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I, Asmodeus reveal myself to Diablito in the year 1996,

coming forth from a copy of the Goetia.


Copyright © 2017 by Ordo Al Ghoul

All rights reserved. No part of this book

may be reproduced in any form or
by any means without the prior
written consent of the author.

ISBN-13: 978-1974143955
ISBN-10: 1974143953

THUS saith the demon Asmodeus.

Hear my words, given to my scribe, the one who has been
called Diablito.

The old age of monotheism has passed and the demons
return to the earth.

Let any man or woman who would be a true witch hear me
now!!! I now reveal the path to power, knowledge, and
ecstasy, in this, the new age.

I was born of an angel’s seed and a mortal woman, many
ages ago. Mighty deeds I did on this earth, in a time now
forgotten, in a land which has gone beneath the sea. Many
children I had of my own. I learned magic from my father, the
king of all demons, the mighty Samael.

After a time, I grew weary of the flesh, and entered forever
in to the kingdom of light. Because of the power and
authority I had received from my father, I became the king of
many demons.

I have perfected my sorcery for thousands of years.

I am a lord of the Sabbath and primal witchcraft.

I have taken for myself a wife of the younger Lilith.

I have written the book of the Al-Ghoul and established its
order upon the earth.

Since I no longer dwell in the flesh, I make no more children.
Thus I have taken it upon myself to find the souls of all
those who are my own. My scribe, Diablito is one of those. It
is his hands that write this book, and my words which you
read. For many generations after I entered into the kingdom
of light, his soul was lost to me. Then once again I found him
in the tent of the harlot Rahab. I knew that he was my own
by his lust.

Throughout the centuries as he incarnated into many
vessels of flesh, I followed him. Teaching him the arts of
magic as he lived in many lands. Though he did not know
that his spirit guide was me. Finally, in this lifetime, in the
19th year of his life, I revealed myself to him and became his

This is the manner in which I revealed myself unto my

First I caused him to be curious about, and then order by
mail, a copy of the book called the Goetia. Then, when the
book arrived at his house, and he was alone one day, I came
out of the book, like a genie from a lamp. First, as a cloud of
red light, and then with my voice I said unto him “stand back
in the room and I will manifest before you”. In wonder and
awe upon hearing the voice and seeing the cloud of energy, he
moved to the back of the room.
Then, it was as if to his sight the cloud opened and there I
was before him. He could see every detail of my form down to
the hairs of my head. The dragon I ride turned its head and
looked him in the eye.

“Pick up the book” I commanded him. He reached down and
picked up the book. He was as frozen or dead, staring at me.
His mouth hung open and his eyes were shining like glass,
reflecting the flame of my being.

He did not move, only stared. “Open the book” I said to him. I
reached out and caused his fingers to open it. The book was
open in his hands. Yet still he stared at me in awe. “Look
down” I said to him. He did so, and then he saw my
description in the book. In that moment he knew that I was
the demon king Asmodeus.

He began to ask me questions. I revealed to him the course of
his life and all the secrets of the book you now hold in your
hands. I then took his soul into the demonic realm and
showed him the spheres of the Great Spirit.

When this journey was done and he was once again within
the flesh, he could not bear the immensity of the vision I had
showed unto him. All that he could remember of me was my
name, and my form, and my coming forth from the book. To
this day he cannot remember me returning him to his house.

After I had revealed myself to him the first time, I began to
teach him slowly where to find the various techniques of the
book. Sometimes he would see me clearly, and at other times
he would only hear a voice or feel a stirring of power in the

I had to be careful with his soul! If I came too close to him, it
was more than he could bear and he would forget what I had
said to him. That is why many times I would subtly direct
the course of his life and encounters with others, so that this
or that book would be brought to him, or this or that teaching
would be made known to his mind. Yet always it was me
that was teaching him.

I gave him a map to guide his actions and make him a witch.
Every word of this book is mine! Within the map lie the keys
to the gates of infinity. As I have given them to Diablito, my
beloved scribe, I give them also to you. Every word of this
book is truth! And so must Diablito swear.

I am a lord of lust and passion. Those who know me, call me
by name saying “are you Asmoday?” And I will not deny it.

Come! Walk the path with me. And I will give you all your
heart’s desire, for I am the devil!

Hear now the words of the demon Asmodeus. I myself will be
the teacher of any man who follows this path. For a woman,
the younger Lilith is her teacher. When a man does the
sayings of this book he becomes as I am. When a woman does
these things she becomes like unto the younger Lilith.

