting a acinession "Theres no nee to bing fo of {eta tothe negeitons otis stone, {bring sb/sth into sth: ol nvohe Sameane or something in sivatlon Missa purely paca ate, 50 n'y to ing my ay 20 Brig of st rng tn of 0 succeed iain caret vey Seat ays rouge of some Ba ess nse {ang on, bing th ono cause 2 banvfnessor pose ee ba Tapered weston tows on Oy sressond gh od presale. 2 ving bon, bringan =: ones Pacheco keg spel ‘sorta gone nee sade. aRING ‘381NG on, also gkING UPON > bing sth en/upon sb: to make Something bad tappen to someane socon om inset 1 ing ot sh, bring chovt: to produces new product, book, CD ee Pine us ugh ot tit oti, Sle of the new sofaeare hove een vey stom 2 bring out sth, bring sth out to make ua or tse more rateable Becoming ofthe seams ta hove rove out te gente sce of 3 bring out the best/worst ins: 16 inate Someones bestar mort uals oper it the way they Sotove There® something abut ng sb outin spas) rash: to couse ts etcto appear on sameare's ea at sents they bog ing sb eugh, big sb tough ht elp smear doa succestly ‘ia dieu ime eile» Bat bnyctiaren pave bought me tough aremely aft times since my hnesbandt ed, 28 bag ste: to make someone fotos agin wen they have been lconscous® he sound oj ales Droog io ade oun str marmom fllofsvangers ‘rings togthes, bring togethers loimake peop become fends with fiche He uy eng together ours people of diferent bcegiounas ro a over the won Brings closer togethes As bappened. te caged of our ‘lughters death oct baught us flosertgether, 1 bring up sb, bing sb up: look. tera cis ons ose eer lip Aer Bers aor de, eas (rout wp by his srortmotie: be brought up te do sth» fn my day hlafen were Bright up te respect teln ‘pbringing he wy at parenss fret therleren and the things they teach hem while they re owing > ik nad vr ste teoragin. ‘well brought-up 02 chia whos ‘hal brought up fae ben aug te be pote ad 1 Behave wel Piel brought up iti 2 bring up st, blag sth up 0 ination a subject srt ak {bout suing 3 conversation» sha? ‘ping ens question up or be next, meetin. 3 bring sb upto charge someone Sitnarime and make them appear efor a court of ou + befor» Ben ‘tes brought up before he agitate, cccused of being | Ge one ators | PRINE UroW se anne om SROADEN Iwotden ou sh, boaden th et Iden otto incides rarer Iitrent subjects» ke 7 broaden lutte dscusson 2 te rt Brahe 7s, beak sn than othe tacos srething tomeore sro tures Ivor finds wes Sate onse brs 20m Brth own bh, esh s/s dwn tremor tor aut fom our tithes use both orm ie fftnverers yur tno ob frat eon = he fied hed op omnes and bnated nse husi ors (bush off th, brush sth ofr ise {ovonsier or dscisssometning Pine minister oresned of avestons fuout her personel pronces mtu uP (on) fushup Con) sn rush sth up: 9 (lly practise sna mprove your Als oFknoviesee of something» 1 feed to brush pon my Spanish Dafre we go obit \UBBLE funnce over wir — be bubbling over with excitement finishes: tobever ectieder rst about something Ie hldren were butbing oer letementat the tought of visting It grandparents. Buck fuck uP = 1 buck up, Buchu s, buck sb upto became more chert orto rake Someone more chert» Sick ep, BROADEN » SUDDY | tery things cant be thot bo. 2 buck p so, buck st up, buck upto | Tryharderanamake rave eer sare to bck ow she Foul tse hes ot buck out edt tel someane 0 Tolmprowe wh the ate oi) © Yor have Bick youraecs up if youwont toga lo usvesi pucker sl bucket dove: 12 tevaining