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Title No. 114-S108

High-Strength Reinforcement in Exterior Beam-Column

Joints under Cyclic Loading
by Hung-Jen (Harry) Lee and Chia-Jung Chang

This paper presents cyclic responses of five exterior beam-

column joints made with 100 ksi (690 MPa) longitudinal bars,
115 ksi (790 MPa) transverse reinforcement, and 10 ksi (70 MPa)
concrete. The test joints satisfied the existing ACI 318 design
provisions for special moment frames, except for the joint shear
demands, the anchorage limitations of the maximum bar yield
strength, the maximum concrete strength, and the minimum clear
spacing between headed bars. The test results show that the
minimum development length can be used for anchorage of closely
spaced headed bars in well-confined joints. It is found that the
deformation capacity of beam-column joints could be increased by
reducing the joint shear demand or increasing the joint transverse
reinforcement ratio. The presented test results were assembled with
previous research data for assessing the design provisions. This
paper proposes several modifications to the existing design provi-
sions for beam-column joints using high-strength reinforcement
Fig. 1—Stress-strain plots for different grade reinforcement.
and concrete. In a major earthquake event, flexure reinforcement in
special framing members is designed to develop strains
Keywords: beam-column joint; confinement; cyclic testing; headed
reinforcement; high-strength steel; shear strength. well in excess of the yield strain for the formation of plastic
hinges; therefore, reinforcement with a controlled yield
INTRODUCTION strength, sharp yield plateau, and adequate ductility are
Special moment frame systems are widely used in concrete preferred for special seismic systems. Several reinforcement
building structures for earthquake-resistant design because specifications with grades higher than 60 ksi (420 MPa) were
of their architectural flexibility and structural efficiency. To developed for earthquake-resistant concrete structures, such
provide more available space in multi-story buildings, beam as ASTM A7064 Grade 80 (550) in the United States, Grade
and column sections are often designed to be as compact 500E5 (specified fy = 72.5 ksi = 500 MPa) in New Zealand,
as possible. This often causes steel congestion at beam- and USD6856 (specified fy = 99.3 ksi = 685 MPa) in Japan
column joints. Today, several reinforcement producers and Taiwan. The aforementioned reinforcement grades are
are cable of producing Grades 80 (550), 100 (690), and conventional hot-rolled low-alloy steel reinforcement without
120 (830) reinforcement, where the number refers to the special chromium content or heat treatment (quenching),
minimum specified yield strength fy in ksi (MPa), with and thus the stress-strain characteristics in tensile tests are
similar manufacturing costs per unit weight. Therefore, the very similar to those of Grade 60 (420), except for the higher
use of higher-strength reinforcement could not only relieve yield strength and the shorter fracture elongation. As shown
steel congestion but also reduce construction cost, espe- in Fig. 1, the ascending stress-strain curve of the Grade 100
cially for high-rise building structures in regions of high (690) reinforcement tested in Taiwan is similar to the Grade
seismicity. However, the ACI 318 Building Code1 only 100 (690), 80 (550), and 60 (420) bars tested by Sokoli
permits Grade 60 (420) for primary reinforcement of special and Ghannoum7 in Texas. Notably, the uniform elongation
seismic systems because of insufficient data to confirm the corresponding to the peak stress (circle symbols in Fig. 1)
applicability of existing code provisions for structures using for Grades 100 (690), 80 (550), and 60 (420) bars were all
the higher grades. In view of this, the Applied Technology at approximately 9 to 10%, but the fracture elongations
Council recently formed a team2 to review the available data decreased significantly with increasing grade, indicating less
and evaluate the feasibility of using higher-grade reinforcement necking behavior for higher-grade bars. In addition, Fig. 1
in earthquake-resistant concrete structures. Kelly et al.3 shows a typical stress-strain curve for the Grade 115 (790)
concluded that ASTM A7064 Grade 80 (550) could be used transverse reinforcement used in this study. It did not have
with little change to ACI 318, but additional experimental ACI Structural Journal, V. 114, No. 5, September-October 2017.
research was needed before complete recommendations MS No. S-2016-427, doi: 10.14359/51700788, was received December 5, 2016, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2017, American Concrete
could be made for using Grade 100 (690) and Grade 120 Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
(830) reinforcement. obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017 1325

