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Experiment 6

American International University-Bangladesh

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EEE 4209: Telecommunication Engineering Laboratory

Title: Long Distance Microwave Link Design.


Microwaves are electromagnetic radiations in the frequency range 1 GHz to 30 GHz. Small
capacity systems generally employ the frequencies less than 3 GHz while medium and large
capacity systems utilize frequencies ranging from 3 GHz to 15 GHz.

In wireless long distance network, transmission of information is made over air by
transmission links through a number of switching nodes interconnected to one another. Unlike
wire transmission medium such as cable, optical, etc., wireless medium is much prone to
disturbance showing far from optimum performance.
Propagation at distance is by means of multiple reflections from ionospheric layers which
varies with sunspot conditions and time of day and so does the propagation. The received signal
thus exhibits multipath effects.
High frequency band (HF) ranges 3-30 MHz is traditional long distance point-to-point
communication band and can be effective for a few hundred miles long or even world-wide
coverage. Above 30-50 MHz, radio signals can pass through the ionosphere and these
frequencies are useful for Line-of-sight (LOS) communication.

Figure 6.1: HF wave propagation mechanisms

LOS-Radio Relay Link (RRL) is known as microwave communications is communication paths over
long distance considerably experiences multipath fading. Major sources of fading are changes in
atmospheric refractive index and ground and water reflections. For frequencies above 10 GHz,
rainfall attenuation is to be considered. Most commonly used LOS microwave frequency bands are
2 GHz, 4 GHz, 6 GHz, 7 GHz, and Ku band (12-14 GHz).
LOS-RRL in the VHF (30-300 MHz) to SHF (3-30 GHz) bands, radio waves travel in straight line but
limit by the horizon because of earth curvature. Usually, beyond frequencies greater than 50
© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh
Experiment 6
MHz, radio waves are bent or diffracted beyond the optical horizon (is that limits our vision
beyond a certain point). Optical horizon is approximated as follows.

𝑑𝑂𝐻 = √

The radio horizon is approximated as follows.

𝑑𝑅𝐻 = √2ℎ

where h is the height of the antenna from the earth surface in feet, dOH and dRH are the distances to
optical horizon and radio horizon respectively. Many designers use 3/4 as a ratio of radio horizon to
the optical horizon.

Figure 6.2: Optical and radio horizons

A LOS-RRL is implemented with terminal radios often with one or more repeaters at a distance
of approximately 35-50 km (figure 6.3). RF carriers are demodulated at the terminal sites to
baseband followed by demultiplexing to individual voice-frequency channels.

Figure 6.3: A typical microwave (LOS) radio relay system

At frequencies above 30 MHz, mainly there are three effects occur as follows.

*Localized refractive index variations that cause scattering,

*Any abrupt change in refractive index with height from the earth surface cause reflection, and
*Ducting as shown in figure 6.4. Ducting is a phenomena that is caused because of the decrease in
refractive index with height over a short distance at rate greater than the one given by the standard
𝑑𝑛 1
equation 𝑑ℎ = − 𝑟 , where, n is the refractive index, h is the height from the earth surface and r is
the earth radius. The rate of decrease in n with h is sufficient enough to cause the rays to be
refracted back to the earth surface and then reflected back again in such a manner that the field is
guided in a thin layer of the atmosphere close to the earth’s surface (figure 6.4). The radio waves
© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh
Experiment 6
can propagate easily because of the guiding action with less attenuation.
These all mechanisms contribute to create interference between different radio systems by carrying
energy beyond the normal optical horizon.

Figure 6.4: The phenomenon of ducting

In LOS-RRL, for proper design Fresnel zones a family of ellipsoid around the transmitter and the
receiver is an import consideration since the contributions to the field from successive Fresnel
zones are opposition and therefore interfere destructively rather than constructively. That is
why normally, terminals are set that covers only the first Fresnel zone. Figure 6.5 shows a family of
ellipsoids that define the first Fresnel zone around the terminals of a radio path. Note that the
volume enclosed by the first ellipsoid is the first Fresnel zone; similarly the volume between the
first and the second is the second Fresnel zone and so on. Figure 7.6 shows a typical path profile
considering first Fresnel zone.