very fandoes been Ducking dow ‘aligtemoon BUCKLE buckle dwn: to atart woking Seriushy to The company willbe Bucking down to tug negotiations ‘er he nent fur mons buckle unde: to stoping io 60 sat you nant to, a do what romepre est vans. 1 The gevemment has been ocused of Fucking unde to union presse, BucKte UP toes up to fasten your sestbaltin Cn: paneete Oni abou percent of ntaisis and pessengrs buckle op than they dig. BUDDY buddy up: toto be Fens wth Samesne,espealy because You ‘ron them to something fy om hess busing up tote bess se She can get promoted 2 buddy up eeen Dudcy up they oose a prs 9 be wt them {done actity with» oe BUDGE » BUILD 30 bused up wit Stevie for heres of | people ena to hve abun thet. Fesstnce to change BUDGE up ni0 > Aine ill th nt sta make something ba ofa syste, srngement er lnreement® With the educational tefoen mare cna wee oe ne beige up: used to el someone to move slang and make space or omeane sa Sade up boys make room for your ad. Sesriem BUGOEE $l th on apn sts to se JoGET FOR > Sametine ee you de aa man ee, rei eaniaas | Sebnerauiees Daan | Ren eee ma eames | Katee ict Bestromncsr eae" rhtkelamsn ta ™ | eeregsont ues they are open very wice and look big build-up n a gradual increase in suo See stae ivceni/amidgieme | REE cmadlne ites ondewsophtionteres Te | Zu ot uit wound teens oF tay th lsu: 0 joncrde devin ar mp sometng The Dw over nortan obuiep he Bid inst bud sn nto imtudea | Smee asec aang orice, aly ciuse at 3s b/sthup bul op sb tho favtsonetingese™ Afthe nest” | AMMAsH/ thu bul ops tt speccres have ocean amount of | har sce pape caged nent ‘nour bua wevygoode i onjamenatest baltnindut a titin qustty Prousron 50) dor Tent to buld feareetisepemenetietrent | Peecons Someore or sameming ese Oe x taliapnwtensoncane praises foneoneorsomethng at sothat tthe prope sat he abe vey ise oncom tay no hoe Sold op bull ups: 0 make Aemeare heer and stoner ud Yours op Yon send 9 go ardao Tome tiring ond Gaye op 9 ite f¢butd up pia of tao outa anid of a ge ntrmstion tfathetps jut kro and Aerstond ra shou something Phe pote re stat ung up 2 ture or ppane on tat igh ld vp your hopes so bul your tpt fope or sameting ht Isha ely hapoen» Dor’ oid Yourhopes up lor of peonle have pple forte jd, ad pou iy not ern. fuiLD uP ro -» bulld upto sho propre yourseto de someting rar affirm you hive done before» He sit Bema infor Congress, bat has something Ihe ave te bud up 0 ILD UPON see aUILD ON BUM IM AROUND, cso sum ROUND — {hum around round, burn ‘ound rounds travel 2roune Wieat any derite plans Greg Dmmes ound Sou cms far 2 ar berwcen schoo ana cers. ‘bum around about: 10 spend tine thoingvery tle Pees St umatng ound without jobs and had holy ny money aa. ‘uum orF + bum sth offs: t0 get somening rom someone, by asking ter Tere BUM » BUNCH Dgoetes ff agro of Swedish Sent bam stout to make somone fe itor disapointed) day a2 bur rou oe ewe be able fave the bch tis weekend BUMP Samp along, arp alongs 0 without making much progress » The Storrd of ug jor the average fanaty es bud oio9 without Sowing any signiant crease. ump nto sheto meet . Someone ft ‘ousnowby of cone oumoed Intoanheliday Alex Soret! bump sb off, bump asi: 19 murder Eomeone jhe ruow nas that he ba bumped bi ft fe of ge bump up sh bump st up: to crease omens, usualy bys ne amount Steed ie on rte which heed a bur up a score BUNCH {bunch 4p: we ase togetier Sndorma ose group it Shyphersonsopped