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Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology 1
Definition of Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental

What people do
• Thoughts
• Feelings
• Perceptions
• Reasoning
• Memories
• Biological activities
Introduction to Psychology 2
Scope of Psychology
1. Describe human behavior and mental processes.
2. Predict human behavior and mental processes.
3. Explain human behavior and mental processes.
4. Help to change and improve the lives of the people.

~ Psychologists study humans as well as

nonhuman species.

Introduction to Psychology 3
Major Subfields of Psychology

Introduction to Psychology 4
1. Industrial / Organizational Psychology

Industrial / organizational psychology is concerned

with the psychology of the workplace.

Introduction to Psychology 5
2. Social Psychology

Social psychology is the study of how people’s thoughts,

feelings, and actions are affected by others.

Introduction to Psychology 6
3. Health Psychology

Health psychology explores the relationship between

psychological factors and physical ailments or diseases.

Introduction to Psychology 7
4. Clinical Psychology

Clinical psychology deals with the study, diagnosis, and

treatment of psychological disorders.

Introduction to Psychology 8
5. Counseling psychology
Focuses primarily on educational, social,
and career adjustment problems.

Introduction to Psychology 9
6. Environmental Psychology
Environmental psychology considers the relationship
between people and their physical environment, including
how our physical environment affects our emotions and the
amount of stress we experience in a particular setting.

Introduction to Psychology 10
7. Behavioral neuroscience
Focuses on how the brain and the nervous
system, as well as other biological aspects
of the body, determine behavior.

Introduction to Psychology 11
8. Developmental psychology
Studies how people grow and change from
the moment of conception through death.

Introduction to Psychology 12
9. Personality psychology
Focuses on the consistency in people’s
behavior over time and the traits that
differentiate one person from another.

Introduction to Psychology 13
Five major perspectives of psychology:
i) Psychodynamic
ii) Behavioral
iii) Humanistic
iv) Cognitive
v) Neuroscience
– Approaches to understanding behavior
– Emphasize different aspects of behavior and
mental processes

Introduction to Psychology 14
Psychodynamic Perspective (1900)
Proponent : Sigmund Freud
Basic Ideas: Behavior is motivated by inner forces
and conflicts about which we have little awareness
or control.

Introduction to Psychology 15
Behavioral Perspective
Pioneers: Watson, Skinner

Basic Ideas: Observable and measurable behavior

should be the focus of study.

Introduction to Psychology 16
Humanistic Perspective
Central Figures: Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow

Introduction to Psychology 17
Basic Ideas:

1. Individuals are in control of their lives. They are

free to take decisions about their own behavior (free

2. Individuals strive to grow and develop.

3. Each of us has the capacity to seek and reach


Introduction to Psychology 18
Cognitive Perspective
Key Figures: Festinger, Piaget, Hubel & Wiesel
Focus on: Information processing (how people think,
understand, know, and comprehend / represent the world).

Introduction to Psychology 19
Neuroscience Perspective
Focuses on: How behavior is determined by brain,
nervous system, and biological functions.

Introduction to Psychology 20

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