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Muntia Lolong
The role of youth in the evangelical Christian of minahasa
Teenagers in facing today’s society
Shalom best wishes to all of us all the supervisors, commite members and fellow teenagers who
are loved in name of the lord jesus.
Of course through social media whether print media or electronic media we of ten read hear
and seen that many crime cases now a days involve teenagers gers whete it is the victim or the
prepreator as a church teenagers of course I am very sad and concerned to see this
adolescence which should be full of happiness and joy actually turns into a problem or conflict
that reaps law orrow and even blasphemy. In this case, I am one of the finalists for exemplary
youth,standing here with the intention of inviting and motivating us all about ho we as youth
role models in the church can play a role in dealing with day’s society
Brother and sister who are loved by the lord jesus christ.
If cannot be denied that, when we gather in activities like this, out there many of our friend are
immersed in relationships that are far from the fear of god
Drinking alcohol, drug abuse free sex and bralosare nolongen taboo among today’s teenagers .
Even education at school is no longer cared about.
Many teenagers drop out of school because they are trapped in relationship that are misleading
and of course detrimental.
Well, as gmim teenagers, of chourse we are reanired to be sensitive about how we should play
a role In turning teenagers, especially gmim tennagers, into teenagers who fear god.
Becume a teenager who can be an example in every day life
Starting by fixing ourselves first it our firs step in becoming salt and light in the midst of our
daily lives. As much as possible, we must stay away from things that will lead us to sin.
For only live one and you won’t be able to repeat your teenage years twice.
Fot this reason, fear of god must always be the main thing, and you must be obedient and
obedient to the advice of your parents. Make friend,make friends, hang out with
anyone,however,our faith as gmim youth must always be a mirror to others.
And finally, the love of the lord Jesus Christ will always accompany our lives.
Shalom, Peace and blessing to old of us.

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