sudden forcing thereat of temo Suneh up Behind ‘i be bunched up The sheen were BUNDLE » BURN bunched up togeverin a come of the felt 2 bunch up bunch yp th, bunch th peta pul ater iy together {olds 0 for uanttous The tres os mach 10 big, £0 she bunches up wth bei rourd her BUNDLE BUNDLE OFF + | bundles of, bundle af sso send Someone someere quik what | ‘utng ther they want ta go> She Drunded tha has offte bed onset, iow inant ofthe lesion. _ bandle v sth bundle sth up: 0 fate ore a group of things fOgether espera ederto take | them somutere» The newspapers ‘wer aif ule uray 0 oe ‘rovm ancy 2 bundle ups bundle sb up, buncle ipsto put warm dates er barat on yours someare ese because tis elt ty muther buna me epi Ihe warmest lathes se could fi BUNG 8 eunceo up + 2 this bunged upto be backee ne tenon sit was biaged oe ith os of ood 2 be bunged up: someone i wunged Ap. tisdal fr them to breathe betause thoy have acold Faz a edt, abd ies 0 bunget ip! ‘eed 19a be BUNK bunk of bunk off sth to ay siy Fm stl or wrk without permission» We often used fo Dnt ff emote 0 oun to my R Buoy 289 Sb up, bey ups to ke “Sarwan fel moe ches or fanfident® "ou lock vonderh” argre so no tenet fy Emma 2 buoy up sth buoy sth upto keep Sormeting suena pois ov peso high eve» The pound ese const the ota booyed a by touts of 0 BURN {ham down, burn down sh, bor st ‘down oie corpletly destaged by fre ort corte cesroy Sarveting by te Teo Pace of estate burned down aya oe ha burt down the het order to destay the idence of his {burn dow: re burns dom, the ames become Sater an weaker Gracvaty the fre oot nah down, Teoving the roar in nea daraness. 4 bum of sh, bur st ff to get id of somethig by turing Fes om Unto burn ff ihe remaining forest ad ‘moke way orate. 2am off sth re off io geri ot {onanted body {arty cong piyses egutareercve haps burn off excess. 3 bur (yourself) ou: to make Yousellan ed by working too Ferd the vest sat yeu carat frtine working Poms un) ers often bun hensehes oot ee are te matt oo burt.ow ed fritbecaus you Fave been eins too hardy nt wan co Treat one of ose burtout ftw ooh los Bart en yos are sable to fantce working becsse you Nave Wotad toc ard tre and more oes em banat be burned ot a0 be burt ot it fone orabutding ssrmes te Init ceseyean afro ite fe cows ud but ou ear stort Durneaet ao brneout a3 Bay eanage yet ott fais set = Me poset bun Oatlony of te seo 00a ve ar ei) oa re postr buns tel ou, stops wing She flen ae er hoard tered bu ut fbn (set otc grasa Hecones essere an ersten {Grip ine dot: suse ver Shouts our ace 9 few dye tine, Shim om if apiee ofc! tfpnert bur ost stone wong erage har eco ool Te tiecet tem ether un itu ot cota. tan uP harap sh, brn st upsoase Semetang un, apc iy The Ines ich rope bum up energy tater urea or beoween els ia gi uber up money! ‘bump, bun up si, burnt to Setompriy doped year Stlntelseperedobumopintie | Ths omosshere BURST ‘burn sb up 1a make someone very nary tase to bureme up when Thetis at shoal laughed at my ‘sbumup st, bom snus to qucty foverslongestence» Ms new cor ‘eal burs op te es wth sh to Fes parlor motion very strony ming ith Impatience Janet waked forte tan (onal sop BURST augstin buctin to artes someure very dent Hrs Andrens wes jst Closing the Sop uten two gunen bhurstin butt non sb sth Agoup of protesters burst inn the meet, ‘hich ter had to be abandon, brit sho ener sombre “enraudseniy She bust athe ‘am, noung oar brow envelope 2 burst Im sth te suceny start den something tor example ving, laughing orsinang burnt oars “asked her ‘hes st to {eas but into ames stat Suming»Jesrear Pt wa austin oes, sussr our + burst ut tughing/ eying 12 Suen stro lug ore ews See fny story even ne rosrender burt cx evghing. 