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How Exercise Boosts Your Immune System

• Regular exercise greatly contributes to general good health

and promotes a healthy immune system.

• Physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and air-
ways. This may reduce your chance of getting a cold, flu, or other

• Risk of illness is reduced in athletes during times of intense

training and competition.

• Exercise enhances circulation which allows the immune sys-

tem to work more efficiently because circulation helps sub-
stances and cells to move freely throughout the body.

• Acute exercise improves immune defense activity and meta-

bolic health.

• Exercise prevents inflammation in the body.

• Regular exercise can help delay the onset of age-related problems as it improves im-
mune system function.

• How much exercise one engages in directly affects their risk of infection especially
when compared to a sedentary lifestyle. This is attributed to the effect of exercise on
immune system function.

• Just like a fever, the brief rise in body temperature that takes place during and after
workouts can help prevent bacterial growth and help the body to better fight infection.

• Regular exercise helps the body release stress hormones which protects against getting

• There is a definite connection between regular exercise and the function of the im-
mune system with complex and beneficial relationships between the cells of the body,
hormones, and the host’s health.

• High-intensity exercise participation may trigger a slight increase in white blood cell
counts, even two hours after finishing the exercise session. With a greater number of
white blood cells traveling through your bloodstream, the chances of intercepting a for-
eign substance are more likely.
• Research finds those who workout for 2.7 hours each week experience just 1/3 of the
number of colds versus the group who only stretched

• Obesity reduces your ability to fight off illness and increases risks of getting sick. Excess
body fat keeps many of your cells in a constant state of inflammation, which means your
immune system and white blood cells are in “overdrive,” but without an infection or vi-
rus to fight. Exercise can reduce bodyweight and body fat.

• Exercise can lower the risk of developing Varicella-zoster (chickenpox), Herpes-simplex-

virus-1 (HSV-1), Rhinovirus, Influenza, and Acute respiratory infections.
Types of Exercise

Balance exercises strengthen your mus-

cles and help prevent injuries from fall-

Balance exercise include tai chi, squats,

ballet, and standing on your toes then
reverse and stand on your heels.
(At the beginning, lean near a wall to
catch yourself if you start to fall).

Endurance exercises are geared towards

increasing cardiovascular and muscle
Endurance exercises include marching,
running or walking, dancing, biking,
swimming, and sports

Flexibility exercises assist your joints to

require less energy to move and de-
crease your overall risk of injury.
Stretching also helps to increase blood
and nutrients to tissues.
Flexibility exercises include range of mo-
tion and stretching.

Strength exercises increase bone densi-

ty and strength and help lower blood
pressure. These exercises can also burn
calories and helps maintain weight loss.

Strength exercises include lifting

weights, push-ups and sit-ups, and
Exercises are also categorized as
aerobic and anaerobic.
Aerobic means with oxygen. These exer-
cises increase the heart rate and breathing
but still allow you to function for more than
a few minutes. Examples of aerobic exer-
cises include swimming, running and brisk
walking, hiking, dancing, kickboxing,
cycling, and use of cardio machines.

Anaerobic means without oxygen. These

exercises do not have a goal of endurance but
are designed for strength and/or speed and
for building muscle mass.

These are cardio exercises that consist of

short, high-intensity movement that quickly
cut short your breath. Examples of anaerobic
exercises include heavy weight training and
sprinting. Isometrics (a method of tensing
muscles against other muscles) is used to
strengthen the muscles.
Chair exercises a great for those who are limited! The
object is to move and strengthen whatever you can.
They provide:
 Great flexibility and range of motion.
 Improvement of blood circulation.
 Decreased joint pain and stiffness.
 A good cardio workout.

Chair exercises may be done using any chair for those

who are not as limited.

You might want to watch some online chair What a great way to start the day! Bend-
exercises. There is so much to do with an ing and stretching, leg lifting, and sit-ups
ordinary chair. You can obtain a good sense may get your body prepped for the up-
of balance with chair exercises as well as coming schedule. There are lots of exer-
practicing good posture. cises you can do a few hours before bed-
time to help you relax and sleep well.
However, these exercises should be light
such as stretching.

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