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YY, MONTH ZZ, 2003 100

Array Interpolation and Bias Reduction

Per Hyberg, Member IEEE, Magnus Jansson, Member IEEE, Björn Ottersten, Senior Member IEEE

Abstract— Interpolation (mapping) of data from a given an- of merit was the DOA estimation error variance. Conditions
tenna array onto the output of a virtual array of more suitable con- on the interpolation matrix for attaining the Cramér-Rao bound
figuration is well known in array signal processing. This operation (CRB) of this error variance were derived in [20] - [22]. In [23]
allows arrays of any geometry to be used with fast direction of ar-
rival (DOA) estimators designed for linear arrays. Conditions for it was shown how an interpolation matrix could be designed
preserving DOA error variance under such mappings have been to better meet these conditions. This design also assumed the
derived by several authors. However, in many cases, such as om- interpolation errors to be negligible.
nidirectional signal surveillance over multiple octaves, systematic However, DOA estimation bias due to imperfect array map-
mapping errors will dominate over noise effects and cause signifi-
ping or various model errors, can dominate over the random
cant bias in the DOA estimates.
To prevent mapping errors from unduly affecting the DOA es- errors. One common example is radio signal reconnaissance
timates this paper uses a geometrical interpretation of a Taylor across multiple octave frequency bands using a single circular
series expansion of the DOA estimator criterion function to derive array that, for processing speed, is mapped onto a linear ar-
an alternative design of the mapping matrix. Verifying simula- ray. Such large relative bandwidths in combination with the
tions show significant bias reduction in the DOA estimates com-
dissimilar array geometries can generate non-negligible DOA
pared to previous designs. The key feature of the proposed design
is that it takes into account the orthogonality between the manifold bias, especially in the upper part of the covered band. The bias
mapping errors and certain gradients of the estimator criterion minimization theory presented herein addresses this problem.
function. With the new design, mapping of narrowband signals In addition, since in the signal surveillance application the
between dissimilar array geometries over wide sectors and large DOAs initially are unknown, we have to process wide az-
frequency ranges becomes feasible.
imuthal sectors, typically 30o , and design one common map-
Index Terms— Bias reduction, array interpolation, array map- ping matrix T for each sector (and each frequency band). Each
ping, array pre-processing of these mapping matrices has to be a compromise over its sec-
tor, a fundamental difficulty that will leave unavoidable map-
I. I NTRODUCTION ping errors. The wider the sector, the larger the errors. Al-
The concept of array interpolation (mapping) was introduced though these errors cannot be brought to zero, they are to some
around 1990 (see [1] - [5], and the references therein). Inter- extent controllable through the choice of T. Finding a T that
polation of wideband signals was treated in [6] - [8] and, using prevents these unavoidable errors from unduly affecting the
experimental data, in [9]. Furthermore, the associated problem DOA estimates is the purpose of the present work.
of suppressing interfering signals was treated in, for example, Usually the mapping matrix T is designed to provide a best
[10] and [11]. least squares fit between the transformed response vectors of
In the references above, array interpolation is applied mainly the real array and the response vectors of the virtual array for a
for two reasons: First, to interpolate between available calibra- set of DOAs comprising a sector. We show that such a best ar-
tion points. Second, to possibly transform the data to corre- ray manifold match does not in general guarantee the smallest
spond to data from a particular array geometry (for example a DOA estimate bias. We also propose an alternative design of
uniform linear array (ULA)). The latter in order to use avail- T that can greatly reduce this bias. Instead of simply matching
able fast DOA estimators designed for such arrays. Thus, for the two array responses, the alternative design focuses on ro-
arbitrary array geometries in a one-dimensional (azimuth only) tating the mapping errors into orthogonality with the gradient
model, we can in principal apply the “root-MUSIC” [12]- [14], of the estimator criterion function and this way minimize their
or “root-WSF” (MODE) [15], [16], algorithms, normally re- influence on the DOA estimates.
stricted to a ULA geometry, to obtain the direction estimates Bias reduction was also treated in [24] of which the present
without the need for a time consuming parameter search. Simi- paper is an extension, providing a more thorough background
larly, for two dimensional cases there exist computationally ef- and more detailed derivations. Also, more simulation results
ficient ESPRIT-type algorithms for uniform rectangular arrays are presented to give a deeper understanding of the properties
[17]. of the proposed transformation matrix.
The performance of mapped root-MUSIC and MODE has The paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the
been studied in several papers [4], [5], [18], [19]. Therein, the data model and introduces notation. The conventional sector ar-
interpolation errors were assumed to be negligible compared to ray mapping approach is described in Section III. In Section IV
the finite sample effects due to noise. Hence, the main figure we give the bias analysis leading to our orthogonality condition
for zero bias within a first order error approximation. Section
Per Hyberg is with the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Stockholm, V then presents a design algorithm for the mapping matrix that
Sweden. E-mail
Magnus Jansson and Björn Ottersten are with the Dept. of Signals, Sensors yields minimum bias. The results are exemplified by a number
and Systems, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. of simulations in Section VI. A bias reduction factor exceeding