a clear yield plateau, but its high yield point is good enough experiments conducted in Japan12-18 and Taiwan19 with
for confinement purposes. USD6856 reinforcing bars and shown in Table 1 to support
Whenever high-strength reinforcement is used, the the assessment of existing design requirements. Notably,
development and anchorage length become critical issues these 19 exterior joint specimens were made with high-
at locations with limited space, such as beam-column joints. strength concrete (the measured fc′ ranges between 6400 and
To shorten the anchorage length, the use of headed bars 26,100 psi [44.4 and 180 MPa]). The anchorage performance
in place of hooked bars is a viable option. However, the of all grades of headed bars in exterior beam-column joints
anchorage length of headed bars specified in ACI 318-141 can be referred to the database investigations conducted by
does not allow designers to use a bar fy exceeding 60 ksi Kang et al.11 and Ou et al.20
(420 MPa), nor does it take advantage of concrete strength Table 1 lists the key test parameters recalculated for each
fc′ exceeding 6000 psi (42 MPa). In addition, ACI 318-14 joint specimen using the existing ACI design provisions
places a strict minimum clear spacing of 3db between headed without limitations on the maximum fc′ and fy. Based on the
bars in the joint. This discourages the use of headed bars data review, the unacceptable “J” failure (joint shear failure
in place of hooked bars, especially for group headed bars without yielding in beam) and “BJa” failure (anchorage
in multiple layers. To liberate the aforementioned design failure of beam bars in the joint, concrete breakout, or side
limitations and to update the design recommendations,8 blowout) happened because the test joints were subjected to
Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 352 assigned task groups to large shear demands (Vexp/Vn > 1.0); the headed beam bars
review and perform experimental studies regarding the did not extend beyond 3/4 of the joint depth to the far face of
use of high-strength reinforcement and headed bars. After the confined core (ℓa/hc < 0.75), or the provided anchorage
a literature review and a database investigation,9 several lengths of the headed bars were less than 70% of the required
large-scale experimental programs of beam-column connec- length per ACI 318 (ℓa/ℓdt < 0.70).
tions made with high-strength reinforcement were designed To promote the development of a diagonal compression
and conducted at the National Center for Research on Earth- strut mechanism within the joint, ACI 352R-028 recom-
quake Engineering (NCREE) in Taiwan. This paper presents mends that the bar heads should be located in the confined
one experimental program on exterior beam-column joints core within 2 in. (50 mm) from the back of the confined
that evaluates the joint shear strength and anchorage of core. Based on the database investigation, Lee and Hwang9
closely spaced headed bars for special moment frames. indicted that the shear strengths of exterior joints are strongly
related to the ratio of the anchorage length to the joint depth.
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE To ensure the nominal joint shear strength and to preclude
Current building code places strict limits on using high- premature anchorage failure, Lee and Hwang9 recommends
strength reinforcement in special moment frames because that the anchorage length of headed beam bars in the joint
of insufficient data to support the applicability of existing should not only exceed the minimum development length
code provisions. To extend the existing code provisions, this per ACI 318 but also be at least 3/4 of the joint depth. For the
study designed and tested five exterior beam-column joints research review in Table 1, only 10 joint specimens satisfied
reinforced with Grade 100 (690) longitudinal and Grade 115 the aforementioned conditions for anchorage length (ℓa/ℓdt ≥
(790) transverse reinforcement. The cyclic test results 1.0 and ℓa/hc ≥ 0.75). Seven of 10 joint specimens exhib-
demonstrate acceptable seismic behavior of high-strength ited satisfactory seismic performance under cyclic tests and
headed bars anchored in well-confined beam-column joints. achieved ductile “B” failure (beam flexure failure at the
The available test data for exterior beam-column joints hinging zone) beyond a drift ratio of 4%. Notably, Specimen
reinforced with Grade 100 (690) headed bars were assem- No. 12 tested by Kiyohara et al.16 exhibited “BJ” failure at a
bled herein to confirm the applicability of the existing drift ratio of 4%, which may be insufficient for special frame
design provisions. systems, because its joint transverse reinforcing ratio was
less than 50% of that required by ACI 318-14.1 Moreover,
RESEARCH REVIEW Specimens J15-3 and J10-1 tested by Iwaoka et al.18 did
From the 1960s to date, numerous experiments were not achieve yielding in beam before the joint shear failure
conducted on reinforced concrete beam-column joints using because their joint transverse reinforcing ratios were far
all grades of reinforcement. Comprehensive reviews of the below the ACI code-required amount.
available test data were completed by several task groups9-11 Because the AIJ Guideline21 in Japan only requires a
from Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 352 to update the design minimum transverse reinforcing ratio of 0.003 in the joint,
recommendations for beam-column connections.8 For the the joint transverse reinforcing ratios in Japanese beam-
use of high-strength reinforcement, Lee and Hwang9 assem- column joints are usually much lower than required by
bled a database of cyclic tests for 357 beam-column joints ACI 318, as shown in Table 1. Therefore, the potential joint
(202 interior joints and 155 exterior joints) made with all shear capacity of ACI code-conforming beam-column joints
grades of reinforcement. In this database investigation, all cannot be determined using Japanese data alone. To address
357 reinforced concrete joint specimens are planar beam- this, the first author and his colleague19 designed and tested
column joints without eccentric beams or transverse beams. two ACI code-conforming exterior joint specimens: Spec-
Only 19 exterior beam-column joints were made with imens T70 and T100. Because Specimens T70 and T100
Grade 100 (690) longitudinal bars that terminated in the had sufficient anchorage lengths of the headed bars and low
joints by heads. These limited test data were obtained from shear demands in the joint, both performed quite well until