2 burst ou to sun sy fomuthing oon angry rented way Pol 7 ul she are oot ogre ‘utburstw when someone says Simei scent and gry Piste to apoiogse for my Sutoust at he meena ast nob BURY > BUY be bursting with tho havea ato Something fr enapleenes andere, o leash Helen, ue teeter as baring wih eas ad Bury ‘the bated away If smetninns ‘iriea away somite, Kis ot ea8y tora especally because ishidaet Sather things 2 lovely over apet buned aay the beck oF he Shop 2 bury youre away: go Sommer quiet whee there ae nt trany peop. ¢ n> sno 0d for Jou baryrg ousel owoy that {sty itr doy te coy Suey yoursetfin ts ve al your sitetfon ta something, fen onder to noid taking abou mation ‘hse Aer Sie etme bed Irimsesin iz work ond teat pu er sun of BUST sust our + 1 bus ut escage fom 3 pace, tepecialy 2 graoy + of They Iaaghi was impose foramyone {obs ot ef Ata, 2 bust ot: to nprove your stuatisn Gre someting aferen rom what ou usualy dow even os ei Seort | ould wait to bt ou an move to thet, eustue {ausTLe ARounD, iso wustLe bustle around) about, bustle around/ | about sth to moves 2 busy Wray doi something Ste watched Tio as be bested abou te then 4 eurT {ttn ode interns ‘omversation orcameane wha is Speaarg he inersiewer kept ing whe eas 8 to fnsner the questions 2 but ete ye ove ina station fohen you ave rol ames My ster ‘alas bug in wanting To Aron ‘exact Im acing ‘but out! waco ll someone to een ott of tuations Ts dees Concer you, 2 ust bt ol! BUTTER Baler sb, ber pst saynce {Rate someone erty lee thems erty itd ete tarts ou nee hs hey sober Nimup oti et hm on oe oe BUTTON surrow ox oe < tetor vps Oe attr sap: Stet te Siorsona ; tench Serer Seton ye | leche its eols uti Buy buy ins buy thn: toby a arge aneuntal someting for ample Because t maybe dificult get 2 Inter me Prope are ag “stocks 0 food fr de wt eur ito = ‘Buy It sth to completely accent an | lees or bebe ae st te unc ramen ue oto syste ty oe foe 1 ays at titer iuatr » Ameen ftrmetes watts by ne Innes ne aye toa nese oop them ing eb orchetenr ou Nnpbyes tres tbu a he tir yong tee other ane Nanerwage screen's firour = . ah yb show to Wisontonessbres somering Int eure oes tenth Buzz » Atecthe wa, he bout out his bers interest ine cusiness. buyout vee 2 group af genple lal togetver so buy a compe" Pith campanyis deat to ‘ase fe min, bt thee ore ‘mous fe nanegerent Supt. bay ap th, bays to quickly bey fe tnkh ak your oF someting eae ere ouyng ap stots 0 food Incite the stom his teiroea BUZZ bee off usc to rudely tl someone {ogo away becouse they are annoying au fy ont yu hse uaz of end CALL Cc CALL be called away o be ashe eave the place there eu een aver to {lealaith someting somone else Peters own ces way to deal viv problem a ou Bingham drone fallback al sb bac, et back sb to phone someone again at sinter timem Came ack os s90n os you Setthe test sate ‘al byt top and vist someone for ‘shor lime» Our cole by today He Says is movers ot wel al forth pubiey demon that “Something should happen ore done Preece canpesgrers have coed fo ‘on end othe hembig, 2eall forth to need «particule {ual sh ar curse ofan The Staten cat fo some tough deesions + ell for sb: io goto someone's Acuseto colt then decauoe you are {ologsomesitre together» The fon Slats ot oo eof you at {call forth: wo say hat something is they to apsen Tae forcast cate or more rai. cauLroara + fall forth sth cl st fre: to make people nave 3 patito ee ing or Feaction™ hot eran she acthor tengo cal forth the reader in hs passage? 