100 in some scenarios is demonstrated. Finally, some conclud- - Topt is the bias minimizing mapping matrix,
ing remarks are given in Section VII. - ∆A, ∆a is the array manifold mapping error,
- es and ev are signal eigenvectors of the real and vir-
As will be discussed later, the analysis is limited to one emit- - êv is a deterministic approximation of ev ,
ter scenarios. Hence consider a general array of m antenna el- - es is the signal eigenvector of the real array from a
ements. Assume that a narrowband far-field signal is received single emitter in the jth calibration direction,
by the array. For notational simplicity, the emitter is confined - ev is the signal eigenvector of the virtual array from
to the horizontal plane, i.e., the DOA is described by azimuth a single emitter in the jth calibration direction,
only. This incurs no loss of generality, and extension to the -
∆ev is the virtual signal eigenvector mapping error
two-dimensional case is straightforward. in the jth calibration direction,
Let θ denote the azimuth. A complex baseband model for the - ev,i is the ith signal eigenvector of the virtual array in
received signal can then be written as multiple emitter scenarios,
- ∆ev,i is the corresponding mapping error,
x(t) = a(θ)s(t) + n(t), (1)
- d̄v is the derivative of the normalized response vector
where āv (θ) of the virtual array with respect to θ,
- x(t) is the m × 1 array output vector at the discrete - θ0 and θ̂ are the true and estimated azimuths respec-
time instant t, tively,
- a(θ) is the m × 1 complex array response to a (unit- - ∆θ is a (deterministic) DOA perturbation,
power) source in the direction θ, - V is the criterion function of the used estimator,
- s(t) is the received signal at a reference point at time - V̇ and V̈ are the first and second derivatives respec-
t, tively of V with respect to θ,
- n(t) is the m × 1 noise vector at time t. - gv is the complex gradient of V̇ with respect to ev ,
In the design of the transformation matrix response vectors - gv , gv,i is the complex gradient in the jth calibra-
from Ncal calibration directions will be needed. For reference tion direction and along the ith eigenvector in multi-
to these calibration directions the superscript (i) will be used ple emitter scenarios respectively,
and the collection of the calibration response vectors is denoted - µ and k are real constants.
A(θ(c) ) = [a(θ(1) ) . . . a(θ(Ncal ) )]. The entities of the virtual
array will carry the subscript v . Thus av (θ) and Av (θ (c) ) are III. A RRAY TRANSFORMATIONS
the virtual array responses. This virtual array consists of mv
antenna elements. The perhaps most common way of designing the transfor-
Array output data are assumed available for t = 1, 2, . . . , N . mation matrix is to obtain a least squares fit between the trans-
Furthermore, the noise is assumed to be independent of the re- formed array response and the response of the virtual array over
ceived signal and spatially white with variance σ 2 . With a sto- a sector of interest. That is,
chastic signal model the data covariance matrix in the one emit-
TLS = arg minkTH A(θ(c) ) − Av (θ (c) )k2F , (3)
ter case has the following structure: T

R = a(θ)paH (θ) + σ 2 I, (2) where k·kF denotes the Frobenius norm and θ (c) is the col-
n o lection of Ncal adjacent calibration directions comprising the
where p = E |s(t)| is the power of the received signal, H selected sector [1], [4]. With mv elements in the virtual ar-
denotes Hermitian transpose, and I is the identity matrix. ray, the matrix Av (θ (c) ) of virtual response vectors has size
This paper utilizes subspace based methods for DOA mv × Ncal . This implies that T has size m × mv . If a(θ) is not
Pm which rely on the eigendecomposition R = known analytically, the columns of A(θ(c) ) are chosen as the
j=1 λj ej ej , where {ej } are orthonormal eigenvectors cor-
array responses obtained from a calibration experiment.
responding to the eigenvalues {λj } with λ1 > λ2 = · · · = Assuming more calibration points than antenna elements in
λm = σ 2 . The property that the range of e1 , es (the signal the real array (Ncal ≥ m) and that A(θ (c) ) is full rank, the least
subspace) equals the range of a(θ) will also be used. squares solution to (3) is
Moreover, note that es is only determined up to a phase ³ ´−1
factor. To obtain unique signal eigenvectors, the phase factor TLS = A(θ (c) )AH (θ (c) ) A(θ(c) )AH (c)
v (θ ).
will henceforth be chosen so that es equals the correspond-
ing normalized array response vector; that is, es = ā(θ) , The virtual array can of course always be configured “opti-
¡ ¢−1/2
a(θ) aH (θ)a(θ) , and similarly for the eigenvectors cor- mally.” For example, it can preferably be a half wavelength
responding to the virtual array. This choice is always possible spaced ULA at a given frequency and always be oriented per-
in the analysis and design situation which is of interest herein. pendicular to the bisector of the chosen calibration sector.
Furthermore the following notation will be used: If the mapping error
- TLS is the manifold match mapping (interpolation)
matrix, ∆A(θ (c) ) , TH A(θ (c) ) − Av (θ (c) ) (5)

