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If the No Name Was Natural Instinct Deformed” Letting Your Bird Escape Before the Hunger

Takes Over in Such Scarce Land 8/17/16

Sparrow, oh sparrow what happened to me

That day so crooked that you left me

Poor sparrow, poor sparrow I love you birdy's to death

Sparrow was like a hamster who would stay. Or come back, finishing a rustling wind sky. flight in
the depth.
Of the woods of the cockroach in the tree. She ate that cockroach
She saved me, other wise the cockroach he’d eat my feet
It was cock-toothed & mad, coming to me, a place
He knew he’d find a lady
He wanted to get into bed for messaging that lady

As I swung the door as the breeze rustled my bedroom sheets

That cockroach as a little critter came to baby sit me & my feet/scravaging, scavenging to eat
little toe nails after ripping them
And i thank those in the heaven above. Live while my lovely sparrow ate that cockroach. The
cockroach and claws & teeth
That day, oh let’s see, I took that birdfeeder
The little nail which postured it friendly
In the frost the cold frost
In life and death. I was moving that day.

Soggy soggy rain soaked bread crumpled up while it spreads into the ground -electric steam-
rises into a scent only picked up by the creatures, God has blessed to have the sense.

Pale is a beauty when compared to a slithering snake. What do you wish to swap in your mind's
eye of sense and gains flowing blue and the sense of sight picking up the beauty from a rainbow
after a light rain -or- a slithering snakes venom digging into your juicy thighs so fresh- help, help-
“Call about an eagle or two” My dear bird leave the soggy pale for a snake we will embrace the
colors seeping in our own backyard like a smorgasbord board of food in the county which
surrounds your past precious home: if only you knew you meant a lot to me too.
As you fly like my hunger grabs too tight, while in flight, don’t leave me here on the surface
I’d like the redemption to still be allowed into the gates of heaven in the light.
Oh please please, say even if I’m not around [even if I am- I am helpless]. Please my dear
father settle things straight as a match stick [hang on to these match sticks…...oh so you
passerby, you look on at a subject which one may argue without arguing as I'm seeming
somewhat messed up with that deep stare as though your questioning my importance up with
something pretty potent- too?- oh no not me- all I smoke once in a while is a little kinnickanick
dreaming- or am I redirectivly confused and mentaly unstable from fault hearing lines within the
ginseng saturated self to mange the heavy drugs. I've never even known or will know where this
kinnickanick comes from or what the Indians dream of an Indian summer- what sometimes i’m
just so at peace I don't want to bring note to the fact I’m unsure what is in the wrapped dry
leaves, with the fading gall- man i’d be so pissed if it were some tobacco and frowned up dry
leaves with more fading patterns. Finally desperate through my minds eyes & body through my
brain and my thirst- so what- what do you mean- so what, your loosing your mind for what we
are talking about? -what?-
-The bird will become a metaphor-
Well as you’ve sitting here with me, I balanced out a bit, but please help what is here- and
bring me some sense - this is what's going on: out of my mind that not only you’re here on a
whim of your mind as random as random- well you my 6th month old bird are board for a bit and
had to bother me and what I had to provide you with as though you were my child and were
after my moist milk drippy bosom from the galactagogue- this is turning into a metaphor-only for
a whim cause your board out of your world and want to nibble my feminine milking device and
drink in some moisture from some what a yondering gentleman. Alleh: with a fit to his sense to
give one quiet nible twists to to saturate a creature some deeply deeply foreign ancestor Alien
from where there used to be a jiffy of a traveling love sense your wonderful lungs drink the pure
water as was originally (long long millenniums long) brought about by Alleh, gentlemen or
gentleman Alleh] [who created the breast or what he strived to find the most wonderfully fitting
anomaly appropriate to ones nostalgic and comparatively wonderfully perfect name which is tit?
What is a tit???
-oh, my. Well this is very unfortunate and I wish I could communicate with you, to help you from
this sprout of such proliferation, dryness, dying for moisture, oh my my thank goodness I’ve
brought my water along: this is a container made from organic coconut husks, and this rope is
indivisual costume made contraption coming from impotent hemp that reminds me of Henry
Ford, that I actually grew and braided myself. However, I am a respectable species where social
norms bring me to the wonderful though process to be a proud and respectable women to
myself. Oh my, oh my: you don’t know what a women's devices for offspring to drink, and man
to feel.

