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All of my friends whom I respect and friends all that I love and I ’m proud.

As we know and realize today is so much going on so-called juvenile delinquency. Various negative or
deviant acts committed by teenagers seem to be considered by them as mediocre and some even consider
it as an honor. They say, it shows a symbol of courage. This is very alarming.

This is a social problem that is infecting our youth today which deviant behavior is often referred to
juvenile delinquency.

The cause of the problem of juvenile delinquency can be different. It could be due to one of the parents in
how to educate or parents who are too busy with work. Also, be due to incorrect choice of friends that can
cause falling in with the wrong crowd. There is a feeling in the lives of teens that have a lot of friends is a
form of the plume.

Perhaps once, we have a lot of friends as long as we have to be good at picking against which behavior of
friends is wrong and which behaviors are good and true friend.

if we have become addicted so hard to quit smoking or drug dependence, it could cause us to wean sakau
and we should be rehabilitate (for drug addicts). And many more teenagers deviant behaviors such as
entering a motorcycle gang, like fights, drunkenness etc.

Let’s stay away from these deviant behaviors because it is self-inflicted, we should use our teenage years
with positive things and also beneficial for ourself, parents and also the nation.

My friends I’m proud of……….

Although our parents do not teach their children well, they had certainly want their children to be a good
person. None of the parents want their children to behave badly.

Therefore you do not need to blame the parents or any other person. But yourself alone must be able to
keep yourself and can choose which ones are good and which ones are bad.

Choose environments and friends selectively. Do not just happy. Many slang positive place that you can
choose both at school and outside the school environment.


That’s all I have to say in this speech, if there is an error please be advised. Wassalamu ’alaikum Wr.Wb

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