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Three Basic Principles of the NCDP

stressed by the CFC:



Highlights and fosters
the NCDP’s 3 Basic Principles

Introductory Text
and Opening Context
Integration EXPOSITION

Questions and
The CFC Chapter Pattern brings out the NCDP Principle:

•by linking its specific topic with the Filipino CONTEXT,
• in an EXPOSITION grounded in an integration use of
• Widening the scope in the INTEGRATION’s section on
Doctrine, Morals, and Worship,and
• Pulled together in the summary of QUESTIONS and
The CFC Chapter Pattern brings out the NCDP Principle:

• by stressing the Filipino dimension in the
• Exposing the strength and weaknesses of the
Filipino understanding and practice of the topic,
• Stressing concrete Filipino experience in the
INTEGRATION’s examples,
• With Questions and Answers formulated not for
rote memory but to incite thinking of what’s really
The CFC Chapter Pattern brings out the NCDP Principle:

• by relating to the lights and shadows of our concrete Filipino
Christian Communities in the OPENING and the CONTEXT;
• directing the EXPOSITION to specific Filipino insights and
difficulties relative to the topic;

• stressing the im portance of the communal, social dimension

in the INTEGRATION’s linkages;

• directing the Questions and Answers to the Filipino Christian

Communitiy’s actual Faith difficulties.
Scripture and Tradition
•The basic source from which catechesis draws its message is
the living word of God

“Catechesis will always draw its content from the living source
of the Word of God transmitted in tradition and the Scriptures,
for Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scriptures

•An effective use of sources is an essential dimension for a

successful catechesis.

•There must be an integrated use of the Sacred Scripture (SS)

and the Church Teaching (Ch.T.) in an inculturated manner.

•The series use the methodology proposed by NCDP

2007 (“integrated, inculturated, community-
forming” methodology)
• In methodology, what is of prime importance is an
integrated catechesis, one that can incorporate the
three dimensions of faith: doctrine, morals, worship.
• Integration of the three elements is a basic criterion
for evaluating the effectiveness of any catechesis.
• Faith is not simply “head-knowledge,” but saving
convictions which directly influence moral decision,
action, and prayer life.
• Morality is not just series of do’s and don’t’s, but
moral principles, virtues and decisional skills for
living a life of loving service which is grounded on
truths of faith and celebrated by prayer and
sacramental life.

•Sacraments and liturgy are not “out-of-this-world

ritualism”, but the living worship of the Christian
community based on the fundamental convictions of
Christian Faith and inspiring the Christian
commitment to a loving service.
•The integration of these three aspects of faith is an
effective means toward creating a fruitful and
meaningful catechesis.
•Knowledge of the Word of God (doctrine)
•The profession of faith in daily life (morals;
•Celebration of faith in the sacraments (worship)

“A solid, catechesis, while

being true to the gospel must
always reflect the indigenous
culture and communicate the
Christian message in a
manner that is intelligible to
the catechized.”

•Faith grows to maturity only in the supportive climate

provided by the home, school and community.

•The community plays an important role in nurturing and

bringing into maturity the faith of the individual, for Christian
faith does not grow in isolation.

•It is always a “shared faith life” of a Christian community.

•We are social beings who are born, grow up and mature in
continuous relation to others.

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