can be put to zero, the mapping will be perfect at the calibrated Here gv is the complex gradient along ev of V̇ (θ0 , ev ). The
points. However, for mapping between dissimilar and/or wide remainder term r is at least quadratic in ∆θ and/or ∆ev and
spaced arrays over large sectors, perfect match will seldom be can be neglected in a first order analysis.
the case and biased estimates will result. Since θ̂ and θ0 by definition correspond to extreme points
In the following we will study which properties should be of V (θ̂, êv ) and V (θ0 , ev ) respectively, we have V̇ (θ̂, êv ) =
added to TLS to minimize DOA bias in situations where V̇ (θ0 , ev ) = 0. Using (7) and assuming invertibility of the sec-
k∆A(θ (c) )k 6= 0. To do this, in the next section we will study ond derivative, the resulting perturbation ∆θ in θ0 can be ex-
how the DOA bias depends on T. This analysis leads to a gen- pressed as (up to a first order approximation)
eral first order condition for zero bias. Then this condition is h i−1
used to propose an improved design of the transformation ma- © ª
∆θ = − V̈ (θ0 , ev ) 2 Re gvH ∆ev . (8)
trix T.
This expression shows the effect of a small perturbation ∆ev in
IV. B IAS ANALYSIS the signal subspace ev on the DOA estimate.
In this section, principles that govern the magnitude of DOA
estimation bias in single emitter scenarios will be derived. The B. A mapping interpretation
derivation will be general and independent of any specific DOA
estimator or data pre-processing. The result is obtained by a To apply (8) to a deterministic array mapping scenario, let es
Taylor series expansion approach similar to the one in [25]. denote the (error free) signal subspace eigenvector of the real
However, the focus in [25] was on DOA bias due to finite sam- array. Introduce a mapping matrix T such that TH es becomes
ple effects and noise, whereas our focus is on deterministic sig- an approximation of ev , i.e. we presume that TH es ≈ ev .
nal subspace eigenvector errors due to array transformations. The non-specific perturbation ∆ev in (8) can now be inter-
Since the virtual array can be viewed as delivering data to the preted as the signal subspace mapping error, i.e. define ∆ev =
DOA estimator, a corresponding notation is used in the analy- TH es − ev . With this interpretation (8) yields the (first order)
sis. Subspace based DOA estimators are considered and there- DOA mapping bias ∆θ due to the error ∆ev in the approxima-
fore an estimate êv of the signal subspace eigenvector ev of the tion TH es of ev .
virtual array is needed. Furthermore, finite sample effects will Recall that (8) is only an expression for first order bias.
not be considered, i.e. N and/or SNR are assumed to be large Hence,
© if Tª can be chosen such that the scalar product
enough for such effects to be negligible, hence the bias analysis Re gvH ∆ev in (8) is zero, then the remaining DOA bias is
to follow will be purely deterministic. To underline this, instead explained by the higher order bias terms in r.
of “estimate” the term “approximation” will be used for êv .
Henceforth θ0 is used to denote the true DOA to distinguish V. T RANSFORMATION MATRIX DESIGN
it from the generic DOA θ. Furthermore, in the sequel it is
assumed that the DOA estimate θ̂ is taken at the extreme point In this section, the general first order expression (8) is utilized
of a sufficiently smooth criterion function to formulate a design algorithm for T. The strategy aims at
designing a T such that the effect of the mapping error on the
V (θ, êv ), (6) DOA estimate is minimized for all (single) emitter directions
inside the mapped sector.
where êv denotes a general approximation of ev . Later êv will Observe that if d > 1 simultaneous emitters are present, i.e.
be given a more specific mapping interpretation. the virtual signal subspace contains several eigenvectors ev,i ,
It is also assumed that the true DOA θ0 is obtained at the peak i = 1, .., d, then the Taylor series expansion
© H (7)
ª will include a
or valley of V (θ, ev ), i.e. we get the true DOA if we insert the sum over all d scalar products Re gv,i ∆ev,i , where ∆ev,i
true signal eigenvector associated with the virtual array. The is the mapping error in the ith signal eigenvector. Since the
Taylor series expansion to follow assumes that the perturbation different signal eigenvectors ev,i generally depend on the rela-
∆ev defined as êv − ev , is small. tive location and power of the sources, an off-line design of T
The derivatives of V (θ, êv ) and V (θ, ev ) with respect to θ cannot be performed easily. Furthermore, it is difficult to de-
are denoted by V̇ (θ, êv ) and V̇ (θ, ev ), respectively. The second sign a single T with the property of minimizing all the d scalar
derivative is denoted V̈ (θ, ev ). In addition, define ∆θ , θ̂−θ0 . products.
To obtain a practical solution, the scope is therefore limited to
A. A Taylor series expansion the one-source case. The resulting transformation matrix may
still be applied to cases with multiple sources and reduced bias
With the above definitions, a first order Taylor series expan-
performance is expected, all depending on emitter proximity,
sion of V̇ (θ̂, êv ) around (θ0 , ev ) is performed to assess the ef-
power and correlation.
fect of a general perturbation ∆ev in ev on the DOA estimates.
Next note that V̈ is real and independent of the transfor-
Using the Brandwood derivative (13) in Appendix A, the
mation matrix. Hence, to minimize first order bias, T should
Taylor series expansion becomes
be © chosen toª minimize the magnitude of the scalar product
V̇ (θ̂, êv ) =V̇ (θ0 , ev ) + V̈ (θ0 , ev )∆θ Re gvH ∆ev . This can be geometrically interpreted as (in the
© ª real part) making the mapping error ∆ev as orthogonal as pos-
+ 2 Re gvH ∆ev + r. (7) sible to the gradient of the criterion function.

