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Fita Hairo Rizkiyah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Jln. K.H.A. Dahlan Purworejo 54111, Purworejo


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This research is focused on analysis of flouting maxim used in Big Friendly Giant movie
and its application in teaching speaking. The objectives of the study are to identify the
kinds of flouting maxim in the Big Friendly Giant movie and to describe the application in
teaching speaking by using Flouting Maxim in Big Friendly Giant movie.
This research is a qualitative research and used descriptive qualitative method.
The researcher obtained the data from Big Friendly Giant movie. To collect the data,
researcher needed some steps, they were: watched Big Friendly Giant movie,
downloaded the movie script, and analyzed all utterances which contain flouting maxim
on the movie script. Then to analyze the data, researcher also needed activities such as
watching the movie, reading the movie script, describing the data form of dialogues
which contain flouting maxim, describing the context in which the speakers flout the
maxim, analyzing the data and making conclusion
The result of the analysis shows that are 43 utterances from four kinds of
flouting maxim used in Big Friendly Giant. There are flouting maxim of quantity 14
utterances (32.5%), flouting maxim of quality 6 utterances (14.0%), flouting maxim of
relation 12 utterances (27.9%), and flouting maxim of manner 11 utterances (25.6%).
The application of the result, it is focused in teaching peaking with material asking and
giving opinion for senior high School.

Keywords: Flouting Maxim, Big Friendly Giant movie , Teaching Speaking

A. Introduction
Language is one of important things in human life. It is how the way people

communicate and interact with other. Language cannot be separated from

human in daily life, it means for communication. We use communication with

spoken or written to socialize, express our feeling, and get information or

knowledge what we need. People make conversation and interaction with


Speaking becomes essential for everyone to get information or knowledge.

Speaking skill is essential whether in the target of sources language. If the

student speak in their native language, it is not difficult, but when they speak in

foreign language they will make many mistakes, because there are so many

differences between their own language or native language and their foreign

language. Therefore when they speak with foreigner, they will understood.

Conversation happens when there is two or more participants. When making

conversation people of course have aim and needs. When producing utterances

people do not only concentrated based on grammatical structure and

appropriate vocabulary but also containing explicit and implicit meaning. To

know how human think, how human communicate, how they use language in all

the ways and with all the means, we need pragmatics as the study of language.

They learn how to adapt their behavior depending on their conversation and

social environment.

Pragmatic have theories to minimize misunderstanding in conversation. This

is cooperative principle. We need cooperative principle to help account for the

relation between sense and force; and this kind of explanation is particularly

welcome where it solves puzzles which arise in a truth based approach to

semantic. There are four maxims in cooperative principle. They are quality,
quantity, relation and manner. In real life people often break these maxims in

order to hide the implicit meaning of the utterance so that the hearer makes the

inference from the utterance.

When we learn deeper about cooperative principle we get more advantages

as our communication run well with our interlocutors, easier to understand,

relevance also not misunderstanding. Based on the background above the

researcher interest to choose analyze of flouting maxim in the movie script big

friendly giant because almost student still make conversation unclear,

irrelevance, ambiguity etc. Cooperative principle useful for communication in

daily life, by using movie or watching the movie directly the researcher believes

that the student more interest to learn English especially in speaking. So that

their utterances will be relevant, clear and correct with his or her interlocutors.

The researcher has an objective to find out identify what kinds of flouting

maxim in the “Big Friendly Giant Movie” and describe the application of flouting

maxim in the Big Friendly Giant movie in teaching speaking for senior high


B. Method

Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information

to increase our understanding of a topic or issue in Creswell (2012:3).

According Creswell (2012: 13) Quantitative research identifies a

research problem based on trends in the field or on the need to explain why
something occurs. Describing trends means that the researcher problem can

be answer best by a study in which the researcher seeks to establish the

overall tendency of responses from individuals and to note how this

tendency varies among people. Beside qualitative research Creswell also

identify about qualitative research as follows:

Creswell (2012:16) qualitative research is a research problem in

which you do not know variables and need to explore.

According to Moeloeng in Djamal (2015:14-20) the characteristics of

qualitative research as follow:

a. More emphasize the process than the result

b. Nature

c. Human as instrument

d. Grounded theory

e. Descriptive

f. Analysis the data as inductive

g. Temporary design

h. Result of research as discuss and agree together

i. Analyze the data doing by first time

In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative approach.

The researcher uses this method because she analyzes the data and then

describes the finding as to answer her research questions.

C. Findings and Discussion
In this data analysis, the researcher found 43 data of flouting

maxim. The summary of the maxim flouted by the speaker is shown in the

table below:
Table 1. Data Summary of Type Flouting Maxim

No Flouting maxim Frequency Percentage

1 Quantity 14 times 32.5%

2 Quality 6 times 14.0%

3 Relation 12 times 27.9%

4 Manner 11 times 25.6%

Total 43 times 100%

Based on the table above, the dominant maxim from all of the

types of maxim is maxim quantity. The reason on why maxim of quantity is

as the most dominant type is because the speaker gives more information

required than their interlocutors need.

The second is the maxim of relation. It flouted 12 times or 27.9 %.

The speaker flouted the maxim of relation by saying something irrelevant

with topic being asked.

The third is the maxim of manner. It flouts 11 times or 25.6 %. The

speaker flouted the maxim of manner by giving ambiguous information,

saying something obscure, giving unclear information.

The last is the maxim of quality. It flouts 6 times or 14.0 %. The speakers
flouted the maxim of quality by the giving untruth that represents their
through and say information which lack of adequate evidence

D. Conclusion
After conducting the research analysis, the researcher concludes that:
1. There are four kinds of flouting maxim in the movie script entitled

“big friendly giant”. There are 14 dialogues (32.5%) containing

flouting maxim of quantity, 6 dialogues (14.0%) containing flouting

maxim of quality, 12 dialogues (27.9%) containing flouting maxim of

relevance, and 11 dialogues (25.6%) containing flouting maxim of

manner. The most dominant of flouting maxim used in the movie is


2. The application of flouting maxim in the movie script “Big Friendly

Giant” to teach speaking at the eleventh grade students of senior high

school. The researcher teaches about asking/giving opinion and its

responses. It is because every single student has different opinion in

asking or giving opinion with other. The researcher uses movie to help

easier student imagine conversation in their daily life or just watching

in a movie.

E. References

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