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TAKE HOME EXAMINATION IN EDUC 604: Seminar in Philosophy of Education

REALISM: Nature, Dynamics and Implication to Educational System

Realism is one of Western culture’s oldest philosophies, which dates back at least to

ancient Greece. Because of its respectable period, realism has offered science, natural and logical

realism a range of supporters and interpretations as diverse as classical and religious realism.

Because of this confusing array of variations, it seems most reasonable to approach this

philosophy from common threads interwoven throughout its long history.

Probably the most important strand of realism is what may be called the principle of

thesis of independence. This study holds the nature of truth, knowledge and meaning, outside of

the human mind. Realism in other words, opposes the idealistic notion that only thoughts are

real. The realist claims, as a reality, that the universe's actual rocks, stones and trees exist

whether or not a human mind is there to experience them. Matter is true to realistic; this does not,

however, mean that all realists are pathological materialists who see matter in only one form.

What we call matter may be of many kinds, and some realists believe in both matter and shape.

What is important is that realists point to matter as an example of an independent reality.

In realism, by inculcating knowledge to the minds, person acquires knowledge because in

reality, it assumes that human beings do not have inborn or unconscious ideas in their minds at

birth. As it first appears it's a blank canvas, a "tabula rasa," an empty surface on which
experience can then write down all we know. All of the contents of consciousness, that is,

everything that ever comes into the mind, comes into it from only one source, and that source is

experience. Experience is the only reference point inside the human mind. In mind, ideas or

sensations are induced by the qualities in things. In a thing, a quality is a power to trigger an idea

in a mind.

Sensation is basically the raw data the senses carry into the brain, and perception involves

the assumptions and meanings you apply to the sensations so it ends up having some significance

for you. Raw feeling, plus how we experience certain stimuli, reveals what our mind perceives

then. Values are incorporated into the imparting of information. A person is adequately trained

so a child can learn in an orderly manner. Society has an influence in practical teaching of the

infant. What surrounds him can affect his mind and views in life.

In education, realistically it's preparing the kid for a happy and healthy life. It gets the

child acquainted with nature and the social world. It's improving his physical and mental

abilities. It strengthens his senses and it teaches him. It gets him ready for real life. It offers

comprehension by inquiry of the material world. It's a research analysis, and the scientific

method. It transmits culture and evolves the human nature and the environment needs to be

understood to ensure survival and good life.

One aspect that realism believes is how the child prepares for the reality and one way to

do this is by observation. Observation is very important aspect in the teaching-learning process.

The emphasis on critical thinking is on perception. Focus was put on responsibility and

transparency and it encourages performance-based instruction. Realism is one of the goals of

scientific research and development. Education can go from basic to complex, and from realistic

to abstract. In particular, activities were promoted that enhance learning through direct or
indirect interactions such as field trips, seminars, films, television, audio-visual aids, and library.

Vernacular is of great significance, and should be the instructional medium. As it is

performance-based, thus, children should earn meaningful rewards.

It focuses on the fundamentals of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Highly structured and

coordinated classroom environment. It uses the standardized exam. For the student, schooling

should be enjoyable and exciting and should prepare students for life in the real world. Realism

reflects world reality. It has reality which is associated with acquired knowledge. The use of

sensation will acquire reality. It is our role, in our lives, to be good and evil. In realism, it teaches

the theory of truth, the subjects of the physical world such as mathematics, science and social

studies. In schools there is realism to show the structure of the world and cosmos. Teachers

impart simple to complex information type. Child is well-mannered and intelligent.

In realism, the human mind reflects but does not replicate the outer universe. I exist, you

exist but there are those that do not know that I exist or that he exists. She’s special to me but

she's not unique. According to our understanding we have contrasting views of life. In teaching

we aimed at making a decent life for our children and acknowledging the realities of life.

Realism argues that education is a preparation for life, since education equips the child with

sufficient training to face the blunt realities of life with bravery as he or she will perform

different roles such as a resident, a teacher, a husband, a housewife, a community member, etc.

Education as such is concerned with the child's life issues.

Realistic education firmly condemned all bookish awareness, since it does not help the

child properly meet the realities of life. It doesn't encourage the child to understand the truth of

outside objects and natural phenomena. Realist education motto is “Not Words but Things." In

comparison to idealists who enforce information from above, realists promoted self-learning by
senses that require preparation. Since senses are the doors to information, they must be properly

nurtured and educated.

Realists similarly attach importance to the child's personality and sociability. Bacon

lucidly notes that, on the one hand, practical education develops the individual and, on the other,

aims to establish social directions by improving the individual's social consciousness and sense

of service. Realistic education’s main goal is to train the child to lead a happy and healthy life.

Training encourages the child to effectively and efficiently overcome his or her life problems.

Leading good life requires four essential things — self-preservation, self-determination, self-

realization and self-integration.

To sum it up, it is no different that we are facing a global pandemic and we cannot deny

the fact that it has challenged and pushed us to our limits. The thing is, children must know that

the world is evolving and that life goes on despite of all things happening in this world. They

should know how to adopt and try to observe the things that really matter in life. This is now the

true testament that teachers are not always in their side spoon feeding them with all the necessary

skills and knowledge that they need to acquire. This is the reality of life. THIS IS LIFE.

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