1326 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017

Table 1—Exterior beam-column joints with 100 ksi (690 MPa) headed beam bars
Materials Bar and head Anchorage conditions Ash,ratio* Failure
Authors Joint fc′, ksi fy, ksi db, in. Abrg/Ab Cs/db ℓa/db ℓa/hc ℓa/ℓdt fyt, ksi fyt,max With fyt,max Vexp/Vn Mode† Drift ratio
J-1 18.4 105 0.75 5.9 2.4 14.9 0.79 1.22 201 0.48 0.24 0.90 B 0.05
Nakazawa et al.12
J-2 18.4 105 0.75 5.9 2.4 14.9 0.79 1.22 201 0.48 0.24 0.88 B 0.058
No. 6 7.5 105 1.00 5.5 2.2 11.8 0.75 0.62 50 0.31 0.31 0.96 J 0.04
Kawakatsu et al.13
No. 7 7.5 105 1.00 5.5 8.7 11.8 0.75 0.62 50 0.31 0.31 0.58 BJa 0.04
O-6 6.4 104 1.00 5.8 2.3 10.5 0.67 0.51 47 0.33 0.33 0.80 J 0.02
Takeuchi et al.14
O-7 9.0 104 1.00 5.8 2.3 10.5 0.67 0.61 47 0.24 0.24 0.80 J 0.02
No. 1 13.8 103 1.13 5.9 1.9 12.8 0.66 0.93 124 0.52 0.42 0.62 BJ 0.04
No. 2 21.5 103 1.13 5.9 1.9 12.8 0.66 1.16 124 0.34 0.27 0.63 BJ 0.04
Watanabe et al. 15
No. 3 6.4 103 1.13 5.9 4.8 12.8 0.66 0.63 124 1.12 0.91 0.63 BJa 0.04
No. 4 13.8 103 1.13 5.9 1.9 16.1 0.84 1.17 124 0.52 0.42 0.66 B 0.04
No. 5 13.8 103 1.13 5.9 1.9 9.6 0.50 0.70 124 0.52 0.42 0.56 BJa 0.035
No. 11 15.0 100 1.13 5.7 1.9 12.8 0.66 0.99 119 0.46 0.39 0.62 BJ 0.04
Kiyohara et al.16
No. 12 15.2 100 1.13 5.7 1.9 16.1 0.84 1.26 119 0.46 0.38 0.87 BJ 0.04
No. 7 15.5 105 0.75 6.6 2.4 17.8 0.85 1.34 206 1.01 0.49 0.89 B 0.05
Hara et al.17
No. 8 22.8 105 0.75 6.6 2.4 17.8 0.85 1.62 206 0.69 0.33 0.97 B 0.05
J15-3 26.1 99 0.88 5.1 1.6 12.8 0.75 1.33 136 0.12 0.09 1.02 J 0.03
Iwaoka et al.18
J10-1 16.7 99 0.88 5.1 1.6 12.8 0.75 1.06 136 0.18 0.14 1.17 J 0.02
T70 15.9 108 1.00 5.5 2.0 20.9 0.88 1.55 75 0.60 0.60 0.72 B 0.06
T100 17.2 108 1.00 5.5 2.0 20.9 0.88 1.61 127 0.98 0.78 0.68 B 0.06
Provided-to-required confinement reinforcing ratio per ACI 318, with or without limiting fyt,max = 100 ksi (690 MPa).

Failure mode: B is beam flexure; J is joint shear failure without yielding in beam; BJ is joint shear failure with yielding in beam; BJa is anchorage failure of beam bars in the joint.
Notes: db is beam bar diameter; Abrg is net bearing area of head; Ab is nominal bar area; Cs is clear spacing between bars; ℓa is provided anchorage length of headed bars; ℓdt is
required anchorage length of headed bars; hc is overall column depth; fyt is measured yield strength of transverse reinforcement; Vexp is experimental joint shear force; Vn is nominal
joint shear strength per ACI 318; 1 ksi = 6.895 MPa; 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

beam flexure failure in 6% drift cycles. However, the joint Specimen design and material properties
shear demands in Specimen T70 and T100 were below 75% Five geometrically identical beam-column joints were
of the nominal joint shear strength and therefore it was not constructed and tested at NCREE. All beam and column
crucial for assessment of the ACI design provisions. In view longitudinal bars were Grade 100 (690) No. 8 (D25) thread-
of this, this study designed five exterior beam-column joints like deformed bars that can be mechanically anchored by
with low to high joint shear demands to test the potential matching threaded anchorage devices with high-strength
joint shear capacity of code-conforming joints with marginal grout in the devices (Fig. 2). The mechanical device is made
confinement and anchorage conditions with respect to by austempered ductile cast iron and the head diameter is
current ACI design provisions. 2.56 in. (65 mm) with a net bearing area Abrg of 5.55Ab,
where Ab is the bar nominal area. All transverse hoops and
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION crossties were Grade 115 (790) No. 4 (D13) deformed bars
Five large-scale exterior beam-column joint specimens with 135- or 180-degree end hooks for seismic resistance.
with high-strength reinforcement were constructed and tested Figure 3 shows the geometry and reinforcing details for the
under constant column axial loads and quasi-static reversed test specimens. Each column had a square cross section of
cyclic lateral loading. The test specimens satisfied most of 20 x 20 in. (500 x 500 mm) reinforced with 12 No. 8 (D25)
the ACI 318 seismic provisions for special moment frames, longitudinal bars and No. 4 (D13) hoops at a spacing of 5 in.
except that they omitted the limitations of the maximum bar (125 mm) along the unit column height of 126 in. (3.2 m),
fy, the minimum clear spacing between headed bars, and the except for the joint panel zone. The primary test variables
joint shear demands for determining the potential joint shear are the spacing (5 in. or 3 in.) of the joint transverse reinforce-
capacity. Each specimen was designed to develop beam bar ment and the joint shear demand. The latter is proportional to
yielding adjacent to the joint face to test the bar anchorage the numbers of beam longitudinal bars.
capacity and the degradation of joint shear capacity. Other Each joint specimen was attached with at least 50 strain
premature failures such as beam shear, column shear, and gauges at key locations of reinforcement and then monolith-
column flexure are precluded in the design. ically cast with regular ready mixed concrete in a steel form
lying on the ground (Fig. 2(b)). The target concrete strength

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017 1327

Fig. 2—Anchorage devices for beam longitudinal reinforcement.