A. A sector mapping matrix design C. Selection of the weighting factor

Since the true DOA is unknown, a transformation matrix is It remains to select the weighting factor µ. Clearly, µ = 0
designed to achieve minimum bias for all possible DOAs in leads to the solution Topt = TLS , (cf. (3)), i.e. a design of T
the sector of interest. A natural approach is to minimize the for best manifold match. On the other hand, choosing µ close
sum of the squares of the biases ∆θ(i) on a grid {θ(i) }N i=1 of
to 1 puts a large emphasize on minimizing the first order ap-
DOA values (calibration points) across the sector . Further- proximation of DOA bias.
more, note that the minimizing T should have two desirable The choice µ = 1 leads to an under-determined system of
properties, namely (i), it should result in small errors ∆ev for equations and infinitely many solutions for T, including T = 0.
the first order approximation (8) to hold, and (ii), the orthog- It is clear that the solution must be constrained to ensure a small
onality between the gradient and the mapping error should be manifold mapping error in order for the bias analysis (7) to be
at least approximately met. Thus, a bias minimizing T may be valid. In the numerical examples in Section VI, Figure 4, it
designed as is demonstrated that the choice of the weighting factor is not
N cal ³
Topt = arg min (1 − µ)k∆ev(i) k2
i=1 D. Modifications to the first order design
¯ n o¯
¯ 2 Re g(i)H ∆e(i) ¯2 ´ Below, some possible modifications and simplifications of
¯ v v ¯
+µ ¯¯ (i) (i)
¯ ,
¯ (9) the design procedure are discussed.
¯ V̈ (θ , ev ) ¯ First, note that the weighting factor µ can be modified to in-
clude the second derivatives, thus providing some simplifica-
where the first term advocates requirement (i) and the second
tion to (10): Typically the mapping will be onto a half wave-
term (ii). Above, k·k is the vector 2-norm and µ a weighting (i)
length spaced virtual ULA. The second derivatives V̈ (θ(i) , ev )
factor, 0 < µ < 1, that allows a balancing between the two
properties (i) and (ii). are measures of the curvature of V at the peaks (or valleys)
(i) (i) (i) θ(i) , i.e. of the corresponding ULA beamwidths. For a typi-
Note that ∆ev are affine functions of T, ∆ev = TH es −
(i) cal broadside mapping sector, say up to +/ − 15o wide, these
ev , and that the above criterion (9) therefore is a quadratic beamwidths do not vary much. Therefore, the second deriva-
function of the elements of T. Hence, the minimizing T can be (i)
tives V̈ (θ(i) , ev ) in (9) and (10) are essentially constant across
obtained by solving a linear least squares problem (see Appen-
the sector. This constant value can then be incorporated in the
dix C).
weighting factor leading to the following simplified version of
B. Mapping matrix design for MUSIC and WSF (10):
To illustrate the general design above and to arrive at more N
Xcal ³

explicit expressions, the design criterion associated with MU- Topt = arg min (1 − k)kTH ā(θ(i) ) − āv (θ(i) )k2
SIC and WSF is presented. The detailed derivations are de- i=1
ferred to Appendix B. ¯ ¯2 ´
¯ (i) (i) ¯
(i) (i) (i) + k ¯Re{d̄H ⊥ H
v (θ )Πāv (θ(i) ) T ā(θ )}¯ (11)
First, note that ∆ev = TH es − ev = TH ā(θ(i) ) −
āv (θ ) where ā(·) and āv (·) are the normalized array re-
where 0 < k < 1 denotes the new weighting factor.
sponse vectors as defined in Section II. In Appendix B it is
(i) (i) Second, in the simulations it has been observed that it may
shown that gv = −Π⊥ d̄ (θ(i) ) and V̈ (θ(i) , ev ) =
ā (θ(i) ) v be useful to minimize not only the real part of the scalar prod-

2d̄H (i) ⊥ (i)

v (θ )Πā (θ(i) ) d̄v (θ ), where d̄v (θ) = ∂āv (θ)
∂θ and ucts gvH (θ(i) )TH ā(θ(i) ) but rather the magnitude. Hence, the
criterion corresponding to this modification is
Π⊥āv (θ) = I − āv (θ)āv (θ). Using this and the observation that

gv āv (θ(i) ) = 0, implementing (9) for MUSIC and WSF re- N
Xcal ³

sults in Topt = arg min (1 − k)kTH ā(θ(i) ) − āv (θ(i) )k2

X cal ³
¯ ¯2 ´
Topt = arg min (1 − µ)kTH ā(θ(i) ) − āv (θ(i) )k2 ¯ (i) (i) ¯
T + k ¯d̄H
v (θ )Π⊥
āv (θ(i) )
ā(θ ) ¯ . (12)
¯ ¯2
¯ Re{d̄H (θ(i) )Π⊥ T H
ā(θ (i)
)} ¯ ´ As shown in the simulations in the next section, this design re-
¯ v (i)
āv (θ ) ¯
+ µ ¯¯ (i) (i)
¯ .
¯ (10) duces the bias by roughly another factor of 10 for high SNRs
d̄H ⊥
¯ v (θ )Πāv (θ(i) ) d̄v (θ ) ¯ (see e.g. the lower ×−marked curve in Figure 1). In Section
We remark that quantities related to the virtual array are as- VI.A an intuitive explanation for this improved bias suppression
sumed to be known analytically whereas the real array response performance observed in the simulations is given.
only needs to be known in the calibration points {θ(i) }. The
latter fact is important in practical applications as we usually VI. S IMULATIONS
cannot assume a(θ) to be accurately known for all DOAs. Numerical examples have been conducted for the case of
1 One may also think of other possibilities, e.g. minimizing the maximum mapping from uniform circular arrays (UCAs) to ULAs, both
bias in the sector. consisting of 8 sensors. The arrays are confined to the same