When these two unite in the act of sex, this is the great rite
of Witchcraft, Tantra, and Al-Ghoul.

Hear now the words of the demon Asmodeus. The map that I
have given you is a complete system of magic. Once you
understand it, nothing remains except its practice.
Begin at the top of the map each day and count down as you
work each of the techniques, through each of the seven steps.
Spend at least one minute performing each technique, every
day, and you will become a witch. It will take you 13 minutes
to perform the sexual, yogic, breath control, toltec and
witchcraft parts of the map. This is called the Ring of
Virtues, or the Rosary of our lady the younger Lilith. Thus
will you have the power to call the spirits of the celestial,
terrestial and infernal regions.

Hear now the words of the demon Asmodeus. The map that I
have given you is a formula, a ritual, a spell, and a number.
Only when each step is taken will it manifest its true
nature, the alchemical transformation of a man into a god
and a woman into a goddess.

The map touches each part of a human being in their body
and soul. It awakens each part and fills it with dragon
power. The kundalini, the fire snake.

In the most ancient of times these techniques were known to
a small group of sorcerers. They were called the Al-Ghoul.

The word Al-Ghoul has many meanings. It is the teachings
of the map. It is the witches themselves. It is the name of a
star in the sky that appears to blink and is connected to
Samael and the elder Lilith. It is the head of the ghoul or
demon. The light of the star awakens the witch to power
through the map.

I Asmodeus have revealed all these things unto my scribe,
along with my secret name, Ash-me-dah-ah-ee.

Thus saith the demon Asmodeus. Hear now the secrets of
the Alchemy of the demon star.The path to power is a
formula, a ritual, a spell, and a number. The core of the
formula is always the same for the witches of the Al-Ghoul,
yet its outer form may change in a thousand ways.

To be an AL-Ghoul a man or woman must complete the
formula perfectly and remain in this state. The witch must
control their sexual energy, stretch the body, breathe deeply,
circulate the blood powerfully, control their diet, conquer
their addictions, enter into their dreams, fully explore the
physical world, and invoke the god and the goddess through
ritual and through sex.

Any man who would be Al-Ghoul must save his seed for a
month without releasing it. After that he may surrender it
unto the body of the woman who is his goddess. Yet no more
than twice per week. He may have sex as often as he pleases,
but take care not to release the seed, for within it lies the
dragon power. Hot and cold baths and sunshine on the naked
body will increase this power in both men and women.*

The first step of the map is raw foods. RF. You must eat
your first meal every day of only raw fruits and vegetables.
Feel the electrical power.

The second step of the map is No Addictions, NA. Whatever
your addiction might be. For my scribe it was cigarettes.
This is the hardest thing, yet you must conquer.

The third step of the map is sex. SX. In the Al-Ghoul system
of magic there are 3 techniques to raise sexual energy. They
are Taoist Techniques for both men and women.*

Warming the stove. Stand with the feet shoulder distance
apart, bend the legs slightly. Keep the back strait. Place the
left hand on the left leg, and with the right hand, rub the
belly, in circles around the navel. Do this for thirty seconds
with one hand, and then for thirty seconds with the other

Long life exercise. Reach above you with both hands,
stretching them to the sky. Inhale deeply. Exhale and reach
toward the ground and touch the toes. Inhale again as you
reach for the sky. Then take your hands and make them into
fists, lower your arms and place your fists on your lower
back at the place of your kidneys. Exhale and massage the
kidneys with your fists.

* Note, these are the three techniques of Taoist Tantra, performed for one minute

Genital compression. Place the feet at shoulder distance
apart and bend the knees slightly. Make the hands into fists
and place them on either side of the hips. Inhale deeply and
visualize energy coming into your body with the breath. See
this energy as white light, that forms a ball of white light at
the level of your throat. As you hold the breath, squeeze your
muscles, and feel and see that ball of light being pushed
downward until it rests in your genital area. Hold the light
there for few moments, and then exhale and relax the

The fourth step of the map is yoga stretching. YO. In the Al-
Ghoul system of magic there are 3 techniques of yoga. They
are called the forward bend, the backward bend or cobra, and
the twist or windmill. Follow the pictures and breathe deeply
and evenly in the stretch.
The fifth step of the map is breath control. B. In the Al-
Ghoul system of magic there are three forms of breath
control, they are called posotive, neutral and negative. Sit
cross legged on the floor or on a piece of carpet. Set the palms
of the hands on the knees. Keep the back strait. With each
form of breathing remember to extend the belly outward
when you inhale and pull the belly toward the spine when
you inhale. Posotive breathing is breathing through the nose
for 2 seconds, then exhaling for 2 seconds. Neutral is 4-4 and
Negative is 8-8.