Fig. 3—Specimen design and reinforcing details.

was 10,000 psi (70 MPa). For each joint specimen, six 4 x have a column-to-beam flexure strength ratio Mr exceeding
8 in. (100 x 200 mm) standard cylinders were sampled during 1.2, be confined by transverse reinforcement as for those
concrete casting and cured together with joint specimens. required in special column ends, have a joint shear strength
The three-cylinder average compressive strengths were exceeding the joint shear demand, and have an adequate
obtained at 28 days of age and on the day of joint testing for development length for all reinforcing bars. To control
each joint specimen, as listed in Table 2. yielding in beams rather than in the columns, the Mr ratio for
At least three reinforcing bar coupons were sampled per each joint specimen was kept above 1.20 (Table 2).
bar size and grade and then tested in tension to measure the For confinement, Kim and LaFave10 identified that the “Ash
engineering stress-strain curves in an 8 in. (200 mm) gauge ratio” (Table 1 and Table 2) could be a key parameter for
length, as shown in Fig. 1. The three-coupon average yield joint behavior, where the “Ash ratio” is the provided amount
and tensile strengths were 106.5 and 134.3 ksi (734 and of joint transverse reinforcement divided by following
926  MPa) for the No. 8 (D25) longitudinal bars, respec- amount required in ACI 318-141 and ACI 352R-028
tively, and were 122.3 and 148.5 ksi (843 and 1024 MPa)
for the No. 4 (D13) hoops. Notably, the tested Grade 100 Ash  Ag  f′ f′
(690) No. 8 (D25) bars had a tensile-to-yield strength ratio ≥ 0.3  − 1 c and 0.09 c (1)
sbc  Ach  f yt f yt
of only 1.26.
where Ash is the total cross-sectional area of the transverse
Connection test parameters reinforcement, including crossties, within spacing s and
Table 2 shows key test parameters for the five beam- perpendicular to dimension bc, which is the cross-sectional
column joint specimens designated A5, B5, B3, C5, and C3, dimension of the column core without concrete cover; Ag
where the characters A, B, and C represent low, moderate, and Ach are the gross area and the core area of the column,
and high joint shear demands, respectively, and the numbers respectively; and fyt is the specified yield strength of the
5 or 3 represent the joint hoop spacing in inches. According transverse reinforcement.
to the design requirements given in ACI 318-141 and ACI Notably, ACI 318 places a limit on the maximum fyt
352R-02,8 a code-conforming beam-column joint should of 100  ksi (690 MPa) for the calculation of transverse
reinforcement. Substituting an average concrete strength of

1328 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017

Table 2—Key test parameters and results
Specimen ID
Parameters and results A5 B5 B3 C5 C3
28-day concrete strength fc′, psi (MPa) 10,196 (70.3) 11,269 (77.7) 9239 (63.7) 9384 (64.7) 9906 (68.3)
Testing-date concrete strength fc′, psi (MPa) 10,196 (70.3) 9297 (64.1) 9949 (68.6) 10,196 (70.3) 10,254 (70.7)
Testing age, days 71 82 113 87 120
Flexure strength ratio Mr *
2.05 1.53 1.55 1.27 1.27
Confinement Ash,ratio† 1.00 1.00 1.67 1.00 1.67
Confinement Ash,ratio‡ 1.20 1.32 2.05 1.20 1.99
Joint shear demand-capacity ratio Vu/Vn 0.79 1.12 1.12 1.45 1.45
Experimental-to-nominal joint strength ratio Vexp/Vn 0.85 1.20 1.17 1.29 1.39
Failure mode §
Beam flexure strength Mnb, kip-ft (kN-m) 706 (957) 928 (1258) 931 (1262) 1141 (1547) 1141 (1547)
Peak strength ratio Mmax/Mnb 1.11 1.08 1.09 0.97 1.04
Yield drift ratio 0.017 0.022 0.022 0.025 0.025
Mr = ΣMn (columns)/ΣMn (beams).

Provided-to-required confinement reinforcing ratio per ACI 318 with limiting fyt,max = 100 ksi (690 MPa).

Provided-to-required confinement reinforcing ratio per ACI 318 without limiting fyt,max = 100 ksi (690 MPa).
Failure mode: B is beam flexure; J is joint shear failure without yielding in beam; BJ is joint shear failure with yielding in beam.