plane and the ULA is oriented broadside to the center of the 10


Manifold match
sector of interest. To illustrate bias effects, the UCA is wide- New design wrp
New design nrp
spaced with four wavelengths between elements. This corre- 10

sponds to a typical signal surveillance application where omni-

directionality (the UCA) and stressed bandwidth (the wide an- 10

abs(Bias) in degrees
tenna spacing), can be combined with ULA based estimator
processing speed. It is however also a scenario where DOA bias 10

is large and can dominate over variance if no countermeasures

are taken [26], [27]. 10

For DOA estimation root-MUSIC is used, although the pre-

sented bias reduction method can be applied to most DOA esti- 10
SNR=40 dB
mation algorithms. In addition, for one emitter and when only
one parameter (azimuth) is estimated, the criterion functions of
MUSIC and WSF have the same structure (see [15] and Appen- -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
DOA relative to sector center (deg)
10 15 20

dix B). For these two estimators identical results are obtained.
Simulation data were generated according to the model in Fig. 1. Bias as function of azimuth across the mapped 30o wide sector. T is
Section II with spatially white and Gaussian circularly sym- designed according to (11) (squares), (12) (× -marks), and, for reference, (3)
metric noise. N = 100 snapshots and 400 Monte Carlo runs (circles). Note the logarithmic y-axis.
were used to calculate the DOA biases and the root mean square
(RMS) errors. Furthermore, to make the proposed design of T
in the lower ×−marked curve in Figure 1 this leads to a sub-
also useful at lower SNRs (where finite data effects become vis-
stantial additional reduction of the bias. The explanation for
ible), additional bias due to coloring of the measurement noise
this possibility to further reduce the bias can be found in the
by the (usually) non-unitary T should be avoided. Hence the
higher order error terms in the Taylor series expansion. Recall
signal eigenvectors were obtained from an eigenvalue decom-
that the design (11) aims at minimizing the first order approx-
position of the real array output data sample covariance ma-
imation of the DOA bias. Indeed, by computing the first order
trix. Thereafter the signal eigenvectors were mapped by T to
DOA bias given by (8) it can be verified that T designed by
form êv (cf. Section IV.B). With this, the MUSIC criterion was
(11) efficiently cancels first order DOA bias. Hence, the re-
formed as in (14) in Appendix B.
maining DOA bias as is shown by the square-marked curve in
Unless otherwise stated, the various mapping matrices T
Figure 1 is dominated by second and higher order error terms.
were calculated with the sector width set at 30o . For the cho-
This also implies that higher order terms must be taken into
sen scenario this is an empirical limit above which the mapping
account if additional bias suppression is desired. Apparently,
errors begin to degrade the bias suppression. This means that in
the additional constraint to also minimize the imaginary part of
the presented plots the achieved bias suppression is limited by
the scalar product between the gradient and the mapping error
the fact that T is a compromise over the mapped sector.
proved to be useful in this example. However, note that no an-
A set of Ncal = 15 calibrated directions uniformly spread
alytical results are yet available supporting this approach. The
across the 30o wide broadside azimuthal sector are used. The
bias may not always be reduced compared to the first order de-
beamwidth of the 8 element four wavelengths spaced UCA is
sign (although it did in all our simulations). Studying higher
about 5o so with 30o /15 = 2o between the calibration direc-
order DOA bias effects analytically is cumbersome but could
tions there is a substantial amount of linear dependence in the
perhaps give insights to designs reducing the bias even further.
calibration response vector set A(θ(c) ). This indicates a suf-
ficient density of the calibration grid. The Ncal = 15 second Since the design procedure can be done off line, alternative
derivatives vary by only a few percent so in accordance with design strategies can be tested to determine the one that is best
(11) they were considered constant across the sector. Unless suited for the application of interest.
otherwise stated, the weighting constant k (see (11)) was set to
0.99 to emphasize bias suppression. B. Effect of SNR
As expected, the reduction of deterministic bias is most vis-
A. Bias suppression at high SNR ible in high SNR scenarios, but it is also of interest to study
The simulation results for a high SNR case of 40 dB are the effect of measurement noise. In Figure 2 the bias for a sin-
shown in Figure 1 as the bias for a single emitter moving across gle emitter with varying SNR and DOA is shown. When the
the 30o wide mapped sector. Figure 1 clearly illustrates the emitter SNR is reduced, errors in the (estimated) signal sub-
bias suppression capability for the proposed design algorithm space eigenvectors es increase and deviate more significantly
(square-marked curve) as compared to the usual least squares from the span of the array response vectors. Due to these finite
manifold matching design (3), (o-marked curve). Note the sample effects, the bias increases (see Figures 2 and 3).
sharp bias increase for emitters outside the mapped sector. Figure 3 shows the RMS of all bias values inside a 20o wide
In Figure 1 the result obtained with the design (12) is also centered subsector. As before each such bias value was calcu-
included. In (12) the magnitude of the scalar product between lated as the mean of 400 Monte Carlo runs. For high SNR val-
the gradient and the mapping error is minimized and not only ues the new algorithm without the real part operator is superior
the real part as suggested by the first order analysis. As seen (×-marked curve).