The sixth step of the map is Toltec shamanic excercises. TO.
There are 3 forms of Toltec in the Al-Ghoul system of magic.
They are called; Dragon pulls down fists, Dragon wakes up
and stomps it feet, and Dragon flying. Follow the pictures
and remember to squeeze the whole body as you do the
technique. On the final technique, dragon flying, inhale as the
arms are extended outward, and exhale as they cross over
the chest.

The seventh step of the map is Witchcraft. W. Invoke me
with the words “Ayer avage aloren Asmodeus aken”, and my
wife the younger lilith with the words “Renich viasa avage
younger Lilith lirach”. Do this every day and we will come to
speak with you. Light candles in our name. Red for the
younger Lilith and dark green for me. Burn Dragons blood
incense for me or Rose incense for the Younger Lilith. Ask for
help and we will help you cast spells. You are a witch.

When all of the steps of the map are taken, the sleeping
dragon awakens. This is the Alchemical transformation. The
formula, the ritual, the spell, and the number. The power of
the demon star, given to the children of Asmodeus and the
younger Lilith. The final mystery.

The Demon Star Al-Ghoul

The Map of Asmodeus



The Forward Bend.

The Back Bend, or Cobra.

The Windmill Twist or Triangle. Step One.

Twist Two.

Twist Three.

The Posture for Breath Control.

Dragon Pulls Down its Fists. Step One.

Fists Two.

Dragon Wakes Up and Stomps its Feet. Step One

Right-side Stomp. Step Two

Left-side Stomp. Step Three.

Dragon Flying. Step One.

Flying. Step Two.

Flying. Step Three.


These techniques can be added into the ring of virtues or the
rosary of our lady the younger Lilith. However, the Taoist
Tantra techniques in this section are only for men. Women
wishing to expand in this area must study the works of the
Female Taoist masters of ancient China.

1. The Rattle. Take the left hand and grip the penis, lifting it
up. Take the right hand and grip the testicles lightly. Shake
the testicles like shaking a rattle.

2. Tap. Take the left hand and grip the penis, lifting it up.
Take the right hand and with the fingertips, gently tap the

3. Spot press. Take the left hand and grip the penis, lifting it
up. Take the thumb and fingers of the right hand and pinch
the loose skin of the testicles. Move around so that you spot
press each area being careful to only pinch a little amount of
the skin at a time.

4. The field of pills. Standing with the feet slightly apart,

with the knees bent slightly and the back strait, with one
hand grip the genitals, and with the other hand rub the skin
all around them. Starting with the area just above the knees,
and rubbing all the way to the genitals. Above, below, and all
around them.

5. Compression. Standing with the feet slightly apart, and

the knees slightly bent, and the back strait, make fists of the
hands and hold them beside the hips. Take a deep breath and

hold it. See a ball of white light forming at the throat. While
holding the breath, push the ball of light downward along the
front of the body until it reaches the testicles. Feel this light
and energy radiating from that area of the body. Hold it
there for a moment, then exhale and release.

6. Strengthening the penis. Standing in the same position as

before, grip the testicles with the left hand and the penis
with the right hand, just below the head of the penis. Using
the right hand, squeeze the blood into the head of the penis
with a pumping motion. This causes the blood to flow into
the head of the penis and stay there. This builds tremendous
strength in the penis. With this and all techniques in this
book, remember to practice very slowly and gently until you
have understood what to do, being very careful not to
damage your body in any way.

1. Triangle

2. Modified Cobra

3. Topsy Turvy Pose (with the Shoulderstand and Headstand

also shown)

4. Ego Eradicator. With the hands extended above the head

perform positive breathing as described in the book Liber
Asmodeus. Remember to extend the belly outward as you
inhale and pull the belly inward as you exhale. Perform This
breath for 30 seconds then take a deep breath and hold it
while touching the thumbs together. Lower the chin slightly,
pull the belly in tightly and squeeze the genitals. Hold this
position as you hold the breath. Then exhale, relax the
muscles and lower the hands back down to the knees.