10,000 psi (69 MPa) into Eq. (1) shows that the required Values of constant γ depend on beam continuity, column
transverse reinforcement ratio (Ash/sbc) is equal to 0.009 with continuity, confinement of transverse beams, and connection
a maximum fyt of 100 ksi (690 MPa) for the test specimens. loading conditions (Type 1 or Type 2).8 A Type 1 connec-
The provided transverse reinforcement ratios were 0.009 in tion is composed of frame members without significant
Specimens A5, B5, and C5 (5 in. [125 mm] hoop spacing) inelastic deformation, such as an ordinary moment frame. A
and 0.015 in Specimens B3 and C3 (3 in. [75 mm] hoop Type 2 connection is designed to have sustained strength under
spacing), respectively. Obviously, in Table 2, all joint speci- inelastic deformation reversals as for members in intermediate
mens were well-confined by transverse reinforcement. Spec- or special moment frames. For an exterior interstory beam-
imens B3 and C3 were expected to have greater joint shear column joint without transverse beams, ACI 352R-028 recom-
capacities, with respect to those of Specimens B5 and C5. mends values of γ = 12 for Type 2 and γ = 15 for Type 1
To explore the potential joint shear capacity, this study connections, respectively, which implies that the poten-
varied the numbers of beam flexure reinforcement to control tial joint shear capacity decreases as imposed ductility
the joint shear demands Vu, which can be determined using increases.23 To develop the anticipated beam hinging adja-
the following equations for an exterior joint cent to the joint face with adequate ductility, the joint shear
demand-to-capacity ratio should be kept below certain
Vu = αofyAs – Vcol (2) limits. Table 2 shows the joint shear demand-capacity ratios
(Vu/Vn) for the test specimens, which are calculated using
where Vu is the demand of horizontal joint shear force; As is an αo factor of 1.15 for the Grade 100 (690) reinforcement
the area of beam flexure tension reinforcement; αofy is the and a γ value of 12 for exterior joints of special moment
probable strength of beam flexure reinforcement; and Vcol is frames. It can be expected that Specimen A5 with a lower
the column shear in equilibrium with the moment and shear Vu/Vn would be more ductile than Specimens B5 and C5 with
forces acting on the joint.8 higher Vu/Vn.
The strength design requirement is
Anchorage of headed bars in the joint
γ For headed deformed bars terminating in the joint, the
Vu ≥ φVn = φγ f c′b j hc (psi) = φ f c′b j hc (MPa) (3)
12 development length requirements between ACI 318-141
and ACI 352R-028 are not fully consistent.11 To investigate
where ϕ is the reduction factor of 0.85 in practice but 1.0 the seismic anchorage behavior of Grade 60 (420) headed
herein for specimen design22; Vn is the nominal joint shear bars, Chiu et al.24 tested 12 large-scale beam-column joints
strength of γ√fc′ times the effective joint width bj and the with varying development lengths and bar spacings and
column overall depth hc, calculated on a horizontal plane at concluded that the development length requirements per
mid-height of the joint; and γ√fc′ is the nominal or permissible ACI 318 are relatively conservative. For headed deformed
joint shear stress. Definitions of the bj term per ACI 318-141 bars anchored in the joints of special moment frames, ACI
and ACI 352R-028 are not fully consistent. This study takes 318 gives a minimum development length ℓdt not less than
the ACI 318 definition, in which bj is equal to the overall 8db or 6 in. (150 mm), measured from the beam-column
column width for test joints. interface to the bearing face of the head, as follows

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017 1329

Fig. 4—Test setup and instrumentations.

0.016 f y 0.19 f y is not very practical for special frame beams. Therefore,
 dt = db(psi) = db (MPa) (4) this study decided to test the anchorage capacity of headed
f c′ f c′ beam bars with a clear spacing of 2db (between bars and
where db is the bar diameter and ℓdt can be used with limita- layers) in beam-column joints (Fig. 3). Substituting the bar
tions of (a) value of fc′ not exceeding 6000 psi (42 MPa); fy of 100 ksi (690 MPa) and fc′ of 10,000 psi (69 MPa) into
(b) bar specified fy not exceeding 60 ksi (420 MPa); (c) bar Eq. (4), the required development length is 16db for the test
size not exceeding No. 11 (D36); (d) the net bearing area of joints. Thus, the provided anchorage length is set to be 16db
the head shall be at least four times the nominal bar area; for each headed bar in each joint to evaluate the applicability
(e) normalweight concrete; (f) minimum clear cover of 2db of Eq. (4) for Grade 100 ksi (690 MPa) reinforcing bars.
for each bar; and (g) minimum clear spacing of 3db between
parallel bars in frame joints. Test setup, instrumentation, and loading protocol
The headed bars tested in this study satisfied the afore- Figure 4 shows the setup, instrumentation, and loading
mentioned limitations except (a), (b), and (g). Kang et al.11 protocol for testing the beam-column joints in the NCREE
extensively reviewed previous research on the use of headed laboratory. For each test, the column was first bolted onto the
bars in beam-column joints and concluded the above code supporting base followed by the application of a column axial
limitations on the maximum fc′ and fy could be expanded compression of 0.05Agfc′ with two pretension rods linked to
up to 15,000 psi (100 MPa) and 78 ksi (540 MPa). Further- the strong floor. Thereafter, two horizontal hydraulic actu-
more, Kang et al.11 proposed that the minimum clear ators were connected to the column top and held in posi-
spacing between headed bars can be reduced to 2db in beam- tion. Finally, another vertical actuator was connected at the
column joints confined by transverse reinforcement. Similar beam tip to impose quasi-static cyclic displacement rever-
conclusions for minimum clear spacing of 2db can also be sals, which consisted of three fully reversed drift cycles at
found in recent experiments of beam-column joints.24,25 In gradually increasing drift ratios (0.25, 0.375, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0,
common design practice, the minimum clear spacing of 3db 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 6%). As shown in Fig. 4(a), each specimen

1330 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017

Fig. 5—Cyclic loading responses and joint deformation histories.
was instrumented with load cells, displacement transducers, material properties, and where the drift ratio θ is the beam tip
and strain gauges to measure the applied loads in the beam displacement divided by 118 in. (3000 mm, Fig. 4(a)).The
and column, joint shear deformation, beam end rotation, drift ratio is equal to the angular rotation between the beam
and reinforcing bar strain. The cyclic loading protocol and and column centerlines at the centroid of the joint. Ductility
the test method are compliant with the recommendations of ratios μ = θ/θy were also shown in Quadrants 1 and 3 for each
ACI 374.1-05.22 specimen, where each idealized yield drift θy was equal to
Fy divided by the secant stiffness of the load-displacement
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION curve at 0.75Fy prior to yielding.26
Overall behavior The relation of applied load F versus joint shear deforma-
Figure 5 shows the cyclic response of the drift ratio θ tion (γj, in radians) was also plotted in quadrant 4 for each
versus the applied vertical load F for all specimens, where specimen in Fig. 5, where the axis of γj ranged between –0.06
the applied load F was normalized to the idealized yield and 0.06 radians. The joint shear deformation was measured
load Fy corresponding to the nominal beam moment strength using four displacement transducers (Fig. 4(a)) attached on
(Mnb, Table 2) calculated at the joint face using the measured four rods embedded in each joint (Fig. 2(b)). The experi-