SNR=40 dB
0.08 SNR=20 dB
SNR=10 dB 0.25
0.06 Manifold match

0.04 0.2

RMS bias in degrees

Bias in degrees

0 Solid lines: SNR=40 dB

-0.02 0.1
Dashed lines: SNR=20 dB
0.05 New design Dotted lines: SNR=10 dB

-0.08 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Value of weighting factor k
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
DOA relative to sector center (deg)
Fig. 4. Bias RMS across the sector as function of the weighting factor k when
the simplified design criterion (12) for T is used. The results of the manifold
Fig. 2. Bias across the mapped sector for different SNR values. T is designed match design are also shown (horizontal curves) for comparison.
according to (12).
Manifold match
New design nrp CHOICES OF k.
New design wrp

RMS bias in degrees

k log10 (cond(M))
0 1.8171
0.5 2.4435
0.9 3.1643
10 0.99 3.7260
0.999 4.2319
0.9999 4.7325
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
SNR in dB

D. Effect of sector width

Fig. 3. For each SNR the RMS of all the bias values inside a 20o centered
subsector of the 30o mapped sector is displayed. The tendency of the mapping operation to generate bias de-
pends on sector width. This is illustrated in Figure 5 which
shows the RMS of all the bias values across the mapped sector
C. Effect of the weighting factor as a function of sector width.
In the simulated scenario, the bias due to mapping errors
To study the effect of the weighting factor, in algorithm (12) dominate and the new designs give a significantly better perfor-
k was increased from 0 (corresponding to pure manifold match) mance compared to the manifold matching design (3) for large
to 0.9999. For each such k the root mean square (RMS) of 20 sector widths. When the sector width decreases the mapping
bias values inside a 20o centered subsector of the 30o mapped errors decrease and at some point they become negligible com-
sector was formed. Figure 4 shows these RMS values plotted pared to the bias due to the finite sample effects. For this reason
against k for three different SNRs. As can be seen, the weight- a “noise floor” is observed in Figure 5 for sector widths below
ing factor k in this case is not critical. The more the gradient or- about 10◦ − 30◦ , depending on the effectiveness of the different
thogonality condition is enforced the lower the bias. Although designs.
the bias analysis and design criterion assume that the mapping
bias dominates over noise effects, Figure 4 shows that the re-
sulting T displays good bias suppression for SNRs down into E. Effect of jammer inside mapped sector
the 10 dB range. The proposed design algorithm for T is based on a one emit-
Table I displays the condition number (defined as the maxi- ter analysis. When two or more emitters simultaneously im-
mum singular value divided by the smallest) of the matrix M pinge on the array, the signal subspace of the array observation
in (30) in Appendix B. This condition number determines the space contains several signal eigenvectors. Only if the corre-
numerical conditioning of the linear system of equations used sponding response vectors are orthogonal can these eigenvec-
to solve for Topt . The more the manifold matching term in the tors be associated with specific emitters. Usually the signal
design algorithm is downweighted the more ill-conditioned M eigenvectors will contain power from all emitters in a compli-
becomes, although the effect on T appears negligible. cated manner. Therefore, with the proposed design of T one


Manifold match
noise can also be pre-whitened. This is done by pre-multiplying
New design nrp the data with Σ−1/2 where Σ is the covariance matrix of the
New design wrp
0 colored noise. Note that this has the same effect as superimpos-
ing an inverted Capon spectrum on the DOA estimator criterion
function with the notch at the azimuth of the jammer, [11].
RMS bias in degrees

A jammer pre-whitening example is also shown in Figure 6
where, for illustration, the colored noise was estimated without
-2 errors. Comparing the diamond- and ×- marked curves, the
bias reduction capability of the proposed T design is almost,
but not fully, restored by the pre-whitening.
F. Effect of jammer outside mapped sector
-4 When the jammer moves outside the mapped sector it be-
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Calibration sector width (degrees)
40 45 50
comes heavily mismatched to the virtual ULA after transforma-
tion by T, and the jammer now corresponds to a warped wave-
Fig. 5. RMS of the bias values across the sector as function of sector width. front impinging on the ULA. Since the bias reduction theory
Manifold match, the new design without (nrp), and with, (wrp), the real part presumes one dominating emitter, i.e. a one dimensional signal
operator are shown. SNR=40 dB. subspace, efficient spatial filtering is required in this case. Sim-
ulations indicate that the signal to jam ratio after this filtering
Manifold match Topt, k=0, should be at least 20 dB.
1 Bias min Topt, k= 0.99
Manifold match prewhitened
Spatial filtering as such has been treated elsewhere ( [10] and
Bias min pre-whitened the references therein).
Bias in degrees