36 ‘eal: to make short dis 194 persanar pines fetal gh fc Ifo se you somone after wor? 2aall lt: tophore somewere, ‘spel the place whet you Work Pare eaed i say ht he wo f0ing ob Ft, calli sik pone {0 say thar you ae elo 00 Wort)» i Maadey maming she alg sick 0 et be of a vet, ‘ell nb, calls no ase someone ‘ao as Specs sls or kenalog to ome an lp you A am alee Deter. alin soto des caps were coed nt conto the ‘emonstration ‘callin sth, call i: ask people Wika have boughs produto take backto the stop tecause theresa problem wth it The martjctrer fas eed te new model becouse far elecrcal fui, {eal of call sh off to stop an ‘vent that as been panna, tsperialyneconse sts problem» She hha sents consieced eating oft tre weaing to cays before her morge Zeal of sh call stn off 9 sop ‘ing something that you Rave ‘atendy stated dang Rescues wore forced col of ne Seorch becuse of bad weatner 2 el off sso, a thy sb of 19 Bide an anion ers stp Shing someone» et your Isbond to ce of ese tgs. fallen sb: 10 et someone fora Satine fe stopper Chiao in fonder col on ana fen. 2eallonsb: to ask someane na cass ” on yroup to ansiera cueston Phan faked doen a Bis pope Dut hs Danion cae 9 im ‘anor. ALLOW, also csut veo —> ‘allen upon s9t0 dose r0 omaly eskeomeane oc fometnng> Rss ation the UN Iolersne inthe situation Beall on opon sn sto use fomethng or somes nader to Iehleve what yu want Gu stare thle ollon he ates teehotoay to Ii hem newer ‘ealvout > eal ots sth, call bf sth out ce fat someone sucha a doctor ae the Ihe serve come snd dat wt Problem» Though my mother mos ‘ovis veri athe reused to ‘al ouradectoe allot) 3 elt ut servic sone byatiensomenee sled wil come TB ourhometo deal win prelem tahun you pore them ¢24-hour Calkout sevice fr emergency ‘de fea a be deter 0 your ome or fle» for> tet col out Porapize tong Deal out, als ot: 10 ically Urder he members ofstsdeunionte op working because of 8 Uhaagrerent itn te emlever The unton il ne cating ts. Inerbers ov an sie rom micaight tong. cauover {al oer call over 1 954 Someane ta came tothe place where You are Bo yoo waot fo se hm ‘out e?Shol el hi over? ‘caLLuP Seal sb up, cttup sb, cll up: pone someone eyo have CALM > CAMP campucerprolems, cl op the {ectmaion othe heodesk 2 becalled upto Be ofc. oneres fojeln yur countrys amy Ayo at ‘arte When ne was 4 Stare fled yp for tora See. get Called up» Dunn he wor mast even between ip and 98 yo called up. 3 cal sth cll hues you cal un IMlomation ona computer eu ask the computerea shoe ante ere Phen cle up re mena aca chched bn New mtessage" CALL UPON See CALL OW CALM cau coun — Seal dawn, calm sb down, cm fd sto Stop Felng ener UPS, braved, orto mske someone so) Fesing lets» Cem son ade mew happened w Mat was ng ‘oval the baby dove by singing ie 2 eal down: ts sus cals down peopt stop fgg acsine. ar bohowng angalye fw on things colt dowe bere Feu bnprocch hie aaa 3 calm down: i he win or weather 2st dart stops being win oF ‘omy The heme ware mating fort weather tocol down Defoe hoy wort ou 1 seu. cAMP ‘case our + amp out fo sles ouoo"5, special ina ten, orstay