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TLC 2 is based on Total Living

Concepts, a full, life-skills program that

covers all aspects of life. The program is
based upon five Units (Body, Mind, Spirit,
Self, and Others).
Body: Physical — Exercise, Nutrition,
Health with Self-Care
Mind: Mental (thoughts) and Emotional
(feelings). Includes decision making, com-
munication skills, observation, atti-
tude, goal setting, concentration, and
Spirit: Relationship with your God —
includes prayer, communication with God,
service, and faith.

Self: Relating to making your decisions and

actions, although you may be influenced by
others — Financial, Occupational, Recrea-
tional, Educational, and Personal.
Others: Relating to making your decisions
and actions while being influenced by others
or making these decisions and actions for
Self Others others. — Social, Marital, and Parental

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