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017 1331

mental joint shear stresses at positive peak drift ratios for test for special seismic systems. On the other hand, Specimen
specimens were also compared in the upper right of Fig. 5. C3 was barely able to achieve the idealized yield strength at
Test results show that all joints remained roughly elastic the 3% drift ratio followed by joint shear failure in the first
until the joint shear deformation exceeding 0.005 radian. cycle of the 4% drift. The strength degradation in the 4%
As shown at the top of Fig. 5, Specimen A5 demonstrated drift cycles in Specimen C3 or C5 was obviously beyond
a beam flexure-dominated hysteresis behavior with only 9% 25% of the peak resistance, which is not acceptable.
strength degradation in the third cycle of the 4% drift ratio. Comparing the test results of Specimens C5 and C3 in
In the first cycle of the 6% drift ratio, diagonal shear cracks Table 2, the experimental-to-nominal joint shear strength
cut through the joint of Specimen A5, resulting in signifi- ratio was increased from 1.29 to 1.39, approximately a 10%
cant joint distortion, joint hoop fracture, and global strength enhancement in strength, by increasing Ash,ratio from 1.0
degradation in the following repeated cycles. Clearly, the to 1.67. To conclude, providing joint transverse reinforce-
failure mode of Specimen A5 is joint shear failure with beam ment in excess of the required amount per ACI 318 could
yielding (“BJ” failure). Due to the low shear demand, the not significantly enhance the joint shear strength but could
experimental-to-nominal joint shear strength ratio (Vexp/Vn) increase joint ductility to a certain value.
for Specimen A5 was 0.85 (Table 2), where the maximum
experimental joint shear strength Vexp was back-calculated Visual observations
using the force couples in the beam resisting the maximum The damage patterns at the limiting drift ratio of 4% are
applied load at the 4% drift ratio. Although Specimen A5 displayed in Fig. 6, in which the cracks were marked in
eventually failed in the joint shear, its seismic performance blue at positive drift and in red at negative drift (refer to the
including strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation within online version of this article for the full-color figures). Joint
4% drift cycles fully satisfied the acceptance criteria of shear failure occurred in Specimens B5, C5, and C3 within
ACI 374.1-0522 for special moment frames. The joint shear the 4% drift cycles and thus clear shear diagonal cracks and
failure of Specimen A5 at 6% drift cycles was attributed to concrete crushing in the joint panel were shown in Fig. 6. As
the cumulative joint damage of the inelastic load reversals. expected, more damage appeared in the joints subjected to
Such joint shear failure can be precluded to achieve the beam higher shear demands, and more extensive shear cracks were
flexure failure by providing more transverse reinforcement distributed in the joint with closer spaced hoops. It seems
in the joint or reducing the beam longitudinal reinforcement that the excessive joint transverse reinforcement provides
in Specimen A5. more load-transferring paths as a strut-and-tie mechanism
As shown in the middle of Fig. 5, Specimens B5 and B3 in the joint.
with moderate shear demands still exhibited “BJ” failure at The crack orientations in the joint of Specimen A5 were
4% and 6% drift cycles, respectively. The experimental joint somewhat different from the other specimens, as illustrated
shear stresses of Specimens B5 and B3 exceeded the nominal in Fig. 6. The average angle between the joint diagonal cracks
joint strength of 12√fc′ psi (1.0√fc′ MPa) per ACI 318. During (compression struts) and the headed beam bars (tension ties)
testing, however, a sudden load drop occurred in the first θ is approximately 55 degrees for Specimen A5 with beam
4% drift cycle in Specimen B5 due to hoop fracture in the bars in a single layer, but θ ≅ 50 degrees for the other four
joint with excess shear forces and deformation (Fig. 5). The specimens with beam bars in double layers, which reduces the
strength degradation from peak strength to the third cycle internal lever arms between the beam flexure force couples
of 4% drift exceeded 25%, and therefore the performance at the joint face. Assuming a joint diagonal strut compression
of Specimen B5 was evaluated as unacceptable using the Cd, the force equilibrium of the CCT node at the heads gives
acceptance criteria per ACI 374.1-05. By reducing the hoop
spacing from 5 to 3 in. (125 to 75 mm, or increasing Ash,ratio Vj = T – Vcol = Cdcosθ (5)
from 1.0 to 1.67, Table 2), the significant joint distortion or
joint failure was postponed from 4% in Specimen B5 to the Accordingly, the smaller the θ value, the larger the joint
6% drift cycles in Specimen B3. In other words, the poten- shear force that could be resisted by the strut.
tial joint shear capacity can be enhanced by providing more The change of θ from 55 to 50 degrees could result in a
transverse reinforcement in the joint. Similar hoop fracture 12% increase in resistance from the cosine component. This
also occurred in the first 6% drift cycle in Specimen B3, factor should be modeled in a further analytical investigation
where the joint distortion initiated. Nevertheless, the overall of the test specimens.
cyclic response of Specimen B3 was similar to that of Spec-
imen A5. Bar strain profiles
Specimens C5 and C3 were subjected to the highest shear The anchorage capacity of the headed beam bars can be
demands in excess of the nominal joint strength, resulting in evaluated using the test results of the “BJ” failure Specimens
shear-dominated responses as shown in the bottom of Fig. 5. A5, B5, and B3 with significant yielding in beams. Figure 7
Specimen C5 did not attain the idealized yield strength at the shows the strain profiles along the top or bottom beam bars
3% drift ratio when the joint concrete was crushed. As shown recorded at peak drift ratios. Under inelastic load reversals,
in Table 2, the experimental joint shear stress measured in the beam bars initially yielded at the joint face in the 2% drift
Specimen C5 was 29% higher than the nominal strength cycles and then spread the bar yielding out approximately
per ACI 318. An obvious joint shear failure (“J” failure) one overall depth in the beam in the following 3 and 4% drift
occurred in Specimen C5, which is definitely unacceptable cycles, as shown in Fig. 7. On the other sides, the bar forces