apace CANCEL » CARRY where you do nat nomally stay We Used a cong ox nery grandmas (aver when we were hs» Docs Sf reporters comged ont cute the Jamis county roe, fang ap toelberaeiy shave fo Bnentieme way node to entertain Droste Wie a remember out drama Feacrer comping rap Homie. CANCEL ante outst, cancel sh out fone thing cancels cut orth, thas an fpposte eect tof 2 that he Suation eoesnot change » erases Intution foes are ety to const out Tou beef for cole students, CAPITALIZE Capitalize on sth: to use something good that you nove certo gn Fhe Sdeamager Eeuaer fos ptheed os natura ety to CARE cane FoR —» are frst lok ater someone because tey are tea young, ol {oleok afer henseves She cored Jorer ater thoughout hs tong ‘ness well eared fer a fa person or [Thinats wa eared for, people look Sterthem well» Phe anima the 209 ee covfented nd welcaed jo. ‘2 nt ene fr ssh tone ke Soreor or samering > u2: fod af ate Geore, butt care for 98 we | would you are for sth: used to polly offer something to someone Feu you core force ith your 38 ‘cae ors ta owe somenns ina flonan way (00 lve yea Cale Te reve coed jor anyone ee CARRY [et caieg away. to become so rctea that yor do semething you ‘woul net normaly do, especialy Somethings» andrew goto bt {aed acy ded sterteddoneng on te toos, caaky Forwaan — ary fare 0 cary sth forwards toineide sv amcuntof ney [Set ser figures ele adore > C7000" camed fora to next Iromth accours ‘cary alo succeed in doing femething ie epoca it ‘Sly that yu could al She company" plns are exten? Sines, but decor Poa Redstone betes recan corr oft ary ff st, cany st off: to wina Bilzer sy pend caried of the prize forbes footoater cana ON —+ ant on: 0 CASH someone awn especialy 0 pason or hospital Peolapsed one pitch, nd wes eavied of on aster Wek wos rst and cited off te esos, CARVE ‘are out sth carve th eu: 0 Scened in aeving or geting Scovehing for yoursal» he i is focowe outa buch bigger shoe of the Uk market carve ant eee, ie jomercomedion has Sucessly carves out 8 creer 50 Agen locks flo ome lca vests ated out fashup: 0 count ail themoney taken ya stop or Business athe en of CAST » CATCH the day Let ash ep and theme | ean go tome. CAST ‘CAST AROUND FOR, alsa ens D80UT FOR, CAST ROUND FOR = ‘ast aroun about und fa th 20 ‘yea nk f semething oo of say he eared bis oan costing about fersometing appropriate 004 CAST ASIOE as ase sb/ st, cast sb sh asi tool or nce someone ot formating» Wen Henry became Sing e cost antes former eds Costg aside a hoaghts of hs ‘we set fey ange it the ky seater Be cast AWAY be castaway to Bele onan sane Shete ere ates ones neosle, becouse your ship has sunk jou here castaway one vese Mont do ou the yor be abe to survive? ‘astauays sorcone ho he Been Teton anisand wee thes ar na Dither people, because the ship has Sunk Ftahermen decavered the astaney ere hed Bees missing lortiteen yeas CAST BACK — | Satyr mind bak eto ‘tte something tat happened inthe par tom cost yer nd back te your fst dy at sho am teyto member how you fe, be cast down: lose hope o determination bcasse af something Dacitnathes taogened Chrchit tas cbvousiy eas down Dy te news ft ec fot owneast sad o upset becouse Something bedbas happened the Sau, downcas fees of aiappotnted tigen 40 ast off sth, cast th aff age dof Samething because you de nt need Feorbecase tis stopeig youtton Poking proaress twos Be cas Of al the a fears and sopestions aston lithe hat yu do at ‘wear any more ard gle 2 sarteone Seen linen fos ard ers ad to wear my olter brother costo _2castof to une the rope ta {astensa boat the share, dl str tosalaway> We cat off fom San Diego orl se sa force rpaie ond ast out sb, cast sb ot to force Someone eave lace, especialy ome ee nas est ou Dy 5 fly hen they discovered hat het dare, [ccepied by the oer peop. lo Soca» In hese heulnconsions Limes, smokers oe often eated tke souelauteasis CAST ROUND FoR see cast AROUND FOR car eaten on = eaten on te become popula ane frehonsole® A nw fines ose | cated Boe Puma i earehing on the ok | aeatehon:to bese to understand or fealze something, especialy aie lore tine Te toms wa Ioteduced nsmenco as ey 38 1956 bur to teh were son ach cn-¢ to» Eventual Vo caeaht tonto whether hasbard was dong. eave out Scat Sb out tock someone 50 thatthey ake aistake es olay eshing me realy aa qustions, Ines eng to cath on ut, a be caught ot ou are eave out Iiyanunexpeces cree you anak eady fort» Even the sos fpeenced stor co ge aught out ine wester caren uP Acateop eh bape Hinges tos ming Hisane/teiter hon oven hac ono he liters cag eh op tie ter ster re Feeig oe wth Hee ath bua Sir sunrd ss sane eas Wan beter tn yA for Themen snance nt cas tr tibet cies sae sgt ee, ce Mae caught inst tobe ost Ioves inact seston ht Yous otters gti n Diet afte nied Sone wee Innocent cians ca opin he Ipvirg» vseensstohove gor {tughtasinsone eno soreog Ape Sener er 2 bela caught ints you ae taupivom sonetara toe ye temnonager rating eyes PSone beget an 0 ioe {tah wp on th ce sone tity nthe tin oo ee Inte touns of doe oe op bs mscoe we etch apn oer tap apn ofthe eons titig nee opon yeep CATER _2eateh posto ge the meet fecerntermaton about something Pie beer anay jar a ath sot tite Ps ile cap ‘Whats Geen ging or ‘each up ith: fsomsting bos sthes up tn yu, sas to afect You ater prod af men wtueh Sid rote The payer acted has Iongem koe injury fel ‘egg to coten ep wth 2 eaten up wth sb ta ciscover that Jomeonenssdore something 707g, ‘and punish thems ford» Mughes bod ‘voided poyng va fo veos before {he suhortes ral coughe vp with In ‘eatch wp with sb: t0 meet smneane Sou inure ot sing hem fort Devoe tier shes ace the County ond kee tote ph Tarai nd Pens cath vp with later (cused tell semeane tat Your talk to ther te) vege! Leaash of tea meeting nos = ‘ath up tn you ater ‘catch up witht 10 do soothing fhatneeds tobe dare, because you {4d net have time face teater, haaoy ea gue doy 20 fosuaty Irv chance focothip with epernor. Seach up wth sh: ta gettha mast, Fecert formation about something The event provides on epportumty for mentbes 10 cath ap wth each ‘thers ns CATER CGaTER 10, ais0 care FOR = {ter to forsh, caer offre 0 powice something hata partcuar Bpest perm wants or needs Iolidey campo that caters for the feeds of disabled customers CAVE » CHANGE CAVE cave m feaveln, tae sihin, ‘oct cli, ornallenee ireori simeing aes tina fate down the us cavned the 29 0f the ‘ran iat to core 2 eave: to ape Lo do something hat yeu were previously eppesed to The anspor Deparment has coved into preceue fom enuonmentos sroups aed abandoned plans fs the Tew motormey CENTRE ‘CeuTE AROUND, o50 CENTRE ROUND > ere around round sth, be conred sround/roundsb/sth to happen Ina ma particu place, oF to be al outa parla sibect persone Vilage ies rented around Se insect The sory centred round « group of single professional ‘women new York, CENTRE