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The audio-lingual method

The audio-lingual method is a method develop by Charles Fries. It is an approach to

teach students the use of grammatical sentences patterns. It consists in of teaching the
target language through reading a dialogue or text and carrying out drills associate with
The audio-lingual method is also known as the “Michigan method”, because Charles
Fries develop the method in The University of Michigan.
he initial point of audio-lingual Method war grammar and pronunciation by oral drills
and practice. This method had strong connection with the Structural linguistics.
The principal characteristics of learning this process are use of dialogs, learning through
imitation, learning through repetition, and reading and written are abilities based in oral
As the other methods we have studied before, the audio-lingual method has some rules
that must be followed, for example:
 It is prohibited to use the native language in the classroom.
 Actions, pictures, and realia are used to give meaning otherwise.
 The method emphasizes spoken language.
 The use of the language needs a lot of practice.
The native language and the target language have separate linguistic systems, that´s why
each language has to be separately.
Also, the audio-lingual method has different goals. Some of these are:
 To be able to communicate in the target language.
 Learn to use the target language without stopping to think.
 Learn how to use the language to communicate.
The teacher is an important figure in the teaching of this method. The teacher is in
charge to directing and controlling the students. One of the most important aspects abut
the teacher is that they are a model of the target language. Teachers should provide
students whit a model, teaching the sounds and the students have to be able to mimic the
The role of the student is to follow the teacher´s direction and respond accurately and
as rapidly possible.
Some techniques applied in the audio-lingual method are:
 Dialogue memorization.
 Repetition drill.
 Single-slot substitute.
 Transformation drill.
 Complete dialogues.
When working with this process the students must be clear that language learning is a
process of habit formation, so it needs a lot of practice.
In this method vocabulary is kept to minimum while the students concentrate in the
sound system and grammatical patterns. The order of learning communication skills is
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. As we can see, the oral skills receive more
attention that the other skills, such as writing and listening. Pronunciation is taught from
the beginning, the moment students write or read something, they have been introduced
before orally to the topic.
As almost every method to learn language, the audio-lingual method has its advantages
and disadvantages.
Focus on listening and speaking skills.
The method can be used with a big group of learners.
The method made language learning accessible to large groups.
The method requires a lot of practice.
The student repeat and memorize the dialogs. They do not use their creativity or
Make advanced students bored.
Students are not expose to real language.
The method focusses on the form, not in the meaning.
The learner assumes a passive role during the learning process.
The feelings of the student are not important.
An important point in this method is that language is not separate from the culture, not
just literature and the arts, but also the everyday behavior of people who use the target
language. One of the teacher’s responsibilities is to present information about that
This method is really good to work in the student´s listening and speaking skills. It´s a
good way to learn to talk and develop the listening abilities.
For me, the audio-lingual method is a good way to learn a new language. I think that is
a good way to develop the listening and speaking skills. It´s good that the method
avoids the use of native language in classroom and emphasizes the spoken language. I
consider that is an effective method for students to learn the target language. Also, the
exercise and different techniques use in this method allows the students to keep
practicing their abilities. An important point of the method is that with this, the student
is able to develop a “habit” of practice, which is really important to learn a new
language, because learning a new language require time and practice.

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