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Get your caffeine and sleep

Trouble sleeping at night may be due to

caffeine intake. If you drink coffee, tea, or
soda pop regularly, your may be depriv-
ing yourself of restful sleep. Caffeine is
considered safe for most adults and defi-
nitely has some good health benefits, but
you must consider how to drink it.
So, am I indicating that you give up
coffee tea, and pop? You may not have to
go that far. You may learn to use caffeine
to your best benefits and still get the
rest you need.

Caffeine chemistry. As a stimulant,

caffeine blocks the effects of adenosine,
a natural chemical in your cells that helps
you sleep. It also blocks the effects of melatonin that makes you feel sleepy. Caffeine also
makes you more alert by increasing dopamine levels in your body. Dopamine is a hor-
mone and neurotransmitter that helps your memory and ability to learn as well as other
Benefits of caffeine. Caffeine is not all bad. In fact, it has many benefits. Studies show that
moderate use boosts your mood and mental performance. It may also lower your risk for
many serious conditions including certain cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzhei-

Managing Your Caffeine Intake:

1. Consider each source. While coffee and tea account for more than 90% of the caffeine
in the average diet, there are some additional sources that may surprise you. Caffeine
is also found in chocolate, colas, and even some over-the-counter and prescription
2. Measure your consumption. According to the Mayo clinic, it’s wise to limit your
caffeine consumption to less than 400 milligrams each day. That’s about 4 cups of
3. Downsize your servings. Of course, you also need to pay attention to the size of those
cups. A single giant mug or oversized fast-food cup could put you over the limit.
4. Set a curfew. Timing counts too. Caffeine takes about 20 minutes to go to work, and
the effects can last for 6 hours or more. If you want it out of your system by bedtime,
have your last cup of coffee in the early afternoon.
5. Take a break. Tolerance to caffeine builds up quickly, so it will have more impact if you
resist overindulging on a regular basis. You may even want to taper down on some
6. Avoid energy drinks. Many experts warn against the use of products like energy drinks
and caffeine powder that deliver large amounts of caffeine very quickly. They can con
tribute to heart conditions and anxiety, especially when combined with alcohol.
7. Drink more water. On the other hand, water is a great supplement to coffee drinking.
Downing a glass of plain water first thing in the morning may help you wake up with
less coffee than usual.
8. Turn up the lights. Exposure to light is another safe way to make your brain more
alert. Take a morning run or walk around the block during your lunch hour.
9. Try coffee naps. For an occasional boost, try drinking a cup of coffee before taking a 20
minute nap. You’ll find that you’ll be waking up just when the caffeine kicks in.
10.Talk with your doctor. Your doctor can advise you about any individual concerns about
coffee. You may want to cut back if you have high blood pressure or you’re pregnant or

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