1332 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017

Fig. 6—Damage patterns at 4% drift ratio for north and west faces of test specimens.
anchored by the heads were monitored by the gauges at 0.5hc It should be noted that most of the tie bar strains could
along the bars into the joint. Clearly, the head bearing, plus exceed the actual yield strain, indicating that many tie bars
a small portion of bond along the bar from 0.5hc to the head, attained a tensile stress in excess of the actual fyt = 122.3 ksi
could resist 90% or more of the bar yield strength. Notably, (843 MPa). It is definitely conservative to place a maximum
the group headed bars are closely spaced at a clear spacing fyt of 100 ksi (690 MPa) for transverse reinforcement as
of 2db between bars. It is concluded that the ℓdt of Eq. (4) can given in ACI 318-14.1
be used for taking fc′ = 10,000 psi (70 MPa) for Grade 100
(690) reinforcing bars anchored by heads of Abrg/Ab 5.5 at a ASSESSMENT OF CONNECTION DESIGN
clear spacing of 2db in a code-conforming joint. PARAMETERS
Figure 8 compares the profiles of tie bar strain along the The available reviewed test data (Table 1) and the presented
column height for each specimen at positive and negative test results (Table 2) are assembled herein for assessing the
peak drift ratios. Comparing the measured strains at the 3% applicability of the existing design provisions for special
drift ratio for all specimens, the tie bars in the joints of Spec- moment frame joints using high-strength reinforcement.
imens B5 and C5 went beyond the yield strain but those of
Specimens A5, B3, and C3 remained in elastic. Accordingly, Anchorage requirements
the three sets of hoops and crossties (Ash,ratio = 1.0) were Where closely spaced headed bars are used, either concrete
barely enough for Specimen A5 with a low shear demand breakout or side blowout failure should be precluded by
of Vexp/Vn = 0.85, but Ash,ratio = 1.0 was insufficient for Spec- providing sufficient anchorage length and adequate confine-
imens B5 and C5 with higher shear demands. For higher ment. For typical headed beam bars located in the confined
shear demands, the five sets of hoops and crossties (Ash,ratio = core of a continuous column, the surrounding concrete is
1.67) in Specimens B3 and C3 could effectively confine the typically detailed with column hoops, crossties, and longi-
joint at the 3% drift ratio, but such closely spaced hoops and tudinal bars and the thickness of the side concrete cover to
crossties would make construction difficult. the corner beam bars usually exceeds 2db. Therefore, side
blowout failure is relatively unlikely to occur in a joint in

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017 1333

Fig. 7—Strain profiles along beam bars anchored in the joints. (Note: 1 mm = 0.04 in.)
a special moment frame. In common design practice, steel surprising that an insufficient anchorage length can not only
congestion at beam-column joints may make designers use increase the potential of anchorage failure, but also reduce
large diameter bars in beams, and the development length the joint shear strength.
requirement or the potential of concrete breakout failure As shown in Table 1, the three “J” failure specimens
may become critical. tested by Kawakatsu et al.13 and Takeuchi et al.14 used an
Figure 9 shows the relations between the failure modes, anchorage length of 0.75hc and 0.67hc, respectively, where
the experimental-to-nominal joint shear strength ratio, the the heads were not extended to the far face of the confined
anchorage length ratio, and the confinement reinforcement core. Consequently, the experimental joint shear strengths
ratio. Due to lack of ductility, either “J” or “BJa” failure of these three “J” failure specimens were even less than
should be precluded for special moment frames. As shown the nominal strength of 12√fc′ psi (1.0√fc′ MPa) for Type 2
in Fig. 9(a), the test results presented in this study had connections. In other words, the nominal joint shear strength
provided-to-required anchorage length ratios of ℓa/ℓdt ≅ 1.0 for the exterior may not be ensured unless the headed
and demonstrated satisfactory anchorage capacity for the beam bars are extended through the joint, over 3/4 of the
development of yielding in beams, except for Specimen column depth, and near the back of the confined core. For
C5, which had a high joint shear demand and exhibited the presented test specimens in this study, the heads were
failure before yielding in the beam (Table 2). With respect located 2 in. (50 mm) from the back of confined core with
to Specimen C5, Specimen C3 was subjected to the same an anchorage length of 0.82hc. All headed beam bars were
shear demand but it reached yielding in the beam because effectively anchored, and the benchmark Specimen A5 did
of its joint shear capacity was enhanced by closed spaced demonstrate acceptable performance under cyclic testing.
transverse reinforcement. Accordingly, the anchorage length
provided for each test specimen in this study is sufficient. On Influence of joint transverse reinforcement
the other hand, the three “J” failure and three “BJa” spec- Figure 9(b) shows that the experimental joint shear
imens fall in the third quadrant of Fig. 9(a), in which the strength is not sensitive to the Ash,ratio, which is the provided
anchorage length ratios (ℓa/ℓdt) are less than 0.70. It is not amount of joint transverse reinforcement divided by the