Herein, the problem of designing transformation matrices to
0.2 map the data from a given (real) antenna array onto a virtual
array structure is addressed. The transformation matrix is con-
structed using a set of calibration response vectors which means
that the response of the real array only needs to be known in the
SNR=40 dB
-0.4 Without real part in T design calibration points.
Signal to jam ratio 10 dB
-0.6 Fixed jammer azimuth 5 deg The unavoidable mapping errors that occur give rise to bias
d incorrectly estimated at 1
in the direction estimates. A first order analysis of the DOA
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
DOA relative to sector center (degrees) bias is performed for a single source and no finite sample ef-
fects. Conventional mapping matrix design via least squares
Fig. 6. Bias as function of azimuth when a -10 dB jammer is present at 5o , i.e. array manifold matching does not guarantee a small DOA er-
inside the mapped sector. The × -marked curve shows the improvement when ror. Based on the analytical bias results, design criteria for the
pre-whitening of the jammer is applied. For reference the corresponding curves
for manifold match mapping are also shown (square and circle markings).
transformation matrices are proposed that minimize the influ-
ence of the mapping error on the DOA bias. The analysis and
design criteria are general and estimator independent.
strategy in a multiple emitter scenario would be to model the The performance of the proposed design criteria was inves-
strongest emitter only and treat the others as (colored) noise. tigated through simulations for the challenging case of wide
Obviously this presumes the desired emitter to dominate (which sector mapping (of narrowband signals) over a large frequency
may not always be the case). range between arrays of very dissimilar geometries. This may
Figure 6 illustrates a scenario with one (fixed) jamming emit- occur in omnidirectional radio signal surveillance using arrays
ter at azimuth 5o , i.e. inside the mapped sector, but 10 dB with extended upper frequency limits where fast DOA process-
weaker than the desired (sweeping) signal. As seen the bias ing (ULA based estimators) is required. Significant reductions
suppression mechanism works at the jammer’s azimuth because in bias were demonstrated for circular to linear array mapping.
there both signals coincide and the signal subspace dimension In some cases, a bias reduction factor in excess of 100 was ob-
collapses to 1. When the sweeping emitter passes through other tained.
azimuths, the bias varies depending on the degree of orthogo- Suggested areas for further research include mapping per-
nality between the corresponding two response vectors. This is formance for noisy data and multiple emitters. Optimal bias
due to the periodic perturbations in ∆ev . As seen from a com- suppression taking second and higher order error terms into ac-
parison with the one emitter case, the proposed gradient orthog- count also remains an open problem.
onality design is more sensitive to this perturbation of the signal
subspace (caused by the jamming emitter) than is the manifold A PPENDIX
matching design. A. The complex gradient
If the covariance of the colored noise (comprised by the jam- In the analysis, gradients of real scalar functions with respect
mer plus the white background noise) can be estimated, this to complex valued vectors are required. The convention intro-

duced by Brandwood [28] is used : Let J(e) be a scalar func- āv (θ0 ) (see Section II), allows the gradient evaluated at θ0 and
tion of the complex vector e and its conjugate. Further, let ek ev to be expressed as
be the kth element of e and let xk and yk be the real and imag-
inary parts of ek , respectively. Then the kth component of the gv (θ0 , ev ) = −Π⊥
āv d̄v , (18)
gradient vector is defined as
where d̄v and āv are evaluated at θ0 . Note that the last step
µ ¶ implies that gvH āv = 0, a fact that is used to formulate the
1 ∂J(e) ∂J(e)
[∇e J(e)]k = +j . (13) design criteria (11) and (12).
2 ∂xk ∂yk
To obtain a convenient expression for the second derivative
With this convention, the differential of J(e) will be dJ(e) = of V with respect to θ, rewrite (17) as
2 Re{[∇e J(e)]H de}. Specifically, for J(e) = eH Re where R ¡ ¢
is any Hermitian matrix independent of e, we get ∇e J(e) = V̇ (θ, êv ) = 2 Re{d̄H H
v (θ) I − êv êv āv (θ)}, (19)
Re and dJ(e) = 2 Re{eH R de}. where the fact that Re{d̄H v āv } = 0 is used (follows from the
property āH d̄
v v = − d̄v v above). The desired expression is

B. Implementation for WSF and MUSIC obtained by differentiating (19) and evaluating the result at θ =
θ0 and êv = ev :
Here expressions for the gradient and the second derivative
are given. These are required in (9) provided that MUSIC or V̈ (θ0 , ev ) = 2d̄H ⊥
v (θ 0 )Πāv (θ0 ) d̄v (θ 0 ). (20)
WSF is used for DOA estimation. The MUSIC, [12], [13], and
WSF, [15], estimates for one emitter scenarios are obtained by C. Calculation of T
minimizing the criterion functions The minimization problems (9), (10), (11), and (12) can be
solved in many ways. One approach is to apply the vec oper-
VM U SIC (θ, êv ) = av H (θ)Π⊥
êv av (θ) (14)
ator to both terms inside each norm and solve for a vectorized
and version t of T. Taking the (11) algorithm with the virtual array
VW SF (θ, êv ) = Tr{Π⊥ H
(15) terms retained as an example, we first reverse order between
av (θ) êv wêv },
factors by taking the Hermitian transpose
respectively. Here êv is an estimate of the signal subspace, ½ ° °2
¡ H ¢−1 H °
Π⊥ H
êv and Π⊥
−1 H (c) °
êv = I − êv (êv êv ) av = I − av av av av Topt = arg min (1 − k) °ĀH (θ (c) )T − ĀH v (θ )°
are the orthogonal projectors onto the estimated noise subspace T F
and onto the array manifold complement, respectively. For the NXcal ¯ n o¯2
¯ ¯
single source case, the weighting matrix of WSF reduces to the + k· ¯Re āH (θ(i) ) T g(i) H (i)
v − āv (θ ) gv
¯ ,
scalar w and it is straightforward to show that the two criterion i=1

functions lead to identical DOA estimates. In fact, assuming (21)

that aH
v (θ)av (θ) is constant, the WSF and MUSIC DOA esti-
where Ā, Āv are matrices of normalized response vectors, and
mate is obtained as the minimizing argument of n oNcal
θ (c) is a 1 × Ncal vector of calibration azimuths θ(i) .
V (θ, êv ) = −āH H
v (θ)êv êv āv (θ) (16) Thereafter the vec operator is applied to get