-[Somethings just makes me so curious- and well I’ve never met such a personality and beauty I
wish I could learn more from, because of my curious interest with these bodily parts]

‘Have you noticed these leather clothing dwellers around these parts? Well if that's not
something which would cause confusion in me because of surprise and awkwardness in how to
act properly, as someone like yourself as you seem to have much respect and moral support
from the friendly christened individuals around these respectable areas of lovely proper, lovely
lovely patterned appearance and character. This of course is within something brought from
such virgins to the traditional American made soldiers taking care of the creatures of the world
with some traditional Indian made acorn paste (deodorant) which is brought and made by the
humans in order to provide them in a lowering those animals of which even the most
respectable friends will be offering in the important idea of taking care of general well being, with
no embarrassments meant over our bodily functions, with in the bold pit paste factories, but that
may just apply to humans. I’m beyond myself in awe.’******
-excuse me did you just assume a respectably aging young lovely whos respective women
would just show you their bosom- just throw it out there for you? And you have no reason: I’m a
respectable women well known in this parts as the intresting male version of a gaffer: I don't get
out that much and I’m conservative when I used to be women within the tri-state area- I’m lovely
and and there's nothing wrong with me wanting to Be respectable at the same time.
-well ok, ya, if it's like that I’d rather not be traumatized in seeing the things which stick out
and in on your body.
[come on what is it then?]

Thought the traveler- well I have a phant. Well any way please, describe this thing you have- the
breasts with the most amount of description because learning about creatures like you brings
enthusiasm from me:

What are you called again? A Zebra? Yes Im a zebra: if regular zebra forget the beast who
roam’s the land and inhabits the Earth- how ever I’m much too eager to learn what a phant is?
Please tell - I'd like to know!’

Oh ahah-well- there's something with in out or on and part of the ferns/fans and ridges and
shape on my bodily form in a gif urge formed blanket -like- badge gripping hold of Aunt Cells
which connect my does into one conglomerate of three intruders gathered around in a
neuristraus & monotuchi.-which is impossibly to describe in your language however the closest
comparisons is to a uterus but somewhat more comparative in material of give or take of cotton,
or hemp give your choosing when it's time to generate a conception.
In life & Death
Comfort oh comfort is that bird though sad so sad when I showed him away “be confident/ be
brave & conquer this world my sparrow. MY BIRD. MY BIRD. Birds must be cared for by birds.
Your birds birds birds birds, which God's blood running through your vines You are part of his
created wonderment. He scolds on me but praises my strength when I know when to let go- I
pray I will eventually have forgiveness not from the spirit of all: but from the mind of my sparrow
please forgive me sparrow & understand. I’m around and I am whole and will go hungry another
day and feed off the bread thrown for the birds and eaten by the wild turkeys- when my form of
contact is no longer by eating the bread directly.

Birds’ Birds must come for one another other birds. Why true blood/ species separated from a
kind is why you hurt. However wonderful it is from animals to create respected inter-species
relationship is. You need others of the same kind to know who & what & where & when you are,
and when you break free of this [still originally needing your kind necessarily at once to gain
strength] you are now privileged to live how loved and to spread this love along to other beings
within the earth and without the earth. [You will be praised] within the spiritual world and
throughout those connected in the holy spirit to teach and spread inter species love &
acceptance, and with loyalty & protection. You will be praised.
Comfort oh comfort is that bird though sad so sad when I shewed him away “be confident be
brave & conquer this world my sparrow.
my bird my bird
Birds must be cared for by birds> birds must care for other birds. Why true blood species of a
kind is why you hurt
There was poison in that invisible cage
Go and be free where you can survive in a way please, please understand I don't want it that
way but plenty of the species of sparrows will show you the way. They love you too just as much
as I do…...sparrow sweet sparrow

Do not read these lines:

[you mooned (with a spiteful smack of a tail and moving: you showed me your ass and shit on
my porch]P.S. (Find a place within the poem for these lines not at the end please)


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