Figure 6.5: Family of ellipsoids defining the first three Fresnel zones around the terminals of a
radio path

Figure 6.6: A typical path profile considering earth bulge and first Fresnel zone

Because of the curvature of earth, the radio ray is also showing bent in propagation between
transceiver. However, with the concept of effective earth radius, a straight line propagation path
can be considered as shown in figure 6.7. Note that here k is a factor: a ratio of effective
earth radius to the true earth radius. Figure 7.8 shows the effect of the k on radio paths between
© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh
Experiment 6

Figure 6.7: illustrating how the use of an effective earth radius of 8490 km (6370 kmx4/3) permits
the use of straight-line propagation paths

Figure 6.8: Effect of k on radio paths

In designing link, height of the earth obstacle should be considered and can be expressed
as follows –
0.078𝑑1 (𝑘𝑚)𝑑2 (𝑘𝑚)
ℎ(𝑚) =
where d1 and d2 are distances from the earth bulge between transceivers.
If k>1, the ray is bent towards the earth, i.e. radio horizon>optical horizon; otherwise if k<1,
radio horizon<optical horizon.
The power flux density at distance d from the transmitter with antenna gain GT is given by,

𝑊 (𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑡/𝑚2 ) =
4𝜋𝑑 2
© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh
Experiment 6
where PT GT is termed as effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP).

The received power,

𝐴 𝑃𝑅 =
4𝜋𝑑 2 𝑅
where AR is the effective radius of the receiving antenna.
Note that,
𝜆2 𝐺𝑅
𝐴𝑅 =
Also, antenna gain,
𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑖𝑐
where power flux density of isotropic antenna,
𝑊𝐼 (𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑡/𝑚2 ) =
4𝜋𝑑 2
𝑃𝑅 𝜆 2
= 𝐺𝑇 𝐺𝑅 [ ]
𝑃𝑇 4𝜋𝑑
Note that the free space path loss,
𝜆 2
𝐿𝐹 = [ ]

The receiver thermal noise level can be calculated as follows.

where B is the receiver noise bandwidth in hertz, T is the receiver temperature in Kelvin, and k is
the Boltzman’s constant (1.38 X 10-23 J/K). Converting Boltzman’s constant into dBW, we have,

If T is considered room temperature, i.e. 290 K, the noise threshold can be expressed as,

where NF(dB) is the receiver noise figure in dB.

The antenna gain can be expressed in terms of aperture diameter as follows.

where c is the velocity of light.

© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh

Experiment 6
For parabolic antenna, the gain can be expressed as for  = 55%

In designing microwave radio link, the fading effect must consider which can be on per hop basis
or system basis. in the system design, noise level is set not to exceed certain percentage of
the time such as 1%, 0.1%, etc. or in other way, noise must less that a certain value for 99%,
99.99%, etc. in more realistic, this define the system may not meet the required criteria for
8.8 hr a year if we consider 99.9% path reliability.
One approach to establish a fade margin is to assume that the fading follows a Rayleigh
distribution such that based on the reliability criterion a table look up can be used for the
estimating the fade margin as follows. A typical single hop microwave communications link with
gain and loss in different parts is shown in figure 6.9.

Table 6.1: Reliability versus fade margin using Rayleigh fading distribution.

Path Reliability (%) Required fade margin (dB)

90 8
99 18
99.9 28
99.99 38
99.999 48

Figure 6.9: A typical single hop microwave communications link with gain and loss in different
A laptop/PC with MATLAB installed.


Given that
Transmit power is 0 dBW
Total Cable loss is 4 dB
Carrier frequency 6 GHz
Intermediate frequency bandwidth of the receiver is 10 MHz
Consider room temperature at the receiver
Consider 90 % radio link reliability
Develop a MATLAB simulator that can output the followings-
• Find EIRP
© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh
Experiment 6
• Find free-space path loss of the hop
• Find the power flux density at the receiver front end
• Find the receiver noise threshold
• Find the antenna aperture diameter
• Find the received power
• Show gains and losses in different parts of the hop in a graph

A typical gain loss distribution in different parts of a single hop microwave link is shown in
figure 6.10.

Figure 6.10: A typical gain loss distribution in different parts of a single hop microwave link

Simulation Result:

Figure 6.10 is the simulated result for a single hop microwave link. All gains and losses are shown
along with the signal propagation from transmitter to receiver.