¡ ¢−1/2 n
where āv (θ) = av (θ) aH v (θ)av (θ) is the normalized ar- Topt = arg min (1 − k)
ray response vector of the virtual array as introduced in Section °³
´ °2
II. In the following, the common criterion for MUSIC and WSF ° H (c) °
· ° I ⊗ Ā (θ (c) ) vec(T) − vec(ĀH v (θ ))°
given above may be used. F
Differentiate V with respect to θ to obtain: N
X cal ¯ n³ ´
+k· ¯Re gv(i)T ⊗ āH (θ(i) ) vec(T)
V̇ (θ, êv ) = −2 Re{d̄H H
v (θ)êv êv āv (θ)}, (17) i=1
o¯2 o
(i) (i) ¯
∂āv (θ) − āH
v (θ ) gv ¯ . (22)
where d̄v = ∂θ .
The gradient of V̇ (θ, êv ) with respect to the complex valued In (22) the following relation is used
vector êv is obtained using the definition of the gradient given ¡ ¢
in Appendix A vec(ABC) = CT ⊗ A vec(C), (23)
© ª
gv (θ, êv ) = ∇êv −2 Re{d̄H H
v (θ)êv êv āv (θ)
where ⊗ is the Kronecker product. Also note that the weighting
© ª factor k includes the second derivative V̈ , and that in a wide
= −∇êv êH H H H
v āv d̄v êv + êv d̄v āv êv
class of cases the last term in (22) is zero, a property that was
= −āv d̄H H
v êv − d̄v āv êv . used in the designs (10), (11) and (12).
The first norm in (22) contains a term of dimension
Since āH
v (θ)āv (θ) = 1, it is easily established that mv Ncal × 1, whereas all the penalty terms have dimension
āH −d̄v āv . This observation and the fact that ev =
v d̄v = mv × 1.

Introducing the short hand notations R EFERENCES

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT formation matrix design,” in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
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The authors would like to thank the editor and the anony- 2002.
[25] X.-L. Xu and K. M. Buckley, “Bias analysis of the MUSIC location esti-
mous reviewers for their helpful comments which improved the mator,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 40, pp. 2559–2569,
quality of the paper. Oct. 1992.

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[28] D. H. Brandwood, “A complex gradient operator and its application in
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1983. pts. F and H.

Per Hyberg received the M.S. degree in electrical

engineering from Lund University (LTH) Sweden in
1970 and the Technical Licentiate degree from Royal
Institute of Technology (KTH) in 2001. From 1971
PLACE he has been with the Swedish Defence Research Insti-
PHOTO tute (FOI) where he has worked in, and headed, many
HERE research projects, mainly in the fields of radar and
radar countermeasures. He has authored numerous
research reports and conference papers in these areas,
and was appointed Deputy research director (’labo-
rator’) and Research director (’forskningschef’), in
1983 and 1987 respectively. In 1987 he was elected member of the Royal
Swedish Academy of War Sciences. Mr. Hyberg is also a part time teacher
at the Swedish Defence College in Stockholm. His research interests are a. o.
in signal processing, currently sensor array direction finding for signal surveil-
lance applications.

Magnus Jansson received the Master of Science,

Technical Licentiate, and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, in 1992, 1995 and 1997,
PLACE respectively. In January 2002 he was appointed Do-
PHOTO cent in Signal Processing at KTH. From 1993, Dr.
HERE Jansson has held various research positions at the
Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems, KTH,
where he currently is an Associate Professor. Dr.
Jansson spent one year during 1998-99 at the Depart-
ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Uni-
versity of Minnesota in Minneapolis. His research interests include sensor array
signal processing, time series analysis, and system identification.

Björn Ottersten (S’87-M’89-SM’99) was born in

Stockholm, Sweden, 1961. He received the M.S.
degree in electrical engineering and applied physics
from Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, in
PLACE 1986. In 1989 he received the Ph.D. degree in electri-
PHOTO cal engineering from Stanford University, Stanford,
HERE CA. Dr. Ottersten has held research positions at
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping
University and the Information Systems Laboratory,
Stanford University. During 96/97 Dr. Ottersten was
Director of Research at ArrayComm Inc., Califor-
nia. He has authored papers that received the Signal Processing Society Pa-
per Award in 1993 and 2001. In 1991 he was appointed Professor of Signal
Processing at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, and he
is currently head of the Department of Signals, Sensors & Systems at KTH.
Dr. Ottersten is also a visiting professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Leuven and the Centre Universitaire, Luxembourg. Dr. Ottersten is co-editor
in chief of EURASIP Signal Processing Journal, Associate Editor for the IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing and member of the editorial boards of IEEE
Signal Processing Magazine and EURASIP Journal of Applied Signal Process-
ing. His research interests include wireless communications, stochastic signal
processing, sensor array processing, and time series analysis.

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