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Why Status Correction?

Capitis Diminutio Maxima Means

Stripped of Name and Heritage
 Posted by Sultan: El Aemer A. El Mujaddid on July 29, 2016 at 1:00pm
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Ortelius' Map of "Barbariae" in 1580s AD

This blog is to inform Moors who subscribe to the Sovereign Citizen belief as to the
meaning and application of Capitis Diminutio in general because it is definitely
something Moorswere subjected to in America. See Introduction to Moorish Race
and Nationality
Sovereign U.S. Citizens (USA Nationals) White and Black have been presenting to the
public that Capitis Diminutio Maxima means a maximum loss of status through the use
of capitalization of letters, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN.which is false. 

Capitis deminutio or capitis diminutio, (lit. "decrease of head") is a term used

in Roman law, referring to the extinguishing, either in whole or in part, of a person's
former legal capacity. See Status Correction Course Book Volume One
The Romans only used majuscule letters (capital letters) and had no minuscule
letters (lower case), this does not refer to capital letters in a name.
"Whereas Africans forced into slavery were brutalized, humiliated, dehumanized, and
subjected to the indignity of being stripped of their names and heritage. See H. RES. 194
In the House of Representatives, U. S., July 29, 2008 R...See Status Correction Course
Book Volume Two
The so called White (european) Slaves in the U.S.A. were not stripped of their Names
and Heritage and their descendants today for the most part still carry their names and
know if they are Irish, Scottish, German, Polish, etc.
.Capitis Diminutio was codified into the Apologies for Slavery under the phrase:
"Stripped of Name and Heritage". 

The Negro [Black] Law of South Carolina as shown for example demonstrates that  the
South Carolina Law makers wrote into the law that enslaved Moors, Egyptians, Asiatics
and Lascars who were to be known in law as Negroes [Blacks]. See Moorish
Nationality and Status
This law is an example of how Moors were stripped of the Race and Nationality
[Heritage] because they were in Slavery, which is fits the meaning of Capitis Dimunutio
like no other scenario. See Status Correction Volume I and II
The legislatures used the terms "Slave African" to defined who would be "Negro
[Black]" thus these terms do not originate as a Racial Group nor a Protected
Class contrary to popular and social belief and U.S. lawmakers and lawyers know this.  
See The "Twenty Negro Law", also known as the "Twenty Slave Law" and the "Twenty
Nigger Law", was a piece of legislation enacted by the Confederate Congress during the
American Civil War.
South Carolina legislature was aware that they had Moors in Slavery  which is why
they specified that the people who would be called Negroes were 
"The Ancient Berbers and their descendants) See Status Correction Volume I and II
It is because of the attack on the Negro law by the Free Sundry Moors in 1790 whom
purchased their freedom and knowing that the Sultan of Morocco had a treaty with the
U.S.A. the Moors petitioned the South Carolina legislature as "Free Moors" that the
exclusion clause was written in the law specifying that the term "Negro [Black] did not
apply to "Free Moors", "Free Egyptians", "Free Asiatics" and "Free Lascars".
See Introduction to Moorish Treaties
Ibn Battuta during his ravels in East and Central Africa. Upon visiting Somalian city of
Zaila or Zeila, which-lies just east of a city aptly named Berbera, Battuta said: I traveled
from Adan by sea for four days and arrived at the cit y of Zaial, the city of the Barbara,
who are a people of the blacks....the inhabitants of Zaila are black in colour, a majority
of them Rafidi [Rafidi refers to Shiites or rejectors of the first caliphs]
In Mogadishu, Battuta noted, "The Sultan is as we have mentioned, called only by the
title of Sheikh. His name is Abu-Bakr, son of the Sheikh Omar, he is by the origin of the
Berbers, and he speaks in Magdishi, but now the Arabic language."
The practice was used by the father of Chaka Zulu, demonstrating that the practice is
not exclusive to European law.  The King stated the practice procures: "A fate worse than
death...a Boy without a Clan"
Whereas Moors (Arabs & Berbers) in those times were Muslims for the most part and
others practiced pagan belief systems but not "European Christianity" outside of
Ethiopia who joined the Holy Roman Empire , and therefore under the Christian
Doctrine of Discovery the Muslim Moors were infidels &/or heathens
to be baptized, stripped of their Moorish given names and given new european
christian names in most cases.  
This Sovereign Citizen concept that "Capital Letters" on the name affects "Status" was
introduced by White Christian Sovereign citizens. 
Lazy readers have adopted the belief and have been making youtube videos, etc
running with this misconstrued notion about the Capital letters implying Loss of Status
in context of the meaning of  Capitis deminutio or capitis diminutio

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