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How to do it

The technique involves breathing in and out in a specific way. A person with
COPD will often take lots of shallow breaths. Pursed lip breathing keeps the
airways in the lungs open for longer. As a result, a person will take fewer
breaths, but these breaths will be more efficient.

A person should try to relax before starting pursed lip breathing. They can
take a minute to drop the shoulders and release the tongue from the roof of
the mouth, both of which are common ways to hold tension in the body. It may
help to close the eyes when trying pursed lip breathing for the first few times.

Here is how to do pursed lip breathing:

1. Breathe in through the nose for 2 seconds.

2. Purse the lips as if about to blow out the candles on a cake.
3. Breathe out very slowly through pursed lips for 4 to 6 seconds.
4. Repeat.

A person can use pursed lip breathing during any activity that causes
shortness of breath. Such activities can include exercise, standing up from a
seat, or lifting something. More air can flow in and out of the lungs to help the
body during these activities.

It may take some time before the technique feels natural, but with regular
practice, it can become comfortable. Even 5 to 10 minutes’ practice every day
can be beneficial.
Other techniques
Pursed lip breathing is one of the techniques that experts most commonly
recommend for people with COPD. However, other techniques can also help
slow breathing and fill the lungs properly.

For example, belly breathing or diaphragmic breathing can retrain the

diaphragm, helping this muscle do more work in the breathing process.

To do belly breathing, a person should sit in a chair or lie on their back before
breathing in through the nose and noticing how the belly expands with the
breath. It can help to place the hands on the belly to feel this happening.

Each breath out through the mouth should take two or three times as long as
the inhalation.

Pursed lip breathing can improve a person’s ability to exercise and carry out
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normal tasks.

As well as helping the lungs work better, pursed lip breathing can have
several other health benefits.

These benefits may include:

 slowing the breath

 making it easier to breathe
 reducing the work that other muscles in the body are doing to breathe
 increasing a person’s ability to carry out normal activities or exercise
 getting rid of stale air from the lungs
Pursed lip breathing can be particularly beneficial as part of a pulmonary
rehabilitation program. A healthcare professional will supervise this program,
which may include exercises, information, and support.

Pulmonary rehabilitation can help improve a person’s quality of life. As well as

helping with breathing, it may reduce stress and make it easier for a person to
exercise or socialize.


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