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Juvenile Delinquency

Praise and gratitude, let us always pray to God Almighty who never stops giving His grace.
Which I respect the principal, the teacher and all my friends, I will read my speech theme
“Juvenile Delinquency”.

This is the social problem that plagues our youth today, namely deviant behavior which is
often called juvenile delinquency. As for the causes of social problem that infect teenagers
can very. It could be the fault of the parents being busy to their work or because they are not
precise in choosing friends or social environment. They are many kids deviant behavior of
adolescents such as smoking, using drugs, fighting, drinking, and others.

My friends whom i am proud of,

Let stay away from these deviant behaviors becaue it will harm ourselves. We shuld use
teenage years with and beneficial things for ourselves, parents, and nation. Choose the
envirorment and friends slang selectively. There are many positive slang places that you can
choose both at school and outside the school environment.

So far, that’s all I can convey in this speech, if there are mistakes, please understand

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