1334 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017

Fig. 8—Profiles of tie bars along column height. (Note: 1 mm = 0.04 in.)
amount required by Eq. (1) without limiting fyt,max of 100 ksi strength, and thus existing design codes set the nominal
(690 MPa). The difference in joint shear strengths between strength as a function of fc′ only.
Specimens C5 and C3, or between Specimens B5 and B3, As shown in Fig. 9(b), the Ash,ratio of those “B” failure spec-
were minimal with respect to the change in the Ash,ratio. Also imens range from 0.48 to 1.01 without affecting the experi-
as shown in Table 1, Specimens J15-3 and J10-1 tested by mental joint shear stress, which are dominated by the beam
Iwaoka et al.18 were made with ultra-high-strength concrete, hinging rather than the joint shear strength. In other words,
reinforced with a low Ash,ratio due to high fc′, but still had a lower amount of joint transverse reinforcement, such as
experimental joint shear strengths exceeding 12√fc′ psi hoops without crossties, could be used in a beam-column
(1.0√fc′ MPa). Obviously, the amount of joint transverse joint subjected to a lower shear demand. Similar observa-
reinforcement is not an influencing parameter for joint shear tions can be found in the work of Hwang et al.27 However,
the minimum amount of joint transverse reinforcement

ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017 1335

Fig. 9—Relations between failure modes, experimental-to-nominal joint shear strength ratio, provided-to-required anchorage
length ratio, and confinement ratio for test joints.
with the formation of beam hinging have been discussed by
Joh et al.23 and Lee and Ko.28 A refined analytical model has
been proposed by Lee et al.29 and verified with experiments
on normal-strength reinforced concrete beam-column joints.
It is desirable to develop a simple and practical degradation
model in future research for prediction of the shear strength
and deformation capacity of beam-column joints made with
all grades of reinforcement and concrete.

The role of transverse reinforcement on the joint shear
strength and deformation capacity is complicated but worth
further research, especially for the use of high-strength
concrete combined with high-strength transverse reinforce-
ment. Currently, ACI 318-141 does not allow designers to
take advantage of hoop yield strengths exceeding 100  ksi
Fig. 10—Observed drift capacity for joint shear failure with (690  MPa), which is conservative but may be further
or without adequate confinement. expanded with more research support.
required by Eq. (1) is still necessary for maintaining the CONCLUSIONS
joint integrity and delaying the joint strength deterioration Five exterior beam-column joints reinforced with Grade 100
under large inelastic deformation reversals. For the “J” or (690) longitudinal and Grade 115 (790) transverse reinforce-
“BJ” failure specimens listed in Table 1, joint shear failure ment were tested under reversed cyclic loading. The test
(with or without beam yielding) occurred at a drift ratio results presented herein are combined with prior test data for
not exceeding 4% due to low Ash,ratio in these specimens, as assessing the applicability of existing ACI 318 design provi-
shown in Fig. 10. sions for special moment frame joints using high-strength
The experimental joint shear strengths of Specimens C5, reinforcement. Based on the available test results and obser-
B5, and A5 decrease as the imposed drift increases. The vations, the following conclusions are drawn:
strength envelopes of Specimens C5, B5, and A5 with an 1. To promote compatible structural behavior, the use of
Ash,ratio of approximately 1.20 cross the nominal shear Grade 100 (690) reinforcement should be combined with
strength of 12√fc′ psi (1.0√fc′ MPa) at approximately 5% concrete strength in excess of 6000 psi (42 MPa). Based on
drift, which is considered good enough for a maximum- reviews of previous research, it is recommended to increase
consideration earthquake. Obviously, as compared in Fig. 10, the maximum fc′ up to 15,000 psi (100 MPa) for the calcula-
a higher Ash,ratio provided in Specimens C3 and B3 could delay tions of the nominal shear strength and the anchorage length
the deterioration of joint shear capacity and further increase in the joint.
the drift capacity corresponding to the joint shear failure. The 2. For headed deformed bars terminating in the beam-
effect of joint transverse reinforcement ratio on the degrada- column joint detailed with code-conforming transverse
tion of joint shear capacity was illustrated in Fig. 11. Similar reinforcement, the minimum anchorage length ℓdt of headed
conceptual models for joint strength degradation associated

1336 ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2017

Fig. 11—Effect of transverse reinforcement ratio on joint shear strength and deformation capacity.
bars given in ACI 318 is capable of developing actual yield Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 352, Joints and Connections in Monolithic
Concrete Structures. His research interests include testing of structural
strength of Grade 100 (690) headed bars at a clear spacing concrete elements, behavior of beam-column connections, and seismic
of 2db. The limitations of maximum fy of 60 ksi (420 MPa) design of concrete structures.
and minimum clear spacing of 3db for headed bars could
Chia-Jung Chang is a Technician in the Service Center for Construction
be relaxed. Technology and Materials at National Yunlin University of Science and
3. To preclude anchorage failure and to promote the Technology, where he received his MS from the Department of Civil and
development of a diagonal compression strut in the joint for Construction Engineering in 2014. His research interests include structural
concrete elements.
shear resistance, headed bars should satisfy the minimum
anchorage length requirement of ℓdt and extend through the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
joint, over 3/4 of the overall joint depth, to the far face of the The authors are very grateful to the Ministry of Science and Technology
confined core, even though the resulting anchorage length in Taiwan for financing this research work through a group project. The
authors also wish to thank all the participants in this project, including the
exceeds the ℓdt. staff at NCREE and the group leader, S.-J. Hwang, at National Taiwan
4. Providing joint transverse reinforcement in excess of University. The presented experimental work may not be possible without
the code-specified amount does not significantly enhance the support of NCREE in Taiwan.
the joint shear strength. The minimum amount of joint trans-
verse reinforcement required by ACI 318 is necessary for REFERENCES
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