Figure 6.10: Typical link budget estimation of a LOS microwave link

© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh
Experiment 6
Discussion and Conclusion:

Interpret the data/findings and determine the extent to which the experiment was successful in
complying with the goal that was initially set. Discuss any mistake you might have made while
conducting the investigation and describe ways the study could have been improved.


1. Explain the knowledge you gained about long distance microwave link design and
its significance.
2. Develop a MATLAB simulator that can output the followings-
i. Find EIRP
ii. Find free-space path loss of the hop
iii. Find the power flux density at the receiver front end
iv. Find the receiver noise threshold
v. Find the antenna aperture diameter
vi. Find the received power
vii. Show gains and losses in different parts of the hop in a graph
Where, it is given that,
Transmit power is 0 dBW
Total Cable loss is 2 dB
Carrier frequency 5 GHz
Intermediate frequency bandwidth of the receiver is 8 MHz
Consider room temperature at the receiver
Consider 85 % radio link reliability
3. Write down what went wrong if you did not get the predicted result during the


[1] K. M. Ahmed “Telecommunications Networks” Lecture notes, August 2008, Asian

Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand

Appendix: Help Document

Following MATLAB Functions would be helpful for this experiment.

• randint (1, x, [p q]): Generate one dimensional matrix of uniformly distributed
random integers between p and q with a maximum of x number.
• for i=1:0.5:10
this command continues a loop for a maximum of 10 with an increment of 0.5 starting
from 1.
• semilogx(x) is the same as the command plot(x), but a logarithmic (with base 10) scale
is used for the x-axis
• disp(‘x’): display x on the command window.
• Legend(x1, x2, ...): puts a legend on the current plot using the specified strings as
labels (x1, x2). legend works on line graphs, bar graphs, pie graphs, etc.

© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh

Experiment 6
Things which may seem confusing:
array(x): define any value of a one dimensional matrix array [x] with a variable x defines the position of the
element in the matrix.
array[x]: defines an one dimensional matrix.

Things need to be remembered:

Any line in MATLAB must end with a semicolon (;)
If you do not know any command or the functionality of a command, simply write help space that
command in the command window. Example, help disp

Note that
MATLAB has a number of built-in M-files, which will guide you during your simulation once
called upon them in the command window.

It is a good way to write the program in separate M-file and save that file as .m since writing
directly on the command window may get you lost the written program, if you either forget to
save or clear the command window.

Appendix: M-file for long distance link design

% CML 07 Long distance microwave link design
% Variable Definition

Pt=0; % transmit power is 0 dBW

Pt_abs=1; % 1 watt
cable_loss_tx=2; % total cable loss is 4 dB
fc=6; % carrier frequency is 6 GHz

d=40000; % distance between Tx and Rx is 40 km

%d=20000; % distance between Tx and Rx is 40 km

Gt=25; % transmit antenna gain 14 dB

Gt_abs=10^(Gt/10); % absolute value
Gr=25; % transmit antenna gain 14 dB
Gr_abs=10^(Gr/10); % absolute value

k_bol_cons=1.3803*10^-23; % Boltzman constant J/K

Tempr=290; % receiver temperatur 290 K
rec_BW=10*10^6; % receiver IF BW is 10 MHz
N_fig=10; % noise figure is 10 dB
% receiver thermal noise

% Effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP)

EIRP_dBW=Pt-cable_loss_tx+Gt; % in dBW

% power flux density at the receiver, i.e. at distance d

W=EIRP/(4*pi*d^2); % in watt/m2

% free space path loss

% or

% considring link reliability of 99% the fade margin is 18 dB


% received power sensitivity (at the receiver input)


% noise threshold at the output end of the receiver


% carrier-to-noise ratio at the receiver front end

© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh
Experiment 6

% considering parabolic antenna at both ends, and antenna efficiency=0.55

%Gt=20*log10(ante_dia)+ 20*log10(6)+17.8;

% antenna diameter
ante_dia=10^((Gt-(20*log10(6)+17.8))/20); % in meter


link_budg=[LB1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 LB6 LB7];

disp('link budget')

%disp('carrier-to-noise ratio at the receiver front end')


%disp('antenna diameter')

© Dept. of EEE & CoE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh


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