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Keith Davis,

After reading your email carefully and repeatedly, these following questions
arisen. I can’t help but taken the chance to have you lash out at me again to ask
you directly.
1) As you have clearly pointed out you were not in Winston-Salem at the
time of the event, were you well informed of the situation and read
through the posting carefully before came out swinging? I have repeatedly
ask the ones who have seem the post if I was being out of line and all
came back negative.
2) Were the intension of your post to deescalate the situation or were you
looking to jump into a fight?
3) How exactly do you expect me to response when you ask me “If you really
believe that about us, why would you want to continue to train with us?”
4) Are you aware that your lovely wife has already managed to have the
matter under control before you wrote your very rude and combative
5) Since you are not the one who took down the posting, do you think the
responsible party took it down because of the drama I created or the
“unnecessary drama” you have managed to escalate?
6) Are you aware that I was suggested to screen shot your posting knowing
it will be taken down due to your aggression?
7) Since you continuously said I didn’t get my way “immediately”, would it
be fair to assume you were not informed that I was in the store not once
but twice. I went into the store the following day to purchase of a pair of
shoes. Brooks Ghost.
8) At the end of my purchase, my sales rep. (who was very helpful)
voluntarily went to ask the new coach only to come back telling me there
were no records and that even if there is one, it would have been expired
by then. Oh, while the new coach was at the store, I did not get the
pleasure to meet her.
9) Are you offended by me asking my fellow mentors on WRW about this
email and coupon when no one in the store seems to know what’s going
on? As you have so kindly pointed out, even one of the owners doesn’t
know anything about it.
10)When you continuously refer to the email and the “rules” it implied,
where do you think I can find this email? Would you prefer me to jump
into my trash bin?
11) Why would it bother you that I asked on WRW?
12)When I realized one of my fellow mentors was told that the coupon has
expired, were you that disturb by my angry moji?
13)Were you disturbed that I posted the text of the email on the group and if
so, please explain why.
14) Is “Being given the run around” the worst comments you have been
given? Does that bother you to the point that you would lash out at a
customer who has been purchasing and training with you for around 5
years? In the first year alone, I spent around a thousand dollars at your
15)In my situation, what would you do?

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