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Case Study: Dell

Dell practices "product stewardship" sustainable portfolio. There is a reason why I said that.
When an organization implements environmental practices, minimizes bad environmental
impact on all products’ levels and maintaintains end-of-life management, called as product
stewardship. And that exactly the company "Dell" follows.

Dell uses special kind of plastic named "close-loop-plastic" in their various products helps to
save up more than 2 million dollar till now. Sometimes they use wood or bamboo in their
packaging that is not harmful as plastic, lives up to 2-3 hundred years. By 2025, Dell plans to
use 80 millions of ocean plastic in their packaging.

Dell intends to extend their products’ life-time so that they don't have to buy frequently. They
introduce the program where customers can refurbish their faulty products. Dell tries to
convince their customers to use the product for a long term.

Very brave approach by Dell was that they developed a new supply chain in Indonesia which
collects ocean plastic. And also they did geo-mapping in Asia, helped to find 10 rivers filled
with enormous plastic. To maintain environmental policy, Dell partnered with Lonely Whale
and Nextwave, dedicated to save the environment. So to say, Dell’s product stewardship
practice is thriving and has bright consequence.

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