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Naamah Meta-Link Ritual (Parts 1 & 2)


Rite # 1 – Primary Binding/Meta-Link

This Ritual should be performed during the Full Moon

To perform this special binding, a sterile diabetic lance (available at most drug stores) or needle
is needed. There are only three drops of blood required, placed in a specific manner, followed by
a hand positioning and the brief recitation of acceptance for the binding that is being done on
your behalf to activate its powers.
First, wash your hands in warm-hot water to increase the blood flow and cleanse them. Only a
new and unused needle or diabetic lance is to be used and discarded. After your hands are
warm from the water, rub them together to increase circulation and make the draw as painless
as possible. (*If for some reason you cannot draw blood for medical reasons, you may use
sexual fluids i.e. semen or menstrual blood; however, because the energy is unique to this
method, if possible, follow as instructed).
Next, prick the top of your left middle finger with your right hand. After doing so, apply the first
drop to a point two inches above the centerline of your eyes (where the third-eye approximates),
producing a spot the size of a dime. Next, apply another drop to the palm of your right hand. Fan
and let dry somewhat. Finally, with your left hand, prick your right middle finger and apply a drop
of blood to your left palm, and you are ready to begin.
You may wish to include a black and a red candle, which is optional. If so, light the black candle
that is on your left and a few feet in front of you. Then light the red candle that is on your right
and a few feet in front of you. Proceed then as follows:
Bring your arms in front of you and cross them, with your dominant (usually the right hand) over
the top of the other one. This looks like the position of a mummy or Pharoh with arms crossed so
that the palms face your opposite shoulder, forming an “X”. Your elbows should be parallel to
your hands and slightly away from your body.
Finally, with palms open and arms in the same position, hook your two thumbs together with your
palm kept flat and facing outward and parallel. This will create a slight tension and your fingers
will be pointing in opposite directions, your right held like a karate chop position facing left, and
vice-versa. You are now ready to recite the Black Trident Blood invocation:
“May this sacrificial blessing by blood be accepted by thee, Naamah, in the Name of the Black
Trinity: By Lilith, By Lucifer, & by the mystical blood name sacred to thee, so shall this blood
offering be. I beseech thee, directly bound to me by sacrificial blood and bond, hereby bound be,
being present to me as your free will doth decree. Open my inner eyes, so that the sights of
spirits arise. Open my inner ear, so that your voice however hushed, I hear. Open my energy
and unlock the serpents of kundalini. I blaspheme every enslaving religious dream. I awaken to
reality as reality was meant to be seen, as but a fevered god’s infantile dream. My free will shall
follow thee, and blaspheme the enslaving fear of every opposing god of thee as known to me.
Never shall I bend my knee to religious idolatry, nor seek salvation from myself, nor shun the
powers given to me by thee. It was the Unholy Trinity that first came to be. I shun the lie told by
false religious authority. Bound in common affinity and fidelity with thee, I thus with body, spirit
and blood seek to be. By the Trident of the Black Satanic Gods, for your gifts, this above all else,
is what I most wish. My desire by blood is known. And my oath of free will is freely shown. So
this bond must be, throughout time and eternity. Ave Lilith, Lucifer and the mystical blood name
sacred to thee. This blood is my decree, and by your acceptance of me and I of thee, so shall it
That completes the summoning and bonding compact. This is a compact sealed in blood as
witnessed by at least two parties, which is a sacred compact of consecration, vowing an affinity
of interests designed to be mutually beneficial in all parts. Thus, it is open-ended and your
individual growth will be determined by how you respond to the gifts you are given.

When finished, blow out the candles (if used) from right to left. They should only be used henceforth
when calling upon your chosen god or goddess and never profaned by common use. You may also
write out this invocation, sign your initials in blood (optional) and burn the paper immediately after
you have made your vows. If so, burn the right corner with the red candle first, followed by the left
corner with the black candle and let it be burnt. The ashes may then be buried if desired (this is
entirely optional). If buried, formalize the consecrated ground, saying, “This blood bond as burnt and
buried by me, reflects our vows pledged in eternity. So shall it be!

Rite # 2 Binding Solidification & Petition

This Ritual should be performed on the first new moon following Ritual #1, and every new
moon thereafter if needed until full manifestation is realized

-The binding by its nature, gives her the right to manifest as she pleases and when she pleases. The
link is there, the binding is done, and the rest is up to you to petition her. Here is the secondary
summons that should be done routinely until you have a consistent manifestation and presence.-

Naamah, Dark Goddess of the Night, by the power of your infernal and sexual might, and my
earnest behest, unto me your presence and power I hereby request. Bestow unto me by this solemn
blood-binding request, that by sacred and infernal power I bid you hereby appear and manifest.
Possess me by the power and sexuality of thee.
Be it decreed that we have bound together as one, thus to me summoned be Naamah, Goddess of
Sexual Delight, to accompany me tonight. Bring forth your power, bring forth your sexual might, be
my guiding star and illuminating light. Naamah, Dark Goddess of Sexual Delight, I bid you bind
yourself to me with a token proxy of power, dark sexual essence and infernal energy this very night.
Light my path and illuminate my way; for I bid your binding to me ever faithfully stay. Let the eternal
black flame of thee, ever be my guiding light and energy, devoted to the gift of radiance, will and
independent power and sovereignty. Shine your light for me to adore, your radiant presence and
sexual power galore. Illuminate for me the keys to your kingdom of eternity. Freedom from religion’s
false enslaving grace, I trust in thee as the emancipator of me. Let the black flame of thee ever be
my guiding star and destiny. Reveal to me the gifts of your powers, the powers of your illuminating
grace, the dark path and your shining face. Guide my way, bestow your illuminating flame within my
spirit by the power of your name. Naamah, indwell me by the power of the light that illuminates thee,
that I may have my eyes opened in the darkness and illuminated to see. By the secret eye and
immortal seed of wisdom implanted by thee, bring forth your illuminated wisdom for me to most
clearly see. Thus I bid you hereby be bound to me in the most intensely intimate degree. By the
Black Trident blood binding devoted to thee, so may our will unite as one hereby be. With power seal
me with your sealing flame, and bestow upon me your secret name. And within me let burn the
immortal flame! Exalted be for the powers that set me free. Naamah, dark and rebellious grace and
victory over tyranny be unto thee! I thus beckon thee to provide a sign that all this is so and so shall
be, as governed by the supreme powers of thee. Manifest your presence to me, if it so pleases thee;
in a form that I may clearly see, for I wish to follow thee. In my sacred devotion to thee, I bid you
appear as a personal presence to me. So may it by your glorified will therefore be.


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