OM, alsa CENTRE UPON > ents on) upon ssh. be centred ‘onfupan s/s: o be mally abeut a panel subjector person The Story centres ono mile oged acon, who struggles sove is ating mortage CHALK ‘alkup sth, chal sv upto succeee a2 Ininsng or achieving something, sopecaly spot or Business The ftnronyciked up ne! profits of Eimer (halt Sup ton, chal up sth to ‘To hao sa Tal someting ugpenes because of some'ang 6 The instr oul understand ates stange behovionr ut enoeed “tip to boredom. CHANCE CHANCE UPON, so CHANCE OM Chance uper/ enh, chance spon on Sete fing something or meet Somer when you se nt expecting tow was vanderg sound Atopastent store when chanced tip an ld schoal Pend» One rena he chavced upon era foro puto force na, CHANGE Gane AROUND, 2150 CHANGE hange aroun ound sth, change st round round: fo move rings into {erent postions hen wet Changed te arte around, the ‘won looked gute fren ‘change down (osu he engine of fete ino omer gear 5 portant fo change don ptenty of "nef prevent cing to ake Soh thange into sth: to become, oto rake someone or something becere, ‘oniltelysiferert» Inlet than 20 rs, enon ha changeit Gee af IRemordg’ tevaig economies A Ineo noenouses are being changed [Mo exersive aportment. ‘ange oe: to sop dingo using 43 foing or using» atferet one. + to hes! was ne longer profitable ans Imary formers were forced fe change vert dary fran. Changeover tange er one ‘nop a coins ering to another >The changeover to dota! television oui be complete by 2006 CHANGE ROUNO see CHANGE ‘AROUND dhange upto puch engine of vehi it a her goa. nto Shen yore an tbemetosmey, ‘change tp into ft CHARGE ‘CHARGE UP —> 4 charge up sth, change sth up, eharge Tiyoutharge up abattesy-or a Blece BF electa| scuipmet rit fhorges ip elect spun t 2nd ored the eave con be charged poremigne 2 charge up sth: you charge up = Gredteae, you use tala to {gs Koren arg op hr Use fera’ona shopng tpt Macys. 9 be charged up el oxen tary eage todo someting We Cae eu nto te plying fa, Charged ip ond determined town 1 change sb with th: to state offiialy that you tvak someone uity ota lime Pot asad esd end {hurged in wth ender earge se ‘with doing sth Ares was charged ih spying fr te ith thro olfcialy Ua esporsiy or uty "The commute is charged with Investing te causes he sede CHARGE > CHASE ‘be chnged with emotion/ anger ‘er iobe il olemotionor anger etc Sabina spoke mua voce a! wos large wth emotion CHASE Shae afer th to use 2 aa time and effort ying to ge something thot Yau watt» We sen the moring {hosing after bargelne te sae 2 chase ater: to ty vey hao fave’ oman or sexual elatorship tick someone» ifyar teen chong ‘te guys he tae heyre never (aing tbe intersted yo, nase away — hase ssh away chase away St) sth: tomate perso or anal go 257 banning onan ter na tteeotering wm» The shopkeerer tose themen away wi is ge hase doen sb/sth, chase bth dom to Suceees in ning or “aating someone or someting "botee departments ssl! ‘encentite on chasing down ‘ies fase off bth, chase ssh oto takes person o animal go enay by ‘owing towards them inten ig Shop Mesa ak about te tive Grandoe chased of gang of boys sath te she bot Case uP > {chase up 2, chase sb. up to cemind foneorete do something ey promised do> I had to chase Dick Ep tage the reports asked frlsst week 2 chase st up. chase ups to eyo find something or make sures deat at Cor yor chase up that fle fos

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