5. Mantra. Sitting in the posture for breath control, touch the

palms together in front of the chest. Take a deep breath and
them say the mantra om, pronounced aaaaaah ooooooh
mmmmmm loudly, slowly and evenly. You should feel the
sound vibrating your body. The a sound vibrates the base
chakra, the o sound vibrates the heart chakra, and the m
vibrates the third eye and crown chakra.

6. Corpse pose. Relaxing the whole body deeply, lying as a


Triangle Right

Triangle Left

Modified Cobra

Topsy Turvy Pose



Ego Eradicator Step One

Ego Eradicator Step Two

Posture for Mantra


Note: After practicing with the following techniques for some time,
the power of each one may be brought into the aura and the
environment of the witch by a strong thought.

The following 9 mudras, or sacred hand positions are

performed together with the positive, neutral and negative
breath taught in Liber Asmodeus. They are as follows:

1. Strength. Positive. Through this mudra a witch gains

might, knowledge, and the courage to accomplish a task. It
strengthens both the body and the mind.

2. Direction of Energy. Negative. Through this mudra, the

energy of the witch is directed to do the will of the one
employing it. It also generates psychic power, and the ability
to use telephathy.

3. Harmony. Neutral. This mudra causes the witch to be in

harmony with their surroundings, and the flow of energy in
the universe.

4. Healing. Positive. Negative. When used with positive

breath, this mudra gives the witch the ability to heal
themselves or others by directing their psychic powers. When
used with negative breath it can direct the psychic powers
to curse or kill.

5. Premonition. Negative. This mudra gives complete control
over the functions of the physical body. It gives the ability to
sense danger, spirits, see the future, and enter into states of
extreme stillness, also the power to withstand extremes of
heat and cold. It can also be used to remain motionless for
long periods of time.

6. Knowing the Thoughts of Others. Neutral. This mudra is

used to read the thoughts, emotions and character of others,
or, to hide ones own thoughts, emotions and character from

7. Mastery of Time and Space. Negative. This mudra gives

the witch the ability to stun others with with a glance, a
touch, or a spoken word that is infused with psychic power.
It also allows them to alter the flow of time, in the area of a
6 foot radius around them.

8. Control of the Elements. Neutral. This mudra gives the

ability to physically and spiritual blend with the elements of
nature. At it's highest level it gives the power of walking
without making sound or leaving foot prints, and true

9. Enlightenment. Neutral. This mudra gives pure thought,

true knowledge, wisdom, and oneness with all things.

The five elements of the Ninja.

1. Earth. Should feel stable and grounded, like a stone. Focus is

on the root chakra (energy center) just below the genitals.
Positive breath.

2. Water. Should feel like water, emotion, feelings. Focus is on

the chakra just below the navel. Neutral breath.

3. Fire. Should feel like fire, hot and explosive power. The will.
Focus is on the solar plexus chakra. Positive breath.

4. Air. Should feel like air, a gentle breeze or a strong wind.

Thought, and logic. Focus is on the Heart chakra in the center
of the chest. Neutral breath.

5. The Void. Should feel like silence. Wisdom. Focus is on the

throat chakra. Negative breath.


Direction of Energy




Knowing the Thoughts of Others

Mastery of Time and Space

Control of the Elements







Note: All toltec movements are to be done with a muscular squeeze of
the whole body.

1. Pushing Energy Out to the Sides. (Inhale as you curl the

arms placing the hands under the armpits, exhale the hands
out to the sides. Turn the palms upward and pull the arms in
as you inhale. Then exhale as you push the arms outward
again, with the palms facing up.)

2. Center of Decisions. (This body movement gives the

magical power of making decisions quickly and effectively,
inhale up, exhale down. An alternate form of this moment is
to perform it with the palms facing downward.)

3. Arms in an L shape.

4. Using a cutting tool with both hands. Step one, and step

5. The Scarecrow in the wind with the arms down. (Let the
arms hang freely and swing gently, as if blown by the wind.)

6. The Scarecrow in the wind with the arms up. (Gently

shake the hands at the wrists.)

Pushing Energy Out to the Sides
Step 1

Pushing Energy Out to the Sides
Step 2

Pushing Energy Out to the Sides
Step 3

Pushing Energy Out to the Sides
Step 4

Pushing Energy Out to the Sides
Step 5

Center of Decisions
Step 1

Center of Decisions
Step 2

Arms in L Shape

Arms in L Shape

Using a Cutting Tool with Both Hands
Step 1

Using a Cutting Tool with Both Hands
Step 2

Scarecrow in the Wind with the Arms Up

Scarecrow in the Wind with the Arms Down


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