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Essential Health Tips for Desk Workers

Working at a desk may look safe, but it can take a toll on your physical and mental
health. While the occupational hazards in an office are different from those at a
construction site or hospital, it’s still wise to take some precautions.

A growing number of studies have raised concerns about the effects of sitting for
long periods, which can include increased risk of heart conditions, diabetes, certain
cancers, and weight gain. That’s especially troubling considering that the average
American spends more than 10 hours a day sitting.

Add job-related stress to the mixture, and you can see how the consequences can start
to add up.

Learn what steps you can take to counteract the downside of your desk job. Start with
these ideas for protecting your health and wellbeing.

Tips for Protecting Your Physical Health:

1. Adjust your posture. Slouching can cut off your circulation and make your lower
back ache. Try drawing your shoulder blades down and back to open up your
chest. A lumbar support pillow may help too.

2. Take frequent breaks. Studies show that moving around about every half
hour reduces the negative effects of sitting. In fact, it may be even more
effective than regular exercise. Make it a habit to stretch or walk around your
office for a few minutes.

3. Align your wrists. Typing with bent wrist could lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.
Rest them occasionally and ensure your workstation is set up ergonomically.

4. Rest your eyes. If your eyes are dry, and your vision is blurred, you may be
staring at the computer screen too long. Look away occasionally and do eye
exercises like blinking or staring at something in the distance.
5. Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water helps to maintain your body
temperature, metabolism, and heart health. Aim for 8 glasses a day.

6. Bring snacks. It’s easier to resist the vending machines when you have a supply
of wholesome foods. Good choices include nuts, baby carrots, and hummus.

7. Pack your lunch. Save money and calories by bringing your lunch to work. You
can prepare it the night ahead if you tend to run out of time in the morning.

Tips for Protecting Your Mental Health:

1. Make friends. Work buddies increase job satisfaction. Get to know your
coworkers and look for common interests. Share stories about your personal life
and encourage them to do the same.

2. Connect in person. Face-to-face contact also contributes to stronger

relationships. Try dropping by someone’s office instead of sending an email.

3. Wake up early. Do you barely see the sun because you’re inside all day? Rising
an hour earlier could enhance your mood and give you more time to work out
and eat a hearty breakfast.

4. Use your vacation days. Letting your vacation days go to waste undermines
your health and productivity, so time off is beneficial for you and your employer.
Even just planning a vacation can lift your spirits, so make a list of your favorite
destinations and start researching them.

5. Decorate your space. A cluttered desk can be a source of stress. Find an

organizing system that works for you, and put files you rarely use out of sight.
While you’re at it, add in a few personal touches and a pretty plant.

6. Focus on helping others. Any job is more meaningful and gratifying if you keep
the purpose in mind. When you’re having a rough day, think about the people
who benefit from your efforts.

You can stay healthy without giving up your pay check. Adopt some simple habits that
will protect your wellbeing, even if you spend many hours a day behind a desk.

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